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Technology alone isn’t the answer

(Why technology can’t fix our education?)

I, perhaps, should say that I am in the middle of thinking whether to agree or

disagree to the idea of technology fixing our education. It has been a year where we
started relying on the technology to execute teaching-learning system. Without the
technology, I personally don’t think that education will still be going on like how we are
doing it today. On the video presented, Mary Jo Madda, a former educator who turned
to be education journalist, presented her ideas about how technology can’t directly fix
education but, can work with teachers to help improve education. Upon hearing and
watching her talk, I now stand to the argument of technology alone is not the answer.
Now, what it means to take technology is that you are able to get access to
knowledge and force in any moment. We no longer think that it is sufficient to only get
our own knowledge in our minds. In order to be considered effective, we must get
access to numbers of technologies and utilize it to affirm our power among others. It is
very difficult to identify how technology has impacted our lives since it has done the
worst and the best of our lives. It had affected our habits, lifestyle, health, and even our
education. Technology is changing our lives with the speed of time. Technology was
created to fulfill practical purposes that would assist us in completing certain tasks;
however the modern technology is used to fulfill our daily lives. It has changed the way
of learning and methods. On the video, Mary Jo Madda presented the idea of Ipad
initiative where every student in Los Angeles Unified School Distric was issued an Ipad,
but, it failed. She examined the failure of the chairman and then she saw the problem to
that. It was because the children and the teachers relied on too much technology that
they have forgotten about the teacher factor. Unlike the traditional teaching system, a
teacher can build relationship to the students that technology can’t.
In this modern time, we cannot eliminate the fact that we all need technology in
education. But we also need a teacher who will build our relationship with the
technology today and to use it effectively. The framework of Mary Jo Madda tells
everything about what is needed and what is not between the teachers, students, and
the technology. In simple words, just like to what her closing words were, “the
relationship between teacher and students is sacred, and that should never be
eliminated.” We could just imagine a classroom of students holding on to their ipads to
learn (if they can learn thoroughly through it), without collaboration and interaction with
their classmates and with their teachers is a powerful reminder that teachers indeed
have a crucial role in guiding the journey of education. They just don’t help us build our
intellect, but also help us build our personal well-being with ourselves and with the
people around us.

Mr. Nicko Tumala Educ 4 Technology for Teaching and Learning April 26, 2021

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