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PHYSICAL REVIEW C 99, 034318 (2019)

Optimizing the relativistic energy density functional with nuclear ground

state and collective excitation properties

E. Yüksel*
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Bijenička c. 32, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
and Department of Physics, Yildiz Technical University, 34220 Esenler, Istanbul, Turkey

T. Marketin† and N. Paar‡

Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Bijenička c. 32, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

(Received 31 October 2018; published 18 March 2019)

We introduce a new relativistic energy density functional constrained by the ground state properties of
atomic nuclei along with the isoscalar giant monopole resonance energy and dipole polarizability in 208 Pb. A
unified framework of the relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov model and random phase approximation based on
the relativistic density-dependent point coupling interaction is established in order to determine the DD-PCX
parametrization by χ 2 minimization. This procedure is supplemented with the covariance analysis in order to
estimate statistical uncertainties in the model parameters and observables. The effective interaction DD-PCX
accurately describes the nuclear ground state properties including the neutron-skin thickness, as well as the
isoscalar giant monopole resonance excitation energies and dipole polarizabilities. The implementation of the
experimental data on nuclear excitations allows constraining the symmetry energy close to the saturation density,
and the incompressibility of nuclear matter by using genuine observables on finite nuclei in the χ 2 minimization
protocol, rather than using pseudo-observables on the nuclear matter, or by relying on the ground state properties
only, as it has been customary in the previous studies.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.99.034318

I. INTRODUCTION present, only the phenomenological EDFs provide a level

of accuracy required to quantitatively describe the nuclear
Solving the quantum many-body problem of strongly in-
properties across the whole nuclide map.
teracting nucleons represents one of the fundamental chal-
So far, the EDFs have mainly been parametrized with the
lenges not only for understanding the phenomena of nuclear
experimental data on the ground state properties of nuclei.
structure and dynamics, but also for various applications of
These observables alone are often not enough to constrain
astrophysical relevance, e.g., modeling the stellar evolution,
the effective interaction completely, especially its isovector
supernova explosion, the properties of compact stars, the
channel, thus the protocols to determine the EDF’s parameters
synthesis of chemical elements in the universe, etc. Among
often included constraints on the pseudo-observables on the
a variety of theoretical frameworks to address this problem,
nuclear matter properties. The neutron skin thickness rnp ,
the nuclear energy density functional (EDF) represents a
isovector dipole excitations in nuclei and neutron star mass
unified approach to study quantitatively static and dynamic
and radii represent some of the possible observables that could
properties of finite nuclei along the nuclide map [1,2] as well
be used to probe the isovector channel of the EDFs [3,14,15].
as the equation of state of nuclear matter [3]. Considerable
However, the data on rnp are often model dependent, and
progress has been achieved in constructing and optimizing
the most recent data from parity-violating electron scattering
the phenomenological EDFs, both in nonrelativistic [4–6] and
experiment (PREX) on 208 Pb [16] have large uncertainties,
relativistic [1,7–10] frameworks. Recently, the construction
while the neutron star mass-radius data are still rather limited.
of the EDFs was also inspired by ab initio calculations [11]
An alternative observable to improve the performance of
and effective field theories [12]. As pointed out in Ref. [13],
the EDF’s isovector sector is the dipole polarizability (αD ),
strengths of the tensor forces guided by ab initio relativistic
which is proportional to the inversely energy-weighted sum
Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculations can also be used as a
of the isovector dipole excitation in a nucleus. Recently, it has
guide for the future ab initio derivations of the EDFs. At
been represented as an observable strongly correlated with
the symmetry energy parameters of the nuclear equation of
state [17,18]. The dipole polarizability was also measured in
* several nuclei, including 48 Ca, 68 Ni, 120 Sn, and 208 Pb [19–22].

