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I. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. (4 points)

Question 1: I used to live in a city _____ in history.
A. imbued B. chock-a-block C. steeped D. brimful

Question 2: My uncle who used to be a former soldier's more of a dab hand at

shooting than _____.
A. did my father B. my father does
C. my father was D. is my father

Question 3: She _____ the overturned car with only a few scrapes and
A. emerged from B. alighted from C. snuck from D. crept from

Question 4: There were _____ circumstances and the defendant did not
receive a death sentence.
A. soothing B. extenuating C. relieving D. alleviating

Question 5: They stayed up talking until well _____ the night.

A. at B. into C. in D. during

Question 6: The council has a(n) _____ record on education.

A. abysmal B. inclement C. calamitous D. devastating

Question 7: The party turned out to be _____ a pleasure.

A. more an endurance test than
B. more of an endurance test than
C. an endurance test more than
D. an endurance test of more than

Question 8: Her life hitherto had been _____ of adventure.

A. deficient B. missing C. devoid D. lacking

Question 9: A new system has been _____ to control traffic in the city.
A. concocted B. coined C. conjured D. devised
Question 10: He was _____ that all firms wanted him.
A. such a manager proficiency
B. such proficiency a manager
C. so proficient a manager
D. so a manager proficient

Question 11: I recalled you said your father was not planning for a vacation,
A. didn't you B. didn't I
C. was he D. wasn't he

Question 12: Wait till you eat the dish. You'll be _____.
A. blasted off B. gone out
C. blown away D. taken in

Question 13: _____, you'll never get a promotion.

A. Whatever hardly you work
B. However hard you work
C. Much hardly as you work
D. So hard you work

Question 14: The story is about saints _____ dragons and freeing captive
A. dismantling B. bewitching C. flummoxing D. vanquishing

Question 15: Don't _____! He gets into enough trouble without your
A. put him off B. send him out
C. shoot him in D. egg him on

Question 16: A number of colleges have _____ to form the new university.
A. amalgamated B. synchronized
C. coincided D. decentralized
II. Fill each gap in the following sentences with one of the prepositions or
particles. (2 points)
Question 17: The doctor finds his diet deficient _____ vitamin A.
Question 18: It was an adventure fraught _____ difficulties and frustration.
Question 19: I think that the strike is attributable _____ poor working conditions.
Question 20: Passive-aggressive behaviour stems _____ repressed anger.

III. Supply the correct form of the word given in the brackets. (2 points)
Question 21: His extravagant ideas were never brought to _____. (FRUIT)
Question 22: Taylor Swift is a much _____ singer. (SEEK)
Question 23: The amounts of radioactivity present were _____. (FINITE)
Question 24: Smoking is a(n) _____ factor in several major diseases. (CAUSE)

IV. Rewrite the following sentences beginning as shown or using the word
given. Do not change the meaning of the original sentences. (2 points)
Question 25: He has done stupid things before, but this one annoys me the
most. (BISCUIT)
→ Although he has done stupid things before _________________________.
Question 26: When we first met, we became friends straight away. (HIT)
→ When we first met, we ______________________________ straight away.
Question 27: The two scientists were in strong disagreement because that
subject was brought up. (LOGGERHEADS)
→ Had that subject ______________________________________________.
Question 28: The parents of that girl are furious about her expulsion. (ARMS)
→ That's the girl ________________________________ about her expulsion.

---THE END---
I. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. (4 points)

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16

II. Fill each gap in the following sentences with one of the prepositions or
particles. (2 points)

Question 17: in
Question 18: with
Question 19: to
Question 20: from

III. Supply the correct form of the word given in the brackets. (2 points)

Question 21: fruition

Question 22: sought-after
Question 23: infinitesimal
Question 24: causative

IV. Rewrite the following sentences beginning as shown or using the word
given. Do not change the meaning of the original sentences. (2 points)

Question 25: this one takes the biscuit

Question 26: hit it off
Question 27: not been brought up the two scientists would not have been at loggerheads
Question 28: whose parents are up in arms

---THE END---

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