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Motilal Jhunjhunwala College of Arts , Science And Commerce

Department of IT & CS

Subject: Geographical Information system Class :TYIT

1. GIS deals with which kind of data

a) Numeric data b) Binary data c) Spatial data d) Complex data

2. Which of the following statements is true about the capabilities of GIS

a) Data capture and preparation b)Data management
c) Data manipulation and analysis d) All of the above

3. By ‘spatial data’ we mean data that has

a) Complex values b) Positional values c) Graphic values d) Decimal values

4. What is ‘Metadata’ ?
a) data about data b)meteorological data c) oceanic data d) contour data

5. Key components of ‘spatial data’ quality include

a) Positional accuracy b) Temporal accuracy c) Lineage d) All of the above

6. ‘Spatial databases’ are also known as

a) Geo databases b) Mono databases c)Concurrent databases d) None

7. Which of the following is related to GIS

a) Euclidean space b)Ramanujan space c) Pythagorean space d)None of the above

8. A (geographic) field is a geographic phenomena for which, for every point in the study area
a) A value can be determined b) A value cannot be determined
c) A value is not relevant d) A value is missing

9. The following are the examples of ‘geographic fields’

a) Air temperature b) Barometric pressure c)Elevation d) All of the above

10. Which of the following statements are true?

a) Natural phenomena are usually fields
b) Man-made phenomena are usually objects
c) Both ‘1’ & ‘2’ are true d) None of the above

11. Fields can be

a) Discrete only b) Continuous only c) Discrete or continuous d)None

12. Examples of ‘continuous fields’ are

a) Air temperature b) Barometric pressure c) Elevation d) All of the above

13. Which of the following is true about ‘Discrete fields’

a) Discrete fields divide the study space in mutually exclusive
b) ‘Land classification’ is an example of discrete fields
c) Discrete fields make use of ‘bounded’ features
d) All of the above

14. Which of the following is true about ‘Nominal Data Values’

a) They are values that provide a name or identifier so that we can
discriminate between different values
b) True computations cannot be done with these values
c) When the values assigned are sorted according to some set of non-
overlapping categories, they are called ‘categorical data’
d) All of the above

15. Which of the following is true about ‘Ordinal Data Values’

a) They are date values that can be put in some natural sequence but that do not
allow any other type of computation
b) An example of Ordinal data value is classifying household income as ‘low’,
‘average’ or ‘high’
c) Both ‘1’ & ‘2’
d) None of the above

16. Which of the following is true about ‘Internal Data Values’

a) They are quantities, in that they allow simple forms of computation like
addition & subtraction
b) They do not support multiplication or division
c) Centigrade temperatures are internal data values
d) All of the above

17. Which of the following is true about ‘ Ratio Data Values’

a) They allow most, if not all, forms of arithmetic computation
b) They have a natural zero value
c) Continuous fields can have ratio data values d) All of the above

18. Which of the following is true

a) Nominal & categorical data values are referred to as ‘qualitative data’
b) Internal & Ratio data is known as ‘quantitative data’
c) Ordinal data refers to a ranking scheme or some kind of hierarchical phenomena
d) All of the above

19. TIN stands for

a) Traffic Internet Network b) Triangulated Irregular Network
c) Temporal Interest Network d) Temperature Interface Node
20. The ‘boundary model’ is sometimes also called
a) Topological data model b) Temporal data model
c) Topological discrete model d) Temporal discrete model

21. Which of the following relationships is correct

a) Point : (0-Simplex) b) Line segment : (1-simplex)
c) Tetrahedron : (3-simplex) d) All of the above

22. Which of the following statements are true about the ‘temporal dimension’
a) Time can be measured along a ‘discrete’ or ‘continuous’ scale.
b) Valid time (or world time) is the time when an event really happened, or a string
of events took place.
c) Time can be considered to be ‘linear’ extending from past to
the present (‘now’), & into the future
d) Time can be represented as ‘absolute’ or ‘relative’
e) All of the above

23. Which of the following is true?

a) ‘Fields’ are geographic phenomena that occur everywhere in the study area
b) ‘Objects’ are geographic phenomena that occur ‘sparsely’ over the study area
c) Objects can be classified based on location, shape, size & orientation
d) All of the above
24. Which of the following are full-fledged GIS packages
a) ILWIS b) GeoMedia c) ArcGIS d) All of the above

