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List of Important Government Schemes in India for SSC &

Railways Exams 2021
Name of the Date of Government
Scheme Launch Ministry
This scheme was launched to bring in
Financial Inclusivity among the people of

1. This scheme was launched to bring in

Financial Literacy and also help people to
Pradhan Mantri
August 28, Ministry of make use of the financial benefits which are
Jan Dhan
2014 Finance already available with them.
2. Also, it aimed at providing banking services
to the people who were not making use of it.

3. It covers a range of Financial Services like

easy credit, remittances and insurances, etc
This is also a scheme which is aimed at
helping the workers of the unorganized sector
like auto drivers, rag pickers, etc.

•A minimum assured pension of Rs 3000 per

month would be given to the subscriber of this
Pradhan Mantri 15th scheme.
Ministry of Labour
Shram Yogi February
and Employment
Maan-Dhan 2019 • Also, if the subscriber dies, the spouse of the
subscriber would receive 50% of the pension

• Also, the scheme can be transferred in the

name of the nominee after if the subscriber
dies before the age of 60.


The Make in India campaign was started

by Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi to
Ministry of foster a sense of making and using the
Make in India Commerce and products within the boundaries of our
25, 2014
Industry own country. This scheme also aimed at
increasing investments in multiple sectors
like production and manufacturing.
The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has been
one of the most famous Government
schemes launched by the Modi
Ministry of
Swachh Bharat 2 October government. The campaign was started
Housing and
Abhiyan 2014 with a mission to make India clean. This
Urban Affairs
movement gained popularity and is
considered as one of the most successful
campaigns ever launched.
This scheme is a significant part of the
Swachh Bharat Mission. Under this, the
children below the age of six and
14 Ministry of expecting and lactating mothers are
National Bal
November Human Resource offered health benefits by the
2014 and Development Government for free of cost. This scheme
also promotes the idea of clean self, clean
food, clean Anganwadis, and clean
• It is considered as one of the flagship
schemes of the Government which is
directly aimed at making the lives of the
female population better
22nd Ministry of
Beti Bachao Beti • The main aim of the scheme is to make
January Women and Child
Padhao the women of society financially and
2015 Development
socially independent.

• Thisscheme was also launched to

promote the education of the females in
the rural areas of the country.
The scheme aims at providing a universal
Ministry of pension scheme for the people who are
Atal Pension Yojna June 2015
Finance working in the unorganized sector, and
most of their payments are not recorded.


These people include gardeners, drivers,

servants, etc.

• Replacement of the Swavalamban


• The main aim of the scheme is to secure

the future of the people working in the
unorganized sectors by making a pension
provision for them
Digital India was founded with the goal of
promoting inclusive growth in the fields
of electronic services, products,
manufacturing, and job creation. The
Digital India Mission is primarily
Ministry of
concerned with three issues:
Electronics and
1st July
Digital India Mission Information
2015 • Providing digital infrastructure as a
useful resource for all citizens.
Finance Ministry
• On-demand governance and services

• To ensure that every citizen has access

to the internet.
This government scheme was launched to
support various entrepreneurs who come
up with business ideas and are unable to
January 16, Government of convert those ideas into reality due to the
Startup India
2016 India lack of funds. The Government decided to
help these entrepreneurs financially, as
this would also ensure the creation of new
The Government of India announced the
5th Gold Monetisation Scheme in 2015,
Gold Monetization Ministry of
November which allows people to deposit gold in
Scheme Finance
2015 any form in a GMS account and receive
income when the price of gold rises.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
established a public charitable trust. This
Prime Minister’s 27 March
national trust was established with the
Citizen Assistance 2020
goal of dealing with troubled and horrific
and Relief in
situations like as COVID-19 in the future.