Present address: Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Krapinska 45, 10000 So far, mainly due to computational difficulties, the dipole
Zagreb, Croatia. polarizability was not employed to constrain the EDFs di-
‡ rectly; instead, already established EDFs were tested for their

2469-9985/2019/99(3)/034318(7) 034318-1 ©2019 American Physical Society


performance in reproducing the experimental data on αD [3]. excitations are described by the relativistic (quasiparticle) ran-
On the other hand, the isoscalar giant monopole resonance dom phase approximation (Q)RPA [2]. In the present study, a
(ISGMR) energy in nuclei also represents an important ob- unified computational framework of the RHB model [26] and
servable to probe the isoscalar channel of the EDFs and self-consistent relativistic (Q)RPA [2] is established to con-
incompressibility of nuclear matter K0 [23]. To date, only in strain the 12 model parameters by minimizing the χ 2 objective
Ref. [10] was the ISGMR used directly in the optimization function [31]. In order to constrain the model parameters, the
of an EDF (relativistic FSUGold2 interaction) along with the binding energies (34 nuclei), charge radii (26 nuclei), and
properties of finite nuclei and neutron stars. mean pairing gaps (15 nuclei) of the selected open-shell nuclei
The purpose of this work is to establish the first unified are used along with the two observables on collective √ excita-
framework based on the EDF, which allows us to constrain tions: the constrained ISGMR energy (EISGMR = m1 /m−1 )
an effective interaction not only by the experimental data on and dipole polarizability for 208 Pb (see the Supplemental Ma-
nuclear ground state properties, but also by a direct imple- terial in Ref. [32] for details on the data set). Here, m1 and m−1
mentation of the measured properties of collective nuclear represent the energy-weighted moment and inverse energy-
phenomena: the ISGMR excitation energy and the dipole weighted moment of the strength distribution [2], respectively.
polarizability. In this way, the properties of nuclei and the The mean gap values for protons and neutrons are calculated
nuclear equation of state; incompressibility of nuclear matter using the five-point formula [33]. The adopted errors for the
and the symmetry energy around the saturation density will be binding energies, charge radii and pairing gaps are taken as
constrained directly by the experimental data on finite nuclei. 1.0 MeV, 0.02 fm, and 0.05 MeV, respectively. Recently, the
dipole polarizability was measured in 208 Pb using polarized
II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK proton inelastic scattering at extreme forward angles [19].
After the subtraction of the quasideuteron effect from the
In the framework of the relativistic nuclear energy den- experimental data, the dipole polarizability was obtained as
sity functional, the nuclear ground state density and en- 19.6 ± 0.6 fm3 in 208 Pb [17]. Several experimental studies
ergy are determined by the self-consistent solution of rela- were also performed to explore the ISGMR in 208 Pb [34–38].
tivistic single-nucleon Kohn-Sham equations [24,25]. In the Although the uncertainties for the measured ISGMR ener-
