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Preface Less is more. I learned this during my studies of art and as soon I had made ​my mantra.) This
introduction 21 concept refines

the art of the Kunlun Nei Gong 27 appreciation of my ability & so that more time

Warm-up for viewing the level 1 29 passed, the more I was still more deeply touched by poetry

Kunlun Nei Gong Level 1 31 and the power of simple things. Because I understood that at the heart

Kunlun Nei Gong Level 2 37 the same simplicity lies truth, the essence of an expression:

Kunlun Nei Gong Level 3 45 the source.

surrender 47

The Five Elements: the Jong of Maoshan 51 In the end, I applied this concept of less,

Hong's first posture 55 is more to myself, because I knew that if I wanted to

The Five Elements 59 understand the essence of my being, I needed a solid point

First element: wood / liver 61 reference from which I could understand everything. well

Second element: fire / heart 61 Naturally, I was not sure how to do it, but I

Third element: earth / spleen 62 but I thought if I continued my efforts sincerely, and that I was shown

Fourth element metal / lungs 62 a genuine consideration for all that crossed my path, I would eventually reach my goal.

Fifth element water / kidney 62

The hands of travelers Maoshan 65 Affubte of the birth of a skeptical mind and an aversion

The secret of the Golden Flower of Maoshan 69 own rhetoric to a religion of my family, I felt

Red Sun opening the heart 73 attracted by the philosophical concepts of the East. I confided in

Sexual energy and practice Kunlun Nei Gong 75 Many systems: tai chi, hatha yoga and kundalini yoga,

Browse the Summits of the Kunlun Mountains Zen Buddhism, hypnosis, astrology and tarot, as well

Culture has two, the valley orgasm "Taoist 79 some crazy new age methods.

tests 85
87 7
other materials presented at the seminar 89

I acknowledge that I have found some truths and some aspects

beneficial in these approaches, but outside of Zen Buddhism,
I did not find the poetry of simplicity. there was always
things and more and more things that
served to confuse rather than to further inform those
practicing these methods.
Zen Buddhism certainly has a simplicity
wonderful, but the timescale to go before we get
results seemed too long. After a
time, It was more like a punishment than a
spiritual practice leading to enlightenment. I wanted some
something quicker. Students learn or different styles of martial arts, and
the secret method of a monastery, called the Kunlun
For studying the kundalini yoga, I knew you can spontaneous. Having never heard of this method, the Student
raise the kundalini, I liked the idea that there are sources of asked further. Lama Dorje described a practice that
Hidden power in my body that it is possible to unlock, Student A point and the ecstatic energy of the magnetic potential
then use to open the various energy centers. practitioner as it can shake as a result of a crisis, be
As effective as it was, even kundalini yoga ranged taken into hysterical laughter, crying, speaking in tongues, or be
over a long period of 33 years, before coming to a mastery magnetically attracted to a fence, tree or pole,
one year for each vertebra. I wanted something faster. the point of not being able to detach. He stated that this
simple method was all that was needed for
there was something truly mystical home, open centers of energy and attain enlightenment (or
with turquoise eyes sharp eyes, and his calm rE-illumination, as he likes to say).
and pleasant. to see his clothes and hat outback style,
one would have thought it came straight out of Australia. I did not know 9

or not he came from, but it was clear he was not in Taos,

New Mexico. The owner of the center told me Obviously. he had piqued my curiosity, but when also
that Dorje was an incredible healer had been raised in added thast an hour of this method is equivalent to one hundred years of
a monastery and had traveled around the world to master various spiritual methods other practices, I decided attend without hesitation, the next
the course.

The first course proved very impressive: a big challenge.

When I was introduced to him, I held out my hand for a Upon arrival the group had already adopted a posture to Nei
classic greeting, and was surprised to see me shake the very Gong. soon imitated others, copying the position of the arms and
warmly in both of his. He plunged his deep the legs of people around me and we maintained
in mine eyes, smiling. I felt that I this position for nearly forty-five minutes. the legs
Through saw, my soul to discern. He maintained his trembling and cramping, no one was more relieved than me
Embrace a little longer than I was used to, when he made ​a sign to stop.
as I withdrew it before it would have dropped. the second
after, I felt a little hypocritical and superficial not to Then the students went over to their individual Kung Fu Postures.
have been able to feel such a kindness. It's just that I was amazed to see that each person
I had never experienced anything comparable to the feelings learned a different technique, and my surprise turned into
raised by this look. It was like he already knew me and admiration when one student told me that Lama Dorje
could know all he wanted about me. is a practicing high five types esoteric Kung Fu and
could teach hundreds of postures.
Another of the students sat down and yoga center Then the other students and I were asked to
began to ask questions about Lama Dorje what he did. Being sit and watch the band perform a task ahead
curious myself, I immediately started to listen. Lama Dorje Kunlun posture spontaneous standing. I was all excited.
mentioned a course he taught in a nearby park, I thought of nothing else since I was at the yoga center. Finally,
I see people get stuck against the fence and up, rubbed his belly a few moments, folded his palms
trees ", I thought to myself, mother. up to the navel, and then sat down and rest. he cleary had
a breakthrough.
An air of mystery spread throughout the park, while
Students adopt the closing posture. Almost immediately, Lama Dorje standing, hands raised and vibrant, direct
torsos are twisting and people began to smile. Within movements of these "ecstatic" students as a kind of
about a minute, some students began to magnetic conductor. Any direction his hands took,
tremble. This earthquake was accompanied by laughter and sometimes a the student chose inexplicably to follow, even those who
delusional gibberish: I understood that I saw people "speaking in had their eyes closed or who stood six feet behind him
languages ​".

(obviously ignoring what he was doing), is found to go

After a few minutes, students were literally front, rear or side, depending on the direction that their printed
inhabited by the vibrant energy that seemed to have a the movement of his hands.
own will and leadership. The original posture His demonstration of control to the funniest and most
disappeared, and each followed its own course. some students impressive, Lama Dorje to fit in "magnetically attaching" a
began to walk, to run, spin on themselves; Students who did not expect it to stream, fifty yards
made several leaps, as if a puppeteer had further. The student in question was left to jump in
invisible controlled. desired direction to the stream, where it continued to rebound
What he was surprised!
One of those students who skipped my attention time came for students to "close". They did
was John who, without his knowledge, was done by drawing the short wire saying to himself mentally to slow down and putting their hand
of tennis. - Here we go - I said, laughing, looking left to the right, palms pressed against his stomach, just
swings backwards despite himself, ending up against the fence. below the navel (see page 33). This completes the level 1 training.
Several times he tried to break away,
Again to be caught by the metal grid. It was a show My first time
of the strangest and most amusing. The student in question
seemed to find it rather funny himself, smiling and laughing, while After students had advanced returned to normal,
the mesh inevitably brought him back after each of they were asked to show us to Kunlun, to he new people.
his vain attempts to move away. I was both a little nervous and very excited to see what would
happen to me. Sasha, the most advanced student in the class, would be my
first instructor. He began by making me take the posture
Finally, after a Herculean effort on his part to be knees bent (so that I could not see my toes)
released, he was brought back so violently that his feet were tailbone and chin slightly back to right spinal column
torn from the ground and crashed on the tailbone. The fence held, , shoulders and chest relaxed. He put the
and there was no escaping it. hands in the correct position and ordered me to remain so, and
After recovering, the student is at high magnetic charge wait for the feeling of ecstasy to activate.
exactly the mental approach suited to this practice:
1. Note that if Dorje Lama has great devotion to his students, he has having an empty mind.
a bad sense of humor but he is not afraid to use it,
"Never forget to smile," he repeated in order to not only prevent 13

anyone to take his sense of humor seriously, but also because it opens the crown chakra at
one day, after practicing the standing postures for an hour and
top of the head.
half, we went to a session

