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In modern society, there has been an ongoing trend towards bearing children later in life.

In my opinion, this development is caused by countless factors, and I strongly believe that
enormous benefits brought by late childbirth far outweigh its drawbacks.

There are two compelling reasons why some people advocate delaying parenthood. First and
foremost, as people are inversting more time in their careers, having children/giving birth to a
baby can be a major distraction. This is especially true for certain professions that make it
impossible to have children early. For example, flight attendants are required to travel so
frequently that they can hardly afford to both fulfil their work and take care of their children.
Work commitments aside, the upsugre in childcare costs, which will put a burden on most
younger couples, also cause the delay childbearing.

I opine that the advantageous effects of this certainly/definitely overshadow its downsides.
Despite the potential health risks to both the mother and babies from late childbirth, they can
be mitigated by recent leaps in the medical field. In addition, when parents have more time to
build/establish their careers and financial stability, they can give their children a better life,
including high quality education and better healthcare services. Another merit is that the older
people are, the more life experience they gain. Such hands-on experience may equip them
with greater skills in raising a well-rounded child, while bad parenting skills, which tend to be
prevalent among young couples, could have an adverse bearing on the children.

In conclusion, career pursuits and the escalating costs of childcare are two driving factors
behind postponed parenthood among modern citizens, and I believe the undoubted benefits of
this phenomenon are weightier than the negatives.  

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