present study these equations are implemented from an in- gies are small, there are differences in the excitation ener-
teraction Lagrangian density with four fermion contact inter- gies from different studies. Recently, the ISGMR energies
action terms including the isoscalar-scalar, isoscalar-vector, were measured for 204,206,208 Pb using inelastic α scattering
isovector-vector and isospace-space channels (for more de- at extremely forward angles, and the constrained ISGMR
tails see Refs. [7,26]), energy was found as 13.5 ± 0.1 in 208 Pb [34], whereas this
L = ψ̄ (iγ · ∂ − m)ψ energy was previously obtained as 14.18 ± 0.11 MeV in the
Texas A&M experiment [35]. In optimizing the EDF, the
1 1
− αS (ρ)(ψ̄ψ )(ψ̄ψ ) − αV (ρ)(ψ̄γ μ ψ )(ψ̄γμ ψ ) constrained ISGMR energy is taken as 13.5 MeV [34] and
2 2 due to experimental uncertainties we adopted slightly large
1 error (1.0%) in the fitting protocol. The dipole polarizability
− αT V (ρ)(ψ̄τ γ μ ψ )(ψ̄τ γμ ψ ) is also taken as 19.6 fm3 [17] and the adopted error used
1 1 − τ3 is 0.5%. As mentioned above, the implementation of the
− δS (∂ν ψ̄ψ )(∂ ν ψ̄ψ ) − eψ̄γ · A ψ. (1) collective nuclear excitations in the fitting protocol is crucial
2 2
in constraining both the isoscalar and isovector channels of
In addition to the free-nucleon terms, the effective Lagrangian the EDF’s [3,23].
includes point-coupling interaction terms, coupling of pro- Using the observables introduced above, the χ 2 mini-
tons to the electromagnetic field, and the derivative term mization for the relativistic point-coupling interaction is per-
accounting for the leading effects of finite-range interactions formed. This procedure is supplemented with the covariance
necessary for a quantitative description of nuclear density analysis that allows us to determine statistical uncertainties of
distribution and radii. Starting from the microscopic density the model parameters and other quantities, as well as relevant
dependence of the scalar and vector self-energies, the follow- correlations between various properties [18,31]. Accordingly,
ing functional form of the couplings is employed [7,27], the curvature matrix is determined at the χ 2 minimum, M ≡
αi (ρ) = ai + (bi + ci x)e−di x , (i = S, V, T V ), (2) ∂ pi ∂ p j χ 2 , where pi and p j denote the interaction parameters
(i, j = 1, . . . , 12). Then, it is used to estimate the  uncer-
where x = ρ/ρ0 , and ρ0 represents the nucleon density in tainties of the model parameters, using σ (pi ) ≡ (M−1 )ii
symmetric nuclear matter at saturation point. The point- relation [31]. The covariance between the two observables
coupling model includes ten parameters (aS , bS , cS , dS , aV , (A, B) is defined as [31]
bV , dV bT V , dT V , and δS ). For the description of open-shell
nuclei, the relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov (RHB) model [26]  N    
∂A −1 ∂B
is used and the pairing field is formulated using separable cov(A, B) = cov(B, A) = Mi j , (3)
pairing force, which also includes two parameters for the i, j=1
∂ pi ∂ pj
pairing strength (G p and Gn ) [28]. More details and various
implementations of the RHB model can be found in where the derivatives of the observables and the inverse of
Refs. [29,30]. In the small amplitude limit, the collective the curvature matrix are calculated at the χ 2 minimum. The


