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Letter Vol. 43, No.

14 / 15 July 2018 / Optics Letters 3265

Sparse representation-based demosaicing

method for microgrid polarimeter imagery
Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA
Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronic Information Processing, CAS, Shenyang 110016, China
The Key Lab of Image Understanding and Computer Vision, Liaoning Province, Shenyang 110016, China
Department of Bioengineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
*Corresponding author:

Received 17 April 2018; revised 6 June 2018; accepted 12 June 2018; posted 13 June 2018 (Doc. ID 328604); published 6 July 2018

To address the key image interpolation issue in microgrid polynomial approximation to estimate the missing pixel from
polarimeters, we propose a machine learning model based its local neighborhood, and they are unable to adapt to varying
on sparse representation. The sparsity and non-local self- structures in images. They generally tend to destroy the inher-
similarity priors are used as regularization terms to enhance ent structures of Stokes parameters, which leads to the gener-
the stability of an interpolation model. Moreover, to make the ation of artifacts in degree of linear polarization (DoLP, defined
best of the correlation among different polarization orienta- in Ref. [7]) images and the reconstruction of inaccurate polari-
tions, patches of different polarization channels are joined zation information.
to learn adaptive sub-dictionary. Synthetic and real images In this Letter, we propose a new interpolation model based
are used to evaluate the interpolated performance. The exper- on sparse representation. The proposed demosaicing model is
imental results demonstrate that our proposed method derived as follows.
achieves state-of-the-art results in terms of quantitative mea- For each polarization channel, assume that an observed
sures and visual quality. © 2018 Optical Society of America DoFP image y θ is directly down-sampled from its full-
resolution image xθ ; the formulation can be expressed as
OCIS codes: (100.3020) Image reconstruction-restoration;
(100.6640) Superresolution; (110.5405) Polarimetric imaging; y θ  Dθ x θ , (1)
(120.5410) Polarimetry; (260.5430) Polarization.
where θ  f0°, 45°, 90°, 135°g and Dθ represent a down- sampled matrix with the sampling factor of 2 along the hori-
zontal and vertical axes. To make the best of the correlation
among different polarization channels, images at four polariza-
tion channels are joined to build the interpolation model.
Polarimetric imaging provides useful information related to
Thus, the sparse representation αi of joint patch R i X can
surface roughness, shape, and normal direction and is invisible
be expressed as
on intensity or spectral images. Thus, it has been successfully
applied in many fields such as material classification [1], 3-D R i X  Φαi , (2)
surface reconstruction [2], dehazing [3], and biomedical imag-
ing [4]. Microgrid polarimeters, i.e., division-of-focal-plane where Φ is the dictionary, R i X  R i x 0° T , R i x 45° T ,
(DoFP) polarimeters, are composed of a collection of pixelated R i x 90° T , R i x135° T T , and R i is the matrix extracting a local
polarization filters aligned upon a focal plane array. patch from X at position i. According to sparse representation
However, polarization images captured by DoFP polarime- theory, the DoFP image interpolation question can be trans-
ters are in mosaic type, as shown in Fig. 1. Each pixel records formed to minimize the following problem:
only one out of four necessary intensity measurements, and X XK 
each individual pixel within a 2-by-2 super-pixel aligns to dif- min ky θ − Dθ x θ k22  γ kR i X − Φαi k22  λRα ,
ferent polarization orientations. Spatial resolution is reduced, α
θ i1
and the reconstructed polarization property is not accurate (3)
due to different instantaneous field of views (IFoVs) for each
pixel within a 2-by-2 super-pixel. To mitigate IFoV errors, where K is the number of partitioned patches, R· is the
many interpolation methods [5–9] have been proposed for regularization term, and γ and λ are the multiplier and
DoFP images. However, all these methods are based on regularization parameter, respectively.

