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MODULE 1: INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY What are the goals of Psychology?

Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder) 1. Describe Behavior – the different ways

in which organisms behave.
> Individuals with autism are characterized
by having very few activities and interests, > Psychologists describe that autism is
spending long periods repeating the same marked by impairments in communication
behaviors (hand flapping), or following the and social interaction and restricted,
same rituals. Signs of autism usually appear repetitive patterns of behaviors and interests
when a child is 2 or 3 years old
2. Explain the cause of behavior – the
> especially abnormal or impaired causes of behavior.
development in social interactions, such as
> Psychologists explain that autism is a
hiding to avoid people, not making eye
genetic disorder (e.g. gene involved in the
contact, and not wanting to be touched.
release of oxytocin or the bond hormone);
> marked by difficulties in communicating, maybe associated with neurons’ inability to
such as grave problems in developing connect properly or an enlarged amygdala
spoken language or in initiating
3. Predict – how organisms will react in
certain situations
> Children with autism are characterized by
> Psychologists predict that children with
having very few interests, spending long
autism may have difficulty learning in a
periods repeating the same behaviors, or
regular classroom because of overwhelming
following the same rituals
sensory input; difficulty adapting to change
> Signs of autism appear when a child is two and communicating
or three years old. Example: Donna
4. Control modify or improve behavior.
(+) help patients/clients better
Savant Syndrome – is a rare, but
regulate/manage or effectively deal with
extraordinary, condition in which persons
their behavior
with serious mental disabilities, including
ASD, have some ‘island of genius’ which (-) possibility of unconscious or undue
stands in marked, incongruous contrast to influence
overall handicap
> Psychologists control or modify the
Test Anxiety – refers to a combination of behaviors of children with autism using a
physiological, emotional, and cognitive variety of techniques (such as rewarding
components good behaviors to increase their likelihood
to occur again)
> Stress of taking exams interferes with
one’s concentration, planning, and academic Identify and discuss the different
performance historical approaches in understanding
the mind.
What is Psychology?
> Structuralism by Wilhelm Wundt
PSYCHOLOGY is the systematic,
scientific study of behaviors and mental > Functionalism by William James
> Gestalt Max Wertheimer
BEHAVIOR AND MENTAL > Behaviorism by John B. Watson
Behaviors – observable actions or responses
Mental Processes – not directly observable;
refer to a wide range of complex mental
processes, such as thinking, imagining,
studying, and dreaming
PSYCHOLOGY IS NO COMMON How did Psychology Begin?
Structuralism: Elements of the Mind
Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) – founded the >Emphasized the objective, scientific
first psychology laboratory in 1879 – located analysis of observable behaviors
in Leipzig, Germany
> “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-
> Father of psychology formed, and my own specified world to
bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take
> Studied the most basic elements, primarily
any one at random and train him to become
sensations and perceptions that make up our
any type of specialist I might select—doctor,
conscious mental experiences
lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even
Edward B. Titchener (1832-1920) – beggar-man and thief, regardless of his
student of Wundt who brought the talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities,
structuralist movement to America vocations, and race of his ancestors.”