TABLE I. Parameters of the DD-PCX interaction with the corre- has been constrained by fitting to observables of 60 selected
sponding statistical uncertainties. The value of the nucleon mass is spherical nuclei, including the binding energies, charge radii,
939.0 MeV and the saturation density is set to 0.152 fm−3 . and empirical pairing gaps, and no constraints on the nuclear
matter properties have been used in the fitting protocol. Due
parameters DD-PCX σ to the implementation of the nuclear excitations for 208 Pb
as (fm ) −10.979243836 0.010808546 in constraining the DD-PCX interaction, we find that the
bs (fm2 ) −9.038250910 0.023987420 incompressibility (K0 ) and symmetry energy parameters (J
cs (fm2 ) −5.313008820 0.047152813 and L) at saturation density are lower than for the DD-PC1,
ds 1.379087070 0.003900800 DD-ME2, and PC-PK1 effective interactions. The respective
av (fm2 ) 6.430144908 0.024888709 uncertainties are also found to be small, indicating that within
bv (fm2 ) 8.870626019 0.019549460 the fitting protocol employed both the isoscalar and isovector
dv 0.655310525 0.003073028 channels of the interaction are tightly constrained. The DD-
btv (fm2 ) 2.963206854 0.092150525 PCX interaction values for J and L are in agreement with the
dtv 1.309801417 0.053360277 suggested values from previous studies [3]. The compression
δs (fm4 ) −0.878850922 0.004512226 modulus K0 is also found at around 213 MeV, which is
Gn (MeV fm3 ) −800.663126037 6.279054350 lower in comparison to other relativistic interactions [7,8]. We
G p (MeV fm3 ) −773.776776597 4.003044910 realize that small K0 is a direct consequence of the more recent
experimental data (EISGMR = 13.5 ± 0.1 MeV) [34] used in
the fitting protocol, and the implementation of the data from
statistical uncertainty Texas A&M experiment (EISGMR = 14.18 ± 0.11 MeV) [35]
√ of any quantity of interest A is calcu- would lead toward the higher value of K0 . Clearly, resolving
lated using σ (A) = cov(A, A).
the ambiguities between different experimental studies on the
ISGMR data for 208 Pb is essential for constraining the nuclear
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION matter incompressibility.
The resulting DD-PCX parametrization with the respective In the following, the performance of the DD-PCX in-
statistical uncertainties are given in Table I. The statistical un- teraction in description of various nuclear ground state and
certainties of the parameters are found to be small, indicating excitation properties is presented. Figure 1 shows the differ-
that the parameters of the interaction are well constrained. ences between the experimental [39] and calculated binding
Table II shows the nuclear matter properties at the satu- energies (top panel) and the charge radii for Ca, Ni, Sn,
ration for density-dependent point-coupling interactions, DD- and Pb isotopes (bottom panel) for the DD-PCX interac-
PCX (with uncertainties) and DD-PC1 [7], density-dependent tion. For comparison, the results are also shown for the
meson-exchange interaction DD-ME2 [8], and nonlinear point density-dependent point-coupling interaction DD-PC1 [7],
coupling interaction PC-PK1 [9]. These include the energy density-dependent meson-exchange interaction DD-ME2 [8],
per nucleon E /A, the Dirac effective nucleon mass mD∗ [7], and nonlinear point-coupling interaction PC-PK1 [9,40]. In
the nuclear matter compression modulus K0 , the symmetry this work, the calculations are performed using the RHB
energy at saturation density J and the slope of the symmetry model with separable pairing force and spherical symmetry
energy at saturation L [3]. Compared to the DD-PCX, the DD- is assumed. It is seen that all interactions under consideration
PC1, DD-ME2, and PC-PK1 interactions were established provide a reasonable description of the binding energies and
using different protocols. The DD-ME2 parametrization is produce similar isotopic dependencies. Compared to the DD-
based on the density-dependent meson-exchange interaction, PC1 and DD-ME2, the newly parametrized DD-PCX inter-
constrained using the ground state properties of spherical action seems to be more successful in the predictions of the
nuclei [8], whereas the DD-PC1 interaction is based on the experimental binding energies of spherical nuclei. Since the
point-coupling model, and optimized using the binding en- pairing parameters (Gn , G p ) are also included in the fitting
ergies of deformed nuclei [7]. In addition, selected nuclear protocol, the success of the DD-PCX can also be related to the
matter properties were fixed in both interactions, and no better reproduction of pairing properties of nuclei as discussed
data on excitations have been used in the χ 2 minimization. below. In comparison to the experimental data [41], the charge
In Ref. [9] the nonlinear point coupling interaction PC-PK1 radii are also accurately reproduced, with a few exceptions
for Ca isotopes and 60 Ni. In order to assess a more general
TABLE II. The saturation properties of nuclear matter for the overview about the performance of the DD-PCX interaction,
DD-PCX, DD-PC1 [7], DD-ME2 [8], and PC-PK1 [9] interactions. we calculate the root mean square error ( ) and root mean
square relative error (δ) in percentage for binding energies,
DD-PCX DD-PC1 DD-ME2 PC-PK1 charge radii, and mean pairing gaps for a set of nuclei (see
Supplemental Material for the list of nuclei [32]), and the
E/A (MeV) −16.026 ± 0.018 −16.06 −16.14 −16.12
results are given in Table III. It is seen that the resulting
mD∗ /m 0.5598 ± 0.0008 0.580 0.572 0.590
binding energies and mean gap values are better reproduced
K0 (MeV) 213.03 ± 3.54 230.0 250.89 238.0
J (MeV) 31.12 ± 0.32 33.0 32.30 35.60
using the DD-PCX interaction, while the deviations for the
L (MeV) 46.32 ± 1.68 70.0 51.26 113.0 charge radii are similar in all cases. An extended list with the
calculated binding energies and charge radii for the selected