0146-9592/18/143265-04 Journal © 2018 Optical Society of America

3266 Vol. 43, No. 14 / 15 July 2018 / Optics Letters Letter

To solve the model formulated in Eq. (3), we first determine minfjjxi − Φi αi k22  ζjjαi jj1 g. This is a joint optimization
the regularization terms. The sparsity prior is adopted for cod- problem, and it can be solved by alternatively optimizing Φi
ing coefficient αi to constrain the representation of joint patch and αi . However, solving the minimization problem directly
R i X sparse. The sparsity of αi can be characterized by kαi k0 requires much computational cost. Thus, approximation solu-
[10,11]. Non-local self-similarity refers to the fact that there tions can be used to address this problem. Since principal com-
are often many repetitive patches throughout a natural image, ponent analysis (PCA) basis [13] has shown promising results
and such non-local redundancy is very useful to improve over other traditional bases for sparse representation, we use
the quality of reconstructed images. It has been successfully PCA basis to approximate the solution. Recall that in non-local
adopted in image restoration [12,13]. Fortunately, for DoFP self-similarity, for each joint patch xi , we get a set of non-local
images, non-local redundancy also exits in each channel. similar patches, denoted by X i  x1i , x 2i , …, xm
i . Then the
Moreover, different channels have similar patterns. Therefore, adaptive sub-dictionary Φi for x i can be obtained by using
non-local self-similarity prior is used as an additional regulari- PCA technology [15,16]:
zation term to improve the interpolated results.
As shown in Fig. 1, for each patch of size p × p in a DoFP Φi  P T , (8)
image, it can be expanded into a new patch of size p × p × 4
by filling up the missing pixels for each channel. Next, the where P is the eigenvector matrix calculated by performing
new patch is rearranged into a vector, denoted by x i  eigenvalue decomposition to the covariance matrix of X i .
R i x0° T , R i x45° T , R i x90° T , R i x135° T T . Then we can If we set Φi  PT and αi  ΦTi x i , we will have
get its similar patches in a large enough local window. A patch jjx i − Φi αi ΦTi  jjx i − Φi ΦTi x i k22  0, and the corre-
x ki is selected as a similar patch to xi if the Euclidean distance sponding sparsity regularization term will have a certain
between them is not greater than a preset threshold. Afterwards, amount.
we get similar patches denoted by fx1i , x 2i , …, xni g. For a In fact, all these sub-dictionaries form an over-complete
given dictionary Φi, these coding coefficients of similar patches dictionary Φ  Φ1 , Φ2 , …, ΦK . For each joint patch xi ,
the corresponding adaptive sub-dictionary Φi is selected to
can be average weighted Pto estimate the coding coefficient αi of code it. This makes the coding coefficients of xi over other
x i . We denote βi  nk1 ωk αki , where αki  ΦTi xki and ωk
are calculated by solving the following regularized least square sub-dictionaries zero, which leads to a very sparse representa-
problem: tion of x i . That is, the adaptive sub-dictionary inherently
ensures the sparsity of the coding coefficients. Thus, over adap-
ω̂  arg minfkxi − Sωk22  εkωk22 g, (4) tive sub-dictionaries, the demosaicing model can be modified
by removing the sparsity regularization term:
where S  x 1i , x2i , …, xni , ω  ω1 , ω2 , …, ωn T and ε is
the regularization parameter. The solution of Eq. (4) can be X X
obtained as min ky θ − Dθ x θ k22  γ kR i X − Φi αi k22
θ i1
ω̂  ST S  εI−1 ST xi : (5) 2 
X 4p
Since βi is the good estimation of αi , the difference  ηi,j kαi,j − βi,j k22 : (9)
between them should be as small as possible. P Thus, we can i1 j1
characterize the non-local self-similarity as i kαi − βi k2 .
The demosaicing model can be rewritten as Given a current estimation of image fx 0° , x45° , x 90° , x135° g,
X the sparse representation fαi g can be updated for the next
iteration of minimization. After updating the PCA dictionary
min ky θ − Dθ x θ k22  γ kR i X − Φαi k22
θ i1
Φ, the sparse representation and dictionary, in turn, are used
 to update the full-resolution image fx 0° , x45° , x 90° , x135° g. Such
an iterative process terminates until the stopping rule is met.
λ kαi k0  η kαi − βi k22 : (6)
i1 i1
For given images, the sparse representation in the sth iteration
can be obtained by minimizing the following function:
The re-weighted l2 norm showed better and more sparse re-
sults in Ref. [14]. Therefore, we modify the above model into a α̂i  arg min Jαi 
re-weighted form as αi

K 4p

min ky θ − Dθ x θ k22  γ kR i X − Φαi k22  γkR i X − Φi αi k22  ηi,j kαi,j − βi,j k22 : (10)
α j1
θ i1

K X 4p
K X 2 
This is a quadratic problem, and we can get a closed-form
λ kαi k0  ηi,j kαi,j − βi,j k22 , (7) solution by setting ∂J∕∂αi  0:
i1 i1 j1

where αi,j and βi,j are the jth element of αi and βi , respectively. ΦTi R i X s j  ηi,j βi,j ∕γ
i,j  : (11)
A dictionary is very important to reconstruct a polarization 1  ηi,j ∕γ
property. To keep the correlation among different channels,
corresponding patches at four polarization channels are joined After updating coding coefficients fαi g, we estimate full-
to learn adaptive sub-dictionary. For each joint patch xi , the resolution image xs1
θ for each channel in the sth iteration
adaptive sub-dictionary can be obtained by solving the problem by solving the following minimization problem:
Letter Vol. 43, No. 14 / 15 July 2018 / Optics Letters 3267

x̂ θ  arg min l xθ   ky θ − Dθ xθ k22  γ kR i X − Φi αi k22 :

This is also a quadratic problem, and its closed-form solution
can be obtained by setting ∂l ∕∂xθ  0:
 XK −1 
s1 T T
xθ  Dθ Dθ  γ R i R i θ DTθ y θ

