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BIOL 110 Lab Development Project Assignment Template

Directions: Select a grade-level standard that fits your student demographic. Then, develop a lab that
supports student learning regarding that standard. Be sure to define your expectations of student and
teacher responsibilities clearly. Use the following template to construct your activity. ONLY SUBMIT A

Lab Topic:
What is the title of your lab? The title can provide students with the variables they are using in the lab.
Standards Addressed in this Lesson: Record your selected standard in the following space.
Learning Goals for this Lesson
Students will know Students will be able to
 List what students are expected to  List what students will be able to do (these
understand from this lab (this information performance tasks are measurable actions,
can be found in the Disciplinary Core Ideas NGSS resources outline grade-level
(DCI) section of the standards) you will have expectations). Again, these expectations may
to define what parts of the DCI you are not be fully practiced throughout a lab, be
teaching in this lesson, in your own words. specific when defining your goals for student
Lesson Essential Question: (What is the question I expect my students to answer following the lab?)
(EX: “How do we model the spread of disease moving through a city, suburb, or rural countryside?”)
When you develop your essential question, be sure to start it with a higher-level questioning word (how or
why). These questions cannot be answered simply with a term. Follow the questioning word with your
performance expectation, which you can gather from your selected standard. Then, provide the criteria
which you are qualifying your performance task (the lens your students will focus on the activity through).
Activating Strategy:
Activating strategies are meant to introduce students to a topic or practice. You can look up different types
of activating strategies, but you must tailor the strategy to your activity. Your description should be
detailed, and the roles for students and teachers should be clear.
Essential vocabulary (What terms should students know before completing the activity?)
List the terms in this section.
Lab Activity and Assessment:
Provide the instructions to the activity here. Your description should be detailed. The role of students and
teachers must be clear. A person should be able to follow these directions and replicate your activity in a
classroom setting. Your idea should be original, aligned to the standards, and on grade-level for your
student demographic.
Your assessment for the lab should be based on your lesson goals. Students should be able to complete the
goal following the lab, consider developing a task that allows the students to demonstrate what they know.
Include how you will measure student success when grading. Examples of assessments are available online
if you need additional support.
Summarizing Strategy:
The summarizing strategy will tie the previous sections together to further student understanding. This
strategy can be like the activating strategy; lists of these strategies are available online. Again, you must
tailor the strategy to fit your goals for the activity.
Name: _______________________________________

BIOL 110 Lab Development Project Assignment

Lab Topic:

Standards Addressed in this Lesson:

Learning Goals for this Lesson

Students will know Students will be able to
 

Lesson Essential Question: (What is the question I expect my students to answer following the lab?)

Activating Strategy:

Essential vocabulary (What terms should students know before completing the activity?)

Lab Activity and Assessment:

Summarizing Strategy:

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