12 Kunlun standing. I felt particularly invigorated, after

have commanded my body to stay right so long as
I felt very charged at the time of starting the Kunlun,
I waited, but no immediate result,
Still, I expected nothing special about this session
manifested, I initiated the movement myself, in the hope
(since I had spent almost six weeks with little
to awaken what others had done so easliy. While I
or no results), but I still took part with enthusiasm
moved, rotated and I was swinging, I focused on
the sensations in my spine and my belly. As
I took position, closed my eyes and began to spin the
not much happened (I found out later that my concentration
size (as if I had an imaginary hula-hoop). Then Lama
and my intense anticipation, impeded the facilitation of the process, including
Dorje came to me I felt he was doing something in front
were serious obstacle), I continued to move and,
me. Curious, I opened my eyes a second and saw him in the process of
After ten minutes, I felt as if my arms rise
raise his hands trembling agitated from my navel
I had balloons attached to the wrists. It's weird,
up to my throat. Suddenly I felt my legs tremble, then
so I just observed, and let them do their thing. after
my whole body began to bounce. I performed one, two, three jumps
about thirty minutes, we were ordered to close.
then left in the air back. I made about two meters
The course was over and it was time to go home.
fifty before landing on my back in the snow. At the time of
hitting the ground, I felt an intense wave ecstatic me go
my breakthrough
throughout the body. It was so nice that I lay there, laughing and
still laughing. This is the kind of laughter that can give an orgasm
After several weeks of training, both standing
really strong. My whole body was buzzing with a slight feeling
and seated, I still had little results. It was a bit frustrating
tingling that I found wonderful!
all I had seen other students opened the dice
the beginning. It was women in the group, which seemed to see results
laying there laughing, my perspective began to change suddenly and
quickly, while men needed
world suddenly seemed to me completely absurd. the concept
more time. It is a yin method, and we were too yang.
of our existence, with all the dramas we create
and we participate constantly appeared to me perfectly
Having finally expressed my frustration to Lama Dorje, he
ridiculous. It was clear that in the end none of this was
explained that the key to success is to let go of the mind
important. I now realize that at that moment, I understood
and expectations, and to slide into the sensation,
what is called the "Great Cosmic Joke" and being me
somehow, as it was busy. The kind of observation
seemed hilarious. The laugh came from the depths of my soul and I
objective that I made when my arms stood up, was
let it break free.
I know we can not compare the discovery of the Kunlun
Since that first breakthrough, I really enjoyed this book with personal instruction from real
training. At times, when I practiced in lotus position Master that can give you the energy transmission, but
, rising energy ecstatic with such intensity that I it is nevertheless a good start.
could not move. I found myself trapped in a column
ecstasy, eyes rolling and mouth wide open. The energy I wish you every success to successfully release your
flowed to the top of my head and found it stuck, energy!
because my crown center was not open yet, and it
therefore had nowhere to escape. Finally, as soon as I
consciously went down in my heart, it could Chris Tittle
free it self and radiate outward to a distance Dec-03
approximately six meters. It was intense.

My life has changed so much in the positive, since starting

this method it is difficult to remember how it A little history
was before. It helped me get rid of old blocks.
emotional energy that I never knew I had.
My heart is softer, my organs have eliminated a lifetime The Kunlun spontaneous comes from a lineage founded by a Taoist
toxins, and it is rare that I am sick. I always feel Hermit in the Kunlun Mountains, here about 1700 years time of
fit and a state of bliss with me throughout Jin Dynasty in China (265 AD. J-C).
the day. The Kunlun Shan is a mountain range north of
the Himalayas, north-west of Tibet, now part of your
The best part of Kunlun is that your students so China's Sichuan province, is the mountain range
vibration you vibrate higher than most people most sacred Taoist mythology. Covered with numerous temples,
around you. It's great because not only other it is still an enclave of Taoist immortals.
perceive this higher vibration, but they also get better, It is said that the founder of Taoism, Lao Tse, Yin Xi have left,
because they were lifted up. You can see that people are more the Guardian of the Pass, the famous Tao Te Ching, his final testament
attracted to you as if you had become a beacon in and his legacy, before retiring in the Kunlun Mountains "in
a world of darkness. the West. "
Specialized in this line to Nei Gong (development
I like practicing Kunlun sitting at night before power inside) to practice the net dan (alchemy
bedtime. i've found that it relieves all the stress and energy internal). Some of the favorite techniques of this line
accumulated during the day. It's like include the chi gong and Nei Gong.
a reset . As if all that does is
not your true nature inborn, glorious, vibrant, beautiful and
harmonic is rejected by this simple exercise. You come out According to the Taoist tradition, the "Celestial Masters" immortal
light, happy, happy and focused, very aware of your nature from another world would have come in the Kunlun Mountains
here 6000 years, bringing with them the secrets of the universe. these
"beings have lived among humans and have taught 18

the secrets of life, as Buddhas and immortels.

of illumination. I beg you, reveal me the secrets of awakening
17 so, that I am free from the endless cycle of rebirth and suffering. "

