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Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

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Building performance and maintenance information model based on IFC T

Rossella Marmoa, , Francesco Polverinoa, Maurizio Nicolellaa, Andrej Tibautb

Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II, 80125 Naples, Italy
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture of the University of Maribor, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia


Keywords: The integration of operational information in building life-cycle management is a relevant topic within the
Building Information Modelling (BIM) facilities management domain. A previous study proposed a methodology based on Building Information
Building Performance Assessment (BPA) Modelling (BIM) and Facility Management (FM) systems integration, underpinned by a Performance Information
Facility Management (FM) Model, to support the performance assessment and the maintenance management. The purpose of this paper is to
Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
extend and validate that methodology with an open standard approach. A subset of the Industry Foundation
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)
Model View Definition (MVD)
Classes (IFC) schema related to performance assessment and maintenance procedures is mapped into a relational
Visual Programming Language (VPL) database. The database supports the integration between BIM models and facilities information systems. Case
Entity-Relationship model (ER model) studies including healthcare buildings test the database and a new application. The results contribute to the BIM
Healthcare facilities adoption in the FM domain. Also, the studied and validated IFC schema subset can be considered as a con-
Operation theatre tribution to the Model View Definition for FM.

1. Introduction tools and the systems for facilities information management, such as
Computer Aided Facility Management (CAFM) and Computerized
Facility Management (FM) has to do with a set of non-core business Maintenance Management System (CMMS) [10].
services (for buildings, spaces and people), which support the quality of Among ICT tools also Building Information Modelling (BIM) may be
people's life and the productivity of the core business of an organisation considered. It comprises the “use of a shared digital representation of a
[1,2]. FM embraces a wide range of functions (or competencies), from built asset to facilitate the design, construction and operation processes to
the organisation's management to the employees' support services, in- form a reliable basis for decisions” [11]. BIM can play a key role as a
cluding Operation and Maintenance (O&M) [3–5]. Throughout the life mutual channel for information exchange among operators during the
cycle of a building, the largest fraction of expenses is incurred during O various phases of the life cycle of a building [12]. The model provides a
&M activities, which consist of approximately 60% of the total cost [6]. realistic and enriched representation of the asset, enjoying real ad-
The Operation and Maintenance competency is meant to let the facility vantages of parametric and object-oriented approach, that lead the
and its systems function efficiently, reliably, safely, securely in a model to become a digital twin of the building. However BIM itself
manner consistent with existing regulations and standards [3]. cannot solve the general problem of information communication and
Knowledge about the asset has a real value, as the delivery of a exchange [13].
service is also the delivery of information. In managing a facility it is In a previous study, the authors proposed a methodology, under-
relevant to know about the spaces to be serviced, the services to be pinned by a Performance Information Model (PIM), to support orga-
performed and their actual performance [7]. Decisions of asset man- nisational, environmental and technical requirements fulfilling. Pilot
agers are becoming more complicated, due to the increasingly wide application regarded healthcare buildings, where several specific re-
range of criteria to be considered (i.e. sustainability, safety, comfort, quirements can be translated into environmental performances to be
etc.). A deep knowledge of the asset condition is needed [8], although quantified through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) [14].
this is not always easy to obtain. Typically, asset managers must make Healthcare is complex, and technologically advanced facilities due
decisions about maintenance and renewal alternatives based on sparse to the large number of subsystems and the diversity of requirements are
data about the current state of their assets [9]. involved. Building Information Modelling has been used to support
Information Communication Technologies (ICT) are providing the requirements management, by storing semantic information and

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Marmo).
Received 12 February 2020; Received in revised form 15 May 2020; Accepted 19 May 2020
Available online 06 June 2020
0926-5805/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

enabling automated rule checking of healthcare design solutions [15]. that can be used by applications needing to share information con-
It has been claimed that healthcare's operational phase is supported by cerning facilities management related issues [24].
a set of KPIs which provide an effective building performance mea- The IfcSharedFacilitiesElements schema supports ideas including:
surement [16–18]. Three categories of KPIs have been identified [16] furniture and system furniture, asset identification and inventory of
and proved to allow facilities performances assessment, benchmarking objects. The IfcSharedMgmtElements schema defines basic concepts that
activities, analysis of maintenance work priorities [17]. Furthermore, are common to management throughout the various stages of the
an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system based on those KPIs de- building lifecycle, including IfcActionRequest and IfcProjectOrder.
monstrated not only enhanced performances but also a decrease in A Model View Definition (MVD) is a subset of the overall IFC
annual maintenance expenditure [18]. KPIs showed to retrieve the schema to describe a data exchange for a specific use or workflow.
performance of each individual system and component and analyse the MVDs can be as broad as nearly the entire schema (e.g. for archiving a
root cause of any problem with accuracy. project) or as specific as a couple object types and associated data (e.g.
The performance-based approach previously proposed by Marmo for pricing a curtain wall system). The documentation of an MVD allows
et al. [14] has been extended in this paper to an open standard per- the exchange to be repeated, providing consistency and predictability
spective. This paper aims at integrating FM system and BIM technology across a variety of projects and software platforms [25].
in order to support maintenance management and building perfor- BuildingSMART provided the Information Delivery Manual stan-
mance assessment (BPA). To achieve this goal the following specific dard, a methodology to capture and specify processes and information
objectives are defined: (i) identifying FM information requirements that have to be exchanged during the lifecycle of a facility [26]. To-
referring to the Information Delivery Manual (IDM); (ii) designing an gether with Model View Definitions, they provide a methodology for
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) schema compliant database to keep different domain experts to model specific data requirements they need.
track of FM information; (iii) developing a framework to enable the An example of MDV is the FM Handover MVD containing in-
information exchange between the IFC compliant database and BIM formation from planning and design applications to CAFM and CMMS
models. In this regard, the paper addresses the following research applications, as well as the handover of model information from con-
questions: (a) how the latest IFC schema supports BIM workflows in the struction and commissioning software to CAFM and CMMS applications
FM domain? (b) How can the BIM-FM-BPA integration process be im- [27].
plemented? The traditional formats for IFC specified files are the STEP physical
The paper is structured as follows: Section 1 provides the literature file format or ifcXML. In addition to these formats, the FM Handover
review regarding the need for information standardisation in the con- MVD has the benefit of having a mapping to another format that many
struction sector and the implementation of BIM into the FM domain so practitioners have found very useful, SpreadsheetML. The Construction
far; Section 2 describes the methodology proposed in this paper, in- Operations Building information exchange (COBie) version of the
cluding the open standard database design and the BIM-FM integration Facility Management handover MVD, is the MVD delivered in a file
framework; Section 3 presents implementation results regarding format that can be viewed and updated in Microsoft Office Excel [28].
healthcare facilities, which are analysed in Section 4. Eventually In this sense, The Construction Operations Building information ex-
Section 5 provides the main conclusion of this research. change contains lifecycle information for maintaining facilities [27].

