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Prae Sitthichai

July 31, 2021

Communications 1010

Professor Cancio


Before this communications course, I hadn’t really thought about convergence and its

effects on how we communicate to each other. Now I understand that since our social realities

are shaped through communications, and technology has advanced enough to affect our society,

there’s no denying that there is a permeation between the two forces. Being able to distinguish

between the different types of communications (mass, interpersonal, mediate, etc.) was also

really interesting. Originally, I also had a lot of anxiety about this course because of my fear of

public speaking, so I was happy to learn that there was a chapter in our coursebook that

dedicated itself on this topic.

What I have found most influential in the course was effective nonverbal

communications. Being able to discuss what I excelled at as well as what I could improve on

really opened my eyes to my daily interactions with others. I have personally tried using

effective nonverbal cues (particularly eye contact) on my Speech Culture video, and I have found

that it was really helpful in how I was able to convey my message to the audience. Overall, I

have enjoyed this course and the contents that I have learned will definitely be implemented in

the future!

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