It is said that this art has been revealed for the first time these words, Lau Kung beat its powerful wings, and in a
third century BC. J-C. the story is about a beautiful girl, flash of lightning and thunder, sent the young
simple nature, bowing to the traditional tan (the altar). She was 16, with jet-black hair and fair
girl in the blackest darkness. Uncertain of where she was
skin, and was
and unable to see in this dark room, she was submerged
timid. She traveled throughout the chain
into fear. Suddenly a voice thundered outside the darkness,
Kunlun in search of enlightenment.
"Practice what you find engraved on the walls of this ancient
After much searching,
cave, as these are the means and methods to achieve
she felt frustrated because the methods she had
what you want. Practice is open to all that the Tao
found were very difficult and required long hours of
offer you and your reward is great indeed. "With that, the
torches lit, illuminating the walls.
One day, the girl knelt facing west, towards
the ancient Taoist Cave of the Demons with her hands infront of the
She awoke the next morning in her room, delighted at what
heart, in the shape of the palm of the Buddha. Then she took his
had just taken place. With tears of joy and gratitude, she
hand-posture invoking the Buddha-mind, it's called
expressed her gratitude for the gift she had received. She
depths of his heart, repeating it several times, "Tin Lau Choy Gung
began the practice of this new art and managed to quickly access
Chung Lau. "She says, "gives me a dream! Be large
her own inner mystery.
thunder and lightning, grant me a method of illumination,
so that I can see at the bottom of my dream world. "
After which she bowed humbly before the altar of his
I have traveled the world in search of thread to the common
twelve mystery schools of Earth. I met great
That night, while she slept, she had a strange dream. a
Tibetan lamas, masters and Taoist traditions
celestial being blue-skinned, sharp eyes, strong body
many others who have shown me incredible things. the
and wings, had suddenly appeared in front of her. It was
form Kunlun Nei Gong has proved to be the most
Lau Kung, the god of thunder and lightning. With one hand he held
incredible of all.
a spear, the other a large hammer. "Who from my
heavenly temple calls? "Asked he, creating an arc of
This old method was never taught outside of
Bright lightning striking the hammer and the spear against each
monasteries. Nothing has been written about it so far, and it
the other.
varies, depending on teachers who
provides the information. Traditionally, this knowledge was
The girl looked up frightened angry face,
virtually impossible to find, as among the old masters,
Master Kung Lau, I am looking for a new method
there were many who preferred to take it to the after life with them,
the precious pearls of knowledge to share with fragments of our being to the complete essence of all that
those they considered unworthy to receive them. by chance is and all that will ever exist. It is the expression of
for all of us, other teachers freely share all these discovery of God in itself, an absolute simplicity. this method
secrets, so as this art will not disappear. suitable for all people, regardless of gender,
age or belief system.
I promised not to reveal these teachings until the time is right.
Those who have taught me I would say that the time had come. 22

As I say my close friends,

"The East must now go to the West and the West must This art is for those who want an "direct experience"
learn from the East " it allows the microcosm (inner world) to unite
the macrocosm (the universe outside). The union of these two worlds
21 promotes activation of the body of ecstasy and, through this body of ecstasy,
or body of the dragon, the re-illumination becomes accessible to Ordinary man.
This method is part of a core teaching with other methods.
there are variations in some of the oldest schools When we realize this great potential, and a golden nectar
Mystery of the Earth. Sufis, the whirling dervishes and fills us up to saturation. This energy (the soft
Mo'o (followers of the path of the dragon, Hawaii) had all elixir of immortality) listens to the column and the vertebrate
variants of this sacred science. In Africa, the Dogon third eye, the soma inside us dripping in
would fill the body of the power of "Na-Um," the power of the throat, providing us with levels of satisfaction even higher.
Snake flamboyant. In this state of ecstasy, to the heart is open and we take
awareness of the fundamental nature of reality. we
The clans which I was affiliated during most of strong sense of being connected to the essence of life. It also experiences
are all part of my life in various forms, the clan of the snake: the for all living beings a compassion like that of
Shang-Ching Taoist magic and the snake, the Ngakpas bodhisattvas, and the "great mystery" is revealed. it does not
the old order of Tantric Tibetan and Mongolian lamas of require "faith".
monastery of Black Kahn.
The regular practice of the first level of Kunlun will purify
if you have ever seen Tibetan tanka representative whole body, as the seventy-two miles nerves
wrathful deities that seem to dance, or engravings of women called nadis, will be cleaned and aligned by heat psychic
dancing on one leg, or other postures of ecstatic thus generated. Therefore, these nerves can then manage
dance, all these characters have been exposed to a form currents much stronger, which is important, since as
"fundamental or other method that you are about you progress through this practice, the more intense it will get.
to learn." Within your tiny strands of DNA is the true essence
who you are and what you can potentially become.
The form Kunlun Nei Gong is rare. It is a There it is asleep, waiting to be awakened by a powerful
very powerful, yet simple. It gets rid of everything magnetic pulsation of bioenergy. The practice of Kunlun
which is extraneous. This is the simplification of the self and all provides precisely this powerful magnetic pulse.
in it. The Kunlun helps us to reconnect parts,
23 and energy pulse from a pole of the body or the other,
generating the heat of ecstatic enlightenment. The greater the
When one's magnetized. One's being will be in a state of ecstasy, the DNA accumulated charge, the more intense the ecstasy.
unravel, thereby allowing the RNA to be accessible. So when we
are in ecstasy, a new magnetic encoding occurs,
so to speak. At the end of training, the DNA This ecstasy can not fully manifest itself if we
unwinds and ensures that the program now affects are still in the state yin / yang polarity, that is to say, if
newly formed cells. We find ourselves to live what we continue to inhale and exhale. If you study the
we call a "cascade cell." Indian and Tibetan methods of respiratory control,
designed to attain enlightenment, you will see a general illustration
When you open at the genetic level, you influence representative body with three lines that go from the top
your organs, their structure and alignment, then you influence to head up to the area below the navel. These are the three
also your mind and your energy. these changes main energy channels. The center channel, called sushumna,
are initially subtle, and you can perceive in you, runs through the center of the body, while the channels of the sun and
but gradually they occur also outside the moon run along each side of the spine.
the body.

With the Kunlun, one can absorb up to ten times When we inhale and exhale, the channels of the sun and
more bodily energy than a normal person. moon are enabled. It is a state of polarity. At the first level of
An ordinary individual patient, who was operating a bio-energy Kunlun, respiration decreases more and more and eventually cease,
minimum, is like a car you would like to start with as the channel of the sun and moon are collapsing. when
a nine-volt battery: it does not work. With its excess this happens, the center channel activates and opens to a pure reality
chi, a practitioner of Kunlun has more than enough for himself magnetic. To an outside observer, it looks like
and for those who lack it. This method of awakening has helped a near-death experience (NDE), that the person lives in
many people suffering from various ailments. In fact, No doubt a sublime ecstasy. There is no risk
After a while, most people who practice to die in this state, and normal breathing resumes
very rarely fall ill. after a certain time. Remember that there is no
"Half measures" in this direction.

