TVL-SMAW 12 - Week 6 - Lesson 2 - Welding Techniques and Procedure

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Week 6, Lesson 2

Capsulized Self - Learning
Empowerment Toolkit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City
Capsulized Self - Learning Empowerment Toolkit


TOPIC Welding Techniques and Procedure

LEARNING 1.4 Conduct visual inspection on the finished CODE

COMPETENCY weldment in accordance with welding standards.

LEARNING 1. Identify the different welding techniques

OBJECTIVES 2. Describe each welding techniques using

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the learner’s activity and
assessment sheets provided separately.

Arc welding is the process of joining two metal workpieces together using a flux covered
electrode which is melted in an electric arc and becomes a fused part of the pieces being welded. Arc
welding requires time, effort and patience to master as the weld rod position is very delicate to the
position of the workpiece. The following picture below shows the different techniques in welding.

PROGRESSION (vertical)
• Up -deeper penetration -Higher
deposit rate (Ib/hr)- Use near 90
degree travel angle or sligthtly up
• Down -faster (point to point)- less
penetration for thin metal- less
grag angle.

Horizontal Fillet/Groove- stringer (small weave may be used in tight place) Bead Placement-botton to top
Vertical Fillet/Groove-weave (or whip but not straight stringer) Root pass 6010 whip, Root pass 7018 straight or
weave (open closed)

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Overhead- Same as horizontal for Fillets, 6010
open root whip for flat face and keyhole control-OH Butt
Joint can be stringres or weaves. Dimensions -
Reinforcement-ASME flush 1/16 AWS 1/8 discuss
keyholeing, metallic backing, nonmetallic backing,
partial penetration, root opening, root faces, tacking
grinding,fast fresze, and fill freeze. Fill-as many as
needed 1/8 per pass flat overload 3/16 vertical, Cover-
flush 1/16 past edge.

Open Root Technique

• Use root opening to allow increase in amperage for smoother welding.
• Whip backwards for penetration.
• Whip forwards to reduce penetration.
• Do not Weave a root pass.
• Maintain a short arc gap. Stay slightly in front of the puddle at all times. Use the keyhol ing
Butt Joint Preperation (With Backing) Roots faces -0 45deg. Included angle.
• Remove all mill scales and rust, Tacking-not in groove Tack away from coupon area.
• Flush on backing.
Welding groove with Backing
• kee the root opening wide, Make the root pass in one bead,
• Avoid tight areas at the weld toes.
• Stagger all starts and stops or use run -on,run-off tabs.
• Feather all restart and start on top, or start in front and remelt.
• Don’t restart in a coupon area. Also stagger all beads on a single pass.
• Use a longer arc length when starting a weld. Compare interpass grinding Technique vs.
techniques for no interpass grinding.
Work angle ( transverse angle) middle of joint direct
heat between side may need to direct more on heavy
• Fill crater by reversing direction at the weld end. plate.Electorde Travel Angle Drag angle increases
• Use a short arc length to control heat. Penetration Increases crown height. Push angle give
shallo penetration, and f lattens the weld surf ace.
Electrode (Arc) Placement Current take the path of
least resistance. Theref ore, the arc, and the resulting
weld, will go where the electrode end is closest to,
ELECTRODE IS POINTING. Arc Length Longer arc
length-= increased puddle heat, f latter welds, deeper
penetration. Shorter arc length =less puddle heat,
f latter welds, less penetration. Use arc length to
control puddle size, penetration, and burn through.
Normal arc length is 1/6’’ -1/8”.. Use a slightly longer
during a start or restart.

Helpful Tips . Clean your welding Hood lens. Drape the cable over your shoulder or knee. Get comfortable.
Watch the puddle, not the arc. Concentrate on steady travel speed and arc length.
SAQ-1: What is welding techniques?
SAQ-2: Why do you think it is necessary to have a welding technique?

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Let’s Practice!

(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets)

Directions: Answer the following question below. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided.

1. How can you improve your welding skills?

Key Points

❖ Welding techniques involves both self-develop and acquired skills through constant practice.
❖ Welding techniques is practice and develop through applications and processes.
❖ There is no such definite welding techniques for an effective welder.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets)
Assessment 1

Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Write capital letter “T” if you think the statement is
“TRUE” and capital letter “F” if you think the statement is “FALSE”. Write your answer on the answer
sheet provided.
__1. Arc Length Longer arc length-= increased puddle heat, flatter welds, deeper penetration.
__2. Electorde Travel Angle Drag angle increases Penetration Increases crown height. Push
angle give shallo penetration , and flattens the weld surface.
__3. Welding groove with Backing-kee the root opening wide, Make the root pass in one bead,
Avoid tight areas at the weld toes.
__4. Electrode (Arc) Placement Current take the path of least resistance. Therefore, the arc,
and the resulting weld, will go where the electrode end is closest to.
__5. Use arc length to control puddle size, penetration, and burn through.