25. A GIS package cannot be called full-fledged if the following capabilities are missing
a) Data capture and preparation b) Data storage c) Data analysis d) All of the above

26. SDI stands for

a) Spatial Data Interface b) Spatial Data Infrastructure
c) Spatial Data Intention d) Spatial Data International

27. DBMS stands for

a) Database Management System
b) Database Monitoring System
c) Database Manufacturing System
d) Database Mixing Station

28. which provides a high-level, declarative query language

a) data b)query c)DBMS d)None of the above
29. Which of the following is true about DBMS
a) A DBMS provides a high-level, ‘declaration query language’
b) A DBMS supports the use of a ‘data model’
c) A DBMS includes ‘data backup’ and ‘recovery’ functions
d) All of the above

30. A ‘data model’ is a language that allows the definition of

a) The ‘structures’ that will be used to store the base data
b) The ‘integrity constraints’ that the stored data has to obey at all moments in time
c) The ‘computer programs’ used to manipulate the data
d) All of the above

31. Which of the following statements is true in connection with a ‘tuple’

a) The set of tuples in a relation at some point in time is called the
‘relational instance’ at that moment
b) This tuple set is always finite
c) It is possible to count how many tuples are there
d) All of the above

32. main components of GIS

a)People b) Data c) Hardware d) All of the above

34.Which of the following formats can be used for GIS output?

a) DXF b) PDF c) GIF d) HTML

35. Among the following, which do not come under the components of GIS?
a) Hardware b) Software c) Compiler d) Data

36. is representation of the part of the world

a) database b) modelling c) spatial data d) None of the above

37. is a miniature representation of some part of the real world

a) Map b) Model c) Spatial data d) All of the above

38. The geographic phenomena

a) Can be named or described, b) Can be georeferenced
c) Can be assigned a time (interval) . d) All of the above

39. Geographic objects are

a) bounded b) distinguished c) discrete d) All of the above
40. _ _ is a geographic phenomenon that has a value ‘everywhere’ in the study
a) field b) objects c) Model d) None
divide the study space in mutually exclusive
b) continues field b) discrete field c) both a & b d) None of the above

41. allow most, if not all, forms of arithmetic computation

a) discrete b) ratio c) continuous d) None of the above

42. Geographic Objects parameter is

a) Location b) size c) shape d) All of the above

43. Boundary types are

a) crispy b) Fuzzy c) both a & b d) None of the above

44. is a partitioning of space into mutually exclusive cells that together make up
the complete study space
a) tessellations b) GIS c) both a & b d) None of the above

45. The most common regular tessellations are

a) Square b) Hexagonal c) Triangular d) All of the above

46. A commonly used data structure in GIS software is

a) Tessellations b) Vector c) continues field d) None

47. TIN represents

a) discrete field b) continues field c) both a & b d) None

48. A ……………….. is a set of regularity spaced (and contiguous) cells with associated (field) values.
The associated values represent call values, not point values. This means that the value for a cell is
assumed to valid for all locations within the cell
a) Crystal b) Raster c) Segment d) Polygon
49. Successful spatial analysis needs
a)Appropriate software b)Appropriate hardware
c)Competent user d)All of the above
50. GIS uses the information from which of the following sources?
a) Non- spatial information system
b) Spatial information system
c) Global information system
d) Position information system
51. In the process of GIS, digitalization is done for better output.
a) True
b) False

52. Which of the following doesn’t determine the capability of GIS?

a) Defining a map
b) Representing cartographic feature
c) Retrieving data
d) Transferring data

53. Irregular tessellation relies on ________

a) Quad tree b) raster c) vector d) pixels
54. SDSS stands for _____
a) Spatial decision support system
b) Special decision support system
c) Sharing decision spatial system
d) None of the above

55. Which of the following acts a benefit of GIS?

a) Maintaining geo spatial data
b) Data sharing
c) Accurate data information
d) Presence of data retrieval service

56. The point data feature can be used to represent __________

a) Location
b) Area
c) 3D area
d) Volume

57. Which of the following acts as a key to GIS?

a) Topology
b) Platform
c) Software
d) Terrain
58. Which of the following statements is true
A table or relation is itself a collection of ‘tuples’ (or records)
Each table is a collection of tuples that are similarly shaped
An ‘attribute’ is a named field of a tuple, with which each tuple associates a value
All of the above