Introspection – is a method of exploring > John Watson; 1913, “Psychology as a

conscious mental processes by asking Behaviorist Views It”
subjects to look inward and report their
> Psychology should be considered an
objective, experimental science
Functionalism: Function of the Mind
> Goal: the analysis of observable behaviors
Functionalism – Studies the function rather and the prediction and control of those
than the structure of consciousness, and is behaviors
interested in how our minds adapt to our
Cultural Diversity: Early Discrimination
changing environment
> James-Lange Theory of Emotion
Karen Horney – Psychoanalytic social
William James (1842 – 1910) – authored
The Principles of Psychology which was
published in 1890 > Society and culture (not biology) are
responsible for the differences between men
>Father of American psychology
and women
>Studied the function rather than the
Mary Whiton Calkins (1863 – 1930) – was
structure of consciousness; was interested in
barred from entering graduate school simply
how our minds adapt to our changing
because she was a woman
> 14th APA President (1905)
Gestalt: Sensations vs Perceptions
> Established a laboratory in psychology at
Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler, and
Wellesley College in 1891 where she was a
Kurt Koffka – In 1912, Wertheimer,
faculty member
Kohler, and Koffka reported that they had
created the perception of movement by > Completed all requirements for a PhD at
briefly flashing one light and then, a short Harvard but wasn’t granted the degree
time late, a second light because of her sex
> Phi Phenomenon/apparent motion Margaret Floy Washburn – first woman to
earn a doctorate degree in American
> Emphasized that perception is more than
Psychology (1894)
the sum of its parts and studied how
sensations are assembled into meaningful > 1921 APA President
perceptual experiences
In 1970, 20% of PhD graduates were
Gestalt: The whole is greater or different women, and by 2005, that number had
than the sum of its parts. increased to 70%
Behaviorism: Observable Behaviors Still, women earn less than male
psychologists, and fewer women are
John B. Watson (1878 – 1958) – rejected
editors of psychology journals
structuralism and introspection
> Argued for a psychology that is focused
on what is observable MINORITIES IN PSYCHOLOGY
Francis Cecil Sumner – First African > Cognitive Neuroscience – Involves
American to receive a PhD in psychology at taking pictures and identifying structures
Clark University and functions of the living brain during
performance of a variety of mental or
> Father of Black Psychology
cognitive processes, such as thinking,
Inez Prosser – was the first African planning, naming, and recognizing objects
American woman to receive a PhD in
> Study of the physical workings of the
psychology (from the University of
brain and nervous system when engaged in
Cincinnati in 1933). She taught in black
memory, thinking, and other cognitive
colleges and helped minority students obtain
financial aid to attend college
> Example: Cognitive Component of Test
> 8:3,767 Black to White doctorate degree
ratio (between 1920 and 1966)
> By 1996, 168 PhDs were awarded to
African Americans, 183 to Hispanics, 23 > Studies how organisms learn behaviors or
to Native Americans, 131 to Asians, and modify existing ones, depending on whether
2,939 to Whites events in their environments reward or
punish these behaviors
Kenneth and Mamie Clark – Appeared as
expert witnesses in Briggs vs Elliot (1952) > Social Cognitive Approach
> Studied children and their attitudes 1. SELF-MANAGEMENT AND TEST
towards race (black and white doll) ANXIETY Select a place that you
use exclusively for study
George Sanchez (a Latino) – Pioneered
research on the cultural bias of intelligence 2. Reward yourself for studying
tests given to minority students
3. Keep a record of your study time
> Sanchez showed that intelligence tests
4. Establish priorities among projects
contained many questions that were biased
against minorities, resulting in lower scores 5. Specify a time for each task
Virgilio Enriquez – “Doc E”; “Ver” 6. Complete one task before going on
to another
> Father of Filipino Psychology
> Self-Efficacy – Believing in the power
Ulric Neisser – Father of Cognitive
that you can (Managing Test Anxiety)
Sigmund Freud – Father of Pyschoanalysis
> Influence of childhood experiences,
Petrarch – Father of Humanism
unconscious fears, desires, and motivation
MODERN APPROACHES on thoughts, behaviors, and the development
of personality traits and psychological
problems later in life
> Focuses on how our genes, hormones, and
> Example: Sigmund Freud
nervous system interact with our
environments to influence learning, 5. HUMANISTIC APPROACH
personality, memory, motivation, emotions,
> Emphasizes that each individual has great
and coping techniques.
freedom in directing his or her future, a
> Examples: ASD in the Brain. Twin larger capacity for personal growth, a
Studies, Biology of Test Anxiety considerable amount of intrinsic worth, and
enormous potential for self-fulfillment
> Believes that though we may struggle to
> Examines how we process, store, and use
reach our potential, we are in control of our
information and how this information
fate and destiny and are free to become
influences what we attend to, perceive,
whatever we are capable of being
learn, remember, believe, and feel
> Examines the influence of cultural and 1. Clinical psychologists – have a PhD,
ethnic similarities and differences on the PsyD, or EdD, they are trained diagnosing
psychological and social functioning of a and treating a wide range of abnormal
culture’s members behaviors.
Test Anxiety Across Cultures: > Help people with psychological disorders
adjust to the demands of life. People’s
> INDIA - Heightened test anxiety due to
problems may range from anxiety and
cultural emphasis on academic achievement,
depression to sexual dysfunction to loss of
parental and social pressures to excel, and
the stressful, competitive nature of exams
> Evaluate problems through interviews and
> US - Lower test anxiety, in part because
psychological tests – these are subsumed
parents are less involved with their
under the process of psychological
children’s school-work and they promote
independence and personal responsibility
> Comprise the largest subgroup of
2. Psychiatrists – are medical doctors
> Studies how evolutionary ideas, such as (MDs) who have spent several years in
adaptation and natural selection, explain clinical training, which includes diagnosing
human behaviors and mental processes possible physical and neurological causes of
abnormal behaviors and treating these
> Studies how evolutionary ideas, such as behaviors, often with prescription drugs.
adaptation and natural selection, explain
human behaviors and mental processes > Are medical doctors who specialize in the
study and treatment of psychological
8. ECLECTIC APPROACH disorders. They can prescribe medication
> Using a combination/integration of and other biological treatment for people
different approaches to study the same with psychological disorders

