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FIA ACT 1974
Prepared by:
Aman GB
1. which of the following section defines it extends to the whole of Pakistan and
applied to all citizens of Pakistan and Public Servants, wherever they may be
A Sec 1(2)
B Sec 1(1)
C Sec 1(3)
2. Which of the following section Defines FIA Act 1974, it shall come to force at
A Sec 1(2)
B Sec 1(1)
C Sec 1(3)
3. Section 1 (3) Defines Federal Investigation Agency Act, 1974 shall come to
force at
A Once
B Twice
C None
4. Which of the following section Defines, This Act may be called the Federal
Investigation Agency Act, 1974.
A Sec 1(2)
B Sec 1(1)
C Sec 1(3)
5. Agency means the Federal Investigation Agency constituted under section
6. Section 2 defines Code, means the Code of Criminal Procedure, as
A 1898 (Act V of 1898)
B 1861 (V of 1861)
C 1948, (VII of 1948)
7. Section 2 defines “Director General” means the Director General of
A Govt
B Agency
C None
8. Section 2 Defines “Provincial Police” means the Police constituted by Provincial
Government under the Police Act,
A 1898 (Act V of 1898)
B 1861 (V of 1861)
C 1948, (VII of 1948)
9. Public Servant means a public servant as defined in Section ---------- of the
Pakistan Penal Code.............?
A 21, (Act XL V of 1860)
B 3, ( Act V of 1898)
C 22,( (VII of 1948)
10. According to Section 21 of the Pakistan Penal Code (Act XL V of 1860) Public
Servant includes
A an employee of any corporation
B other body or organization set up controlled or administered by or under the
of the Federal Government;
C Both
11. Section 2 defines Special Police, means the Pakistan Special Police
Establishment constitution under the Pakistan Special Police Establishment
A 1898 (Act V of 1898)
B 1861 (V of 1861)
C 1948, (VII of 1948)
12. Section 2 defines “Specified Persons” mean the persons who were appointed to
posts in or under a Provincial Police in pursuance of Article ................ of the
Special Police and Provincial Police (Amalgamation) Order,
A 3, 1962 (P.O. No. 1 of 1962)
B 21, 1898 (Act V of 1898)
C 4, 1861 (V of 1861)
13. Which of the following section Defines, “Rules” means rules made under this
14. Which of the following section defines constitution of the agency
15. ................may constitute an Agency to be called the Federal Investigation
Agency for inquiry into, and investigation of the offences specified in the
Schedule, including an attempt or conspiracy to commit, and abetment of, any such
A Federal Government
B Provisional Government
C None
16. The .............shall consist of a Director General to be appointed by the Federal
Government and such number of other officers as the Federal Government may,
from time to time, appoint to be members of the Agency
A Agency
B Federal Government
C Provisional Government
17. The Agency shall consist of a Director General to be appointed by the
A Federal Government
B Provisional Government
C None
18. Which of the following section Defines Superintendence and administration of
the Agency?
19. Section 4(1) defines The Superintendence of the Agency shall vest in
A Federal Government
B Provisional Government
C None
20. Section 4 (2) defnes,The administration of the Agency shall vest in the Director
General, who shall exercise in respect of the Agency such of the powers of an
Inspector General of Police under the Police Act,
A 1898 (Act V of 1898)
B 1861 (V of 1861)
C 1948, (VII of 1948)
21. Which of The Following Section Defines, The Superintendence of the Agency
shall vest in the Federal Government?
A 4(1)
B 4(2)
C 3(1)
22. Section (5) of FIA ACT 1974, Defines
A Powers of the members of the Agency
B Power to amend the Schedule
C Indemnity
23. Which of the following section defines, a member of the Agency not below the
rank of a Sub-Inspector may, for the purposes of any inquiry or investigation under
this Act, exercise any of the powers of an officer-in-charge of a Police Station.
A 5(1)
B 5(2)
C 4(2)
24. According to Section 5, of sub-section (1) and sub-section (2), any member of
the Agency not below the rank of ................... authorized by the................. in this
behalf may
arrest without warrant any person who has committed.
A Sub-Inspector, Director Genera
B Inspector, Federal Government
C None
25. Section 5 of subsection (4) defines , members of the Agency of the powers of
an officerin-charge of a Police Station,” Police Station” includes any place
declared, generally or specially, by the -----------------to be a Police Station within
the meaning of the Code
A Federal Government
B Director General
C None
26. Any contravention of an order made under sub-section (5) shall be punishable
rigorous imprisonment for a term which may be extend to.............?
A one year
B or with fine
C or with both
27. Section 5A Defines, Assistant Directors (Legal) and the Deputy Directors
(Law) of the
Agency shall be deemed to be Public Prosecutors, Added through
A FIA (Amendment) Ordinance 2002)
B FIA (Amendment) Ordinance 1975)
C FIA (Amendment) Ordinance 1974)
28. Which of the following section defines, The Federal Government may, by
notification in
the official Gazette, amend the Schedule to add any entry thereto, modify, or omit
entry therein.
29. According to section (7).................... May by order in writing, direct that all or
any of
his powers under this Act, as may be specified in the order, be exercisable also by
member of the Agency so specified.
A The Director-General
B Federal government
C Provisional government
30. Which of the following Section Defines, No suit, prosecution or other legal
shall lie against the Federal Government, any member of the Agency.
31. Section 9 Defines, The Federal Government may, by notification in
