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Received: 6 June 2017    Revised: 10 June 2017    Accepted: 12 June 2017

DOI: 10.1111/odi.12702


Ameloblastoma—Clinical, radiological, and therapeutic findings

M Kreppel  | J Zöller

Department for Oral and Craniomaxillofacial

Plastic Surgery, University of Cologne, Ameloblastoma are the most common odontogenic tumor. As they usually do not form
Cologne, Germany metastasis, they are considered as benign tumors with a locally invasive growth pat-

Correspondence tern and destruction of the jaws and the surrounding tissue (Oral Diseases, 23, 2017,
Matthias Kreppel, Department for Oral and 199). This article focuses on clinical, radiological, and therapeutic findings, which may
Craniomaxillofacial Plastic Surgery, University
of Cologne, Cologne, Germany. influence diagnosis and treatment of ameloblastoma in the future.
ameloblastoma, B-RAF mutation, CBCT, prognosis

1 |  EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ETIOLOGY involved region of the jaw. Pain is usually caused by hemorrhage in the
FACTORS adjacent soft tissue (Milman et al., 2016). Most often however, amelo-
blastomas are found by coincidence in radiographs taken for other
With an annual incidence of 0.5 new cases in 1,000,000 people, am- reasons (Esser, Horger, Ioanovicu, & Bosmuller, 2015). In comparison,
eloblastoma is considered to be a rare disease. However, there are ameloblastic carcinomas present more often with pain, paresthesia,
geographical differences: Higher incidences are found in Africa, China and ulceration due to perineural tumor growth (Kallianpur, Jadwani,
and India in comparison with the Western World (McClary et al., 2016). Misra, & Sudheendra, 2014).
Generally, ameloblastomas are found at an age of 30-­60 years with About 80% of all ameloblastomas are located in the mandi-
an average of 36 years and a peak around the fifth decade (Effiom, ble, mainly in the third molar region; 20% of ameloblastomas arise
Ogundana, Akinshipo, & Akintoye, 2017; Gundlach, 2000; McClary et al., in the maxilla, particularly in the posterior region (Gundlach, 2000;
2016). The male to female ratio is 1.2:1. Ameloblastomas account for 1% Mendenhall, Werning, Fernandes, Malyapa, & Mendenhall, 2007).
of all head and neck tumors (Milman, Ying, Pan, & LiVolsi, 2016). With a Desmoplastic ameloblastomas, a rare subtype (2% of all ameloblasto-
fraction of approximately 18%, ameloblastomas are the most common mas), arise most frequently in the premolar and anterior regions of the
type of odontogenic tumors (Reichart, Philipsen, & Sonner, 1995). mandible and the maxilla (McClary et al., 2016).
Ameloblastomas are derived from the epithelium involved in tooth
formation, the enamel organ. They were first described by Malassez in
1890 and named Adamantinoma (Baden, 1965). The term “ameloblas- 3 | HISTOLOGICAL PATHOLOGY
toma” was introduced in 1929 as the name Adamantinoma was mis-
leading, as ameloblastomas by definition do not produce any enamel. Four different types of ameloblastoma are described in the WHO
Very little is known about potential risk factors so far. Occasionally classification for odontogenic tumors: The solid/multicystic type is
ameloblastomas are associated with follicular cysts and impacted and the most common type and accounts for 90% of all ameloblastomas.
ectopic teeth (Figure 1) (Shin, Choi, & Moon, 2016). Within this group, the plexiform and the follicular histological pat-
terns are found most frequently. The follicular type can show differ-
ent kinds of cytological differentiation such as granular, basal cell, and
2 |  CLINICAL PRESENTATION AND spindle cell types (McClary et al., 2016; Milman et al., 2016). The gran-
LOCALIZATION ular cell type only accounts for 3.5% of ameloblastomas, but tends to
show the most aggressive biological behavior with high relapse rates
Clinical presentation of an ameloblastoma is usually limited, and symp- and a relatively high potential for metastasis (Babu, Sankari, Anitha, &
toms are non-­specific. They typically show a painless swelling of the Mohideen, 2015).

© 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved

Oral Diseases. 2018;24:63–66. |  63

64       KREPPEL and ZÖLLER

F I G U R E   1   Ameloblastoma of the
mandible with an impacted and ectopic
tooth 38. Top left: Coronal section of the
ectopic tooth 38 and the ameloblastoma.
Top right: Panoramic view showing an
ameloblastoma in left posterior mandible.
Bottom left: Sagittal section of the
ectopic tooth 38 and the ameloblastoma.
Bottom right: Transversal section of the