4 DD-ME2
3 PC-PK1
δE (MeV)

-5 Ca Ni Sn Pb
36 40 44 48 52 56 56 60 64 68 72 104 112 120 128 136 192 198 204 210 216

Exp. 4.74
3.90 5.56
rc (fm)

3.55 3.85 5.52


3.50 3.80 5.48


3.75 4.50 5.44


36 40 44 48 52 56 52 56 60 64 68 72 104 112 120 128 136 192 198 204 210 216


FIG. 1. Top: the difference between the experimental [39] and calculated binding energies for Ca, Ni, Sn, and Pb isotopes. Bottom: the
calculated charge radii in comparison with the experimental values [41]. The calculations are performed using the DD-PCX, DD-PC1 [7], and
DD-ME2 [8] interactions. Available data for the PC-PK1 interaction from Refs. [9,40] are also shown.

nuclei using the same interactions is also given in the Supple- channel for open-shell nuclei [45], while separable pairing is
mental Material with the corresponding experimental data. used with the DD-PCX and DD-PC1 interactions. Among the
The predictive power of the DD-PCX interaction is also relativistic interactions, the DD-ME2 (DD-PC1) interaction
tested on the nuclear excitations of nuclei. Table IV shows the predicts the lowest (highest) values for the constrained IS-
constrained ISGMR energies for 90 Zr, 120 Sn, 208 Pb calculated GMR energies. Considering the point-coupling interactions,
using various relativistic interactions, and compared to the the table clearly demonstrates the relevance of including the
experimental results [34,35,42–44]. In this part, we should constraint on the ISGMR excitation energy for 208 Pb in order
mention that the DD-ME2 calculations are performed using to provide a reasonable description of the ISGMR energies in
the finite-range Gogny interaction D1S in the particle-particle all nuclei under consideration. Using the DD-PCX interaction,
the calculated values for 90 Zr and 120 Sn are slightly above the
experimental values and further fine tuning of the interaction
TABLE III. The root mean square error ( ) and root mean may be achieved by considering the ISGMR energies of ad-
square relative error (δ) in percentage for the binding energies (B.E.) ditional nuclei and using smaller adopted error within the χ 2
(MeV), charge radii (rc ) (fm), and mean gaps (MeV) for a set minimization of the interaction. However, the softness of the
of spherical nuclei, using the relativistic DD-PCX, DD-PC1, and
DD-ME2 interactions. The numbers of the nuclei considered in the
calculations are given in parentheses.
TABLE IV. The constrained ISGMR energies (in MeV) for 90 Zr,
Interaction B.E. (65) rc (46) Mean Gap Sn, and 208 Pb in comparison with the experimental data.
DD-PCX 1.38 MeV 0.016 fm 0.18 MeV
δ 0.21% 0.47% 15.40% 90
Zr 17.58+0.06
−0.04 [42] 18.00 ± 0.10 18.83 17.80
DD-PC1 3.05 MeV 0.017 fm 0.29 MeV 17.66 ± 0.07 [43]
δ 0.48% 0.49% 21.73% 120
Sn 15.5 ± 0.1 [44] 16.18 ± 0.09 16.92 16.07
DD-ME2 2.08 MeV 0.016 fm 0.35 MeV 208
Pb 13.5 ± 0.1 [34] 13.66 ± 0.08 14.22 13.49
δ 0.27% 0.44% 26.13% 14.18 ± 0.11 [35]


Pb 9.8 Sn
21 208
DD-PC1 9.6 Pb
DD-ME2 0.35
20 Exp.




αD (fm )

rnp (fm)




Ni 8.6

4 8.4


(γ,π )

