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BS 5395 : Part 2 : 1984

UDC 692.625.4

Reprinted, incorporat~ngAmendment No. I

British Standard

Stairs, ladders and walkways
Part 2. Code of practice for the design of
helical and spiral stairs

Escaliers, echelles et passerelles

Partie 2. Construction des escaliers a vis et en spirale. Code de bonne pratique

Treppen, Leitern und Laufstege

Teil 2. Leitfaden fur die Gestaltung von Wendeltreppen
BS 53951 Part 2 : 1984

Page Page
Foreword Inside front cover Tables
Committees responsible Back cover
1. Structural materials
2. Sizes of stairs
1. Scope Figures
2. Definitions 1. Typical tayouts for stairs
3. Alternative materials, componenrs and 2. Relationship between rise and going
methods of design and construction 3. Measurement of clear width and goings
4. Materials 4. Landings
5. Design 5. Maximum gap between column and tread
6. Fire protection and means of escape 6. Calculation of going
7. Calculation of clear headroom
A. Load tests
B. Design geometry

C-,. eword
This standard has been prepared under the direction of Appendix A describes a recommended procedure for load
the Elements and Components (of Diverse Materials) for tests on stairs, Further investigationsare required to
Building Standards Committee. As a consequence of the determine the appropriate loads for each stair category.
publication of this Part of this standard, the number of The proper functioning and durability of a prefabricated
the existing BS 5395 : 1977 has been changed t o stair designed in accordance with this standard depends on
BS 5395 : Part I . BS 5395 : Part 3 covers industrial type care in handling during transportation and on site, as well
stairs, ladders and walkways. as careful site storage, correct installation and temporary
This standard is based on accepted good practice by protection, and subsequent proper maintenance. Some
designers and manufacturers of helical and spiral stairs. general advice is given in BS 5395 : Part I , but the
It should be borne in mind that helical and spiral stairs manufacturer should inform the purchaser in writing
are not normally permitted for use as means of escape of the precautions necessary.
where large numbers of persons are involved. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself
In drafting this standard the committee acknowledged the confer immunity from legal obligations.
need for research into the structural behaviour of stairs.
BS 5395 : Part 2 : 1984

British Standard
Stairs, ladders and walkways
Part 2. Code o f practice for the design o f helical and spiral stairs

1. Scope nosings at the same radius from the geometric centre of

the stair.
This Part of this standard gives recommendations for ihe
design of helical and spiral stairs, to be used internally or 2.9 nosing. The front edge of a tread.
externally in all types of building constructions. It covers 2.10 riser. The part closing the front face of the step.
only stairs which are circular on plan and does not deal 2.11 tread. The horizontal part or upper surface of the
with ramps. step.
NOTE 1. Appendix 6 gives guidance on the geometry of helical
and spiral stairs.
NOTE 2 . The titles of the publications referred to in this standard
3. Alternative materials, components and
are listed on the inside back cover. methods of design and construction
Where materials, components and methods of design and
2. Definitions construction are not covered by this standard or by any
For the purposes of this standard the foll'owing definitions other British Standard, this is not necessarily to be regarded
apply. as discouragingtheir use. The designer should satisfy himself
by reference to appropriate manufacturers' literature and
2.1 spirat stair. A stair describing a helix around a central
t e s t evidence issued by competent, independent authorities
column (see figure 1 (a)).
that the materials and methods to be employed are such
2.2 helical stair. A stair describing a helix around a central as to ensure a level of performance at least equal to that
void (see figure 1( 6 ) ) . obtained by following the recommendations of this
2.3 going. The chord length on plan between two points standard.
on consecutive tread nosings at the same radius from the
geometric centre of the stair, measured as described in 5.4. 4. Materials
2.4 rise. The vertical distance between two consecutive Structural rnaterials should be selected from those listed
steps. in table 1 and should be in accordance with the appropriate
2.5 clear headroom. The distance measured vertically British Standard.
from the pitch-tihe of a stair or from a floor or landing to Where stairs are constructed from two or more different
any obstruction overhead. materials, the materials should be compatible. For example,
2.6 clear width. The unobstructed walking area throughout they should not give rise to electromagnetic or electro-
the stair's rise, measured as described in 5.6. galvanic action e.g. between different metals. chemical
corrosion e.g. of metal fixings in timber, or differential
2.7 outside diameter. The diameter of the outer edge of
movement e.g. between concrete and brickwork.
the handrail, strings or treads, whichever is the greater.
For guidance on surface-finishing rnaterials see clause 8
2.8 pitch line. A line drawn from the floor or landing
of BS 5395 : Part 1 : 1977.
below a stair to connect points on consecutive tread
NOTE. Balusters are shown widely spaced for clarity. In areas frequented by children,
the widest g a should
~ not permit a sphere of 100 mm diameter to pan through.