59. Points are defined as

a) single coordinate pairs (x, y) when we work in 2D,
b) co- ordinate triplets (x, y, z) when we work in 3D
c) both a or b d) None of the above
60. What is NHD in terms of spatial database__________?
A. Native hydro dataset
B. National Hydrography Dataset
C. Natural Hydrography Dataset
D. Numeric Hydrography Dataset
61. Which are the two approaches to represent GIS___________?
A. Layer-Based, Feature-Based
B. Map based, boundary based
C. Line Based, Polygon based
D. Vector based, Raster Based
62. Which is used to represent area?
B. line
C. point
D. polygon
63. In vector data, the basic units of spatial information are___________.
A. points, lines(arcs) and polygons
B. integer,float,char
C. sets, bags and Array
D. tuples,tables,structure
64. Equilateral triangles, squares and hexagons are examples of___________.
A. irregular tessellations
B. Regular tessellations
C. Boundaries
D. Land parcels
65. How many types of Geographic Phenomena are there?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. Four
66. House with respect to GIS is referred to as ____________.
A. Discrete objects
B. Continuous fields
C. Geographic object
D. GIS object
Ans. A
67. Elevations with respect to GIS are referred to as___________.
A. Discrete Objects
B. Continuous fields
C. Geographic object
D. GIS object
Ans. B
68. Which is the application of GIS?
A. Map generalisation
B. Banking Management
C. Hospital Management
D. Manufacturing Company Management
Ans. A
69. A _________ might be interested in the impact of slash-and-burn practices on the
populations of amphibian species in the forests of a mountain range to obtain a better
understanding of longterm threats to those populations
A. biologist
B. geologist
C. gynaecologist
D. data analyst
Ans. A
70. A _____ might want to identify the best localities for constructing buildings in an
earthquakeprone area by looking at by looking at rock formation characteristics
A. data engineer
B. geological engineer
C. builder
D. architect
Ans. B
71. The fundamental problem that we face in many uses of GIS is that of
understanding_________.Phenomena that have a ______ dimension, as well as a
temporal dimension____________.
A. temporal
B. data
C. spatial or geographic
D. attribute
Ans. C
72. ______is the scientific field that attempts to integrate different disciplines studying
the methods and techniques of handling spatial information.
A. Geo-Information Science
B. Geo-Information System
C. Geology Science
D. Life Science
Ans. A
73. ____ is a computerized system that facilitates the phases of data entry, data
management, and data analysis and data presentation specifically for dealing with
georeferenced data.
A. Geo-Information Science
B. geology science
C. geographic information system
D. Life Science
Ans. C
74. The discipline that deals with all aspects of the handling of spatial data and
Geoinformation is called ____.
A. geographic life science
B. geographic information science
C. geographic information system
D. geographic information processing
Ans. B
75. ____ contains positional values such as (x,y) co-ordinate values
A. Numeric
B. Spatial
C. Attribute
D. Metadata
Ans. B
76. JESS is an abbreviation for .
a. Java Enhanced System Sell
b. Java Expert System Sell
c. Java Expert Sub System
d. Java Enhanced Sub System
77. ________ are one of the prominent research domains of Artificial Intelligence.
a. Knowledge Management Systems
b. Data driven Systems
c. Expert Systems
d. Cognitive Systems
78. People are ultimately the _______ of knowledge.
a. Storage
b. Gainer
c. Holders
d. Acquire
79. KDD Stands for :
a. Knowledge Discovery Data
b. Knowledge Discovery in Database
c. Knowledge Database Discovery
d. Knowledge Data Discovery
80. Which one of the following is incorrect?
A. GIS software supports spatial and attribute data
B. GIS offer better table functionality as compared to DBMS
C. GIS packages can store tabular data
D. DBMS offer better table functionality as compared to GIS
Ans. B
81. In SQL query join condition can be written in ______ clause.
A. from
B. group by
C. where
D. order by
Ans. C
82. What is the full form of OGC?
A. Open Geospatial Connection
B. Open Geographic Control
C. Open Geographic Consortium
D. Open Geospatial Consortium
Ans. D
During the _____, object-oriented and object relational data models were developed
to represent and manage spatial data
A. 1990's
B. 1980's
C. 1970's
D. 1960's
Ans. A
83. Spatial information theory' is the field which focuses specifically on ________.
A. providing the spatial data
B. providing the background for the production of tools that can handle spatial data
C. creating maps using spatial tools
D. providing the background for the projection
Ans. B
84. Digital telephone links (ISDN) support network speed rates up to _____.
A. 8 Mbps
B. 2.5 Mbps
C. 1.5 Mbps
D. 5 Mbps
Ans. C