Emergency Situation PM CARES was launched on March 28,

Fund 2020, under the presidency of Indian
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, with the
Ministry of Home Affairs, Defense
Minister, and Finance Minister serving as
ex-officio Trustees.
Arogya Setu is a mobile app developed by
the National Informatics Centre as part of
the Indian COVID–19 "contact tracing,
Ministry of
syndromic mapping, and self-
2 April Electronics and
Arogya Setu assessment" digital service (MeitY). In
2020 Information
just 40 days, the app had surpassed 100
million downloads. The app's source code
was made public on May 26th, amid
rising privacy and security concerns.
Ayushman Bharat Pradhan (Ayushman
Bharat Pradhan) is a government- The
23 Ministry of Government of India's Mantri Jan Arogya
Ayushman Bharat September Health and Yojana is a national health insurance
2018 Family Welfare scheme that intends to give free
healthcare to low-income earners in the
UMANG (Unified Smartphone
Application for New-age Governance) is
a mobile application introduced by Prime
Minister Narendra Modi to give citizens
Ministry of with secure access to a variety of
November Electronics and government services on a single platform.
2017 Information UMANG is a significant component of
Technology the government's Digital India project,
which aims to make all traditional offline
government services available online 24
hours a day, seven days a week through a
single unified app.
• The PRASAD scheme was launched by
Pilgrimage the Ministry of Tourist with the goal of
Rejuvenation And prioritising, planning, and sustaining
Ministry of
Spirituality 2015 integrated development of pilgrimage
Augmentation Drive places in order to give a holistic religious
(PRASAD Scheme) tourism experience.


• The Pilgrimage Rejuvenation And

Spirituality Augmentation Drive
(PRASAD) focuses on the development
and beautification of pilgrimage places
listed under HRIDAY.
The programme (which means "self-
reliant India scheme") is the term given to
the Union Government's full-fledged
Ministry of
Atmanirbhar Bharat economic stimulus package. It was
May 2020 Housing and
Abhiyan created with the goal of making people
Urban Affairs
self-sufficient and overcoming the
challenges posed by the coronavirus
The purpose is to establish an integrated
Ministry of
National Digital 15 August, healthcare system that digitally connects
Health and
Health Mission 2020 practitioners and patients by providing
Family Welfare
them with real-time health records.


List of Government Schemes Announced in Union Budget 2021-22

Name of the Scheme Description
• This will increase the capacity of primary, secondary, and tertiary
care health systems, as well as build and construct new national
PM AatmaNirbhar institutions to deal with the diagnosis and treatment of new and
Swasth Bharat Yojana emerging diseases.

• In addition to the National Health Mission, this will be done.

Jal Jeevan Mission (Urban) will be started in 500 AMRUT cities for
Jal Jeevan Mission universal water supply and liquid waste management in all 4,378
Urban Local Bodies with 2.86 crore household tap connections.
• In addition to the PLI plan, a Mega Investment Textiles Parks
(MITRA) project will be launched to help the textile sector become
more globally competitive, attract major investments, and create jobs.
Mega Investment
Textiles Parks
• This will result in a world-class infrastructure with plug-and-play
(MITRA) Scheme
capabilities, allowing global export champions to emerge.

• Over the course of three years, seven textile parks will be built.
The government will unite the Supplementary Nutrition Program and
Mission Poshan 2.0. the Poshan Abhiyan and develop Mission Poshan 2.0 to improve
nutritional content, delivery, outreach, and outcomes.
Monetizing operating public infrastructure assets is a critical source of
funding for new infrastructure development. There will be a launch of
Asset Monetisation
a "National Monetization Pipeline" of prospective Brownfield
infrastructure assets.
• A National Rail Plan for India - 2030 has been created by Indian

• By 2030, the plan aims to develop a railway system that is "future-

National Rail Plan for
• The
Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) and Eastern
Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC) are planned to be operational by
June 2022.
Scheme to promote A scheme to promote the flagging of merchant ships in India would be
flagging of merchant implemented by offering subsidised support to Indian shipping
ships in India businesses in international tenders floated by Ministries and CPSEs,


• The scope of the ‘Operation Green Scheme,' which currently applies

to tomatoes, onions, and potatoes, will be expanded to cover 22
perishable products in a significant announcement to enhance value
addition in agriculture and related products and their exports.
Operation Green
Scheme- For the • Around 1.68 crore farmers have enrolled, with e-NAMs accounting
Benefits of Farmers for Rs. 1.14 lakh crore in transaction value.

• E-NAM will be merged with 1,000 more mandis. The Finance

Minister announced an increase in customs duty on cotton, raw silk,
and silk yarn to help farmers.
• The government has introduced the One Nation One Ration Card
programme, which allows recipients to claim their rations from
anywhere in the country.
One Nation One Ration
Card scheme
• The One
Nation, One Ration Card initiative is being implemented in
32 states and UTs, reaching around 69 crore people, or 86 percent of
the population.
The government has set a goal of creating 750 Eklavya model
Post Matric residential schools in tribal areas, with a unit cost increase of Rs. 20
Scholarship Scheme crore to Rs. 38 crore for hilly and difficult areas, and Rs. 48 crore for
steep and difficult areas.


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