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Transition Expedition 

So, you need to write something, but you are struggling with transitions! For instance,
when you have two things to say, it might be hard to connect the ideas. It’s not easy to
do. In fact, many writers have this problem, therefore we’re going to embark on a
transition expedition to get to the root of this common writing problem!

What are transitional devices?

What purposes do transitions serve in our writing?

1. ______________ 4. ______________ 7. ______________

2. ______________ 5. ______________ 8. ______________

3. ______________ 6. ______________ 9. ______________

10. ______________

Which of these are transitional devices? (check all that apply)

❏ Again ❏ Because ❏ As a result
❏ In my opinion ❏ Necessitate ❏ Okay
❏ Besides ❏ Yet ❏ I think
❏ Finally ❏ That being said ❏ The end
❏ Havana, ooh na-na ❏ Fine ❏ Maybe
❏ Further ❏ However ❏ Advocate
❏ Next ❏ Taste the rainbow

Your turn!
In your own words, explain how you can effectively transition in your writing.
*Use three transitional devices in your explanation.*

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