85. UMTS protocol (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) allows digital
communication of text, audio and video at a rate of approximately ______
A. 8 Mbps
B. 6 Mbps
C. 4 Mbps
D. 2 Mbps
Ans. D
86. The two main reference surfaces to approximate the shape of the Earth are
A. Gid, Eid
B. Geoid, Ellipse
C. Gid, Ellipse
D. Geoid, Ellipsoid
Ans. D
The height of a point with respect to tide gauge is measured using technique known
as _________.
A. Graph Levelling
B. Geodetic levelling
C. Ellipsodetic levelling
D. Geo levelling point
Ans. B
87. The local vertical datum is implemented through a __________.
A. Labelling Network
B. Levelling Network
C. Labelling Connection
D. Levelling Connection
Ans. B
88. _________ Coordinate Systems are used to locate data on the Earth's surface in a 3D
A. Planar
B. Global
C. Local
D. Parallel
Ans. B
89. Lines of equal longitude are called as ________
A. Parallels
B. Perpendiculars
C. Meridians
D. Deviations
Ans. C
90. Lines of equal latitude are called as _________
A. Parallels
B. Perpendiculars
C. Meridians
D. Deviations
Ans. A
91. A ________ is a mathematically described technique to represent Earth’s curved
surface on a flat map
A. Map Selection
B. Map Projection
C. Map Distortion
D. Map Reference
92. UTM stands for ____________________
A. Universal Transformation Mercator
B. Universal Transverse Mercator
C. Universal Transformation Meridian
D. Universal Transverse Meridian
Ans. B
93. Which of this is not a class of map projection?
A. Cylindrical
B. Elliptical
C. Conical
D. Azimuthal
Ans. B
94. GCP stands for ___________
A. Global Control Points
B. Ground Control Points
C. Global Communication Points
D. Ground Communication Points
Ans. B
95. The Direction of gravity is known as __________.
A. Pump-line
B. Lumb-line
C. Glumb-line
D. Plumb-line
Ans. D
96. The height determined with respect to a tide-gauge station is known as _________
A. Ellipsoidal
B. Orthometric
C. Geoid
Ans. B
97. Geoid is used to describe ________.
A. Heights
B. Width
C. Ranges
D. Weights
Ans. A
98. The hardware implementations set-up by a satellite-based positioning system does not
A. Space Segment
B. Control Segment
C. User Segment
D. Time Segment
Ans. D
99. A satellite equipped with a clock, at a specific moment sends a radio message that
A. Clock Reading
B. Space Reading
C. Hours Reading
D. Seconds Reading
Ans. A
100. The determination of a position based on three distances is called _____________
A. Triangulation
B. Trilateration
C. Trial
D. Transformation
Ans. B
101. Relative positioning is also known as _________
A. Differ Positioning
B. Similar positioning
C. Differential Positioning
D. Native positioning
Ans. C
102. ________is an integrated, systematic network of reference receivers covering a
large area.
A. Native positioning
B. Differential Positioning
C. Network Positioning
D. Reference Positioning
Ans. C
103. The NAVSTAR Space Segment consists of _____ satellites operated by the U.S.
A. 24
B. 14
C. 25
D. 20
Ans. A
104. Carrier Phase Measurement works on ____ Positioning.
A. Relative positioning
B. Absolute positioning
C. Carrier wave
D. Pseudo ranging
Ans. A
105. GMT stands for__________.
A. Green Mean time
B. Green Medium Time
C. Greenwich Medium Time
D. Greenwich Mean Time
Ans. A
106. GPS: US Military, GLONASS: _______?
A. Indian Military
B. UK Military
C. Australian Military
D. Russian Military
Ans. D
107. Which of the following satellite based augmentation system is not operational?
A. North America WAAS
Ans. D
108. What is not needed for Successful Spatial analysis?
A. Competent User
B. Soil Sample
C. Appropriate Software
D. Appropriate Hardware
Ans. B
109. What is location-allocation modelling?
A. A method of site location based on overlaying multiple siting criteria maps
B. A method of allocating resources within an area of interest using buffer analyses.
C. A method within network analysis used to determine delivery routes.
D. A method of matching supply with demand across a network by locating a
limited set of resources using network analysis.
Ans. D
110. Spatial Analysis is also called one of these names?
A. Spatial Integration
B. Spatial Statistics
C. Spatial Unification
D. Spatial System
Ans. B
111. An area is __________has the properties of area (size) and perimeter.
A. one Dimensional
B. Two Dimensional
C. Three Dimensional
D. Zero Dimensional
Ans. A
112. . A __________is a set of objects with similar attributes.
B. Class
C. Aggregation
D. Association
Ans. B
113. Kriging is also called as _________.
A. Spatial Interpolation
B. Geostatistical Method
C. Kernel density estimation
D. Spatial System
Ans. B
114. __________Convert street addresses or street interpolation into point feature.
A. Geocoding
B. Path Distance
C. Networking
D. Coding
Ans. A
115. The conversion of raster data into vector data is called_______.
A. Rasterization
B. Vectorization
C. Spatial system
D. Geospatial