the..........make rules
for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
A official Gazette
B official Letter
C None
32. Which of the following section defines, the terms and conditions of service of
Director General and other members of the Agency and the qualifications for
to various posts.
A Power to make rules, Section 9(2)
B Power to make rules, Section 9 (1)
C Power to amend the Schedule, Section 6
33. Federal investigation Agency Established ?
A January 13, 1975
B January 13, 1974
C January 17, 1974
D January 17, 1975
34. Headquarter of FIA located in
A Karachi
B Islamabad
C Lahore
35. FIA ACT, 1974 (VIII OF 1975) Gazette of Pakistan, Extra-ordinary, Part-I,
Constituted .
A January 13, 1975
B January 13, 1974
C January 17, 1974
D January 17, 1975
36. The first Director General of FIA in 1974?
A Akber Khan Hoti
B M.Y.Orakazi
C Mr. Saud Mirza
37. Who is Current Director General of FIA?
A Muhammad Akber Khan Hoti
B M.Y.Orakazi
C Mr. Saud Mirza
38. There is how many schedules included in FIA ACT, 1974 (VIII OF 1975)
A 9 Schedules
B 10 Schedules
C 29 Schedules
39. There is how many Sections included in ACT, 1974 (VIII OF 1975) ?
B 10
C 29
40. FIA ACT, 1974 (VIII OF 1975) Gazette of Pakistan, Extra-ordinary, Part-I,
Constituted on
A January 13, 1975
B January 13, 1974
C January 17, 1974
D January 17, 1975
41. Which of the following Act defines The Pakistan Special Police
A 1948 (VII of 1948)
B 1962 (P.O. No.1 of 1962)
C 1861 (V of 1861)
42. Which of the following Act defines the Special Police and Provincial Police
A 1948 (VII of 1948)
B 1962 (P.O. No.1 of 1962)
C 1861 (V of 1861)
43. Which of the following defines Police Act?
A 1948 (VII of 1948)
B 1962 (P.O. No.1 of 1962)
C 1861 (V of 1861)
44. Which of the following Act defines Pakistan Penal Code?
A (Act XL V of 1860)
B 1898 (Act V of 1898)
C 1948, (VII of 1948)
45. Which of the following Act defines Criminal Procedure?
A (Act XL V of 1860)
B 1898 (Act V of 1898)
C 1948, (VII of 1948)
46. Pakistan Fiscal year starts from;
A1st September
B 1st January
C1st April
D 1st July
47. The most important source of a government is:
A Foreign loan
B Taxes
C Printing of new money
D Sale of government property
48. The Federal Investigation Agency of Pakistan is headed by ?
A Director General
B Federal Government
C Both
49. FIA is a ?
A counter-intelligence
B security agency
C Both
50. FIA is a under the Ministry of Interior of Pakistan.
A True
B False
51. The FIA also undertakes international operations with the close cooperation
and coordination of Interpol.
A True
B False
52. The FIA is headed by the appointed Director-General who is appointed by the
Prime Minister, and confirmed by the President
A True
B false
53. The Director General of the FIA is assisted by three Additional Director-
Generals and ten Directors for effective monitoring and smooth functioning of the
operations spread all over the country
A True
B False
54. The chief presiding officer of the agency is called the director general
A True
B False
55. The provincial heads of agency are called "directors
A True
B False
56. Codified under the Constitution in........... the institution functions of FIA
,under the Ministry of Interior (MoI)?
A 1974
B 1975
C 2002
57. More than ........... international offices, designated as "Immigration Wing",
exist in Pakistan embassies and consulates-general worldwide
A 40
B 39
C 50
58. The executive figure of FIA is appointed by
A Prime Minister of Pakistan
B President of Pakistan
C FIA Executives Committee
59. The National Intelligence Directorate (NID) was formed in............. in order to
pool intelligence gathered by over................................... Of Pakistan's intelligence.
A 2014, 30
B 2011, 39
C 2002, 10
60. The Emblem/ Moto of FIA
A Accuracy
B Honesty
B Both
61. There is how many Major units of FIA??
A 30
B 20
62 FIA smaller offices known as wings or circles
A True
B False
63 What is date of Appointment of DG FIA Muhammad Akber khan Hoti?
A 25-11-2014
B 30- 12-2014
64 Muhammad Akber khan Hoti .......... DG of FIA.
A 32th
B 34 th
65 In 1942, the ........... established the Special Police Establishment (SPE) in
............ during the midst of World War II .
A British government , British India
B Indian government, India
C None
66 After the independence of Pakistan in 1947, the Special Police Establishment
(SPE) was equally divided between the governments of India, which formed the
CBI, and Pakistan, which retained it as the Pakistan Special Police Establishment
(PSPE) in 1947.
A True
B False
67 In 1942, the British government established the Special Police Establishment,
Originally the Police Establishment was tasked to take up investigation of
............... in Indian Civil Service
A Terrorism
B Crime
C Corruption
68 After the 1971 war with India, police reforms were carried out by.....................
after adopting recommendations from the report submitted by bureaucrat G.
Ahmad in Prime Minister Secretariat, on ..........?
A Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, 7 March 1972.
B Ayoub Khan , 7 March 1972
C Yahiya , 7 March 1972

10 Units of FIA with Abbreviations

1 CTW Counter-terrorism Wing
2 ACW Anti-Corruption Wing
3 ECW Economic Crime Wing
4 IW Immigration Wing
5 TW .... Technical Wing
6 LB .... Legal Branch
7 NCB.. National Central Bureau
8 ATU ...Anti Trafficking Unit
9 AW .....Administration Wing
10 CC ......Complaint Centre
federal government, was also given powers to investigate cases relating to
offenses under the following laws:
Official Secret Act, 1923•
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947•
Passport Offenses Act, 1952•
Customs Act, 1959•


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