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Employer Branding; Competency Mapping; International


-Employer brand describes an employer's

Employe reputation as a place to work, and their employee
value proposition, as opposed to the more general
corporate brand reputation and value proposition
r to customers. The term was first used in the early
1990s, and has since become widely adopted by
Brandin the global management community. Minchington
describes employer brand as "the image of your
organization as a 'great place to work' in the mind
g of current employees and key stakeholders in the
external market (active and passive candidates,
clients, customers and other key stakeholders).

- Employer Branding is an efficient technique to inspire employees and

reflect what makes a company appealing to its current and potential
employees. The art and science of employer branding is therefore
concerned with the attraction, engagement and retention initiatives
targeted at enhancing your company's employer brand. Employer branding
is the process of managing and influencing your reputation as an employer
among job seekers, employees and key stakeholders.  It encompasses
everything you do to position your organization as an employer of choice.

-Your employer brand is your organization’s reputation as an employer. In

simpler terms, it’s what job seekers and employees really think of you. It’s
what they tell their friends and family when you aren’t around. Though it
may not be tangible, your employer brand is an asset that requires constant

-That’s where employer branding comes into play.

Why ‘manage’ and ‘influence’ instead of ‘own’ or ‘dictate?’ Because your
employer brand is not something you actually own. Your reputation as an
employer exists in the minds of candidates and employees, and it is shaped
by their thoughts and impressions. You have an employer brand, whether
you actively manage it. Candidates and employees have an opinion about
you, and if you aren’t working to influence it, you’re at their mercy.     

Think about the totality of your firm’s recruiting and retention efforts as a
series of individual interactions. Every touchpoint leaves an impression
with candidates and employees that shapes your employer brand and your
ability to hire and retain great people. Without proper management, each
one of those touchpoints can become a deal breaker, costing you
candidates and employees.  

Competency Mapping is a process of identifying

Compet key competencies for a company or institution
and the jobs and functions within it. Competency
mapping is important and is an essential exercise.
ency Every well managed firm should – have well
defined roles and list of competencies required to
Mappin perform each role effectively. Such list should be
used for recruitment, performance management,
promotions, placement and training needs
g identification.

-Competency mapping is a way of assessing the strengths and weaknesses

of a worker or organization. It is about identifying a person’s job skills and
strengths in areas like teamwork, leadership and decision making. Thus, it
is about identifying a person’s job skills and strengths in the areas like
teamwork, leadership and decision-making.

-The competency framework serves as the bedrock for all HR applications.

As a result, or competency mapping, all the HR processes like talent
induction, management development, appraisals and training yield much
better results.

Internati International HRM is the process of acquiring,

allocating, and utilizing human resources in a
global business to achieve the stated objectives. Because of global context,
international HRM is the interplay of three dimensions- HR activities, type
of employees, and countries of operations.

The three dimensions of international HRM are described here


1. There are three broad activities in international HRM — procuring,

allocating, and utilizing employees for international operations.
These three broad activities cover all HR functions which are
relevant for domestic operations and discussed in different parts of
the text.

2. There are three types of employees in a multinational firm based on

their place of origin — parent country nationals, host country nationals,
and third country nationals. Parent country nationals (PCNs) are those
whose origin is the country where the firm’s headquarters are located.
Host country nationals (HCNs) are those whose origin is the country
where the firm’s operations are located. Third country nationals (TCNs)
are those whose origin is a country which is neither the home country nor
the host country.

3. There are three types of countries involved in international HRM

activities — home country, host country, and third country. Home country
is the country of origin of the firm. Host country is the country in which
operations of the firm are carried on. For a single firm, there may be many
host countries. Third country is a country from where resources — human
and other resources — are procured. There may be many third countries.

Name – Anamika Ghildiyal

Section – MBA A

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