116. The conversion of vector data into raster data is called_______.

A. Rasterization
B. Vectorization
C. Spatial system
D. Geospatial
117. What does GPS stand for?
A. Going Places Sometimes
B. Global Positioning Satellites
C. Government Positioning Satellites
D. Global Positioning System
Ans. D
118. When was the first GPS satellite launched?
A. 1978
B. 1994
C. 1776
D. 1963
Ans. B
119. PPS Stand for ______.
A. Precise Positioning Services
B. Point-Point Service
C. Precise Position System
D. Point to Point System
Ans. A
120. A better option for representing continuous phenomenon is the_______
A. Raster Data Model
B. Vector Data Model
C. Binary Data Model
D. Digital Data Model
Ans. A
121. The raster data model uses a _____to cover the space.
A. Regular grid
B. Irregular grid
C. one directional grid
D. Bi directional grid
122. Components of GIS System_____________.
A. Space
B. Graph
C. Logic
D. Network
Ans. D
123. . GI Science majorly contributing _________.
A. Data
B. Computer Science
C. Factory
D. Coding
Ans. B
124. Full Form of DEM is _______________.
A. . Design Electric Machine
B. Digital Elevation Model
C Design Elevation Model
D. Digital Elevation Map
Ans. B
125. . _____________ refers to the shape of the surface.
A. Application Map
B. Thematic Map
C. Calligraphy
D. Topography Map
Ans. D
126. _______________is a database system
A. Spatial Database
B. Special Database
C. Data warehouse
D. Geographical Database
Ans. A
127. SDT means ________________
A. Specific data type
B. Special data type
C. Spatial data type
D. System data type
Ans. C
128. Basic units of spatial information _______________.
A. Point, Line, Arc
B. Data
C. Graph
D. Design
Ans. A
129. Which interpolation technique is not used for continuous data?
A. Kriging
B. Trend surface fitting
C. Digitization
D. Triangulation
Ans. C
130. What do mean by spatial data?
A. Interval Data
B. Positional Data
C. Ordinal Data
D. Ratio Data
Ans. B
131. Which of the following statement is False?
A. Our World is dynamic
B. Positional data of non-geographic nature also exists
C. Hydrological does not require any spatial data
D. In GIS, professionals deal with questions related to Geographic space
Ans. C
132. Which one of the following is not capability of GIS?
A. Data capture
B. Data management
C. Data presentation
D. Sharing files in the network
Ans. D
133. . _________ is not considered in a data capturing process.
A. Creating map
B. Using sensor
C. Manually collecting data
D. Buying data from some organization
Ans. A
134. While presenting data ____ is not important.
A. Audience
B. Programming Language
C. Message
D. Rule of aesthetics
Ans. B
135. . Which one of the following is not related to GIS?
A. Geoinformatics
B. Geometrics
C. Zoology
D. Spatial information science
Ans. C
136. . Which one of the following is not true in terms of data capture process?
A. Data can be collected from various sources
B. Data can contain errors
C. Gross errors need to be removed before using data
D. Data does not contain any variation in the measurement
Ans. D
137. . Which one of the following is not key component of spatial data quality?
A. Audience
B. Positional Accuracy
C. Completeness
D. Logical Consistency
Ans. A
138. Modelling is also known as ______.
A. Analysing Data
B. Representation of real world
C. Finding errors
D. Data capture
Ans. B
139. In order to better understand representation of phenomena and output from any
analysis, we can use GIS to create ____
A. Audio
B. Visualizations
C. Text information
D. Table
Ans. B
140. . In the complex real world our model can never be perfect, which one of the
following is or a reason for the same?
A. Limitation on amount of data that can be stored
B. Limitation on the detail we can capture
C. Lack of software capabilities
D. Limitation of time
Ans. C
141. . Choice of representing geographic phenomena depends on _______.