Figure 1. Typical layoutsfor stairs

BS 5395 : Part 2 : 1984

fable 1. Structural materiats

British Standards

Code of pmctire Specification


Reinforced and
granolithic terrazzo
- -

Natural stone Not suitable for use in escape stairs

(see clause 6)
-... ...

Cast stone BS 5628 : BS 1217 Not suitable for use in escape stairs
Part 3 {see clause 6)
Hapton stone and York stone are
particularly suitable as aggregates

Brick and block 3s 5628 : BS 187

Part 3 BS 3921
BS 6073 :
Part 1

Aluminium CP 118" Not suitable for use in escape stairs

(see clause 6)

Cast iron

Copper alloys Aluminium bronze (grades CA 101 t o

106 inclusive) or phosphor bronze
(grades PB 101 to 104 inclusive)
should be used
See fire safety recommendations in
clause 6

Steel, including See fire safety recommendations in

stainless steel clause 6
Austenitic stainless steel grade SS 16 316
should be used for external stairs
_ ^-a

c Plastics materials Not suitable for use in escape stairs

(see clause 6 )

Hardwoods BS 5268 : BS 1186 :

Softwoods Part 2 Parts 1 and :
Exterior grade plywood BS 5268 : BS 6566 :
Part 2 Parts 1 to 8

Marine plywood BS 5268 : BS 1088

Part 2 & 4079+

Laminated timber BS 5268 : BS 4169

Part 2

* To be revised as BS 81 18.
t See clause 10 of BS 6180 : 1982.
* To be revised as BS 1088.
BS '5395 i Part 2 : 1984

Table 2. Sizes of stairs


Stair category Rise, r Year width*

Minimum Minimum Mmximurn Min. Max.

inner wntrs outer
going.q goin% gc wins. go
mm mrn rnm mm mm
A. Smallprivate stair* intended to be used 120 145 350 480 800
by a limited number of people who are
generally familiar with the stair. Typical
outside diameter 1300 rnm to 1800 mm,
e.g. internal stair in a dwelling serving one
room not being a living room or kitchen.
access stair to a small room or ptant in an
office, shop or factory, not used by the
public, or fire escape for srnalt number
of peopfe

~ ! ~ i i v a tstake
e similar to category A but
also providing the main access to the
upper floor of a private dwelling. Typical
outside diameter 1800 mm to 2250 mrn

C . Small semipublic stair? intended to be

used by limited number of people, some
of whom may be unfamiliar with the stair,
e.g. stair in factory, office, shop,
or common stair serving mare than one
dwelling, Typical outside diameter
2000 rnm to 2250 mrn

D.Semi-public stair intended to be used

by larger numbers of people, some of
whom may be unfamiliar with the stair.
Typical outside diameter 2150 rnm to
2550 mm, e.g. stair serving a large floor.
area in factory, office, shop, or common
>Fair serving more than one dwelling
k d
E. Public stair intended to be used by large
numbers of people at one time, e.g. stair
in place of public assembly. Typical
outside diameter 2500 rnm to 3500 mm

'For private use, single-file stairs are provided because the user is rarely passed on the stairs and is generally able to use the outer going.
t For semi-pubticstairs used for a limited number of persons (up to 501 and serving a limited floor area, single file stairs with a limited
passing capacity are provided.
*See also 5.9 and clause 6.
Going (g) in mrn

A Small private stair 600 rnm minimum clear width
6 Private stair 800 mm minimum clear width
C Small public stair 800 rnrn minimum clear width
D Semi-pubtic stair 900 mm minimum char width
E Public stair 1000 mrn minimum clear width

NOTE. This figure should be used in conjunction with clause 6 and tabla 2.

