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1. I am passionate about my work Because I love what I do.

I am results-oriented,
constantly checking in with the goal to determine how close or how far away we are
and what it will take to make it happen.

2. The answer to this question is very simple. This job opening at your esteemed
organization has the potential to give my personality a boost as well as render me
sufficient opportunities to leverage most of my acquired skill sets �
professionally as well as personally. It can bring out the best in me as this
platform will let me show my potential. Also, your organization can give me one of
the best professional workplace environments to work to my full potential and
collaborate with experienced professionals. I am sure that once I join here, I will
grow myself in my career as well as contribute to the organization�s overall growth
as well.�

3. I'm looking for better career prospects, professional growth and work

4. Number of new prospects contacted;

Closing ratio;
Average size of sale;
Number of referrals;
Connections with clients;
Customer satisfaction;

5.They should be motivated,appreciated as well. As they tried their best.

They should be thought that failure is a part of our life, one should treat it
with hard work and a desire to succeed,to completely focus on the process and work
on it.

7. �Success is what motivates me to do a good job. Knowing the fact that my hard
work and perseverance will help me achieve greater professional success is what
keeps me going. I feel that aligning the company's vision and values with my own is
one way to achieve that.
My biggest motivation is family. They are my biggest source of inspiration and
my strongest supporters as well. When I see my parents working, it gives me the
drive to be like them. Their dedication to working is what motivates me to be like
them. They are self-motivated individuals. Hence I try to imbibe their positivism
into my life.

10. I think leadership means you put people in the right place at the right time.
It's tough, but when you help someone find their �groove� and you let them stay
there, they excel.

11.Business acumen is willingness and quick understanding of a business situation

and deciding in effective manner to get the positive outcomes.It is not a born
personality. It can be learned and developed. A person develops business acumen
through some combination of business experience and formal training.Such learning
requires an understanding and deployment of the management processes to ensure a
disciplined and consistent approach to analysis and decision making.
Business Strategy Development and Application. ...
A Clear Understanding of Financial Acumen. ...
Tools, Skills, and Concepts of Marketing. ...
An Understanding of Operations, Supply Chain, and Manufacturing. ...
Business Simulations.

8.In my professional career i didn't get that much of opportunity to showcase

myself as i'm still a fresher.But in my college time as we were freshers our class
teacher had given us a task to organise a Fun Fest which was a huge task for us as
we didn't done any thing like that in our wholelife but with team work and
dedication we had successfully organised the Fun Fest and later we got to know that
we were first batch to organised such Fun Fest in that college before that no such
fest was organised.It was a kind of great achievement for us.

9. There was a cricket tournament in which our team needs 2 runs in 5 balls and we
didn't make it and lost and then i had given some negative feedback to the
batsman.I told him that you should have done it better and next time i want you to
give your best performance.

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