A. analysis performed on data
B. software and hardware components
C. developer
D. kind of data available and data manipulation required
Ans. D
142. . Which of the following is not the example of geographic fields?
A. Location of any building
B. Air temperature
C. Barometric pressure
D. Rainfall value
Ans. A
143. This of the following is not true about ‘Discrete fields’?
A. Discrete fields divide the study space in mutually exclusive, bounded parts, with
all locations in one part having the same field value
B. Land classification is an example of continuous fields
C. Land classification is an example of discrete fields
D. Discrete fields make use of ‘bounded’ features
Ans. B
144. Which of the following is not true about ‘Ratio Data Values’?
A. They allow most, if not all, forms of arithmetic computation
B. They have a natural zero value
C. Multiplication & division of values can be performed
D. Continuous fields can have ratio data values
Ans. C
Which of the following is true?
145. A. Fields are geographic phenomena that does not occur everywhere in the study
B. Objects are geographic phenomena that occur everywhere over the study area
C. Fields can have only continuous values
D. Objects can be classified based on location, shape, size & orientation
Ans. D
146. Various geographic objects can have same ______.
A. location
B. shape
C. size
D. orientation
Ans. A
147. . Geographic phenomena cannot be _____.
A. named
B. assigned orientation
C. georeferenced
D. assigned a time
Ans. B
148. Output of visualization process cannot be _______
A. on computer screen
B. printed on paper
C. audio file
D. projected on screen
Ans. C
149. GIS science is the scientific field that attempts to _________
A. create map
B. perform analysis on collected data
C. integrates different techniques to handle spatial information
D. handle only maintenance of spatial data
Ans. D
150. What is ‘Metadata’?
A. contour data
B. meteorological data
C. oceanic data
D. data about data
Ans. D
151. Collection and maintenance of base data remain the responsibility of government
agencies such as______.
A. National Mapping Agencies
B. Central Bureau of Investigation
C Reserve Bank of India
D. Nuclear Fuel Complex
Ans. A
152. Quality can often define as ________.
A. accuracy
B. fitness for use
C. completeness
D. precision
Ans. B
153. . GIS tools are unable to help us making decision such as _____
A. finding area with high risk of flood
B. finding most likely sites for mosquito habitat
C. finding best bank for loan
D. finding area with variety of vegetation
Ans. C
154. . Maps are always ________.
A. representing ordinal data
B. Representation of nominal data
C. Representation of time series
D. Graphical representation of real world
Ans. D
155. Which one of the following is not a function of database?
A. Creating a graph
B. Concurrent use
C. Data integrity
D. Query optimization
Ans. A
156. Successful spatial analysis requires appropriate __________.
A. software, hardware and internet
B. software, hardware, and competent user
C. software and internet connection
D. only competent user
Ans. B
157. . Which one of the following is not true?
A. geodatabase is not the same thing as a GIS
B. geographic phenomena can have point, line and area or image characteristics
C. geodatabase is the same thing as a GIS
D. GIS knows about spatial reference system
Ans. C
158. Temporal attributes are related to _________.
A. temperature
B. temporary data
C. thematic data
D. time related data
Ans. D
159. Which of the following relationship is correct?
A. Point : (1-simplex)
B. Line : (2-simplex)
C. Triangle : (0-simplex)
D. Tetrahedrons : (3-simplex)
Ans. D
160. Boundary model is also known as _____.
A. topological data model
B. topological discrete model
C. temporal data model
D. temporal continuous model
Ans. A