1.1. Standardisation of information for O&M 1.2. BIM applications for O&M

The large proliferation of ICT tools has led to a large volume of Despite the initiatives by industry in terms of standardisation and
unstructured data [19], while integration processes require some de- the increasing interest in facilities information management aided by
gree of standardisation of information representation. BIM [29–31], the use of BIM during the O&M phase is still limited [32].
Efforts in creating standard data format have been done by A seamless information process between BIM and FM systems is hard to
BuildingSMART [20], previously known as the International Alliance achieve [33], especially if the FM systems are already in place [31].
for Interoperability (IAI) [21], which is the worldwide industry body Some occurring issues regard the identification of critical informa-
responsible to provide the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) [22]. The tion required to inform management decisions, the effort to create or
Industry Foundation Classes are an open international standard for BIM update BIM models, including real-time operational data, and the
data that are exchanged and shared among software applications used handling of uncertain data [34,35]. Questionnaires revealed that FM
by the various participants in the construction or Facility Management team involvement is instrumental to the creation of complete and ac-
industry sector. The standard includes definitions that cover data re- curate building information that can be used for life cycle management
quired for buildings over their life cycles [23]. [36].
The IFC data schema is structured around four layers: the resource A contribution to the identification of critical data which can fa-
layer includes resource definitions (i.e. materials, costs, actors, ap- cilitate the implementation of BIM into the O&M domain is the tax-
provals, constraints etc.); the core layer contains the most general entity onomy proposed and implemented by Farghaly et al. [37]. Even though
definitions (control, product, process), all entities carry a globally un- the research is limited to assets consuming energy in educational
ique id; the interoperability layer includes schemas containing entity buildings, the 60-parameters taxonomy and the API plug-in can help
definitions that are used across several disciplines, those definitions are professionals to deliver models which properly support Asset Manage-
typically utilized for inter-domain exchange and sharing of construction ment processes.
information; the domain layer specifies products, processes or resources Bortoluzzi et al. [38] have recently addressed the effort of creating
regarding a certain discipline among: building controls, plumbing, fire and updating BIM models proposing and testing a process to auto-
protection, structural elements, structural analysis, HVAC, electrical, matically generate BIM models from CAD plans and to populate and
architecture and construction management [24]. update the model content.
The IFC data model is characterised by the inheritance hierarchy Many researchers interested into BIM-based facility information
which defines relationships and attributes that can be inherited from management [6,39,40] faced interoperability issues during data
parent to child entities. Fig. 1 shows an extract of the IFC hierarchical transfer processes. For this purpose, IFC and COBie can be useful to
structure. achieve data mapping and data integration between BIM models and
The IfcSharedFacilitiesElements schema defines basic concepts in the FM systems [41].
facilities management (FM) domain. This schema, along with A literature review has been carried out to specifically analyse IFC
IfcProcessExtension and IfcSharedMgmtElements, provides a set of models applications in the O&M domain. Papers concerning information

R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

Fig. 1. Extract of the IFC inheritance hierarchy, from IfcRoot to subtypes of IfcObject.

Table 1 spatial analysis. Anyway, the proposed relational database can be ex-
IFC O&M support capabilities implemented in literature. tended to include further maintenance information and activities.
Example of IFC capability References
A BIM-based framework was proposed by Chen et al. [41], aimed at
automatically providing the scheduling of maintenance work orders. In
Maintenance management [12,41,45,46,48,49] this framework, data are mapped between BIM and FM systems ac-
Performances assessment [12,14,41,53–55] cording to an extended version of the IFC 4.
Sensors/alarms data tracking [12,43,47,55]
Lifecycle information management [42–44,47,54]
An FM ontology was tested by Kim et al. [49]. The ontology is de-
fined by three types of concepts: Work Information, IFC Objects, and
COBie Concepts. The system semantically links BIM data to relevant
management in building maintenance and management were analysed. historical work records. The approach could be improved by developing
Table 1 reports IFC capabilities, grouped into 4 clusters, according to other functions of FM systems such as preventive maintenance, per-
the 13 reviewed papers. formance assessment etc.
The overall process of developing and delivering FM-enabled BIM Although the interoperability problem of BIM-FM integration has
models has been investigated by Pishdad-Bozorgi et al. [42]. The pre- been investigated by the above-mentioned studies, the BIM-aided de-
sented case study used Industry Foundation Classes and COBie to ex- cision making for maintenance management needs to be further ex-
change information throughout the life cycle of the project. Even so, at plored. In particular a strategic decision making is affected by main-
the handover phase challenges of importing data from BIM into existing tenance performance information [50]. Key Performance Indicators can
asset information management systems were encountered. be developed for all types of buildings and can be designed to address
An attempt at extending BIM technology into the entire lifecycle of a different scales of decision making.
construction project regarded a building information system based on A methodological approach to integrate BIM, Building Performance
the use of IFC files to collect information from various sources [43]. Assessment and Facility Management systems has been lately proposed
However, this method did not allow data updating and evolution. and tested by Marmo et al. [14]. It consists of providing a Performance
IFC has been also tested as a reference for automating the discovery Information Model to manage relevant information in form of KPIs.
of as-happened BIM processes to support BIM managers activities and to Improved environmental performance assessment, better visualisation
document a detailed history of a project development (which might be of building condition, and improved decision-making process are
useful for the operational phase too) [44]. among the practical implication found.
A framework for maintenance management was developed pro- A BIM-based cyber-physical system for the automated monitoring of
posing a new set of IFCs classes for maintenance information exchange buildings during their regular operation has been tested [12]. The di-
[45]. The model referred to the IFC 2.0 release. On the contrary, in the gital model becomes the digital twin of the building and stores its actual
current paper the hypothesis of using the IFC 4.2 version to cover all the performances to support facility managers in making decisions.
maintenance information processes is made, as discussed in the next A parametric model supporting historical buildings refurbishment
section. has been proposed by Bruno et al. [51]. This process includes survey
Shalabi et al. [46] tested a framework to link IFC models to alarms and diagnostic results on the assessment of building condition.
reported by FM systems, using an API that allows the user to upload any A computational durability model enabled predictions of life cycle
data from the FM systems. The quality of data required for corrective performances of concrete structures and extended the usability of BIM
maintenance has thus been improved by utilizing visualisation and into the durability assessment [52].
interoperability capabilities of Building Information Modelling. A Facility Control Framework, based on the Industry Foundation
Open standards were also used to define requirements for asset Class Model, was proposed by East et al. [53] in order to compare fa-
management tasks in a structured way, for validating project data cility requirements with its actual performances. This effort resulted in
against these established requirements, and visualising asset data in an the creation of an adaptive building control and feedback system.
integrated and interactive way [47]. Interoperability specification, in terms of IDM and MVD, has been
The BIM visualisation capability was utilized to enhance failure delivered for integrated performance-based design [54]. This research
root-cause detection through an FM visual analytics system [48]. was focused on energy efficient design.
Available IFC entities have been identified to perform logical and Recently, an IFC subset schema has been presented to map Building
Automation System (BAS) information in IFC data model, suggesting a