Figure 2. Relationship between rise and going

5. Design The clear width should be determined as follows.
5.1 General. Except where otherwise shown in 5.2 to 5.12 (a) where there is an inner handrail, measure the radial
and table 2, the recommendationsfor straight stairs in '11.2 distance between the outside* face of this rail and the
and clauses f2,14.15 and f 6 of BS 5395 : Part 1 : 1977 inside face of the outer handrail or the inside edge of
should be followed. the outer string, whichever is the nearer (see figure 3(a));
5.2 Relation between rise and going. If a graph is plotted (b) where there is no inner handrail, measure the radial
of rise against going and lines are drawn on the graph a t the distance between the centre column or the outside*
practicable limits of both risers and treads, a polygon i s . edge of the inner string and the inside face of the outer
formed within which a l l acceptable combinations of rise handrail or the inside edge of the outer string, whichever
and going should lie. To obtain the recommended values is the nearer t o the centre of the tread in each case
for rise and going, the polygon should be reduced in size (see figure 3(b)).
by plotting the lines given by the relationship: 5 7 Landings. Landings at storey levels should subtend
480 G (2r + gl G 800 an angle of not tess than 60 O a t the geometric centre on
plan (see figure 4(a)l.
Intermediate or rest landings should have a plan area of
r is the rise;
not less than two consecutive treads or subtend an angle
g i s the going. of 45 a a t the geometric centre on plan, whichever is the
The rise and going should be determined using values for greater (see figure 4( bJ 1.
(2r+ g) obtained from column 4 of table 2, or from the 5.8 Guarding of stairs and landings. Protection against
graoc in figure 2. falling should follow the recommendations of 12.3 of
Si,,Aise. Recommended rises are given in column 2 of BS 5395 : Part 1 : 1977. For safety reasons any gap
table 2. between the end of a tread and the centre column of a
The maximum number of risers in a single flight should be stair should never exceed 100 rnm (see figure 5).

16 except where it i s not practicable to f i t in intermediate Balustrades and handrails should follow the recommenda-
landings a t 16 riser intervals. In such cases the number of tions of BS 6180 provided that the definition of pitch line
risers may be increased to 22. In no case should the number given in 2.8 of this standard i s used. In areas frequented
of risers be less than three in a single flight. by children, the widest gap in a balustrade should not
5.4 Going. Recommended goings are given in column 3 of permit a sphere of 100 rnm diameter to pass through.
table 2. I t should be noted that the inner and outer goings An inner handrail should be provided for semi-public
differ considerably ftom the centre going. and public stairs (categories C, D and E in table 2).
The inner going, which is the minimum going, should be 5.9 Passage of large objects. Designers should consider
measured at a point 270 mm horizontally from the inner whether the minimum clearances recommended in table 2
handrail or from the column face where no inner handrail are sufficient for the passage of large objects, such as
i s fitted (see figure 3). furniture, coffins. The limiting factor in the size of
The centre going should be measured a t the central point the stairwell. However stairs may have balustrades and
of the clear width (see figure 3). handrails that can be dismantled temporarily,
The outer going, which is the maximum going, should be 5.10 Deflection. Helical and spiral stairs should be
measured a t a point 270 rnm horizontally from the outer designed to be rigid enough to give confidence to the user,
hacdrail or string, whichever is the least radius (see figure 3). since they can be subject to oscillations. Stairs should be
(-\fear headroom. Normally, the clear headroom should designed to limit deflections under working conditions to
be not less than 2000 mm, bur it may be reduced to the maximum values given in the appropriate standard
1900 rnrn wherever this is not practicable, e.g. at a distance (see table 11.
150 mm or less from the centre column or inner handrail 5.1 1 Accuracy. For general guidance on accuracy in
across the tread. building, see BS 5606. The maximum permissible deviation
NOTE 1. The horizontal distance of 150 m m allows for tapered for any size should not exceed the appropriate value given
downstand beams in which the depth diminishes towards the in table 2 of BS 5606 : f 978. For further guidance see 11.2.3
circumference of the stair (see figure I (a)).
NOTE 2. The notion of clearance used in BS 5395 : Part 1 i s not
of BS 5395 : Part 1 : 1977.
Consistency of rise and going are of prime importance for
applicable to helicaf and spiral stairs. The recommendations for user confidence and safety.
minimum clear headroom given in this clause will ensure adequate
clearance. 5.12 Nosings. Nosings should be horizontal and straight
5.6 Clear width. Recommended minimum clear widths between the pitch lines (see 2.8) corresponding to the
for stairs are given in column 5 of tabie 2. inner and outer goings.