161. Which of the following is related to GIS?

A. Pythagorean space
B. Ramanujan space
C. Hilbert space
D. Euclidean space
Ans. D
162. . Which one of the following is not true?
A. A raster is an irregular tessellation with square cells (by far the most commonly
B. A raster is a regular tessellation with square cells (by far the most commonly used)
C. Tessellations partition the study space into cells & assign a value to each cell
D. Quad tree is a technique used for irregular tessellation
Ans. A
163. Which of the following group of relationship does not belong to the eight spatial
A. Disjoint, meets, equals
B. Disjoint, neighbour
C. Inside, covered by
D. Contains, covers, overlaps
Ans. B
164. Which of the following is not the rule of topological consistency in 2D space?
A. Every 1 - simplex must be bounded by two 0- simplexes
B. Every 1-simplex borders two 2 - simplexes
C. 1- simplexes can intersect anywhere
D. Around every 0 - simplex exists an alternating sequence of 1 and 2 simplexes
Ans. C
165. Map scale can be defined as _________.
A. ration between number of pixel in column and row
B. ration between number of pixel in column and row
C. ration between the distance of stretch in the terrain and distance on paper map
D. ration between distance on paper map and the distance of same stretch in the
Ans. D
166. Which of the following is raster representation technique?
C. Point
D. Line
Ans. A
167. Which one of the following, does not come under the components of GIS?
A. Compiler
B. Hardware
C. Software
D. Data
Ans. A
168. Which of the following doesn’t determine the capability of GIS?
A. Generating a map
B. Transferring data
C. Retrieving data
D. Representing cartographic features
Ans. B
169. Which of the following can be considered as a benefit of GIS?
A. Data sharing
B. Accurate data information
C. Maintaining geo spatial data
D. Presence of data retrieval service
Ans. C
170. RMSE stands for
a)Random measure square error b) Random mean square error
c) Root mean simple error d) Root mean square error
171. Data integrity constraints are used to _______.
A. Control who is allowed access to the data
B. Prevent users from changing the values stored in the table
C. Ensure that duplicate records are not entered into the table
D. Improve the quality of data entered for a specific property
Ans. D
172. The use of backup and recovery in dbms is ________.
A. To restore a computer to an operational state following a disaster
B. To reduce redundancy in data
C. Enforcing integrity rules
D. To allow concurrent use
173. The relation with the attribute which is the primary key is referenced in another
relation, in that another relation that attribute is called as ______.
A. Unique key
B. Foreign key
C. Candidate key
D. Super key
174. _______ works like a filter.
A. Intersection
B. Join
C. Attribute projection
D. Tuple selection
175. LAN stands for ______.
A. Local Area Network
B. Land Area Network
C. Local Attribute Network
D. Land Attribute Network
Ans. A
176. SQL stands for ______.
A. Spatial Query Language
B. Structured Query Language
C. Special Query Language
D. Structural Quality Language
177. Which one of the following are advantages of raster representation in GIS?
A. efficient representation for topology
B. adapts well to scale changes
C. efficient for image processing
D. allows representing networks
Ans. C
178. Which one of the following are disadvantages of raster representation in GIS?
A. difficult to implement overlay
B. inefficient for image processing
C. Complex data structure
D. difficulties in representing topology
179. SDSS stands for ______.
A. Spatial Data Support Systems
B. Space Data Support Systems
C. Spatial Decision Support Systems
D. Space Decision Support Systems

180. In GIS, data are usually grouped into _____

A. Tables
B. Layers(themes)
C. Objects
D. Set of tuples
Ans. B

181. A row in a table is also known as ______.

A. attribute
B. tuple
C. relation
D. domain

182. To create relationship between two tables what is to be used?

A. primary and foreign key
B. join
C. attribute projection
D. Cartesian cross product
183. Which one of the following is not a reason for which DBMS is used with GIS?
A. A DBMS supports the storage and manipulation of very large data sets
B. A DBMS can be instructed to guard over data correctness
C. DBMS can also use to represent graphics
D. A DBMS supports the concurrent use of the same data set by many users
Ans. C
184. In which aspect of agriculture GIS can be used?
A. Pesticides
B. Fertilizer
C. Seed requirement
D. Soil analysis
185. deals with spatial properties that do not change under certain
a) topology b) TIN c) Spatial data d) None of the above

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