R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

great opportunity to create BIM-based BAS design tools or a plug-in for supposed to be involved in the process.
both importing and exporting requirements following the novel MVD The openPIM database aims at enabling the maintenance and
[55]. monitoring activities record and is meant to enrich a model with spe-
Building Information Modelling can act as a repository of data to cific FM information. It has been designed to keep track of:
quickly populate an FM database [56] or to gather relevant information
about systems condition (actual condition, actual service life, energy - Corrective maintenance activities;
consumption, etc.) [12,14,51,52,55] and maintenance tasks (planned - Planned maintenance activities;
and preventive maintenance tasks, corrective interventions, main- - Monitoring activities;
tenance history etc.) [41,45,46,48,49]. It gives additional benefits due - Performance assessment results through KPIs;
to its analytical skills, so that relevant information can be generated - Actors involved in those processes.
(i.e. performance quantification, future intervention selection, impact
of retrofit works, etc.) [14,41,51,56]. The result of this initial stage is the list of the main entities included
in the database, as reported in Table 2.
2. A framework for an openPIM
2.2. Entity-relationship database design
In this section we argue for the extension of the Performance
Information Model with an open standard approach. Following the Once the main required entities are identified, the IFC schema
concept of openBIM, this paper considers the IFC 4.2 version and ex- serves as a reference for checking their definition, including their re-
tends PIM to openPIM. The interoperability issue is addressed by lationships and attributes. Identified entities are covered by the inter-
mapping the Industry Foundation Classes into a relational database for national schema except for the KeyPerformanceIndicator, the
maintenance and performance management. Such a database is based Measurement and the Model. The Model entity has been used to relate
on entities and attributes retrieved from the IFC schema which any each product to the model it belongs to. The concepts of measured,
professional can understand. Delivering IFC models and IFC compliant derived or simple values are contained in the Resource layer of the IFC
databases, based on the same specific attributes, can enhance the in- schema, through the IfcValue select type. Furthermore, the
formation exchange. IfcPerformanceHistory entity is meant to represent performance as-
The visual programming language (VPL) and Python programming sessment results. It can be related to products, controls and measure-
language are used to automate information exchanges between facility ment values through a complex system of relationships. To improve the
information systems and BIM models. efficiency of the database, it has been decided to define two new tables
Performance assessment results, preventive and corrective main- containing the KPI results and related measurements.
tenance information and requests for intervention are modelled into the An Entity-Relationship model (ER model) has been created by the
customised relational database, using the standardised IFC entities Pony web-based and free access editor. Figs. 4, 5 and 6 present extracts
identified as relevant for these scopes. The IDM methodology has been of the developed model.
taken as reference for defining information exchange requirements and The openPIM model is formed by the below-discussed concepts,
modelling process maps. Then a subset of IFC 4.2 has been defined to borrowed by the IFC schema 4.2.
document information exchanges identified in the IDM. The resulting The IfcActor defines all actors or human agents involved in a pro-
openPIM can be referred to as a customised MVD for performance as- ject. It facilitates the use of person and organisation definitions in the
sessment and maintenance management which contributes to the al- resource part of the IFC object model. The IfcActorResource schema and
ready existing FM handover MVD. related classes are used to define the IfcActor entity through IfcPerson,
The proposed approach is validated by three case studies regarding IfcOrganization and IfcPersonAndOrganization entities. The ActorRole
operation theatres of healthcare facilities. Performances to be mon- indicates a role which is performed by the previous entities. The Actor
itored are assessed and quantified through Key Performance Indicators. has relationships defined by the IfcRelAssignsToActor entity. For ex-
The development of the openPIM follows four main steps (Fig. 2): ample, an actor can issue an action request, so that in the
(a) defining the scope of the database and the information require- IfcRelAssignsToActor relationship the RelatingIssuingActor and the
ments; (b) mapping IFC schema into an entity-relationship model RelatedActionRequest will be defined (Fig. 4).
(ERM); (c) creating the openPIM relational database; (d) integrating the The IfcActionRequest entity is defined as the act or an instance of
IFC model with the openPIM relational database. asking for something. Each ActionRequest instance is identified by a
unique identification number through the id attribute, inherited by the
2.1. Database scope and information requirements IfcControl. The ActionRequest entity is related to the IssuingActor and
the FulfillingActor through the RelAssignsToActor relationship. The
The identification of the PIM information requirements is the first ActionRequest is also related to the Task and the Product entities.
step to efficiently design a model consistent in its purpose. Client's and Furthermore, an ActionRequest is related to ProjectOrder and
users' perspectives are essential to have in mind which are the objec- KeyPerformanceIndicatorResult entities as each request can generate a
tives the model will support. Analysing the Facility Management policy work order or can lead to the quantification of the assessed perfor-
allows us to identify information to be managed in order to reach the mances.
organisation goals. Process models in Business Process Modelling An IfcProjectOrder is a directive to purchase products and/or per-
Notation (BPMN) have been created to identify a specified set of data form work. The ProjectOrder is related to the Actor similarly to the
for exchange. A BPMN diagram describes the activities, related in- ActionRequest. The IfcApproval entity may indicate the status of ac-
formation and actors involved in the process. Interviewing stakeholders ceptance or rejection using the IfcRelAssociatesApproval relationship
involved in this study and examining their maintenance tender speci- where RelatedObjects refers to a ProjectOrder.
fications allowed to determine maintenance processes in detail. As an Even though this idea is not included in the openPIM model here
example, the corrective and the scheduled monitoring processes are presented, action requests and project orders may nest further controls
depicted in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. Fig. 2 assumes that an employee and orders.
detects a failure and contacts the maintenance management team. A The IfcWorkPlan entity contains a set of work schedules for different
project order can be required for certain tasks, but it can be avoided for purposes. A WorkSchedule is related to the WorkPlan through the
minor works. Fig. 3 shows the process of building condition monitoring IfcRelAggregates relationship. A WorkSchedule controls a set of Tasks
in accordance with a work schedule, no automated building system is defined through IfcRelAssignsToControl.

