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Chapter 3 Element Function

In order to meet different applications and requirements, ScrEdit provides various elements for the users to
use and design. Before using and designing these elements, please read this chapter first to understand how
to choose an element and the special function of each element in ScrEdit.

3.1 How to Choose Element

There are three methods for choosing elements when editing the screens:

1. Right-click the mouse in the work place and a shortcut menu will display as Fig. 3.1.1. The users can
choose the desired elements by the mouse.

2. Choose Element command from menu bar as Fig. 3.1.2.

3. Choose Element icon from toolbar as Fig. 3.1.3.

Fig. 3.1.1 Shortcut menu display

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Chapter 3 Element Function|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Fig. 3.1.2 Choosing Element command from menu bar

Fig. 3.1.3 Choosing Element icon from toolbar

After selecting an element, left-click and drag the mouse on work place to create an new element as shown
in the following Fig. 3.1.4.

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Chapter 3 Element Function|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Fig. 3.1.4 Creating an element by the mouse

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Chapter 3 Element Function|ScrEdit Software User Manual

3.2 Button Element

Fig. 3.2.1 Button element options

Table 3.2.1 Button elements

Button Type Macro Read Write Function
Set ON Yes Yes After pressing this button, the state of the setting address
(Bit) will be set to ON. The state of the setting address will be
always ON even if the users release the button or press it
again. If there is an ON Macro, it will be executed
Reset OFF Yes Yes After pressing this button, the state of the setting address
(Bit) will be set to OFF. The state of the setting address will
be always OFF even if the users release the button or press
it again. If there is an OFF Macro, it will be executed
Momentary ON Yes Yes After pressing this button, the state of the setting address
OFF (Bit) will be set to ON and execute ON Macro at the same
time. The state of the setting address will be ON when
releasing the button and be OFF when pressing it again. If
the users execute OFF Macro simultaneously, it will still be
OFF when releasing the button.
Maintained ON Yes Yes After pressing this button, the state of the setting address
OFF (Bit) will be set to ON. The state of the setting address will be
OFF when releasing the button. If there is ON / OFF Macro, it
will be executed simultaneously.
Multistate No Yes Yes There are 1~256 user-defined multi-states for setting. The
users can set the execution sequence to the next state or the
previous state. If the users set to the next state, the state will
become state 2. If the users set to the previous state, the
state 2 will become state 1.
Set Value No No Yes After pressing this button, the “Numeric keypad” dialog box
will pop up on HMI screen for the users to input the setting
value directly. After inputting the setting value and pressing
ENTER key, HMI will transmit the input value to the setting
Set Constant No No Yes After pressing this button, HMI will write the specific value
into the setting address.

3-4 Revision 05/30/2006, EH00

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