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New Generation University College (NGUC)


New Generation University College (NGUC) was opened in Hargeysa, Somali Land in 2010.The
founder of NGUC aimed to provide superior education and total quality higher education
opportunities to the younger generation of Somali Land and beyond. The founders of this
University College had taken into account the great demand and needs of the country for quality
private higher education to meet the increased demand for trained manpower.

The Vision of the New Generation University College (NGUC) as a 'Center for Excellence' was
born out of the dynamic ideas and the desire to assist the national and regional endeavors to
provide adequate number of total quality higher education institutions. Such institutions are
indispensable for effective participation in the current global economic development movement.
The world is intermingling and nations are communicating through modern higher educational
institutions. Ethiopia also can make great contributions by developing and enhancing quality
higher education.
The vision of NGUC is to become the center of excellence with commitment to a holistic
learning and teaching environment that produces qualified graduates who have, a result,
developed a sincere spirit of tolerance and a sense of commitment to society.
The mission of NGUC is to provide quality higher education, research and community services
through a superior and interdisciplinary academic programs training the new generation of
undergraduates and graduates in needed professional skills. a result, developed a sincere spirit of
tolerance and a sense of commitment to society.
The following values are the principles that guide members of NGUC community:

1.4.1. Absolute professional integrity, ethical and moral principles;

1.4.2. Striving for excellence in all things;

1.4.3. Exercising academic freedom with accountability and responsibility;

1.4.4. Respecting the rule of law and universal humanitarian values, and

1.4.5. Cherishing tolerance of differences and fostering inclusiveness.

New Generation University College is a private college in Ethiopia. Founded by Ethiopian to

provide private higher education opportunities for students in the Oromia region of Ethiopia,
NGUC has branches in Addis Ababa (Finfinne), and Nekemte and Mettu towns in Oromia. It is
one of the growing new private colleges in the country.

Rift Valley University began operations in October 2000 in Adama Town, with a capital of
1,300,000 Eth. Birr, a total number of 154 evening program students, and five part time faculty
staff. The Asella branch campus was begun three months later with Accounting, Law and
Marketing Management being the

When the first eager students set foot on the campus in Adama in October 2000, they beheld a
very different setting from the spacious and forested compound with one modern building, and a
number of blocks that house administrative offices, laboratories, libraries and quite a number of
classrooms students see today. Ato Dinku Deyasa, a renowned investor and owner of NAFYAD
PLC and Ato Reta Bekele, former President of Adama and Jima High Courts envisaged the
necessity of founding a private higher education institution mainly aimed at curbing the
country’s death of qualified human resources. Needs analysis was conducted to identify the
fields of study most desired by the community in and around Adama and Asella towns. On the
basis of the findings, the founders made all the necessary preparations that would enable them to
begin academic programs at a diploma level in five fields of study – namely, Accounting,
Computer Science, Law, Marketing Management, and Secretarial Science and Office

The Oromia Justice Bureau officially registered RVU as a PLC under Registration No.
W/D/0001/93 on August 3, 1993 EC. The Company’s authenticity was publicized in the Addis
Zemen, August 10, 2000 GC issue, by the Oromia Bureau of Trade and Tourism, which issued a
Trade License No. 13/W/D/DH/YE/002/93 and a Registration ID No. 13/D/DH/I/093/93 to the
organization. The first accreditation by the Ministry of Education in five diploma level programs
of study was earned in the year 1993 EC. Currently the Ministry of Education and the Oromyia
Regional Government Bureau of Education in collaboration with the Ministry of Health accredit

Rift Valley University began operations in October 2000 in Adama Town, with a capital of
1,300,000 Eth. Birr, a total number of 154 evening program students, and five part time faculty
staff. The Asella branch campus was begun three months later with Accounting, Law and
Marketing Management being the fields of study. This new “learning community” was housed in
just one rented block that consisted of a single administrative office and a few classrooms; by the
end of the year 2000/2001 academic year, total enrolment at the two locations was about 250
students in the five diploma programs of study.

In September 2003 and 2004, Gotera and Batu branch campuses came into being respectively;
Bishoftu campus was created two years later followed by two other branch campuses – namely,
Dire Dawa and Chiro, which went functional in August/September 2005. Bole and Gulele came
into being in October 2005. Harar campus was created in October 2006.

When the institution was empowered to grant a bachelor’s degree, accounting, business
management and law were the first academic programs on offer on the campus in Adama.

Wollega University (WU) is a public higher educational institution established in February 2007
by enrolling 851 students in 17 departments under four Faculties: Business and Economics,
Education, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences. At the time, the University had 140 academic
staff, and about 123 administrative support staff.
Wollega University Student Community
September 30, 2016 ·
Historical Background of the University
Wollega University (WU) is a public higher educational institution established in February 2007
by enrolling 851 students in 17 departments under four Faculties:
Business and Economics,
Natural Sciences and
Social Sciences.
At the time, the University had 140 academic staff, and about 123 administrative support staff.
The Wollega University is located on the verge of Nekemte town, which is 310 km away from
Addis Ababa westwards, with beautiful scenery of landscape andspectacular view of Mount
Komto. It is situated on an area of 150 hectares. The University also runs two campuses namely
Gimbi and Shambu other than Nekemte Campu. Gimbi campus is located at Gimbi town, which
is 110 km west of Nekemte. The Campus was opened in January 2009. Shambu Campus was
opened at Shambu town in 2010, which is located 330 km West of Addis Ababa. The campus
islocated on an altitude of 1000-3300 metres above sea level, with a minimum and maximum
rainfall of 800 mm-2200 mm,respectively. The topography is undulating with Savannahtype of
vegetation. The University, though young for its age, hasmade remarkable and multifarious
progress in training, research, and services provision since its establishment. As a result of the
opening of additional fields of study like Faculty of Technology, College of Agriculture and
Rural Development, College of Health Sciences and School of Veterinary Medicine, the number
of programs has alarmingly grown to 54. Wollega University, therefore, is making a valuable
contribution tothe overall development of the country by producing high-level professionals,
conducting problem-solving research and providing services to thesurrounding communities,
working in partnership with all stakeholders. At present, Wollega University runs 82
undergraduate, 45 graduate programs and 5 PhD programs in the three campuses. WU is an
innovative institution and a pioneer University to implement continuous assessment, student-
centered approach and active learningin the teaching-learning area to transform the traditional
methods of teaching. Today, WU is acomprehensive University engaged in theprovision of all-
rounded education, research and community services.

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