> Structuralism – died because of > 4 years Pre-Med studies – BA or BS

subjectivism > 4 years Medical School – 3 years
> Functionalism – is still being used by now classroom setting, 1 year in hospital setting

HOW TO BECOME A > 1 year Post Grad Internship – This is

PSYCHOLOGIST IN THE required for you to be able to take the board
PHILIPPINES exam for Medicine

> 4 years undergraduate – BA or BS > Average of 4 months review and board

exam – Apply and review for, then take and
> RPm (optional) – Apply and review for, pass the Physician Licensure examination
then take and pass the Psychometrician
Licensure Examination > 3-5 years Residency – With psychiatry as
your area of specialization
> 3 to 5 yrs graduate school – MA or MS
> 3-5 years Fellowship or Sub
> RPsy – Apply and review for, then take specialization – e.g. community psychiatry,
and pass the Psychologist Licensure child psychiatry, addiction psychiatry, etc.
3. Counseling psychologists – provide
> Apply for Specialty Certification many of the same services as clinical
through PAP – e.g. clinical psychology, psychologists, but usually work with
counseling psychology, industrial different problems, such as those involving
psychology, etc. marriage, family, or career counseling.
> 3-5 yrs Post-Graduate School (optional) > Also use interviews and psychological
– PhD/PsyD. tests to assess their clients’ problems
> Commonly deal with patients struggling > Also guide clients toward healthier
with academic or vocational decisions behavior patterns
4. School psychologists – Employed by 11. Forensic psychologists – Works with
school systems to identify and assist the criminal justice agencies to apply
students who have problems that interfere psychological expertise to activities related
with learning to crime
> They help schools make decisions about 12. Sports psychologists – Use
the placement of students in special classes psychological knowledge and skills to
address optimal performance and well-being
> Educational psychologists – Also attempt
of athletes, developmental and social aspects
to facilitate learning. But they usually focus
of sports participation, and systemic issues
on course planning and instructional
associated with sports settings and
methods for a school system rather than on
organizations (APA, 2008)
individual children
12. Psychiatrists – are medical doctors
> They research on issues related to
(MDs) who have spent several years in
learning, measurement, and child
clinical training, which includes diagnosing
possible physical and neurological causes of
> E.g. how learning is affected by abnormal behaviors and treating these
psychological factors such as motivation, behaviors, often with prescription drugs.
intelligence, and sociocultural factors
> Are medical doctors who specialize in the
5. Personality psychologist – Focus on study and treatment of psychological
goals such as identifying and measuring disorders. They can prescribe medication
human traits; determining influences on and other biological treatment for people
human thought, processes, feelings, and with psychological disorders
> Looks inside the person for an explanation
of behavior
6. Environmental psychologists – Study
the way that people and the
environment/surroundings (both natural and
human-made) influence one another.
> E.g. how temperature and loud noises may
interfere with learning
7. Experimental psychologists – Specialize
in experimentation
8. Industrial/Organizational psychologists
– Use psychology’s concepts and methods in
the workplace to help organizations and
companies select and train employees, boost
morale and productivity, design products,
and implement systems
9. Consumer psychologists – Study the
behavior of shoppers in an effort to predict
and influence their behavior
10. Health psychologists – Examine the
ways in which behavior and mental
processes such as attitudes are related to
physical health
> E.g. studies on stress and how it is related
to headaches, cardiovascular disease, and
(ito yung isang slide) are more likely to recur and behaviors
that are punished are more likely to be
Clinical and Counseling psychology –
> Key Person: B.F. Skinner
includes the assessment and treatment of
people with psychological problems, such as > Some behaviorists, such as Albert
grief, anxiety, or stress Bandura, disagree with strict
behaviorism. He formulated a theory
Social psychology – involves the study of
called Social Cognitive Approach which
social interactions, stereotypes, prejudices,
explains that behaviors are influenced not
attitudes, conformity, group behaviors, and
only by environmental events and
reinforcers but also by observation,
imitation, and thought processes.
Developmental psychology – examines
moral, social, emotional, and cognitive
THEORY – Reinforcement and
development throughout a person’s entire
punishment are powerful, but people
sometimes learn by simply watching those
Experimental psychology – includes areas around them, which is known as imitation
of sensation, perception, learning, human or observational learning.
performance, motivation, and emotion
> Observational learning is regarded as a
Biological psychology – also called more cognitive form of learning than
psychobiology, involves research on the conditioning because learners must pay
physical and chemical changes that occur attention, construct and remember
during stress, learning, and emotions, as well mental representations retrieve these
as how our genetic makeup, brain, and representations from memory later, and
nervous system interact with our use them to guide behavior.
environment and influence our behavior.
> SELF-EFFICACY is whether an
Cognitive psychology – involves how we individual imitates others depends on who
process, store, and retrieve information and the other person is, on whether that
how cognitive processes influence our person’s behavior is rewarded, and on the
behaviors. individual’s beliefs about his or her own
Psychometrics – focuses on the
measurement of people’s abilities, skills, 4. PSYCHOANALYTIC – Believes that
intelligence, personality, and abnormal behavior and personality is an outcome of
behaviors unconscious forces (desires, fears) and
childhood experiences.
Industrial/organizational psychology –
examines the relationship of people and their Childhood experiences can lead to
work environments development of psychological problems in
What are the modern approaches in
studying human behavior? > Key Person: Sigmund Freud