The Kunlun is a magnetic potential that is created between the sky If, after a minimum of two weeks of practice, because
and earth, the sky being the head, and the land area of the navel, the an hour a day, you decide you really want
what we call the lower cinnabar field. master this art unique, I highly recommend
Active latent ecstasy occurs by doing a polarized field which is created not to practice other methods of dealing with energy
between these two opposite poles. When the load reaches polar flow of chi (subtle energy that flows within you and around
a critical magnetic potential, we lose this potential "you). The reason is simple: the Nei Gong fits your body

24 25
certain frequencies or magnetic impulses specific reach an ecstatic consciousness in a few trials only.
found in nature. The different styles of chi gong or Stick to relaxing fully. let go of the
Nei Gong circulate energy in different directions mind and perceive the subtle rhythm of your body
and at different frequencies. When you mix the and let the body find its own motion.
frequency that you have already established, another one would not
be in harmony with it, a harmonic or third If you're the type that tries to intellectualize everything, you
frequency is created which can be extremely harmful to your may need a few more sessions before the Spontaneous movement
health. The "blood-kung" (Energy disease) resulting is activated. Be patient with yourself,
sometimes in being untreatable from any medical treatment. it will happen sooner or later. If you are conscious of
certain movements, such as lifting the arms,
My sponsor in Wudang watching Western practitioners this is not the right way to practice.
various methods and said, "knowledge of many
systems, master of none. "What he meant is that 27

West we are always looking for novelty,

rarely taking time to fully understand the essence of Adopt the mindset of a child when you practice this
only one approach. This is why I stress the importance of practicing method:
this method soley. You will not regret it will make you happier and more interested in your
have dropped everything you were doing before. proper awakening. The act of smiling, cultivating a childlike attitude
opens your crown (the crown) and allow the chi
to flow both up and down. If you frown the
With levels of ecstasy reached quickly and without eyebrows, if the crown is closed you have a headache.
danger that other practitioners will take years to
to achieve. As my mentor, "An hour of our It is important not to rush in trying to skip
practice is equivalent to one hundred years of another system. "In my steps. Each level builds on the previous for
experience to date, I saw it to be true. a profound effect.
The use of alcohol or drugs before or during
26 training is very dangerous. Given the potential
The art of Kunlun Nei Gong magnetic method, it is wise to stay clear and
a good frame of mind when traveling this path to
there are three levels in the practice of Kunlun. among wakefulness.
who learn this art, some stop after level one, Find a natural place to train, be it a park,
because they are satisfied with the moments of ecstasy that they experience from a forest or garden, if appropriate. You should be free
time to time. there is no requirement to complete all three levels. from distractions and the curious who might disturb your practice.
You will find the level that suits you best.
When entering your sacred space training,
At level one, it is nothing to seek or to hold on to, if in nature, do this stretch hands to open
you give up your mind to experiences that occur, the trees around you, and ask them internally
observing what is happening without trying to control it, you permission to enter this sacred place. It may seem
fun, but the fact is that these plant beings were around before you. Kunlun Nei Gong: Level 1
So is it fair to ask their permission.
one day you will understand this way of reasoning.
For level one, you will need:
28 a coat or rug on which you sit. This can be a
sheepskin or suede. If you can not
Visualization warm up for level 1 a rubber yoga mat will do.
a training seat. Use a stool or a small
wooden bench with no back or armrests. You must adjust the
Before starting the Kunlun level one, it is important height so that your hips are found slightly
to observe the following, to avoid blocking energy higher than your knees when you sit on the edge of the stool.
or dispersion of chi. It is a requirement that provides • comfortable clothes. Ideally, a cotton dress shirt,
certain security guarantees to those who do not perform their with long sleeves, because they retain any
practice properly, then put it realism. excess energy that might escape from the surface of
your skin.

To start, sit down away from bright light, because Note: Never wash the dress shirt you wear during the
this source is a distraction for people. practice, because it keeps the charge, like a battery. you
Make yourself comfortable, relax or remove clothing can also be used you if ever you feel sick
if the clothes are too tight that could bother you. one time or another.

1. Go to your place of training: a place of

Visualize yourself floating on a white lotus in the middle of a cloudless sky. calm and of natural beauty, where you will not be disturbed.
You have the sky around you, and below NEVER let anyone see what you do. This is your
above it. Your skin is a silky white and immaculate, as enlightenment, not theirs. to those of my students who live at
the lotus flower. home with other people who would not understand,
I suggest putting a note on the door saying they are training
and do not want to be disturbed. Otherwise, someone can
Free yourself of all that is negative, smile and visualize yourself touch you in the middle of your practice, which can
in a state of divine purity, this state of being which is hidden cause a shock to their system.
deep within you. Continue this visualization for as long
as you like. Make it as real as possible. 2. Put your skin / fur on the floor, and your wooden stool on
When finished, erase that image gradually top. Which direction you look face doesn't
of your mind. not matter.

29 3. Sit down and remove your shoes and socks.

4. Keep your knees the same width as your

shoulders, thighs parallel to the floor. Sit on the edge of When you access level one, it is possible that it
your stool may seem odd. You can feel that
What that gets you moving from outside, when in fact what you
5. Of your hands, adopt the posture of one-who-is-holding a-ball perceive it is the magnetic energy currents flowing
(Figure 1.1): the right hand top, at throat level, invisibly around you.
facing downwards, the left hand at the navel, palm
facing up. Both of your palms are aligned
the central axis of the body. The elbows should be slightly apart. Also remember that you can stop at any
Use a minimum of energy to maintain this posture. time. You control everything. If you start to
This is when you are relaxed you are most likely move very quickly and want to put an end to it. Repeat to yourself
activate the fire of ecstasy. Simply the order "Slow". As a word of caution, I must warn
6. To turn on the current, raise your heels, so can be very unhealthy, because if you stop suddenly the movement,
that only the toes and ball of the foot touch the ground you stop to flow of chi. Also,
(Figure 1.2). Lean slightly forward from the waist. never get up during training, because you could
vanish, and do not drink water either, only later, once
7. After ten minutes, if you don't sense any movement your pulse and breathing are back to normal.
undulate your waist slightly.

The closing process

The body will eventually start moving. Your legs will
tremble like a you are nervous and your knees begin to go After an hour of Kunlun, you can estimate it
up and down almost automatically. Heat is time to stop. Here is the proper procedure to do this without
one of the first things you will notice, but danger (Figure 1.3)
disappear quickly (as soon as your body begins to cleanse).
arms can stir, you can speak in tongues, adopt
spontaneous postures of yoga, laugh and 1. Start slow. Do not rush. take
receive an ecstatic sensation that rises from the stomach. your time. Repeat yourself mentally the command "Slow down."
This means that you access the latent resources of your
brain, it also means that the magnetic Potential of the sky (the 2. Let your heels touch the ground again, open your eyes and
region of the head) united with the earth (the lower centers of the spine). focus on your outdoor environment.
32 3. Clamp your hands on the navel, left over right,
palms facing the navel, and focus your breathing
It is important to sit back and allow these movements there.
and sensations to occur in you, without interuptions.
4. Stay still sitting a few minutes. Do not lie down,
because it is at this point that things can occur. if
something is triggered, there is no resistance. what 6. Your head can change shape slightly. the crown
happens, let the process take its course. may have a peak or a big bump. Pus yellow or
For 1 hour you need so sit for 20 minutes for the closing procedure orange, or drops of blood may suppurate. It means
that the crown was open, as happens also with
Level 1 events Tibetan Method "P'owa." It looks like the fontanelle
(the soft part of the skull of a baby) when it is open.