R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

Fig. 2. Corrective maintenance process (standard BPMN notation).

Fig. 3. Process of building condition monitoring according to a work schedule (standard BPMN notation).

R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

Table 2 The IfcMeasurement entity is meant to describe the monitoring

Main entities which form part of the openPIM database. activities and related results. An instance of an IfcMeasurement iden-
Action request Actor tifies a control variable. Each instance of the IfcMeasurement entity is
associated with an IfcProduct. For example, the measurement of
Approval Key Performance Indicator thermal properties can be associated with a wall, the noise intensity to a
Measurement Organisation
space etc. The measurement is also related to the IfcKeyPerformance-
Product Project order
Task Work schedule
IndicatorResult, as according to monitored parameters values, the re-
lated KPI is calculated. In the IfcRelAssignsToMeasurement relationship
it is possible to define the acceptability of measurement results and
The IfcTask entity represents an identifiable unit of work to be their interpretation.
carried out in a project. The Task entity is related to the WorkSchedule, The concept of KPI is expressed by the IfcKeyPerformanceIndicator
to Product and ActionRequest entities, in order to define the object to entity, so that each KPI is identified by a unique identification number,
which the work schedule is assigned, the product on which a de- furthermore its description, its explicit name and its acronym are de-
termined task has to be performed and the action request generated by fined. Each IfcKeyPerformanceIndicator instance can be related to an
an instance of a task (Fig. 5). IfcKeyPerformanceIndicatorResult instance. The latter is also related to
The IfcProduct entity is an abstract representation of any object that IfcActionRequest entity through the IfcRelAggregatesActionRequest-
relates to a geometric or spatial context. For inheritance, attributes such ToKPIResult relationship, as the performance assessment through
as GUID (globally unique identifier), object type, name, description can multiple KPIs can be defined by an action request (Fig. 6).
be applied. In addition, the localId attribute has been added to make the
identification of the product in a BIM platform (such as Revit) easier. 2.3. Creating the openPIM database
Each instance of the product entity is related to Task, ActionRequest,
Measurement and IfcModel through the relationship RelAssignsTo- The Entity-Relationship model has defined entities, attributes and
Product. relationships. The database defines tables and attributes, specifying

Fig. 4. Extract of IfcActorResource schema.

R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

Fig. 5. IfcTask entities.

properties of attributes (i.e. data types and constraints) and identifying connected in several ways. In the context of this paper the connection
the primary key for each table. This operation has been carried out on has been achieved by using Dynamo, a VPL environment. Dynamo
Pony editor. The class of each attribute has been specified in: primary provides a basic workspace in which functions (nodes) can be arranged
key, for an attribute that will be used by the Database Management and linked to each other. The different functions are usually offered in a
System (DBMS) to uniquely identify each row in a table; required, when library that can be expanded through several packages. In order to
an instance of the attribute is needed for each row; optional, if the in- establish a connection between an IFC model and the openPIM database
stance of the attribute is not required. The data type for each attribute the Slingshot! Dynamo packages can be used [57]. The SQLite engine
has been defined too. Other specifications can regard default values for database was chosen among others as it is commonly used all over the
certain attributes, the attribute property of being nullable, auto in- world [58] and above all, it is file-based, so that possible connection
crementable or unique. issues can be avoided [59]. The database was created and edited in DB
The database editor used in this paper translates queries to Browser for SQLite. Another tool for connecting a DBMS with an IFC
Structured Query Language (SQL) using a specific database ‘dialect’. model through Dynamo is the Python programming language. The VPL
The resulted database consists of 40 tables, listed in Table 3. environment contains Python. Script nodes to develop applications for
The SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) for creating the database creating the link between the database and the BIM model.
tables in SQLite is reported in Annex 1. SQL ‘dialects’ available on the
Pony editor have been analysed and implemented in appropriate DBMS. 3. Healthcare buildings case studies
The purpose was to test the connectivity between different types of
DBMS and the IFC model, through a VPL application. The integration The implementation of the openPIM approach regards three inter-
results are exposed in Section 3. Tested management systems were national healthcare buildings (Fig. 7).
PgAdmin for PostgreSQL syntax, MySQL Workbench for MySQL syntax The developed case studies involve:
and DB Browser for SQLite syntax.
• One hospital located in the province of Salerno, Italy (case study A),
• One hospital located in Verona, Italy (case study B)
• One hospital is located in Ljubljana, Slovenia (case study C).
2.4. Connecting the openPIM database with the IFC model

The openPIM database and the corresponding IFC model can be

R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

Fig. 6. Building performance entities.

