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The Hope English Academy

Name : …………………………………………………………………………………………………...
at - <." wi," oS to - g" k
at 8.30 a.m. - fm'j' 8'30 to the office - ld¾hd,hg
at the gate - f.aÜgqj <`. to Sahan - iykag
at Thalawa - ;,dfõ§ to you - Tng
at home - ksjfia to the bus stand - nia kej;=ïm<g
at the age of 18 - wjqreÿ 18 § to learn English - bx.%Sis bf.kSug

on - u;" Wv near - <`.

on Monday - i`ÿod near the bank - nexl=j <`.
on the table - fïih Wv near the gate - f.aÜgqj <`.
on the branch - w;a; Wv near the town hall - k.r Yd,dj <`.
on money - uqo,a u;
on 02nd of March - ud¾;= 02 fjks od
on the topic - udlDldj .ek

in - ;=<" we;=f<a into - ;=<g" we;=<g

in the class - mka;sfha $ mka;sh ;=< into the well - <s`og
in March - ud¾;= udifha into the room - ldurhg
in Colombo - fld<U into English - bx.%Sishg
in India - bkaÈhdfõ
in 2010 - 2010 §
in English - bx.%Sisfhka

with - iu`." tlal" legqj" hulska for - i`oyd" ksid" ;siafia" fjkqfjka
with my father - uf.a ;d;a;d iu`. for you - Tn fjkqfjka
with a friend - hy¿fjla iu`. for my future - uf.a wkd.;h fjkqfjka
with a knife - msyshlska for 30 years - jir 30 la ;siafia
for 25 days - Èk 25 la ;siafia
just for you - Tn i`oydu

from - isg" f.ka before - fmr

From Kandy - kqjr isg before the exam - úNd.hg fmr
From Kasun - liqkaf.ka before lunch - oj,a wdydrhg fmr
From India - bkaÈhdfõ isg before this class - fï mka;shg fmr
before 1st of March- ud¾;= 01 g fmr

under - hg" hgf;a after - miqj

under the tree - .i hg after the exam - úNd.hg miqj
under the manager - l<uKdlre hgf;a after the meeting - /iaùfuka miqj
under this topic - fï ud;Dldj hgf;a after this class - fï mka;sfhka miqj

between - w;r ^fofofkla fyda folla w;r& without - fkdue;sj

between you and me - Tnhs uuhs w;r without you - Tn fkdue;sj
between Kandy and Colombo - kqjr iy fld<U w;r without a friend - hy¿fjla fkdue;sj
between Ruwan and Sahan - rejka iy iyka w;r without a sound knowledge -
fyd`o oeKqula fkdue;sj
Prasanna Lakmal – The Hope English Academy - Thambuttegama Tel: 0717-456 975
among - w;r ^iuQyhla w;r& along - Èf.a
among them - Tjqka w;r along this road - fï mdr Èf.a
among the countries - rgj,a w;r along the beach - fjr< Èf.a
among your friends - Thdf.a hy¿jka w;r

about - .ek" muK" ú;r around - jfÜ

about 10 years - jir 10 la muK around the land - j;a; jfÜ
about you - Tn .ek around the sun - iQ¾hd jfÜ
about 300 - 300 la ú;r around my country - uf.a rg jfÜ
about my class - uf.a mka;hs .ek

behind - msgqmi" i`.jd towards - foig

behind our house - Thdf.a ksji msgqmi towards the sea - uqyq`o foig
behind your school - Thdf.a mdi, msgm
q i towards the success- id¾:l;ajh foig
behind the truth - we;a;g msgqmd,d towards Kandy - kqjr foig

during - hï ld,hla ;=,§ $ w;r;=r in front of - bÈßmsg

during my school period - uf.a mdi,a ld,fha§ in front of the clock tower-
during the day time - Èjd ld,fha§ Trf,daiq lkqj bÈßmsg
during the year 2010 - 2010 w;r;=r in front of the cinema-
iskud Yd,dj bÈßmsg

across - yryd above - by<ska

across the river - .`. yryd above my home - uf.a ksjig by<ska
across our village - wfma .u yryd above the trees - .iaj,g by<ska
across the road - mdr yryd
over - by<ska" Wäka
since - isg" od" mgka over the fence - jegg Wäka
since morning - Wfoa isg over the clouds - j,dl=¿ j,g Wäka
since today - wo mgka
since tomorrow - fyg b`o,d below - my<ska
since my childhood - fmdäldf,a b`oka below my home - uf.a ksjig my<ska
below 16 years - wjqreÿ 16 g wvq
within - hï ld, iSudjla we;=,;
within a week - i;shlska $ i;shla we;=,; as - f,i
within two hours - meh follska$meh folla we;=,; as a hobby - úfkdaodxYhla f,i
within a day - ojilska as a hero - ùrfhl= f,i

like - jf.a close - lsÜgqj" iómj

like a fool - fudavfhla jf.a close to you - Tng iómj
like my father - uf.a ;d;a;d jf.a close to the bank - nexl=j lsÜgqj
just like my brother- yßhgu uf.a ifydaorhd jf.a close to our village- wfma .u lsÜgqj

through - w;ßka" ;=,ska throughout - uq¿,af,a" mqrd

through the window- cfka,h w;ßka throughout the country - rg mqrdu
through the lesson - mdvu ;=,ska throughout the night - rd;%sh uq¿,af,au

away from - wE;

away from the town - k.rfhka wE;
away from me - uf.ka wE;

Prasanna Lakmal – The Hope English Academy - Thambuttegama Tel: 0717-456 975

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