1. BIOLOGICAL – Focuses on how our 5. HUMANISTIC – Emphasizes that

genes, hormones, and nervous system individual can choose their behaviors,
interact with our environments to direct their future and achieve personal
influence behavior growth and fulfillment.

2. COGNITIVE – Examines how we We can choose who we become

process, store, and use information and
> Key Person: Abraham Maslow
how this information influences what we
attend to, perceive, learn, remember, 6. SOCIO-CULTURAL – Studies how
believe, and feel (how we think affect the social and cultural factors affect our
way we behave) behaviors
3. BEHAVIORAL – Explains that > USA – Autism was thought to be caused
behavior as an outcome of reward and by environmental factors, such as having
punishment; behaviors that are rewarded “cold” parents.
> Korea – Autism is a disorder with a comprehending when others don't know
terrible stigma and children with autism something.
are kept at home and hidden from public,
as such, they don’t get the treatment they
need. Many children with autism think in
pictures, so to encourage them to do
7. EVOLUTIONARY – Studies how
something, you can show a picture of the
evolutionary ideas, such as adaptation
reward that awaits them if they do your
and natural selection, explain human
desired behavior
behaviors and mental processes
8. BIOPHYSICAL – Studies how
biological, psychological, and social Autism was before seen as an outcome of
factors influence behavior. failed parenting. Mothers and fathers of
children with severe autism were seen as
> BIOLOGICAL – Depressed individuals
perfectionists, cold and aloof (Barlow
are often significantly disturbed with
&Durand, 2015)
regard to endocrine (hormone), immune,
and neurotransmitter system functioning. >SOCIOCULTURAL<
Genes also influence the development of
depression. In South Korea, autism is a disorder with
a terrible stigma and children with autism
> PSYCHOLOGICAL – Psychological are kept at home and hidden from public,
factors influencing depression include as such, they don’t get the treatment they
characteristic negative patterns of need
thinking, deficits in coping skills,
judgment problems, and impaired >BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL<
emotional intelligence (the ability to Autism is an outcome of the interactions
perceive, understand, and express of biological, cognitive and social factors.
emotions that depressed people tend to
exhibit.) >HUMANISTIC<

> SOCIAL – Social factors such as: People with autism can rise above their
experiencing traumatic situations, early disorder and struggles and still leave a
separation, lack of social support, or productive, meaningful life.
harassment (bullying). Research has
shown that stressful social events are
capable of serving as triggers for turning
genes on and off, causing changes in brain
functioning. Via this path, a social
stressor can trigger a physical cause of
Discuss autism as seen by the different
psychological approaches
Autism runs in families; supported by the
findings in identical twins
If one twin has autism, there is a high
(90%) chance the other twin will exhibit
signs of autistic behavior.
Theory of the Mind
Many autistic individuals do not
understand that other people have their
thoughts and points of view. Interestingly,
people with autism have difficulty

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