Revision-Week - 1Eng-III

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2ndTerm Revision-Week-1/Homework from 24th January to 28th January

 Creative Writing “Helping Others”

Helping others is a good deed and gives a sense of satisfaction. When

we help the poor or needy person, we get inner peace. Allah will also

reward us on doing good deeds on the Day of Judgement. Our

teachers help us to gain knowledge, our friends and relatives help us

when we need. We can help others by giving time, money or things

that we own.

I like to help people who belong to me. I help my mother in washing

and cleaning. I help my siblings in their homework. I also help my

grandparents in reading a newspaper. I love to talk with old people

when they are sick .I always try my best to clean my surroundings. I

help blind people in crossing road. I help my pets to get them food

and shelter. I always donate my old books, clothes and toys to the

poor and needy.

You can also help someone by giving a good piece of advice. These

deeds do not pay but they have good impact on others. It’s really true

that “We rise by lifting others”.

Recycling is very important in our lives because the waste we create is
increasing all the time. The rise in population means that there
are more people on the planet to create waste. New packaging
is being developed, but much of these products contain
materials that are not eco- friendly. New lifestyle changes,
such as eating fast food, means that we create additional
waste that isn’t recyclable. Recycling helps to decrease the
pollution caused by waste. It reduces the need for raw
materials so that the rainforests can be preserved. Huge
amounts of energy are used when making products from raw
materials. Recycling requires much less energy which helps to
preserve natural resources. We should always remember that making products
from raw materials costs much more than if they were made from recycled

Circle T (True) or F (False).

1 Recycling is very important in our lives. T / F

2 More people create less rubbish. T / F
3 Fast food creates more recyclable waste. T / F
4 Recycling helps in decreasing pollution. T / F
5 We need more energy for recycling. T / F
6 Recycling saves the rainforest. T / F
7 Raw materials are cheap. T / F
8 Everyone should consider recycling. T / F

Read the passage carefully and answer the following


Q:1 Which products are not Eco-friendly?




Q:2 How does recycling help in decreasing pollution?




Q:3 Find out two adjectives, two prepositions and two verbs in this passage.



UNIT: 14 Talking about the past

Vocabulary Focus

Words Meanings

impact the powerful effect

consume to use something

comfortable something giving physical relief

chore a routine job

rare not seen very often

Unit#16 The Lakes of Pakistan

Read and learn the meanings of the following given words.

Words Meanings

surrounded to be all around something

resident a person who lives in a place

resources supply of something that a country has

reservoir a natural or an artificial lake where water is stored

breathtaking very exciting

Note: Write down all the above mentioned work in your note books.

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