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Since Iwas a child, I have always been very devoted to the subject

of justice_ My grandparents participated in the Civil Rights Movement of

the l960's and have passed down a message through our family
equality is not given, it is worked for. Through their example, I have
striven to always succeed academically,knowing that Iwanted to become
someone who stood up for others. There are fundamental rights tha
every citizen in America is entitled to,and I want to ensure that these
rights cannot be taken away I want to attend law school because Iam
determined to become a Civil Rights
lawyer that defends the birthrights of Americans.

There is injustice everywhere, and it has been highly ingrained into

the minds of young children.As a volunteer in 1ny college's Aspiration
program,I worked with inner-city students to encourage them to stay in
school. They told me stories about how the police would
selectively search
them, sometimes without a warrant They did not have access to
lawyers, and sometimes didn't even have the knowledge of what their
actualright s were_ When I become a lawyer, I am determined to remedy
this situation. There is no equality for all when one portion of the
population is not being respected for the citizens they are.

Law school will give me the tools I need to become a

successfulcivil rights lawyer. It will train me in the logical devices and
methods I will need to know in order to navigate the tricky maze of
civil rights litigations, while respect ng the rights of alI citizens. I will
also gain the insight of highly respected experts in the field,and get to
interact with talented classmates. I hope to hone my knowledge of
individual rights and my ability to fight for them, because they willhelp
me achieve my goals of becoming a world-class

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