γ R Ti Φi αi θ : (13)
Fig. 2. Reconstructed DoLP images of different methods on syn-
The overall demosaicing algorithm is summarized in thetic image building1. (a) Bicubic, (b) spline, (c) [7], (d) [8], (e) ours,
Algorithm 1. The computational complexity of the PCA sub- and (f ) ground-truth.
dictionary is OK mp2  m2 p4  p6 . For sparse representa-
tion and full-resolution image updating, the complexities are
OK np2  p4  and ON 3  N 2 ∕4  K N p2  with N pixel
numbers of full-resolution image, respectively. The total com- as peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). Besides, real DoFP im-
putational complexity is represented as OT N 3  N 2 ∕4  ages were also used to verify the feasibility of our proposed
K p6  m2  1p4  m  n  K N p2 . method. Real images were captured by our self-developed
DoFP camera in the visible waveband (752 × 582 pixels; ex-
Algorithm 1: Demosaicing Algorithm for DoFP Images
tinction ratio, 9.58; transmittance, 71%). We compared our
proposed method with several mainstream methods such as bi-
Input: DoFP image. cubic, spline [6], gradient-based [7], and our previous work [8].
Initialization: Initialize iterator s  0, maximum iteration number T As shown in Figs. 2 and 3, two scenes were used to evaluate
and set:
(1) the initial high-resolution image xθ using the bicubic interpolation
the reconstructed performance. Because of page limitation,
method and PCA sub-dictionaries. only the reconstructed DoLP images are shown. bicubic and
(2) the related parameters: η  1.2, γ  0.1, n  23, image block spline methods reconstruct noisy DoLP images because they
size: 5 × 5. perform interpolation for each channel separately and intro-
Main Iteration: Increment s by 1 and perform the following steps: duce serious interpolation noise in intensity images. Method
1. Calculate sparse representation fαi g by Eq. (11). [7] adopts an image gradient prior, and the correlation among
2. Calculate image xs1
θ by Eq. (13). different polarization channels is used in Ref. [8]. These two
3. Update the adaptive dictionaries Φ  Φ1 , Φ2 , …, ΦK  by Eq. (8). methods produce better results for local structures such as
4. Stopping rule: if s > T , stop. Otherwise, do another iteration. edges. However, all these methods are based on polynomial
Output: High-resolution image x θ and reconstructed Stokes approximation to estimate missing pixel from its local neigh-
parameters and DoLP.
borhood, and they are unable to adapt to varying structures
in images. Thus, the reconstructed DoLP images by these
To provide a quantitative comparison of different interpo- methods are noisy. We can see that the reconstructed DoLP
lation methods, we captured ground-truth images of four images by using our proposed method are much cleaner while
polarization orientations for static scenes. This apparatus preserving image details, and most closely resemble the ground-
includes a gray-scale camera (DMK 22AUC03) and a truth, which is due to non-local self-similarity constraint
Newport 10LP-VIS-B linear polarizer which is mounted on and adaptive sub-dictionary. Besides, the PSNR is used as a
a rotation stage (Thorlabs PRM1Z8E) and placed in front of quantitative evaluation criterion, and the convergent curves
the camera. The rotation angles were distributed every 45° from of PSNR are shown in Fig. 4. One can see that our method
0° to 135°. Each image was sampled 300 times and averaged
to reduce the effects of random noise on interpolated results.
Next, we generated synthetic images as the sampling pattern
shown in Fig. 1. Then we evaluated the interpolated perfor-
mance by visual quality and quantitative measurement such

Fig. 3. Reconstructed DoLP images of different methods on

Fig. 1. Layout of a microgrid polarimetric sensor (left) and a synthetic image building2. (a) Bicubic (b) spline, (c) [7], (d) [8],
diagram of patch processing (right). (e) ours, and (f ) ground-truth.
3268 Vol. 43, No. 14 / 15 July 2018 / Optics Letters Letter

Fig. 4. Convergent curves of the PSNR on synthetic images.

(a) building1 and (b) building2.

Table 1. PSNR Results of Different Methods on

Synthetic Images
Bicubic Spline [7] [8] Ours
Building1 x0 43.6204 43.6637 42.9119 43.3687 44.8913
x 45 43.9919 44.0241 43.2624 43.6699 45.8872
x 90 43.5886 43.6960 42.7822 43.2158 45.6223 Fig. 5. Reconstructed S 0 and DoLP images on a real DoFP image.
x 135 43.3862 43.4497 42.6463 43.1386 45.1869 From top to bottom: bicubic method, spline method, method [7],
S0 40.5980 40.7320 39.7920 40.2290 41.7803 method [8], and our method.
DoLP 40.2724 40.1530 40.0087 40.1801 42.1704
Building2 x 0 41.2516 41.5493 40.4113 40.7972 43.8248
x 45 41.9349 42.2285 41.0541 41.4445 45.0725
x 90 41.2407 41.4995 40.4677 40.7732 44.5211 method achieves state-of-the-art results in terms of quanti-
x 135 41.4361 41.6823 40.5736 40.9657 44.0594 tative measures and visual quality.
S0 38.3817 38.7292 37.5283 37.9144 40.5064
DoLP 37.2341 37.4525 36.5894 36.9499 40.3622 Funding. China Scholarship Council (CSC)
(201704910730); Thirteenth Five-Year Preresearch Program
of China (41415020104).
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