Other types of ameloblastoma are the unicystic type, extra-­ considered feasible for unicystic ameloblastoma with a luminal growth
osseous-­peripheral type and the desmoplastic type (McClary et al., pattern (McClary et al., 2016). Apart from the possibly more aggres-
2016). The unicystic type is associated with a smaller risk of relapse sive growth pattern, two other major problems are associated with
and is the only type that is susceptible for conservative surgery, as it recurrent ameloblastoma: the development of metastasis, termed ma-
exhibits an intraluminal growth pattern and rarely infiltrates the sur- lignant ameloblastoma, and the transformation into an ameloblastic
rounding tissue (McClary et al., 2016). carcinoma, both with rates of 2% in recurrent ameloblastoma (Hayashi
et al., 1997; Milman et al., 2016). Malignant ameloblastoma describes
ameloblastomas with metastases mainly located in the lungs, but with
4 |  RADIOLOGICAL PRESENTATION the same cytological features as the original ameloblastoma. In con-
trast, an ameloblastic carcinoma exhibits all malignant cytological fea-
In contrast to odontogenic cysts and due to the locally aggressive tures (Jayaraj et al., 2014).
growth, an infiltration of the surrounding soft tissue can be found
frequently. Radiological features of ameloblastoma are described as
unilocular or multilocular osteolytic lesions leading to a spacious thin- 6 | RECENT MOLECULAR PATHOGENIC
ning and expansion of the cortical bone (Ariji et al., 2011). Sometimes FINDINGS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR
resorption of dental roots can be found. 3D imaging is considered TARGETED THERAPY
standard today (Figure 1). Various studies have shown advantages for
computed tomography, magnetic resonance tomography, and cone-­ Very little is known about molecular risk factors for ameloblastoma.
beam computed tomography in comparison with panoramic radio- Multiple genetic mutations can increase the risk of developing cancer
graphs (Apajalahti, Kelppe, Kontio, & Hagstrom, 2015). (Effiom et al., 2017). Under normal circumstances, cells have the abil-
ity to correct the mutations or to undergo apoptosis, unless these mu-
tations affect genes, which code for proteins with repair function. One
5 |  TREATMENT of these genes is the X-­ray repair cross-­complementing gene (XRCC-­
1), which encodes proteins involved in base excisional repair processes
Standard treatment for ameloblastoma today is radical resection with (Hoeijmakers, 2001). Patch-­1 (PTCH-­1) is a gene involved in human
1-­cm resection margins. Recurrence rates range from 0 to 15%. For tooth development and in various types of cancer. Recent studies de-
more aggressive types of ameloblastoma, such as the granular cell scribed the XRCC-­1 and PTCH-­1 gene polymorphisms as risk factors
type, even greater resection margins may be required (Hong et al., for the occurrence of ameloblastomas. For XRCC-­1, genetic polymor-
2007; Masthan, Anitha, Krupaa, & Manikkam, 2015; Milman et al., phisms at the codons 194 and 399 showed an increased risk of de-
2016; Sham et al., 2009). Conservative surgery including enuclea- veloping an ameloblastoma (Kawabata et al., 2005; Yanatatsaneejit,
tion and curettage yield recurrence rates as high as 55% (Almeida Boonsuwan, Mutirangura, & Kitkumthorn, 2013). Another possible
Rde, Andrade, Barbalho, Vajgel, & Vasconcelos, 2016) and is only mechanism contributing to tumorigenesis of ameloblastoma seems

to be DNA hypomethylation of transcription related genes. A recent Babu, N. A., Sankari, S. L., Anitha, N., & Mohideen, G. (2015). Aggressive
study showed a lower methylation rate significantly of the promoter granular cell ameloblastoma: Report of a rare case. Journal of Pharmacy
& Bioallied Sciences, 7, S276–S278.
region of BCL-­2 in ameloblastomas in comparison with regular dental
Baden, E. (1965). Terminology of the ameloblastoma: History and current
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pathways, which are similar to different developmental stages of odi.12661.
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mutation causing an activation of the mitogen-­activated-­protein-­ Esser, M., Horger, M., Ioanovicu, S. D., & Bosmuller, H. (2015). Imaging di-
kinase pathway and an SMO mutation leading to an activation of a agnosis of ameloblastoma. Rofo, 187, 847–852.
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64% of all ameloblastoma show the BRAF-­V600E mutation (Kurppa
Hayashi, N., Iwata, J., Masaoka, N., Ueno, H., Ohtsuki, Y., & Moriki, T.
et al., 2014). This mutation is also found in other malignant tumors
(1997). Ameloblastoma of the mandible metastasizing to the orbit with
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(Brown & Betz, 2015). The mutation of BRAF-­V600E results in over- cal study. Virchows Archiv, 430, 501–507.
expression of the BRAF protein resulting in the activation of extra- Hoeijmakers, J. H. (2001). Genome maintenance mechanisms for prevent-
ing cancer. Nature, 411, 366–374.
cellular signal-­regulated kinase signaling further down the pathway
Hong, J., Yun, P. Y., Chung, I. H., Myoung, H., Suh, J. D., Seo, B. M., …
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transformation and growth (Brown & Betz, 2015). Patients display- loblastoma cases. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
ing a BRAF-­V600E mutation may be eligible for target therapy using 36, 283–288.
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a combination of dabrafenib ((BRAF inhibitor) and trametinib (MEK
Ramasubramanian, A., & Jagannathan, N. (2014). Metastasizing
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this may be a treatment option for the future that might spare rad-
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mutations in ameloblastomas. Nature Genetics, 46, 722–725. Clinical, radiological, and therapeutic findings. Oral Dis.
Yanatatsaneejit, P., Boonsuwan, T., Mutirangura, A., & Kitkumthorn, N.
(2013). XRCC1 gene polymorphisms and risk of ameloblastoma.
Archives of Oral Biology, 58, 583–589.

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