8.2 0.20
3 48
Ca 8.0
2 7.8 0.15

1 0.10
40 48 56 64 206 208 112 114 116 118 120 122 124
FIG. 3. The neutron skin thickness for 208 Pb predicted by differ-
FIG. 2. The dipole polarizabilities for 48 Ca, 68 Ni, and 208 Pb (left) ent experiments and nuclear energy density functionals. The exper-
and tin isotopic chain (right). The calculations are performed using imental data are taken from (γ , π 0 ) [48], PREX [16], (p, p ) [19],
RHB+(Q)RPA with DD-PCX, DD-PC1, and DD-ME2 interactions. (p, p) [49], p [50], LAND(PDR) [51]. The calculations with the
The experimental data are taken from Refs. [17,19–22]. nonrelativistic interactions: SV-min [4], SLy5-min [31], Skχ m∗ [47],
and relativistic interactions: FSUGold [46], DDME-min [31], DD-
ME2 [8], DD-PC1 [7], PC-PK1 [9].
Sn nuclei still represents an open question, and their inclusion
in constraining the interaction may cause difficulties.
Due to the empirical constraint imposed on the dipole po-
Sn nuclei are also calculated as 0.172 ± 0.003 fm and
larizability for 208 Pb, it is expected that the isovector channel 0.218 ± 0.005 fm, respectively. We find that the calculated
of the DD-PCX interaction is improved in comparison to neutron skin thicknesses are also in a good agreement with the
other effective interactions, as illustrated in a few following model-averaged results in Ref. [52]. The results demonstrate
examples. Figure 2 shows the dipole polarizabilities for 48 Ca, that the DD-PCX interaction can also be used to make reliable
Ni, and 208 Pb (left panel) and Sn isotopic chain (right panel). predictions for the neutron skin thicknesses of other nuclei.
The calculations are performed using the DD-PCX, DD-PC1,
and DD-ME2 interactions, and the available experimental data
are also provided [17,19–22]. As shown in Fig. 2, only the
DD-PCX interaction systematically reproduces the experi- In conclusion, we have established a unified theoretical
mental results on αD for all nuclei under consideration, while framework to constrain the relativistic nuclear EDF, based
the DD-ME2 and DD-PC1 interactions mainly overestimate on the RHB plus (Q)RPA, supplemented with the covariance
the measured values. Although in constraining the functional analysis, using not only the nuclear ground state properties,
we only use the dipole polarizability for 208 Pb, the DD-PCX but also relevant properties on collective nuclear excitations.
interaction is also successful in the prediction of the dipole The relativistic point-coupling interaction DD-PCX intro-
polarizabilities for other nuclei, as expected due to the strong duced in this work represents the first effective interaction
correlation between the dipole polarizabilities in different that is constrained using the binding energies, charge radii,
nuclei [17]. and pairing gaps, together with a direct implementation of the
Another important isovector property to be considered ISGMR energy and dipole polarizability in the χ 2 minimiza-
is the neutron skin thickness rnp . In Fig. 3, the neu- tion. In comparison to the previous studies, where the func-
tron skin thickness for 208 Pb is shown for a set of rela- tionals have the properties of the nuclear symmetry energy
tivistic [7–9,31,46] and nonrelativistic calculations [4,31,47] either unconstrained, constrained by the pseudo-observables
along with the experimental data from Refs. [16,19,48–51]. on nuclear matter that are often arbitrary, or validated by the
Using the DD-PCX interaction, the neutron skin thickness data after the parameters have been determined, the present
for 208 Pb is predicted as rnp = 0.159 ± 0.005 fm, and the study implements directly genuine observables on collective
(yellow) band denotes the calculated statistical uncertainty. excitations to optimize the effective nuclear interaction. The
Considering the experimental results, it is clear that there are success of the DD-PCX interaction in the predictions of the
discrepancies in the predictions for rnp values in 208 Pb. The dipole polarizabilities and neutron skin thicknesses in other
nonrelativistic functionals predict lower values for the neutron nuclei not used in optimizing the model parameters validates
skin thickness compared to the relativistic ones, with the the isovector channel of the functional and the respective
exception of the new effective interaction DD-PCX. Among symmetry energy properties. The present analysis clearly
the relativistic interactions, the DD-PCX prediction provides demonstrates the relevance of accurate measurements of the
the lowest neutron skin thickness for 208 Pb, which is also nuclear collective phenomena, as well as the necessity to
in a good agreement with the majority of the experimental resolve the ambiguities in the existing data from different
data. The neutron-skin thicknesses of neutron-rich 48 Ca and experiments, both in the isoscalar (e.g., the ISGMR energy in


208 Dynamics of Exotic Femtosystems (IP-2014-09-9159) and by

Pb [34,35]) and isovector sectors for constraining modern
nuclear energy density functionals. the QuantiXLie Centre of Excellence, a project cofinanced
by the Croatian Government and European Union through
the European Regional Development Fund, the Competitive-
ness and Cohesion Operational Programme (KK.
We thank T. Nikšić for stimulating discussions while E.Y. also acknowledges financial support from the Scientific
preparing this paper. This work is supported by the and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)
Croatian Science Foundation under the project Structure and BIDEB-2219 Postdoctoral Research program.

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