*In all cases, the term 'outside' refers to the edge or face furthest from the centre of the stair.
_-*----___j. -

, . BS 5395 : Part 2 : 1984

Clear width
m- - -- -4
Inner handrail 1
I i

.Ouier handrail Outer hondratl

Centre o_i_

(a) Spiral stair with inner handrail (b) Spiral %air without inner handrail

NOTE. Figure 3(aJ shows a spiral stair only, but the same method of measurement applies to a heliml stair.
All dimensions are in mitlimetres.

Figure 3. Measurement of clear width and goings

(a) At storey level (bl Intermediate or rest landing

Figure 4. Landings
6. Fire protection and means of escape The following materials should never be used to form the
Stairs in most buildings form the main vertical escape only escape stair in a building or a stair for fire fighting:
routes and are often in the first protected areas reached (a) materials having a low melting point, e.g. aluminium,
by people escaping from a fire. The recommendations for owing to the likelihood of their early collapse when
planning, construction a n d protection of escape routes to exposed to heat;
prevent rapid spread of fire, given imCP 3 : Chapter tV : {b)stone, since when subjected to heat or cold water
Part I * , or BS 5588 : Parts 1, 2.3 or 8 as appropriate. during fire-fighting operations it can collapse without
should be followed. warning;
The minimum clear widths given in table 2 may be fc)plastics materials not covered by (a), since these
insufficient for escape stairs, depending on the building give off toxic fumes when subjected to heat.
use and the number of its occupants. NOTE. Further information may be obtatained from Home Office,
Scottish Home and Health Department 'Guide to the Fire
Precaution Act 1971' Nos. 1 . 2 and 3, available from HMSO.

Dimension i s in millimetres.

Figure 5. Maximum gap between column and tread

*To be revised as Part of BS 5588.

BS 5395 : Part 2 : 1984

Appendix A

Load tests
The following procedure may be used t o test helical and Ic) Remove the load from all remaining treads except
spiral stairs. one tread at mid-height. Increase load on this tread
to double the previous load. Check deflections and
(a) Apply a uniformly distributed load of 3 kPl/rn2
to 5 kN/m2 * to each tread. Check deflections and
displacements. (d) Check individual treads by placing on them two
fb) Remove the load from ail treads forming the
loads of 0.9 kN spaced 300 mm apart and placed
symmetrically about the centre-line of the tread.
lower 180 " segment of the stair. Check deflections
and displacements.

Tread nosmg


Centre from w h ~ c h
h e a d radiates

Centre coiumn
( i f applrcablel

\ . . Tread nosing

- t - f - - - -- - - - - -

Outer handrail
or string [ i f appt~cable) or si-r~ng
Geornefric centre =centre o f
coiurnn or well (centre for

Figure 6. Calcufation of going

'This range of uniformly distributed [oads is taken from BS 6399 : Part I , The actua[ value used should be chosen to suit the stair eategOrY
I and the intended function of the mir.

' : ~2 : 1984
~ ~ 5 3 9 5Part

Appendix B The outer going, go (in mm), may likewise be obtained

from the equation:
Design geometry a
NOTE. Further information may be obtained from 'Specifying
go= 2 ( R , - 270) sin -
... (4)
the geometry of heticaf and spiral stairs', by Dr G. M. B. Webber,
The clear width, W {in mm), is given by the equation:
in Journal of the Institution of Building Control Officers. Spring/
March 1983 Vol X no. 1 issue no. 37. W = R h - R, ... (5)
6.1 Going. The going (in mm) on a spiral or helical stair The distance Nb (in mm), shown in figure 6, is given by
can be determined a t any point using the equation: the equation:
g = ZR, sin
- ... ( 1I N b = d ( ~ h-2uO2)- d (- uO2)
~ ~ ~ ... ( 6 )
2 NOTE. Equations (1 1 to 16) allow for the fact that the geometric
where centre of the circle (the centre of the staircase pole) is very rarely
the point from which the leading edges of the treads radiate.
a i s the angle subtended by the tread;
6.2 Clear headroom. The clear headroom and the pitch
Rb is the radius at any point B (see figure 6). fine of a helical or spiral stair varies with the distance
Hence inner going,gi (hmm), may be catculatedfr6m the from the centre (see figure 7).
The clear headroom Hb (in mrn) at any point 8, distance
g, = 2(R,+ 2701 sin -2
... I21 Rb from the centre, provided there are no other
obstructions, is given by the equation:
where Hb= r ( $ b / a ) - f b -,. (7)
is the radius on plan of the outside face of the inner where
handrail or string or the centre column, whichever q+, is the angle of rotation a t distance Rb from the
is the greater, centre = 360 - #, and sin $,/2 = C b / 2 R b ;
Similarly the centre going,g, (in mm). is given by the a is the angle of taper of .tread;
Lb is the thickness of landing vertically above pitch line
g, = (R, + Rhl sin -
... (3) a t point B;
r i s the rise.
where NOTE. Equation (7) applies only where there is a pitch line
Rh is the radius on plan of the inside face of the outer beneath the landing edge, i.e. where (Ob/a! - 1 ) is less than the
handrail or string, whichever is the lesser. total number of consecutive treads.
SS 5395 : Part 2 : 1984

