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Understanding water scarcity: Definitions and
on M AY 7 , 2 0 1 2 — in W A T E R S E C U R I T Y

Understanding water scarcity: Definitions and measurements (pdf)

The water footprint of
Chris White, Australian National University, Australia humanity

Water scarcity, which can broadly be understood as the lack of

access to adequate quantities of water for human and
environmental uses, is increasingly being recognised in many
Water scarcity pricing
countries as a serious and growing concern. As a result, the in urban centres
term ‘water scarcity’ is regularly used by the media,
government reports, NGOs, international organisations such
as the UN and OECD, as well as in the academic literature, to
highlight areas where water resources are under pressure.

However, despite its frequent use, there is no consensus on

Is China water scarce? With abundant water resources in how water scarcity should be defined or how it should be Urban water pricing:
some areas and shortages in others, country level measures Equity and
measured. Thus, a reference to water scarcity in one report may
of water scarcity don't provide the whole picture affordability
measure something different to other reports which use the
same term. This can create confusion as to what exactly water
scarcity means and lead to different answers to the question of which regions are under the most water stress.

In order to reduce this confusion, this article looks at some of the most commonly used methods of defining and
measuring water scarcity, so that readers can understand what exactly is meant in each case.
Managing residential
One of the most commonly used measures of water scarcity is the ‘Falkenmark indicator’ or ‘water stress index’. water demand in the
This method defines water scarcity in terms of the total water resources that are available to the population of a
region; measuring scarcity as the amount of renewable freshwater that is available for each person each year. If
the amount of renewable water in a country is below 1,700 m3 per person per year, that country is said to be
experiencing water stress; below 1,000 m3 it is said to be experiencing water scarcity; and below 500 m3, absolute
water scarcity1 .

The water stress index method is commonly used because it is straightforward, easy to use, and the data needed The state of the
world’s land and
is readily available. However, such a simplistic approach has its limitations: water resources: Part
2 of 3

1. It ignores important regional differences in water availability, only measuring water scarcity at a country
level; N EW S LET T ER:
2. It fails to account for whether or not those water resources are accessible, for example, some of the freshwater
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resources of a country may be stored deep underground or may be heavily polluted;
3. It does not include man-made sources of freshwater such as desalination plants which increase water S UBS CRIBE NO W!

availability beyond what is naturally available;

4. It does not account for the fact that different countries, and regions within countries, use different amounts of
water, in Australia for example, most of the demand for water is focused around the major urban and

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Understanding water scarcity: Definitions and measurements | Global Wat...

agricultural centres in the Murray-Darling Basin, with much less used in the sparsely populated centre2.

An alternative way of defining and measuring water scarcity is to use a criticality ratio. This approach relaxes the
assumption that all countries use the same amount of water, instead defining water scarcity in terms of each
country’s water demand compared to the amount of water available; measuring scarcity as the proportion of total
annual water withdrawals relative to total available water resources3. Using this approach, a country is said to be
water scarce if annual withdrawals are between 20-40% of annual supply, and severely water scarce if they
exceed 40%.

While this approach avoids the overly simplistic assumption that all countries have the same demand for water, it
also has its limitations:

1. It does not consider man-made increases in water supply (such as desalination);

2. It ignores water withdrawals that are recycled and reused;
3. It doesn’t consider the capacity of countries to adapt to lower water availability through changing behaviour
or new technology2.

A third measure of water scarcity was developed by the

International Water Management Institute (IWMI). This
approach attempts to solve the problems listed above by
including: each country’s water infrastructure, such as water in
desalination plants, into the measure of water availability;
including recycled water by limiting measurements of water
demand to consumptive use rather than total withdrawals; and
measuring the adaptive capacity of a country by assessing its
potential for infrastructure development and efficiency
Makeshift well, Zambia. The ability of a country to adapt to
periods of water scarcity through low or high tech solutions
Using this approach, the IWMI classifies countries that are
is crucial.
predicted to be unable to meet their future water demand
without investment in water infrastructure and efficiency as
economically water scarce; and countries predicted to be unable to meet their future demand, even with such
investment, as physically water scarce6.