The openPIM database has been filled with information retrieved WorkPlanTypeEnum, WorkSchedule, WorkScheduleTypeEnum,
from those facilities. In particular the following sources have been Task, TaskTimeRecurring, TaskTypeEnum, ProjectOrder, Projector-
considered: derTypeEnum, Product tables.
• Results of environmental condition were used for Measurement,
• Tenders specification about monitoring activities and O&M man- KeyPerformanceIndicator, KeyPerformanceIndicatorResult tables.
agement for identifying contractors and managers involved in those
processes. In this way the tables RoleEnum, Person, Organization, The implementation of the openPIM regards surgery units. An
PersonAndOrganization, ActorRole, Actor were filled. Environmental Condition Index (ECI) has been used to quantify and
• Maintenance plan, reports of corrective maintenance activities and evaluate the environmental quality of surgery rooms of A and B case
project orders records were examined to fill WorkPlan, studies. This index depends on instrumentally measurable parameters:

Table 3
Tables contained in the openPIM relational database.
ActionRequest ActionRequestTypeEnum

Actor ActorRole
Approval IFCModel
KeyPerformanceIndicator KeyPerformanceIndicatorResult
Measurement Organization
Person PersonAndOrganization
Product ProjectOrder
ProjectOrderTypeEnum RecurrencePattern
RecurrenceTypeEnum RelAggregatesActionRequestToKPIResult
RelAggregatesActionRequestToProjectOrder RelAggregatesWorkPlanToWorkSchedule
RelAssignsActionRequestToProduct RelAssignsFulfillingActorToActionRequest
RelAssignsFulfillingActorToProjectOrder RelAssignsIssuingActorToActionRequest
RelAssignsIssuingActorToProjectOrder RelAssignsProductToMeasurement
RelAssignsProductToModel RelAssignsTakToActionRequest
RelAssignsTaskToProduct RelAssignsToMeasurement
RelAssignsWorkScheduleToTask RelAssociateApproval
RoleEnum Task
TaskTimeRecurring TaskTypeEnum
WorkPlan WorkPlanTypeEnum
WorkSchedule WorkScheduleTypeEnum

R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

Fig. 7. Buildings involved in the openPIM implementation. Case study A on the left, case study B in the centre, case study C on the right.

particle concentration, microclimatic condition, anaesthetic gases, maintenance records were related to the first half of the 2019, while the
noise, air changes. The definition of such an index is discussed in monitoring results were related to the second semester of the 2018. The
Marmo et al. [14]. Evaluating the ECI requires performing a set of local authority performs every six months monitoring activities in the
environmental controls and analysing the results in terms of pass or surgery unit. Results of these controls were used by the authors for
failed tests. Databases accessed for the development of this research calculating ECI values for each surgery room. The information related
were provided directly by maintenance and risk management depart- to the environmental quality was added to native model rooms in the
ments. These databases contained results of the environmental assess- form of a shared parameter so that the ECI value can be visualised in the
ment procedures (in terms of fulfilled or failed control) which the au- model. The IFC exportation retrieved the ‘EC’ parameter as IfcSpace
thors used for calculating surgery rooms ECI values. Case study A was attribute, among the IfcPropertySet of the product. To do so a user
also used to validate the openPIM related to corrective maintenance defined property set has been settled, as shown in Table 4.
management, while the case study C aimed at testing the openPIM for Even though the definition of an IfcPropertySet of an IfcObject can
the planned maintenance management. vary from a project to another, its use is consistent with an openBIM
Hospitals involved in this research do not use BIM-oriented FM approach, as it is readable by any IFC based BIM workflow.
approaches yet, their assets are not digitalised, risk management and In the IFC file it is possible to locate the fragment which shows an
maintenance databases are kept separated so that facilities management example of the customised IfcPropertySet ‘Environmental Condition
is based on sparse sources of knowledge. For example, the risk man- Index’ for this use case:
agement team reports to the maintenance management team the results
of the environmental condition evaluation once per year (case study A #447= IFCSPACE('3mEKxmRXn5YBf4tDclS4iG', #42,'031', $,
and C). This causes delays in the decision making regarding corrective $,#398,#444,'Pediatric surgery room', .ELEMENT., .INTERNAL., $);
or preventive interventions potentially needed. #462= IFCPROPERTYSINGLEVALUE('ECI', $,IFCREAL (0.9),$);
FM tenders of the three case studies are based on the evaluation of #463= IFCPROPERTYSET('0I4OvQlk5AegzZ07gFx4CV',#42,'En-
maintenance services quality (through qualitative assessment), but in vironmental Condition Index',",(#462)).
no case this evaluation is integrated into a performance-based model
extended to the overall healthcare system. The IFC model was linked to the openPIM database through
Furthermore, analysed surgery units are parts of bigger portfolios of Dynamo. The SelectModelElement node has been used to identify id
assets, which can benefit from using a set of KPIs for quantifying and elements directly from the current view on Revit. This is the starting
benchmarking performances, and, as a consequence, for enhancing point for querying the database about further information related to
strategical and tactical decision making. that element. The Query.SQLite.Query creates a connection with the
Autodesk Revit 2019 has been used to create native models. This DBMS and using a String node it is possible to query the openPIM da-
modelling software allows you to export IFC models in different ver- tabase to inform the IFC model. As an example, it is possible to extract
sions, including IFC4 Reference View and IFC4 Design Transfer View. environmental performance assessment results for the general surgery
IFC4 importation in Revit 2019 was affected by a certain grade of loss of room. Knowing the localId element, the associated globalId can be
information. For this reason, the IFC2x3 Coordination View version, deduced, as well as the measurements related to it. These measure-
correctly and comprehensively exported and imported in Revit plat- ments are linked to one or more KPI results through the
form, was selected to implement the BIM-FM-BPA integration. The IFC RelAssignsToMeasurement relationship. From the KeyPerformance-
GUID was stored as element parameter after the exportation and the IndicatorResult table it is possible to retrieve the KPI value and other
level of detail for IFC elements geometry was settled as low. attributes (interpretation, comment etc.). Furthermore, the
Literature findings suggest that FM models can have a low level of Element.SetParameterByName node can be used to update the IFC
development [38,39] as long as they are enriched by relevant in- model parameters. A thematic plan can be created to visualise assess-
formation about facilities. For this reason, the developed openPIMs are ment results in terms of Environmental Condition Index values (Fig. 8).
geometrically simple but contain operational information about assets Through the openPIM database it is possible to keep track of
to be managed. planned or corrective maintenance activities associated with an object,
both done or waiting to be performed. For example, from the
ActionRequest table it is possible to retrieve the request for corrective
3.1. Case study A
Table 4
The case study A regards a small hospital in the South of Italy Customised property set for IFC exportation.
comprising three surgery rooms. Data for the creation of the BIM model
PropertySet: Environmental Condition Index I IfcSpace
were retrieved from CAD architectural and mechanical plans. Facilities
information used to develop this application regarded corrective ECI Real EC
maintenance history and environmental monitoring results. Corrective