(a) Plan


Pifch L~neat distance
Rb from the cenhe

Figure 7. Calculation of dear headroom

Publications referred to
Specification for calcium silicate (sandlime and flinttime) bricks
The use of structural steel in building

Plywood for marina craft

Quality of timber and workmanship in joinery
Part 1 Quality of timber
Part 2 Quality of workmanship
Cast stone
Steel plate, sheet and strip
Specification for grey iron castings
Plywood manufactured from tropical hardwoods
Specification for rolled copper and copper alloys: sheet, strip and foil
Copper and copper alloys. Forging stock and forgings
Copper and copper alloys. Rods and sections (other than forging stock)
Clay bricks and blocks
Glued-laminated timber structural members
Precast Terrazzo units
Code of practice for stone masonry
Stairs. ladders and walkways
Part 1 Code of practice for straight stairs
Fire precautions in the design and construction of buildings
Part 3 Code of practice for office buildings
Code of practice for accuracy in building
Precast concrete masonry units
Part 1 Specification for precast concrete masonry units
Code of practice for protective barriers in and about buildings
Code of basic data for the design of buildings
'Ch I V Precautionsagainst fire
Ch V Loading
tPart 1 Dead and imposed loads
The structural useof concrete
The structural use of timber
:Pan 2 Metric units
Structural use of reinforced concrete in buildings
The structural use of precast concrete
The structural use of aluminium
CP 121 Walling
§Part 1 Brick and block masonry
HMSO. Home Office, Scottish Home and Health Department 'Guide to the Fire Precaution Act 1971' Nos. 1 . 2 and 3.
Journal of t h e Institution of Building Control Officers. SpringIMarch 1983 Vol X No. 1 Issue No. 37. 'Specifying the geometry of
helical and spiral stairs' Or G M 3 Webber.

T o b e revised as Part of BS 5588.

?To be revised as BS 6399 : Part 1.
+To be revised as BS 5268 : Part 2.
STo be revised as BS 5628 : Part 3.
BS 5395 : Part 2 : 1984
This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction o f irnplemenrmg the standard, of necessary details such as symbols and
the Elements and Components (of Diverse Materials) for Buildings size, type or grade designations. Enquiries should be addressed to
Standards Committee, was published under the authority of the .the Publicarions Manager. 851. Linford Wood, Milton Keynes
Board of BSI and comes into effect on 31 January 1984. MK14 6 i E . The number for telephone enquiries is 0908 220022
and for telex 825777.
O British Standards lnstitution, 1984
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ISBN 0 580 13637 X include all ihe necessary prov~sionsof a conrract. Users of British
The following BSI references relate t o the work on this standard: Standards are responsible for their correct application.
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Revision of British Standards. British Standards are revised, when

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(?, -,imittees responsible for this British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard w a s entrusted by the Health and Safety Executive
Elements and Components (of Diverse Materials) for Buildings Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors
Standards Committee (EC3j-) t o Technical Committee ECS12 Institution of Mechanical Engineers
uoon which the followins- bodies were re~resented:
Institution of Structural Engineers
Aluminium Federation Joinery Managers' ~ssociationLtd.
British Woodworking Federation London Transport Executive
Concrete Society Royat Institute of British Architects
Department of Health and Social Security Scottish Development Department
Department of the Environment, Building Research Establishment, 'piraf Manufacturers'
princes Risborough ~ a b o r a t o k
Department of the Environment, Housing and Construcrion The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the
Energy Industries Council standard, through subcommittees and panels:
~ngineeringEquipment and Materials Users' Association Institution of Building Control Officers
Greater London Council Coopted members

Amendments issued since publication

m *
Amd. No. Date of issue Text affected ..
6076 July 1989 Indicated by a line in the margin 3 .

British Standards Institution . 2 Park Street London WIA 2BS - Telephone 071-629 9000 - Telex 266933
9403-6-0.2k-SP ECB/2

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