The most important moment, is the twenty minutes 7. Speaking in tongues: it is a universal language specific to those
after the end of a level. This is where events reaching the state of Samadhi. In India, it is a sign of holiness
occur. You must remember that these are just This is the result of the union of the mind than the lower mind.
side effects, not the ultimate goal, do not get attached to this as this
would only prevent you from achieving higher levels of 8. See balls of light or other manifestations of
wisdom. light. It is the accumulation of nervous energy in your body
in the form of balls of multicolored lights, perfumes
Your energy can awaken at any time when you or smoke.
practice level 1. The physical signs are:
9. Ability to heal others through touch, or remotely
1. Heat ecstatic physical and trembling (typically
what happens first). 10. Development of Internal vision: we manage to see the field
around the magnetic body, as well as physical blockages.
2. The back arches and the head is thrown back. As a result, 35
the mouth opens wide. We believe that this posture is
similar to that of a woman in orgasmic ecstasy. for
men who practice it, it just means that you Note You should not show others
contacted inside your wife, your or your Dakini the results you get with this practice. You would not want to waste that
inner feminine essence. precious energy that you would
otherwise cherish.
3. Your pulse and breathing stop, as if you
were dead, but you smile.
34 This concludes the first of three sections on our Nei Gong
4. Heat waves rising from the ecstatic to the stomach of Kunlun. Indulge in this practice once a day during
head, accompanied by a sensation of sunburn on the top six months, before turning to the second section.
of the head (crown).

5. Tingling sensation or itching under the Remember, this six-month period is a precaution,
skin. This happens when you have sufficient chi to break because it is the time it takes for nerves to be able to
resistance of the skin. manage a stronger current.

Kunlun Nei Gong: Level 2 light, the mind clear and anchored at all points of view.
Men who squandered their potential by releasing their energy
feel fairly well, but perhaps somewhat heavy
During these six months, your experience probably varied or killed unfortunately, their change was only
alternating moments of sublime and somewhat real part, but they can still catch up by doing
moments of ecstasy and bliss. there may have also been time abstinence for 100 days.
where you had no movement, only a feeling
of vacuum.
Now continue on this path to self discovery.
At this stage, if we observe, we no longer feel we are
Some of you have certainly gone through an intense same person who started this practice here six
mental and physical purification, in places both months ago. Your Secret Square, or point Ni Wan, may have opened
known and unknown to you. No doubt you also the center of your head, unless other events
noticed that your resistance to disease was significantly do not be made ​known.
increased over the past six months.
It now comes the test of patience. This is the
One pleasant side effect is that a level level of self awakening latent capacity where the practitioner
maximizes the capacity for healing and health of the practitioner, through may prove to be.
with the constant increase of the heat. It makes you sweat,
You fill in a heat almost always misty,
douse, but when you are aware of his presence. There is an inner reality, hidden, you do not
yet discovered. It waits, sleeping, listening to the frequency
magnetic will say to get out of deep sleep.
At level two, men can expel their seed It was always there. In men, the wife inside
(ejaculation) once a month, but they can engage in asleep, the Dakini. And in women is married within the
inspiration upward (in-ejaculation), taught at the level one, as Daka.
they wish. Men who kept celibacy during the
100 days retained their ching-chi, and see
their sexual energy is stronger than before and that they Level two allows us to discover our spouse
feel stronger, because the amount of ching-chi spared inside. We nourish the body of Dragon of Ecstasy, by fusion to
corresponds to the level of ecstasy they reach. they will feel energy of male and female polarities. Is to mix
internal fire and water, better known under the name of union
Kan and Li, or fusion of yin and yang. This level requires the
sweetness of heart and mind, and patience, as you are going
2. See explanation on page 32 a level to be higher.
touch the midpoint between the shoulder and neck.

38 6. Take the elbow at an angle of about forty-five degrees.

Then rotate to the right, from the waist.
The majority of educated people I have not completed this
level, lack of patience. But among some people curiosity
takes over and they resume practice what they 7. Bend the knees slightly, inhale once
can see for themselves What a big secret it is. then exhale completely. You are now ready.

Sequence Level 2 Kunlun Nei Gong 8. Make two-thirds of an inspiration. As you inhale, bring
your shoulders to the center, whipping the air arm to the other
coastline. Keep the arm and wrist straight, parallel to the ground. lock
This is the second level. You must do this following your knees and contract the anus (to prevent the chemical from leaking
level one. Do not pause between the two, otherwise the legs). Hold your breath. (Figure 2.2)
you will lose the magnetic potential required for this second part.

9. Fix your gaze intently on the fingers of your hand

1. Relax slowly to the end of level one, keep your sword and you can concentrate on the fingertips, not beyond.
active magnetic potential, but do not force in any way. If you need to breathe, you can take a small
breath, but do not expire.

2. Keep the eyes half closed and get up slowly from your 10. Before reaching the point where your body lacks air
stool. Let your movements be light, so that the pressure return to the starting position by bending your arm at the
of the chi remains stable. elbow, reaching an angle of ninety degrees,
the upper arm always right on the side, when your arm
3. Each of your hands should take the posture of the fingers of the sword, reaches this angle, begin to exhale slowly through your nose,
index and middle fingers outstretched, ring and little finger tucked under the thumb. eyes still fixed stir fingertips.

4. Put your right hand against your lower 11. Bend your knees, relax the anus and return to the point
spine (the joints of the fingers touching the spine), at starting, the fingers touching the midpoint between the shoulder and neck
the curvature of the kidneys. This point of the kidneys is called keeping the elbow at an angle of forty-five degrees, and
ming-men or Door of Life. (Figure 2.1) pivot the waist in the same direction.


5. With the left hand, pass the chest and point towards
the opposite shoulder. That the "sword fingers" You must do this exercise on each side of the body, the same
number of times. No matter which side you start with. for 41

explanation purposes, we began

above the left side. We must strive to achieve the best we
and the key are able to achieve this is to have patience
to bear the situation, especially when you get to the numbers
repetitions of the most important. Great treasures await
When you have finished the prescribed number of repetitions, those arriving at the end of level two.
Sit on the stool again and close your
training as with level 1: hand on your stomach, the left
over the right. Then sit quietly for twenty You will find that through the art of holding smooth,
minutes. (Figure 2.3) organs and cells of your body get rid
cellular toxins and deep emotions deeply
rooted. In the meantime, hazy ecstasy reached levels
Do this practice (level one then level two) for six even more intense. It is both more subtle and profound.
more months. You will also find that sudden movements that
You took in a do not occur as
before, because your nervous system WENT refined and open, the chi
Below, the sequence of monthly training for flows more easily, without blockages. It's a good sign.
Level Two:
If you can do the following, the effects of this
purification will become more visible:
Month Number of repetitions (each side) First, try to drink three and a half liters of water per
1 6 twenty-four hours. Add the juice of a lemon. This helps the body
2 12 to more readily absorb water, while alkalizing the body,
3 18 This allows toxins to drain more efficiently. then
4 24 take a hot bath (as hot as you bear) during
5 36 one hour each evening. Take your everyday stock of water with
6 36 (maximum possible) and drink as many as you can during your bath.