R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

Fig. 8. KPI values can be retrieved from the openPIM database and visualised into the IFC model.

Table 5 3.2. Case study B

SQL statement for retrieving data about corrective maintenance tasks.
SQL query
This case study regards a Verona's big surgery unit containing 33
operating rooms. The modelling process started from CAD architectural
SELECT globalId, name, identification, longDescription FROM Product and mechanical plans. The openPIM database is used to gather in-
INNER JOIN RelAssignsActionRequestToProduct formation regarding environmental controls and to inform the IFC
ON RelAssignsActionRequestToProduct.relatedProduct=Product.globalId
model with the corresponding results. Maintenance management de-
INNER JOIN ActionRequest
ON partment provided sources and data for developing the model and implementing the database. Similarly to case study A, the measurement
WHERE globalId='3EZqFqD0T2y9ctbXGTnNRR' results were used to fill out the Measurement table, calculated KPIs
values were inserted in the KeyPerformanceIndicatorsResult table and
relationships between the aforementioned tables were defined in the
RelAssignsToMeasurement. These healthcare buildings are equipped
globalId name identification longDescription with Building Automation Systems for controlling anaesthetic gases
concentration, temperature and humidity value, and air particle con-
3EZqFqD0T2y9ctbXGTnNRR Fire Doors Ac_10_70_70 Replace panic bar
centration. These parameters are monitored every day, while they are
analysed on a monthly basis report. One of these reports, related to
intervention regarding a fire door. The localId and/or the globalId June 2019, was used by the authors for evaluating the ECI of each room
permits to identify univocally the object, the RelAssignsAction- of this case study.
RequestToProduct relationship gives the request for intervention re- In this case a Python application was developed and tested to au-
lated to that object, the ActionRequest table contains information about tomatically update the IFC model with data from the database. The
such a request. The SQL query performed on the DBMS and related advantage of using Python consists of creating a unique node for con-
results are reported in Table 5. The identification attribute of the Ac- necting and querying the database. Furthermore Python nodes support
tionRequest table has been defined considering the Uniclass classifica- long and complex queries (i.e. ‘inner join’ statements and clauses) so
tion system [60]. that the efficiency of both the database and of Dynamo application can

R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

Fig. 9. Python application for retrieving the ECI value based on the localID of a Revit element (on the left). Thematic plan for visualising environmental assessment
results in the IFC model (on the right).

be improved. An application for retrieving KPI results associated with a can be gathered from the database. An IFC model was created based on
determined product (i.e. cardiac surgery room) has been developed. CAD architectural plans. Starting from the globalId of an IFC product it
The application establishes a connection with the database and carries is possible to get planned maintenance information associated with it.
out queries for retrieving the ECI value of an element starting from its The SQL query performed on the DBMS and related results are reported
localId (Fig. 9). These results have been used to set ECI parameter va- in Table 6. As this data is not geometry-related, it is not visualised into
lues in the IFC model through the Element.SetParameterByName node. the IFC model. In fact, common IFC viewer applications do not support
Environmental condition results are visualised in a thematic plan storing or managing these kinds of attributes yet (Fig. 10).
through a colour scheme as shown in Fig. 9.

4. Discussion
3.3. Case study C
The use of Building Information Modelling has recently gained more
An operating unit, located in Ljubljana, including five oncological interest in the FM domain, as a technology to create a single source of
surgery rooms has been used for testing the openPIM database cap- knowledge, enabling faster and consistent information exchange during
ability in supporting planned maintenance management. In this case the building life-cycle. Current BIM application in the operational phase
the environmental monitoring report was not available. By the way, the regards both the release of a comprehensive inventory about the asset
healthcare authority performs monitoring and ordinary maintenance to be managed and the development of an integrated source of
activities of the surgery unit once per year. The maintenance plan used knowledge for operational activities. BIM models offer a consistent 3D
for developing this pilot implementation contained all checking, re- interface for facility information management, which enhances main-
paration and cleaning activities to be performed in the 2019. WorkPlan, tenance activities analysis. Nevertheless, a seamless information pro-
WorkSchedule, Task, TaskTimeRecurring, Product and related tables cess between BIM and FM systems is hard to obtain. For this purpose,
were filled out with data retrieved from the maintenance plan. The open standard data models improve data mapping and data integration
identification attribute of the Task table has been defined considering between BIM models and FM systems. Many researchers have proposed
the Uniclass classification system. Detailed tasks information (time re- extension of existing IFC data schema to gather maintenance related
sources, start date, end date, long description, involved elements etc.) information. On the contrary, this paper relies on the current IFC 4.2

R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

Table 6
SQL statement for retrieving data about planned maintenance tasks.
SQL query

