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1.Maria is dissatisfied with the way that her manager treats her.

She has quit her job and

found a new position with another firm. She has expressed her dissatisfaction through

Select one:
a. loyalty
b. neglect
c. voice
d. exit

e. social voice

2."Dissonance" means ________.

Select one:
a. resistance
b. reactance
c. constance
d. consistency

e. inconsistency

3.The ________ component of an attitude is the emotional or feeling component of that


Select one:
a. behavioral
b. evaluative
c. affective
d. cognitive

e. reaffective

4.Susan has composed a list of concerns along with her suggestions for improving
conditions. Susan is dealing with her dissatisfaction through ________.

Select one:
a. voice
b. exit
c. acceptance
d. neglect
e. loyalty

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5.The belief that "violence is wrong" is an evaluative statement. Such an opinion constitutes
the ________ component of an attitude.

Select one:
a. cognitive
b. reactive
c. behavioral
d. reflective

e. affective

6.Which of the following answer choices is the best definition of attitude?

Select one:
a. Attitudes are the emotional part of an evaluation of some person, object or event.
b. Attitudes are a measure of how the worth of an object, person or event is evaluated.
c. Attitudes indicate how one will react to a given event.
d. Attitudes are the yardstick by which one measures one's actions.

e. Attitudes are evaluative statements of what one believes about something or someone.

7.The degree to which a person identifies with his or her job, actively participates in it, and
considers his or her performance as being important to self-worth is ________.

Select one:
a. job involvement
b. social embeddedness
c. job satisfaction
d. job stability

e. organizational commitment
8.Henry is dissatisfied with his job but believes that his supervisor is a good man who will do
the right thing. Henry has decided that if he just waits, conditions will improve. Henry's
approach to this problem is termed ________.

Select one:
a. exit
b. loyalty
c. neglect
d. voice

e. reification

9.The satisfaction-turnover relationship is not affected by ________.

Select one:
a. alternative job prospects
b. high employee education
c. ease of job mobility
d. high human capital

e. lack of job prospects

10.Which of the following is the best method for measuring job satisfaction?

Select one:
a. job satisfaction is too broad of a term and there is no good way to measure it
b. the length of time an employee stays on the job and is engaged
c. the summation of satisfaction of various job facets to reveal an overall score
d. a single global rating system of 1 to 5 (highly satisfied to highly dissatisfied)

e. the single global rating system and the job facets score are equally accurate

11.The theory of cognitive dissonance was proposed by ________.

Select one:
a. Maslow
b. Pavlov
c. Festinger
d. Skinner

e. Hofstede

12.The emotional, or feeling component of a person's attitude is called ________.

Select one:
a. a complex attitude
b. complex understanding
c. the cognitive component
d. the affective component

e. the behavior component

13.Mrs. Jonas comes to you for an explanation of why she is so uncomfortable. You might
refer her to the theories of ________.

Select one:
a. Hofstede
b. Surber
c. Festinger
d. Maslow

e. Skinner

14.It is safe to say that this wouldn't be a problem if Mrs. Jones was ________.

Select one:
a. an undocumented worker
b. a worker rather than a supervisor
c. working for the construction company
d. indifferent to workers' rights

e. more of an ethical character

15.The attitude-behavior relationship is likely to be much stronger if the attitude ________.

Select one:
a. refers to something that the individual has direct personal experience with
b. is related to organizational structure
c. is not regularly discussed and examined
d. is perceived to be of little importance

e. must be defended against the attitudes of society at large

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