Bath provides a pleasant moment of relaxation at the end

When they start on level two, many students of a long day, and helps to cleanse magnetic dirt
complain that they are difficult and unable to remember the we may have unwittingly absorbed in contact with others.
timing of their breathing. If you do, do not worry. So once home, leave the work behind you, turn off the
This is a normal reaction to this new practice. I say phone, light a candle and incense, slip into
also to my students if they manage to do this. your bath, and let yourself go.
All will become possible.
Do this every day it becomes a habit. thus,
You'll be glad to go home, especially in preparation new level of training.
Tantric practices described below. So be level one, level two more, the higher
Three: do not give up now, you've already done the hard part
43 and survived the great impatience that accompanies the standard two.

The final level of this method brings us back to earth, Level three, meditating on the cascade:
so to speak. It takes us from the potential magnetic 1. After completing level two, sit on the floor,
we have gained a normal electrical polarity, with a on your fur / skin (at this level, you do not need
inversion of our own magnetic field. Instead our sensations to keep your energy). Adopt the posture of
field moves to the head, by the middle of the body, as in lotus or half lotus. If you can not do it, sit
levels one and two, in three energy ranges from the head worm just comfortably on a pillow, so that
coccyx, causing a cooling effect. By cooling the your hips are higher than your knees.
ecstatic fire rising through the water that goes down, we introduce
a state of purity in the heart of the body. Put your hands on knees, palms facing
up. The your left thumb touches the tip of the middle finger of the left hand
Level 3 Kunlun Nei Gong and right thumb touches the tip of the ring finger of the
right hand, creating a circuit. (Figure 3.1)
The final level of this method brings us back to earth,
so to speak. It takes us from the potential magnetic 45

we have gained a normal electrical polarity, with a

inversion of our own magnetic field. Instead our 3. Here meditation: imagine you are sitting on a
field moves toward the head, through the middle of the body, as in smooth rock in the middle of a pond. Observe the light reflection
levels one and two, in three energy goes the head to on the wrinkles of water. Think of it as if it were real. the pond
coccyx, causing a cooling effect. By cooling the is surrounded by a forest of high mountains whose tops
ecstatic fire rising due to the water which descends, we introduce stormed the sky clear blue. The trees of green
a state of purity in the heart of the body the forest oscillate back and forth under the wind. all
bathed in golden light, but you do not feel
Level three is a meditation that is practiced in a heat, as you do not see either the sun, which is
year. This is done after performing successively two behind you. Above the top of the mountains before you,
levels, one after another. In other words, it is your down a large waterfall blue. It flows into the pond,
new level of training. at some distance from you. as the water crashes into
So be level one, level two more, the higher the pond, see and feel the cool mist and light around you
Three: do not give up now, you've already done the hard on all sides, swirling around you.
and survived the great impatience that comes with the standard two.
4. With this in mind, raise the palms of both hands,
Level three is a meditation that is practiced in a your eyes following the movement of your arms. As you inhale, imagine that you are
year. This is done after performing successively two penetrating the haze in the top of your
levels, one after another. In other words, it is your head through an opening three inches in diameter. (Figures 3.2 - 3.3)
5. When you begin to perspire, the steam When one surrenders, it often gets the impression falling
fresh water flows through your whole body, into your through the air. What I find those who allow this process
legs before going out into the water. as it descends be done is that they end up being "caught up" by my higher self then
in you, lower your palms, fingers pointing toward each blends in with the general spirit of divine light.
the other, until the abdomen. Repeat this cycle for one hour.
(Figure 3.4) in this state of surender, it is now possible to break free
illusions of its mental / emotional, so they are
6. When you have completed level three, close like replaced by a light trance. Most of us can
level one. (Figure 3.5) Keep exactly the same perceive these illusory energy blockages in the form
meditation, every time you do level three. tension in the chest, back, joints, head and
internal organs. The Kunlun automatically releases
46 in these tensions, if allowed to do. The practitioner can help to process
breathing deeply in areas where he sees these tensions.
Surrender This is where things get difficult, and it
where most people fail on the way. That is because
The key to getting the benefit of the practice of hide inside these blocks all the things we run away;
Kunlun is whether to abandon his own divine flow. it everything we refuses to see about yourself.
may sound simple, but it is actually one of the states most
hard to reach, because the outside world requires us Only the bravest spirits continue. individuals
we control our lives in many ways. absolutely determined to clear the way, whatever the
Efforts to control everything, from its appearance to the way we ugliness and pain of their obstacles. They face their fears
eat, to what they say, what we think, and so and injuries in an objective state of abandonment, and their
on. Consider the idea of ​surrender is almost contrary to our prize is rapid evolution.
instincts. However, if we want the mind, body and spirit
found a state of divine harmony, it is necessary that The method of the Red Sun, in this book, put your fears
we are defeating the creations of the ego, all these illusions to the test faster than any other.
mentally we have created throughout our lives. These are
restrictive behavior, characterized by tension and All kinds of people come to our seminars
disharmony, which eventually become the causes of disease and Kunlun. One of the most informative experiments is to
of suffering. watch a very intellectual, or linear mindset,
sitting next to a woman of middle class, for example
When we can give the mind control that
We imposed our nature of infinite wisdom, we 48
can finally drive out clouds of confusion that we
to prevent the flow of our experience, divine higher still Nine times out of ten, you first sit there, waiting
present and always available. for something, analyzing the least of its sensations
47 and watching any other become active around him. these people
spend all their time in the head and they are extremely frustrated, Maoshan Taoism, Hawaii. My sifu taught
wondering why nothing happens to them. Sometimes it lasts yang tai chi and dao ga. The numbers of basic requirements
all weekend, even after several attempts to encourage included learning "jong" or standing postures.
to change the method of feeling.
In the Taoist practice, the five elements are very effective
Meanwhile, our mother, who has little or no systems to balance the body and the mind and emotions.
all expectations, surrenders completely to the practice I recommend it to practice every morning before
opening and saw a massive energy, reaching a high chi gong, tai chi or martial arts, or simply to
level of practice; ironic, but perhaps poetic in you strengthen the physical plane.
some way.
The i-jong is a basic standing position, which is used in
Our ego has its place, but some people commit Maoshan traditions and Kunlun. It is practice prior other
the mistake of thinking that they stand out from others. One of the cases methods such as the Five Elements. Most people
Worst is the ego of "teacher." Teachers sometimes end up referring to it as number one jong, or post-posture.
by believing they already know everything they need to know. Since the postures are simple, many people think
When they hear of something like the Kunlun, it pique their they are only for beginners. After a time
curiosity and want to know more. When they come to they prefer to focus on the forms and ignore postures,
training, most of the time they find it difficult, However, many great masters
because they fail to "empty their cup ' interiors have spent their entire lives practicing primarily this posture.
of accumulated knowledge and leave their own higher wisdom to take It is a simple, but a precious treasure for those who have mastered it.
Kunlun seriously.

