Science and Technology

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Science and Technology plays a big role in our lives.

It helps us to
do our task easily. It helps us to do our jobs faster. Aside from that,
science and technology are the things that we commonly use in our daily
lives. Sometimes we thinks we cannot live anymore without these two
because like what I have said, it plays a big role in our daily lives. But
even if we have some technologies, it is still not enough because every
minute, day and every year, technology keeps on upgrading and we know
that Philippines is one of the country that is late when it comes on
upgrading technology. We all know that Philippines is one of the countries
that belongs to the lower class. It means there are a lot of things that
Philippines was lack of, especially when it comes to science and
technology. We know that in other countries, there are already
technologies that is existing but those technologies have a different
purposes or it is more upgraded while it is hard for us to find those
technologies here in the Philippines because we cannot afford to buy it.
Aside from that, when it comes to science, our government seems not to
trust our own scientist, they do not give enough support to them instead,
they support more the other country. In short, there are really a lot of
things that the government should do for us to improve.

So, if I became a president, I would do something or I would

propose a change on our science and technology for our country to
improve more. If I became a president, I would want us to have more
hospital technology or supplies especially those technology that hospitals
really needs. We know that a lot of hospitals doesn’t have enough
hospitals equipment which makes hard for doctor to help the patient
because of the lack of technology. That should be improve in our country
for us to be ready when it comes to this kind of situation. Aside from that,
I would want us to have a technology where it helps our construction
workers to do their jobs carefully.
For example, a technology where it helps the workers to make sure
that the building they were making is safe and also a technology where
it helps the workers to do their jobs faster. In other country, when they
re-make their roads, it only take 2-3 days or a week for them to finish
their work while in our country, it sometimes takes a month for them to
finish it and it really causes traffic. So having an improved machine or
technology that helps the workers to do their jobs faster, it would really
help us a lot. And those hospitals equipment, it will help a lot of doctor
to save their patients.

Aside from being lack of technology, I would also implement a

rule where we support more our own scientist rather than the others.
According to CNN Philippines (2015), the government seems like not
to support our own scientist. So if I became a presidents, I would give
those scientist the things that they needed for their researches. We
know that in other country, when they experiment things, it only takes
a few weeks for them to finish while here in the Philippines, it would
take three-five months for them to finish their experiments. As we can
see, in today’s situation, we use more the other country’s medicine to
“cure” the cases. They trust more the other country’s finish goods than
our own. So if I were the president, I will help my own scientist, I would
change the mindset of people about those scientist. Instead of
degrading them I would give them the things that they needed and also
I would support them.
PwC Philippines (2015, May 10), Embracing new healthcare
technologies that empower Filipinos.

CNN Philippines (2015), Does the Philippines value scientific


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