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Problem Sheet

Unit – II Analytic Functions
Part - A
1. Test if the function f ( z )  z is analytic or not.

2. Find p such that the function f(z) expressed in polar coordinates as

f ( z )  r 2 cos 2  ir 2 sin p is analytic.

3. Verify whether the function f ( z )  sinh z is analytic.

Re z
4. Check for the analyticity of the function f ( z )  .
Im z
5. Find the fixed points of the transformation w 
6. Prove that the real and imaginary parts of an analytic function are harmonic.
7. Show that function   log x 2  y 2  is harmonic.
8. Find the image of the line x  0 under the transformation w  z   2  i 
9. Find the image of the line y  0 under the transformation w  ze i / 4 .

10. Find the image of the circle | z|=a by the mapping w  2 z .

Part - B
sin 2 x
11. (i) If f ( z )  u  iv is analytic find f (z ) given that u  v  cosh 2 y  cos 2 x .

(ii) Find the bi-linear transformation which maps z  1, i ,  1 onto w  i , 0,  i . Hence

find the fixed points.

 2 2 
12. (i) If f (z ) is analytic, prove that    log f ( z )  0 .
 x y 2

(ii) Prove that the transformation w 
maps the upper half of the z–plane onto the

upper half of the w–plane. What is the image of | z| 1 under this transformation?

13. (i) Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z = 0, 1, ∞ into the points i,
-1, -i respectively .
 
(ii) Determine the analytic function whose real part is log x 2  y 2 and hence find its
imaginary part.
1 1
14. (i) Determine the region of w- plane into which the region  x  1 and  y  1 is
2 2
mapped by the transformation w  z 2 .

(ii)Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z = 0, -1, i onto
w = i , 0, . Also find the image of the unit circle | z | = 1.

15. (i) Find the regular function f(z) in terms of z whose imaginary part is

 cosh x cos y .
x  y2

z i
(ii) Find the image of x 2  y 2  4 y  2  0 under the mapping w  .
iz  1

16. (i) In a two-dimensional fluid flow, the stream function is    , find the velocity
x  y2

potential  .

(ii) If f(z) is an analytic function of z, prove that

 2 2 
   Ref ( z ) 2  2 f ( z ) 2 .
 x 2 y 2 
 

17. (i) If u  e x  x cos y  y sin y  is a harmonic function, then find an analytic function f(z) =
u+iv such that f(1) = e.
(ii) Check if the function v  e x sin y is harmonic. If yes, find its harmonic conjugate.
18. (i) Show that the transformation w  maps, in general, circles and straight lines into
straight lines or circles.
(ii) If f(z) is an analytic function with constant modulus, show that f(z) is constant.

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