Assessment 2

Directions: Answer/give what is/are being asked. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided.
1. What welding technique is considered as common?
2. Why do you think welding is considered as “difficult skill” to learn?
3. Identify and describe at least one (1) welding technique

• Estioca, Romel B. 2013. Competency-Based Learning Material (CBLM) for

Shielded Metal Arc Welding
This learning resource contains copyrighted materials. The use of which has not
been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making this resource in our
efforts to provide printed and e-copy leaning resources available for the learners in
DISCLAIMER reference to the continuity plan of this division in this time of pandemic.
This LR is produced and distributed locally without profit and will be used for
educational purposes only. No malicious infringement is intended by the writer. Credits
and respect to the original creator/ owner of the materials found in this learning resource.

Written by:
Romel B. Estioca
Teacher I
Arena Blanco National High School
4 |P age
Learner’s Activity and Assessment
SAQ 1: What is welding techniques?
What is Digestion?
SAQ 2: Why do you think it is necessary to have a welding technique?
What is Digestion?

Let’s Practice!

Directions: Answer the following question below. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided.
1. How can you improve your welding skills?

Let’s see how much have you learned today!

Assessment 1
Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Write capital letter “T” if you think the statement is “TRUE”
and capital letter “F” if you think the statement is “FALSE”. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided.

____1. ____2. ____3. ____4. ____5.

Assessment 2
Directions: Answer/give what is/are being asked. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided.
1. What welding technique is considered as common?

2. Why do you think welding is considered as “difficult skill” to learn?

3. Identify and describe at least one (1) welding techniques

5 |P age
Topic: Welding Techniques and Procedure
Learning Competency: 1.4 Conduct visual inspection on the finished weldment in accordance with
welding standards

Let’s Practice
W How can I improve may welding skills. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided.

• Putting to practice any of these tips is likely to improve the quality and durability of your
• Clean, clean, clean,
• Get a great Ground
• Keep your stick out shorty
• Use both Hands
• Listen to your welder
• Keep the arc up Front
• Match drive Rolls
• Push or Pull

Assessment 1:

Assessment 2:

Question #1 Answer: Stick/shielded Metal arc welding (SMAW)-Stick for many years has been the
most popular method for most home-shop welding. This process uses an electric current flowing
from a gap between the metal and the arc-welding electrode.

Question #2 Answer: Moderately to very hard, depending upon the person. You can’t learn it f rom
the books or video’s: its definite a “hands-on” skill, not only from a skill standpoint, but welding
takes it toll on the human body. It will damage your eyesight; it can damage your skin.

Question #3 Answer:
Open Root Technique
• Use root opening to allow increase in amperage for smoother welding.
• Whip backwards for penetration.
• Whip forwards to reduce penetration.
• Do not Weave a root pass.
• Maintain a short arc gap. Stay slightly in front of the puddle at all times. Use the keyhol ing

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Zamboanga City



Learning Area: TVL-IA Shielded Metal-Arc Welding Grade Level: 12

Title: Welding Techniques and Procedure
Quarter: 1
Week: 6
Learning Competency: Conduct visual inspection on the finished weldment in accordance with welding


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Evaluator/s: ROMMEL H. GUADALUPE ________________________

NOMER P. DE LOS REYES ________________________

JAMES B. DE LOS REYES ________________________

Date accomplished: July 30, 2020

This tool is anchored on the Guidelines in ADM Content Evaluation, Guidelines in ADM
Layout Evaluation and Level 2 DepEd Evaluation Rating Sheet for 2 DepEd Evaluation Ra ting
Sheet for Story Books and Big Books.

9 |P age
Summary of Content Findings, Corrections and Review for Locally Developed CapSLET

Title of the CapSLET: Welding Techniques and Procedure Grade Level: 12

Week: 6
Part of the Brief Specific Put a check mark
CapSLET/ description recommendations
Paragraph / of Errors/ for improving the
Line / Page Findings/ identified
number (in Observations criterion
chronological Implemented

Legend: (Type of Error) C - Content, L – Language, DL – Design and Layout

Other Findings: Write additional comments and recommendations not captured in the evaluation tools used.
Prepared by: Date accomplished:
(Signature Over Printed Name)

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