Chronicles of Hanuman - Selected Points

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Chronicles of Hanuman:

Your trustworthiness quotient depends on your transparency ratio.

Embracing negativity is equivalent to embracing failure. Mining diamonds is the art of spotting the
positivity in a deeply negative environment.

The achievement of making an achiever is far greater than the achievement of becoming an

The school of envy teaches you that others’ failure is your success. The school of humility teaches
you that envying others’ success is your real failure.

Wisdom is the art of delivering the right punch line to transform ignorance into mindfulness.

Determination is born out of desperation. Resignation is born out of complacency.

Prayer is a torchlight that shows you hidden possibilities in the dark environment of your
despondent mind.

The greatest blunders are made while celebrating proximity to success.

Humility is a silent festival that is celebrated alone, but, appreciated by all.

The best way to conquer an enemy is to conquer his confidence.

The first letter of “anger” represents audacity and the last letter, repentance.

Language is a medium of connecting hearts and not communicating words.

Impossibility is a limitation set by a doubting mind. Encouragement expands its horizons.

The weak seek revenge. The strong offer forgiveness.

Just as electric shocks are used by a doctor to revive a dying heart, similarly, inspiration is used by a
well-wisher to revive dying hope.

A story remains alive through centuries when its message remains relevant to modern times.

When good times end, time for responsibility begins.

When you marry skills, success is born. But when you marry good attitudes, gratitude is born. A
successful person looks for limelight. A grateful person looks for the person who pushed him into

Just like the smallest seeds may contain the biggest trees, the smallest truths contain the greatest

Trying to generate an idea is like trying to generate rain. Catch it when it comes.

Eagerness feeds hope like air feeds fire.

The desire to burn others with your anger makes you forget to peep into the mirror. Before your
anger burns others, it has burnt your tolerance.
The spirit of love doesn’t exist in a grave but in a lively heart. The spirit of language doesn’t exist in
words but in an enlivened heart.

An insecure heart measures hate levels in others. A secure heart takes measures to increase love in

Spirituality is a balance between resisting temptations and savouring nourishment.

Fear is the black hole into which clear thinking disappears.

Decoding another’s password is easier than decoding another’s intention.

In a competition, only one survives. However, all supporting parties survive, if they cooperate with
each other.

Parenting is about feeding the right example.

Impressing the mind is a public affair and winning hearts is a private affair.

Innocence adds beauty to strength.

Cooperation is the gift that followers give to reciprocate with a leader’s vision.

On the face of helplessness, sometimes, a mask of haughtiness is worn.

Often, wisdom gets kicked into our life through an experience.

Both wrong action and inaction are by-products of ignorance. Only auspicious action is the by-
product of knowledge.

Just like pressure applied from two directions results in a finely ground powder, contradictions
created by two independently thoughtful personalities result in finely grounded learning.

Embarrassment is the fee you pay for playing mental games with a stronger mind.

Relationships struggle to survive when squashed under the mountain of pride.

The intelligent make a complete fool of themselves when they underestimate the intelligence of
those who appear like complete fools.

Arrogance is the weakness of the strong and simplicity is the strength of the weak.

Clouds of mercy hover over rain of tears.

Show magic is for temporary entertainment of the heart. Real magic is for the permanent
transformation of the heart.

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