We can consider the Kunlun as the Universal Mind. The Taoists say that you can practice forms,
as it activates the production of little and findings but they are useless without inner power, conversely,
the (ego) is highlighted and seen for what it is. without form, we could not use the inner power gained.
These are personal findings that may be operating in ourselves
but separately from the higher mind - present The postures has many benefits. For example,
but not really necessary for vision. they are if you look, I'm sure one side of your body is
like the waves of the ocean. more developed than the other, whether you are right or left handed.
When the ocean is calm, no waves. Just balancing postures on both sides of the body.
compels the one who practices to relax
49 the muscles and the deeper structures of the body. They also have
the effect of making the body heavy, focusing the chi in the lower tan tien
The five elements:
of the Jong Maoshan What I like particularly is that it allows
the practitioner to learn patience,
I worked for thirty years under the direction of the branch sifu while helping to restore harmony between body and mind.
I remember when I learned this method, my sifu made ​me stand still
until a puddle of sweat formed under me. If you have a physical weakness, you can
It was hard because my mind did not want to use this sit on a chair, feet flat on the floor.
method, but it allowed me to develop a powerful energy in the body
I suggest you work on each element for a short period,
One can take this standing at any time in the order listed.
and as much as you want. I suggest starting with short periods Start with seven minutes each, then add a few more minutes each month
from 7 to 10 minutes to start with, then gradually increase. until you reach the length that you set.
It is also a great way to anchor the head in the body.

In the Taoist practice, it is taught that each organ of the body is

connected to a certain emotion and also that each finger is related At the first level, breathing is natural.
with an aspect of the mind and an element of nature. This means breathing through your nose, so relaxed.
Your breath is flowing normally.
52 Do not stop breathing and do not hold your breath at the end of inspiration.
Exhale at the same speed and same amount that you have inspired.
The most important aspect of balancing the body is Joining the inspiration and expiration in a steady stream is what we call
"A breath."
the concept of Kan and Li, the fire element is the heart and kidneys of the water element.
Maoshan in the industry of ours,
It is very important to smile, because it relieves the weight
it preserves the balance by focusing on the breath in all three Tan Tien.
burden on the organs and emotions, you will feel
lighter in body, mind and spirit. Imagine the face of a
Metal and earth elements are important
Tibetan sculpture of a Buddha, and you will understand what is the
for self-realization, and used in the mudras of hands
appropriate smile
practices of the Red Phoenix and meditation of the Golden Flower of Maoshan.

So, let's start.

At first, we do not practice locking Hui-yin (anal).
Later, when you reach a certain level of efficiency,
First, the rules:
you add the lock-hui yin and respiration reversed.
Do not eat anything heavy before or after the standing posture of the Five Elements.
Light fruit like bananas
Foundations are important. I always say,
(one or two) are suitable: It is good to have a little something
"For a tree grows, it is necessary that its roots are well planted in the ground."
in the stomach to maintain blood glucose levels.
This applies fully to the practice of the Five elements.
It is also important to hydrate the body.

Wear something light and comfortable, so
not feel any tension on the body. Find a quiet place
I-Jong's first posture
where to practice and put some music if you wish.
We begin with a preliminary posture is called I-jong.
This is to preparatory posture that serves to focus your self in the lower tan tien. The method is simple. After raising your energy with the
During this practice, focus all your feelings and thoughts at this point Kunlun level one, each of the three tan like is connected,
(just below the navel), so that the outside world ceases to exist. from lowest to highest. This is called the opening of the three golden flowers.

This is called also the "method of three"

It is important that you find a calm and peaceful place, and wear clothes that are not tight.
arousal and purification of tan like.

Stand with legs apart to shoulder width.

When we opened, and then connects all the three tan like,
Bend the knees slightly, so that you no longer see your toes.
This is called the meeting of the three flowers on top.
Then, spread a slightly your knees to the outside.
This is known as Kua. You will probably feel a little tension on the thighs.
Begin by sitting naturally on a chair, the
back against the back and chest slightly concave.
Then, slightly lift the tailbone. This will clear the curvature of the kidneys.
Your feet should be flat on the ground. The chin is slightly
To be sure of the correct position,
turned inward to open and stretch the base of the skull. hand,
you can lean back against a wall and then retract the tailbone.
Again, without tension.
If you are unable to slide the hand over between the curvature of the kidneys and the wall,
then you are in the right position.
Breathe through your nose, never through the mouth.

Round the chest, so that it is slightly concave, Above all, remember to smile and keep a light heart

like a dragon. This will avoid any tension in the chest and back. (as in all our methods of Kunlun).

Move the chin slightly down and back.

Then, push the top of the head (abi hui) to the sky, and relax it. On the hands, attach the end of this major thumb.
In the Buddhist tradition, this means that the thumb,

The Secret of the Golden Flower or the earth element (the body), joins the major
(the metal element and chi). This is called quan yin hand.

It is another rare practice of Maoshan in the province

of Kwangsi, China. Legends tell of whole armies Now for the fun part. You form the mudra with

who would have died for this secret, because it is one of each of your hands, then you put your palms together in front

most advanced forms of Taoist alchemy. It consists each other and you join hands. It looks like two rabbits

methods of external and internal. kiss! Made touching the tips of your index.

The method uses the three house like dantian, or energy centers, Then paste the back of your middle fingers flat against each other. If you

as alchemical mixture. do it properly, it forms a pyramid structure.

The other fingers glide against each other,

In the method Maoshan, we use the chi ching or one above the other. Refer to the photo to see the

(sexual essence), yi (intention) and chi (breath). correct position. (Figure 7.1)

Superior Alchemy uses methods such as compression & heat,

cool & form, and crystallize the ching-chi. These methods will You are: you have passed the mudra of the Golden Flower of Maoshan.

discussed later.
Sitting, put your hands in this mudra at your tan tien the invisible world or the largest share came from their
lower. Direct it outward, the index pointing esoteric knowledge. Whoever was using the practiced
front, Stretch your hands until your wrists are straight this meditation to understand the hidden aspects of Taoism
Your hands should be nearly the distance of the forearm, the Maoshan on both magic and thunder magic snake.
before you at your navel. Hold this posture Peat this method is to sit on a chair,
keeping the mind blank. Concentrate on the space visually legs crossed, or, if you want, when you sleep
lying down to 45 degrees, about three meters, then close your eyes. The most important detail of this type of meditation is to
able to reach a mental state between wakefulness and
After a time that suits you, raise your hands until the second tan tien. sleep. Breathe through your nose. The eyelids are
Keep your hands in the same position and put them in the amount of space between the be closed to two-thirds, look slightly above the
nose, and not fixed at its end.
This time, the eye is pointed straight ahead, eyes still closed.
Keep your mind empty.
If you prefer to use a chair, sit down and
free yourself of any physical tension.
Then, as your hands reach up to the third tan tien,
Make sure the lighting of the piece is very mild or completely black, if you wish.
called Yin Tang or nihuan. This time, the index pointing to the sky.
The feet are flat on the ground. The hands are outstretched in front
The area of the thumbs lightly touch the space between eyebrows.
you, separated shoulder width. The elbows are inclined
Be sure to keep your wrists aligned with your forearms. it seems, with this posture,
at an angle of forty-five degrees.
that raises the tip of the pyramid.
Moreover, this method is the same in the stripped Egyptian Anubis.