While the IWMI measure of water scarcity is more sophisticated, its complexity means that it requires significant
amounts of time and resources to estimate. This approach also fails to consider the ability of people within
countries to adapt to reduced water availability by importing food grown in other countries, or by using water
saving devices. The ability to adapt also depends on the economic resources available in countries as a whole, as
well as to individuals within a country. For instance, wealthy residents in rich countries are more likely to be able
to adapt to reduced water availability than poor people in developing countries.

A fourth approach to measuring water scarcity is the ‘water poverty index’. This approach attempts to take into
account the role of income and wealth in determining water scarcity by measuring: (1) the level of access to
water; (2) water quantity, quality, and variability; (3) water used for domestic, food, and productive purposes; (4)
capacity for water management; and (5) environmental aspects7. The complexity of this approach, however,
means that it is more suited for analysis at a local scale, where data is more readily available, than on a national

There is, therefore, no single definition of water scarcity; different measurements capture different aspects of the
pressures on water resources, and there isn’t one measure which captures them all. This point is illustrated in
Figure 1 which shows two different measures of water scarcity for Africa and Western Europe; one which accounts
for the impact access to water technology can have on water scarcity, and one which does not.

Figure 1. First, by using a criticality ratio, the authors estimate the level
of water scarcity based on a number of stressors (Incident
HWS Threat). Since this measure does not include the impact
that investment in technological development can have on
improving water security, they then estimate an ‘investment
benefits factor’ which measures the investment capabilities of
each country. They then include the investment benefits factor
Different measures of water scarcity can produce very

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Understanding water scarcity: Definitions and measurements | Global Wat...

different answers to the question of which regions are under to the measure of water scarcity to estimate an adjusted
the most water stress. Source: Vorosmarty et al. (2010)
measure of water scarcity when technological capacity is taken
into account (Adjusted HWS Threat)8.

As Figure 1 shows, the way in which water scarcity is defined and measured has direct, and sometimes
contradictory, implications on how serious the issue is perceived to be in different regions. As a result, relying on
a single indicator may give a misleading impression about water scarcity issues. It is therefore important when
discussing ‘water scarcity’, to be clear how the term is defined and which aspects of water scarcity it measures and
to recognise that one measure by itself is not enough to give the whole picture.


1. Falkenmark, M., J. Lundquist and C. Widstrand (1989), “Macro-scale Water Scarcity Requires Micro-scale
Approaches: Aspects of Vulnerability in Semi-arid Development”, Natural Resources Forum, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp.
2. Rijsberman, F.R. (2006), “Water Scarcity: Fact or Fiction?”, Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 80, pp. 5-22.
3. Raskin, P. et al. (1997), Water Futures: Assessment of Long-range Patterns and Prospects, Stockholm
Environment Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
4. OECD (2009), Managing Water for All: An OECD Perspective on Pricing and Financing, OECD, Paris, France.
5. Seckler, D. et al. (1998), World Water Demand and Supply, 1990 to 2025: Scenarios and Issues, International
Water Management Institute (IWMI) Research Report 19, IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
6. Molden, D. (ed.) (2007), Water for Food, Water for Life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management
in Agriculture, Earthscan/International Water Management Institute, London, UK.
7. Sullivan, C.A. et al. (2003), “The Water Poverty Index: Development and Application at the Community Scale”,
Natural Resources Forum, Vol. 27, pp. 189-199.
8. Vorosmarty, C.J., et al. (2010), “Global Threats to Human Water Security and River Biodiversity”, Nature, Vol.
467, pp. 555-561.

A printable pdf version of this article is available here.

Chris White is an Editor of the Global Water Forum. Chris read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford
University; completed a Masters degree in Environmental and Resource Economics at the Australian National
University; and now works as an Environmental Economist at the Crawford School of Economics and
Government. The article is based on a chapter in the forthcoming book ‘Water Security, Economics, and
Governance’, Tilde University Press.

The views expressed in this article belong to the individual authors and do not represent the views of the Global
Water Forum, the UNESCO Chair in Water Economics and Transboundary Water Governance, UNESCO, the
Australian National University, or any of the institutions to which the authors are associated. Please see the
Global Water Forum terms and conditions here.

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2 Responses to understanding water scarcity: definitions and measurements

David Zetland says:
May 8, 2012 at 11:12 pm

Interesting article (informative), but I’d go with the simple, accurate definition: Scarcity means that demand

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