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Jordan University of Science & Technology

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics Laboratory


Measurement of Density , Specific Gravity And Viscosity of Liquids

Student name : Sief Mahmoud Zaqi Dqamseh

ID Number : 20120023097

Section number : 1

Group number : B

Date : 16/10/2015

This experiment is about measurement of some important liquids property like Density ,
specific gravity and viscosity .

The density or more precisely, the volumetric mass density, of a substance is its mass
per unit volume.

The Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a
reference substance; equivalently, it is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of
a reference substance for the same given volume. Apparent specific gravity is the ratio
of the weight of a volume of the substance to the weight of an equal volume of the
reference substance like water .

The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to gradual deformation by shear

stress or tensile stress .

To determine the density , specific gravity and viscosity of some liquids (i.e. Engine Oil ,
Glycerol and Castor Oil ) at atmospheric pressure and temperature .


Specific gravity and density

Liquid denser
Distilled Water than water
FB – W = 0

Ɣ w o – W = 0

Where :

FB : Buoyant force on the hydrometer ( upward )

W : Weight of the hydrometer , ( upward )

Ɣ w : Specific weight for water .

 o: Submerged volume of hydrometer in water .

∆  : The increase or the decrease of volume of immersion as hydrometer is placed in a

liquid other than water .

When the same hydrometer is placed in other liquid the law will be :

Ɣ L ( o ± ∆ ) – W = 0

Then the equation will be :

Ɣ L ( o ± ∆ ) – Ɣ w  o = 0

Ɣ𝑙 𝑉𝑜 𝑉𝑜 𝑉𝑜
= = = a ∗∆h = 𝑆𝑙 ………………..(1)
Ɣ𝑤 𝑉𝑜 ± ∆𝑉 𝑉𝑜 ± a∗∆h 𝑉𝑜 ±

Where SL = Specific gravity of the liquid (S.G )

ρl=Sl ρw ………………………… (2)

2 (𝜌 𝑠 −𝜌 𝑙 )
𝜇 = 𝑟2𝑔 ………………………….(3)
9 𝑢
Material & Equipment

 Universal hydrometer
 3 hydrometer jars
 Liquids : engine oil , glycerol and castor oil
 3 different diameter spherical steel balls
 Stop watch
 Scale
Firstly measure the diameter of the balls ; but in our experiment we use
measured balls .

Measure path in the jars by scale and lets use 30 cm and mark it .

 In the first part of this experiment _ Density and Specific Gravity _

 Put the hydrometer in the liquid slowly until its stop then read the number on the
scale .
 Take out the hydrometer and clean it to repeat measuring again .
 Do this steps for all liquid in the jars .

 In the second part of this experiment _ Viscosity _

 Dropping balls in the jars and calculate the time it takes to passing in its path
 Repeat this step for each liquid and record results .
 Finally measure the temperature and air presser .

Raw Data and Results (Calculation).

Pressure = 710 mm hg

Temperature = 27 0 C

Liquid Scale measuring " Specific Gravity "

Engine oil 0.885
Glycerol 1.25
Castor oil 0.96

Liquid type Distance of Ball diameter Time (min)

travel (mm) (mm)
Glycerol 300 3.9 2.69
3.1 2.75
2.3 6.31
Liquid type Distance of Ball diameter Time (min)
travel (mm) (mm)
Castor oil 300 3.9 5.12
3.1 7.87
2.3 13.57

Liquid type Distance of Ball diameter Time (min)

travel (mm) (mm)
Engine oil 300 3.9 1.38
3.1 1.75
2.3 3.15

Specific gravity for the liquids :

Engine oil = 0.885

Glycerol = 1.25
Castor oil = 0.96

For density I will use equation #2 to determine liquid density's

ρl=Sl ρw ………………………… (2)

Density for the liquids :

Engine oil = 0.885 * 997.04 = 882 kg/m3

Glycerol = 1.25 * 997.04 = 1246 kg/m3
Castor oil = 0.96 * 997.04 = 957 kg/m3

at 27 0 C
For viscosity I will use equation #3

2 (𝜌 𝑠 −𝜌 𝑙 )
𝜇 = 𝑟2𝑔 ………………………….(3)
9 𝑢

Viscosity for liquids AVG :

Engine oil = 0.23 pas.sec

Glycerol = 0.40 pas.sec
Castor oil = 0.93 pas.sec

Sample calculation

ρl=Sl ρw

ρ l = 0.885 * 997.04

ρ l = 885 kg/m3

2 (𝜌 𝑠 −𝜌 𝑙 )
𝜇 = 𝑟2𝑔
9 𝑢

2 3.9 (7800 −957.16)

𝜇 = ∗ ( )2 ∗ 10−6 ∗ 9.81 ∗
9 2 78.59∗10 −3

𝜇 = 0.968 pas. sec


In this experiment we can calculate viscosity for three liquids by simple steps

Viscosity for liquids AVG :

Engine oil = 0.23 pas.sec

Glycerol = 0.40 pas.sec
Castor oil = 0.93 pas.sec

This property tell us how the movement is easy or how energy we need to lose when this
liquid flow .

Also this property reflect very important value its renold number , and from this number
we can know if the flow laminar or turbulent .

Engine oil and Castor oil less than water this mean just Glycerol will Drown in water

Engine oil = 882 kg/m3

Glycerol = 1246 kg/m3
Castor oil = 957 kg/m3

The experiment density of glycerol is 1246 kg/m3 and theoretically is 1260 kg/m3 so we
have some error density maybe it's come from height temperature because of summer.

To improve the techniques I think the lab need for new machine because we already
have error when measuring the time so we need another way to doing this step .

The result was

Specific gravity for the liquids : Density for the liquids :

Engine oil = 0.885 Engine oil = 882 kg/m3

Glycerol = 1.25 Glycerol = 1246 kg/m3
Castor oil = 0.96 Castor oil = 957 kg/m3

Viscosity for liquids :

Engine oil = 0.23 pas.sec

Glycerol = 0.40 pas.sec
Castor oil = 0.93 pas.sec

 In high viscosity liquid like Castor oil , ball needs more time to reach to the
bottom of liquid jar.
 From these liquids and our results I think the highest specific gravity has highest
density and highest viscosity.
 As we see the castor oil has highest viscosity but Engine oil have the lower value

 This experiment tell us that Glycerol denser than Engine oil and Castor oil

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