When hands are on the upper tan tien,

Bend your fingers and form a fist, but let
it is possible that you may prove a golden eye, disc-shaped, or a
the fingertips touch the palm. Then, stretch
eye with a flash burst. If you see this,
the little finger. The tip of the thumb lightly touches your second
bend the first joint of the major away from the other.
phalanx of the index. (Figure 6)
It will look like a heavenly that opens and winks.
Do this only when the light reveals himself to you. (Figure 7.2)
Now, just sit and let it go.

If you wish, you can combine this practice with

You can do a level of energy to activate the Kunlun
a level of Kunlun. Once you are comfortable with
of ecstasy in the region of the second tan tien (chest).
the energy of the Kunlun, you can quickly reach this level.
As soon as she turns, make sure it remains very light. smile and
This can be exciting, if somewhat scary for those who
fix your mind on the tip of your ear. That's it.
are not accustomed to the methods of the past.
You have nothing else to do. Then, when you are in a state
half-awake, half asleep, it will happen.
The hands of travelers Maoshan

If you prefer the method of sleep, the same positioning

This method of spiritual journey was used by ancient
hands and eyes, and even breathing, apply.
Taoist school of Maoshan to travel spiritually
However, you will be lying on his back, head and shoulders
raised by cushions. Cross your feet or legs. Once you have gathered the energy to
The right hand is placed over the heart area, the palm facing the body. achieve "critical mass"
The right starts at the navel, palm always against you. it will follow the canals ascending to the centers of the sleepy head where it will activate the Ni
Mental concentration is the same as your base for your method.
also known as the Secret Square, located at the center of the brain.
If you are the kind of man that is not the discipline to abstinence,
When hands are activated,
or has a partner who does not understand this requirement, you should practice one Taoist
you may experience one or other of the following effects: noise from wind technique,
behind you, the feeling of being lifted from your body and simple and old, which is called "locking the door of Hui Yin and draw vertical orgasmic. "
head, astral projection, the feeling of having body shaking
& on both sides, while the body is detached from the energy 76
physical body, a great cumbersome physical.
it is also common to travel in real time, high in the sky, looking The light color is a refinement of white: both are good
down to earth without a sound. sign, proof that the 100 days were a success. The red and
You can also move on diamond grid. that looks like a brown is not a good sign you should consult
cobweb shining, floating in darkness, or an herbalist or acupuncturist for treatment.
travel through a nebula of gas, such as those
in space. The Kunlun Nei Gong increases the amount of ching-chi which is
produced in the brain. In general, when the white seed
Again, this is a complimentary training. turns clear, it dries and is absorbed directly by the mechanical brain, from the testicles,
It is not mandatory. so that nuclear material can help the parties sleeping brain has to wake up
In itself, the Kunlun you will reach your réillumination.
Other methods presented in this book are for those who want to continue their exploration of
themselves. if you have had a vasectomy, you should nevertheless
perform blocking chi and updraft,
67 so that the magnetic poteniel either consciously directed upwards.

The most powerful energy, in the human body, is women do not need to practice retention, due to their nature yin.
glandular secretion of the sexual organs: the sperm in men, like water, women have an unlimited amount of gasoline and have not,
and the egg in women. If we could harness this source need to worry about these things
unused energy of inner
to refine and move it up into the sleeping brain centers, we could all I have found that women
send to awaken us.
who will experience a level probably the most wonderful forms of ecstatic enlightenment,
both alone or with a partner.
For men, the first practice is this: during
the first 100 days when you do the Kunlun level one,
it is recommended to practice abstinence. This will help you
Many women have asked me if he could
purify and concentrate your essence,
practice this method in a group. My answer is yes, in the
so that you can use to strengthen Ecstasy Rising.
extent that the personnel who practice it are in search of
same thing and same result. Moreover, I will suggest to by Max Christensen
women to create a circle of Kunlun which meets once a
week to practice together this kind of orgasmic This method as given to me by a hung-moon teacher in Taos, New Mexico.
Sit in a chair, feet flat with your fist closed on top of your thighs.
When this group is powerful enough, and will invite Sit for a moment until the mind is empty and relaxed. Imagine,
individual men. With this accumulation of energy in the middle dantien (about three finger widths below the navel). area, a small, golf ball sized
ball of glowing matter.
women, women could help the man who will be there
This matter looks like a hot coal from a fire. It glows and it has hot vapor around it.
discover his own feminine nature. For one man, it
See it as very real within the center of your chest.
can be very difficult.

Now inhale through your nose gently, enough so that you can hold your breath in a neutral
78 state (about 2/3 of capacity).
After the inhalation, swallow hard with a gulping sound, tuck your chin, but keep the spine and
neck aligned.
Browse Summits Kunlun Mountains
culture to two,
Slightly tighten the anus, so energy doesn’t leak, now hold the breath neutrally.
valley orgasm "Taoist
You will feel like your air will dissipate quickly, so if this happens inhale tiny amount of air, to
get the neutral feeling. If you over-inflated, blow some air out.
I call this method "Browse Summits Mountains As you are running out of air, relax.
Kunlun ". This is a practice that sends waves of ecstasy You will begin to feel this implosive, shrinking feeling as your lungs convulse for air.
up and down along the spinal column, which are becoming more and more intense. The energy will begin to ping-pong up and down in your chest.

How about, as a practitioner, to experience

Relax more and with your mind, see the coal getting brighter and brighter, hotter and hotter,
domestic merger with another human being? And if it was the same
so when you feel you can’t hold it anymore, say to yourself, melt, melt, see the heat melt the
whether a man with a woman, a man with a body.
man or a woman with a woman? you can It may feel like you are going to die, but you won’t.
experience a form of cosmic bliss that requires two If you can hang in this state and keep melting more and more each time the (death) feeling
or years of apprenticeship, or postures difficult to make, and hits,

resulting orgasmic experience can last up to three you may feel like you are going to transition over into another energetic form.

hours or more. If you do it right, an orgasmic hiccup and a surge of intense bliss arises.
After this, exhale slowly through the mouth and repeat twice more,

To practice this form, you must be capable of producing but only inhale once between sets or youll lose the effect.

ecstasy in your own body, otherwise the result will be This opens the deepest part of the emotions,

an ordinary level of sexual arousal. Interestingly, so be prepared and do not do this more than twice a month……carefully.

when you practice with a partner, there is no contact See if you can break the barrier.

sex. You keep your clothes, by practicing this type of Tantra


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