SELECT globalId, Task.identification, task.longDescription, task.workMethod FROM

INNER JOIN RelAssignsTaskToProduct
ON RelAssignsTaskToProduct.relatedProduct=Product.globalId
WHERE globalId='23yv66nlP8wA5vCN9xEVBe'


globalId identification longDescription workMethod

23yv66nlP8wA5vCN9xEVBe Ac_15_55 General inspection and reparation of wood and steel furniture visual inspection and manual work

version to achieve a BIM-FM-BPA integrating process, enabling main- in a comprehensive manner. It provides a wide amount of entities to
tenance management and performance assessment through an open define maintenance and performance assessment processes.
Performance Information Model. - BIM-FM integration processes can be implemented and improved by
IFC applicability seems to have limited applicability into the busi- an openPIM. Firstly, the IFC compliant database proved to keep
ness process, it does not capture event-logs, but it describes the se- track of maintenance activities and building performances and it can
mantics of physical and conceptual building components [44]. be easily integrated with an IFC model to unleash the potentiality of
In the context of healthcare facilities management, literature find- FM supported by digital 3D models. Secondly, implemented
ings [16–18] reveal that using a set of KPIs can increase both main- openPIMs provided integrated sources of knowledge with a low
tenance efficiency and facilities performances and it can allow bench- level of development and a level of information detailed enough to
marking activities at different levels (i.e. technological unit, support FM activities (Fig. 9). Even though common IFC viewer
technological system, asset itself). The authors moved from this hy- applications do not allow the visualisation of non-geometry related
pothesis in order to develop a performance-oriented digital model, attributes (Fig. 10), ad-hoc attributes could be defined through the
based on KPIs, starting from surgery rooms' environmental system. IfcpropertySet of IfcProduct (Table 4).
Results exposed in this paper show that: - A fully developed healthcare PIM not only can include the building
inventory and technical specification about elements and materials
- The latest IFC 4.2 schema supports BIM workflows in the FM domain (according to the handover phase model), but it will keep track of

Fig. 10. Case study C, IFC model in Solibri application.

R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

maintenance activities, monitoring processes, performance assess- has been implemented. FM teams have been involved in the perfor-
ment results (in terms of KPIs). mance information modelling to improve the efficiency of the delivered
- A digital model enriched with as-built and operational information openPIMs.
enhances the decision-making process. Facility managers and asset An openPIM framework has been defined in four main steps: (a)
owners will have a reliable source of knowledge, enabling spatial defining the scope of the database and the information requirements;
and temporal analysis for optimising the maintenance planning. For (b) mapping IFC schema into an entity-relationship model (ERM); (c)
example, it can support complex analysis (affordability, ob- creating the openPIM relational database; (d) integrating the IFC model
solescence, actual service life etc.) in the domain of condition-based, with the openPIM relational database. FM information requirements
preventive or predictive maintenance. These analyses will involve were analysed and conceptualised into an ER-model, an IFC schema
not only the element scale, but also technological and environ- compliant database to keep track of this information has been designed
mental systems and at the end, the building itself. The use of KPIs and the information exchange between FM repository and IFC model
(financial, technical and organisational) will address different scales has been developed.
of decision making and will enable benchmarking activities. Through the three case studies we tested and validated the openPIM
- The openPIM might be considered as the first step for the creation of framework for managing corrective maintenance, for performance as-
a user-oriented asset digital twin. The digital model is user-oriented sessment purposes, and for planned maintenance management.
in the sense that stakeholders' information requirements lead the This paper contributes to the body of knowledge with extending
database design and an IFC model is created according to this set of some recent researches related to the integration of diverse volume of
information, then many applications (i.e. visual programming lan- data necessary for day-to-day building operations into BIM environ-
guage, python programming language) can be developed to in- ments (such as Bortoluzzi et al. [38]) to a vendor-neutral approach
tegrate the two sources of data. In this way, operational information based on the IFC data model as a reference for modelling FM processes
retrieved from the database can enrich the model which illustrates and physical building elements.
asset performances at a particular moment in time. According to Nowadays, the major part of IFC viewer applications do not allow
different stakeholders' requirements openPIMs can differ (such as in the visualisation of non-geometry related attributes. This means that
terms of performances to be assessed and related controls activities the visualisation of maintenance data and assessment results is missing,
and/or systems involved). In this sense, a specific openPIM hardly and it could be time-consuming and counterproductive adding custom
supports requirements of organisations with different needs. The properties for this purpose. Even though ad-hoc attributes could be
proposed framework has been referred to as ‘open’ because it relies defined into the property set of an IFC element to manage this in-
on the use of a vendor-neutral data model, which served as a basis formation, there is still room to improve the capabilities of current
for the translation of stakeholder's information requirements into software to visualise action requests, tasks, project orders, actors etc.
IFC entities and related attributes. associated with an IfcProduct in an IFC viewer application.
- The proposed openPIM can be referred to as an expansion of the FM This research is limited to the healthcare facilities field and it is
handover MVD. It adds entities such as IfcActionRequest, focused on the environmental system quality. Future advancements will
IfcProjectOrders, IfcTask, IfcWorkPlan, IfcWorkSchedule, include the design of the Performance Information Model for other
IfcApproval, IfcKeyPerformanceIndicator, IfcKeyPerformance- purposes (i.e. technological and financial performance assessment) so
IndicatorsResult, IfcMeasurement which support maintenance as to gain a comprehensive performance-based digital model which will
management, monitoring activities planning and implementation, likely support FM teams' competencies and responsibilities.
and performance assessment analysis. Furthermore, the updating the openPIM database when IFC schema
changes will be explored too.
5. Conclusion

Facility Management embraces a wide field of activities and com- Declaration of competing interest
petencies, which require an increasing range of criteria to be considered
in order to achieve more sustainable, efficient, safe and comfortable The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
assets. In this sense, the integration of different sources of data is re- interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
quired and it has been carried out using different and sparse informa- ence the work reported in this paper.
tion management systems in the past. In this paper we have argued for
integrating FM systems with BIM technology in order to support
maintenance management and building performance assessment ac- Acknowledgment
tivities. The methodology addresses current research gaps such as the
identification of critical information required to inform management The authors want to acknowledge the Local Health Authority of
decisions and the effort to update BIM models. The literature review Salerno, the University Hospital of Verona, the Oncological Institute of
suggested the delivery of FM models with low level of development, Ljubljana for the support given to the development of the case studies
then the automated updating of the model with operational information discussed in this research.

Annex 1

This annex contains an extract of the SQL code which can be used to create a building performance database in SQLite. It contains entities,
attributes and related properties, as well as the definition of primary and foreign keys to keep track of information concerning action requests,
products, IFC models, actors, measurements and Key Performance Indicators.

R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

CREATE TABLE "ActionRequestTypeEnum" (

"constant" TEXT NOT NULL,
"description" TEXT

CREATE TABLE "ActionRequest" (

"identification" TEXT,
"actionRequestTypeEnum" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "ActionRequestTypeEnum"
"status" TEXT,
"longDescription" TEXT

CREATE INDEX "idx_actionrequest__actionrequesttypeenum" ON "ActionRequest"



"modelContent" TEXT

CREATE TABLE "KeyPerformanceIndicator" (

"shortName" TEXT NOT NULL,
"description" TEXT

CREATE TABLE "KeyPerformanceIndicatorResult" (

"keyPerformanceIndicator" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "KeyPerformanceIndicator"
"valueNumerical" INTEGER,
"valueDescriptive" TEXT,
"timestamp" DATETIME,
"comment" TEXT,
"interpretation" TEXT

CREATE INDEX "idx_keyperformanceindicatorresult__keyperformanceindicator" ON

"KeyPerformanceIndicatorResult" ("keyPerformanceIndicator");

CREATE TABLE "Measurement" (

"timestamp" DATETIME NOT NULL,
"valueNumerical" REAL,
"valueDescriptive" TEXT,
"description" TEXT

CREATE TABLE "Organization" (

"description" TEXT,
"address" TEXT


"familyName" TEXT NOT NULL,
"givenName" TEXT NOT NULL,
"middleNames" TEXT

CREATE TABLE "Product" (

"localId" TEXT NOT NULL,
"name" TEXT,
"description" TEXT,
"objectType" TEXT

CREATE TABLE "RelAggregatesActionRequestToKPIResult" (

"relatingActionRequest" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "ActionRequest" ("id") ON
"relatedKPIResult" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "KeyPerformanceIndicatorResult"

R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

CREATE INDEX "idx_relaggregatesactionrequesttokpiresult__relatedkpiresult" ON

"RelAggregatesActionRequestToKPIResult" ("relatedKPIResult");

CREATE INDEX "idx_relaggregatesactionrequesttokpiresult__relatingactionrequest" ON

"RelAggregatesActionRequestToKPIResult" ("relatingActionRequest");

CREATE TABLE "RelAssignsActionRequestToProduct" (

"relatedProduct" TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES "Product" ("globalId") ON DELETE
"relatingActionRequest" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "ActionRequest" ("id") ON

CREATE INDEX "idx_relassignsactionrequesttoproduct__relatedproduct" ON

"RelAssignsActionRequestToProduct" ("relatedProduct");

CREATE INDEX "idx_relassignsactionrequesttoproduct__relatingactionrequest" ON

"RelAssignsActionRequestToProduct" ("relatingActionRequest");

CREATE TABLE "RelAssignsProductToMeasurement" (

"relatingProduct" TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES "Product" ("globalId") ON DELETE
"relatedMeasurement" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "Measurement" ("id") ON

CREATE INDEX "idx_relassignsproducttomeasurement__relatedmeasurement" ON

"RelAssignsProductToMeasurement" ("relatedMeasurement");

CREATE INDEX "idx_relassignsproducttomeasurement__relatingproduct" ON

"RelAssignsProductToMeasurement" ("relatingProduct");

CREATE TABLE "RelAssignsProductToModel" (

"relatingProduct" TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES "Product" ("globalId") ON DELETE

CREATE INDEX "idx_relassignsproducttomodel__relatedifcmodel" ON

"RelAssignsProductToModel" ("relatedIFCModel");

CREATE INDEX "idx_relassignsproducttomodel__relatingproduct" ON

"RelAssignsProductToModel" ("relatingProduct");

CREATE TABLE "RelAssignsToMeasurement" (

"relatingResult" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "KeyPerformanceIndicatorResult" ("id")
"relatedMeasurement" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "Measurement" ("id") ON
"interpretation" TEXT,
"acceptance" BOOLEAN

CREATE INDEX "idx_relassignstomeasurement__relatedmeasurement" ON

"RelAssignsToMeasurement" ("relatedMeasurement");

CREATE INDEX "idx_relassignstomeasurement__relatingresult" ON

"RelAssignsToMeasurement" ("relatingResult");


"constant" TEXT NOT NULL,
"description" TEXT

CREATE TABLE "ActorRole" (

"userDefinedRole" TEXT,
"description" TEXT

R. Marmo, et al. Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103275

CREATE INDEX "idx_actorrole__role" ON "ActorRole" ("role");

CREATE TABLE "PersonAndOrganization" (

"person" TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES "Person" ("identifier") ON DELETE CASCADE,
"organization" TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES "Organization" ("identifier") ON DELETE

CREATE INDEX "idx_personandorganization__organization" ON "PersonAndOrganization"


CREATE INDEX "idx_personandorganization__person" ON "PersonAndOrganization"


CREATE INDEX "idx_personandorganization__roles" ON "PersonAndOrganization" ("roles");


"theactor" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "PersonAndOrganization" ("id")

CREATE INDEX "idx_actor__theactor" ON "Actor" ("theactor");

CREATE TABLE "RelAssignsFulfillingActorToActionRequest" (

"relatedActionRequest" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "ActionRequest" ("id") ON

CREATE INDEX "idx_relassignsfulfillingactortoactionrequest__relatedactionrequest" ON

"RelAssignsFulfillingActorToActionRequest" ("relatedActionRequest");

CREATE INDEX "idx_relassignsfulfillingactortoactionrequest__relatingactor" ON

"RelAssignsFulfillingActorToActionRequest" ("relatingActor");

CREATE TABLE "RelAssignsIssuingActorToActionRequest" (

"relatedActionRequest" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "ActionRequest" ("id") ON

CREATE INDEX "idx_relassignsissuingactortoactionrequest__relatedactionrequest" ON

"RelAssignsIssuingActorToActionRequest" ("relatedActionRequest");

CREATE INDEX "idx_relassignsissuingactortoactionrequest__relatingactor" ON

"RelAssignsIssuingActorToActionRequest" ("relatingActor");

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