(2020) We Will Get There Parody

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(Original) My Parody

Remember the days Remember the days

We set out together with faith? When I looked forward to weekends
Remember the times, so fine, Remember the times, so good
When we thought that When we thought that
Nothing could stand in our way? Life was better than Sunday School?

Then things weren't the same Then things were better

The life that we knew had to change We felt proud being YFers
We've struggled through, the darkest storms But all good things, come to an end
We thought we couldn't tame They stopped caring for us

Together we've tried YF was growing,

As we stood side by side Probably way too fast
I knew we'd build a new world All of us feel neglected
A world of hope forever after Why did they just focus on new friends?

Deep in my heart I just know What you have done, you should know
Right from the start, we will grow Take care of us, don’t just grow
Look where we are, we've come so far What about your long-time members?
And there's still a long, long way to go People are leaving one by one

With all of my heart, I will care Don’t only blame me, you have failed
I'll play my part, I will share I’ve played my part, nothing worked
With family and friends, together we'll stand With all of my friends, together we’ll stand
And in the end, hand in hand And in the end, hand in hand
We will get there Find a new church
(though it won’t be easy) ☹

We Will Get There parody- YF 2020

Links to the situation in YF:
The verse: Recently, the YF has channelled almost all resources to just increase the number of
Youths. This includes axing all events with the exception of Dodgeball, Floorball and Tchouk Ball.
Furthermore, services are now catered to mainly new friends, making long time members feel they are
not growing in their walk with God. Other incidents include the failure of Wednesday Cell Group
sessions, which only goes further to show that they are willing to greatly inconvenience their own
members just to attract even more new friends and try to desperately pump up the numbers. (this is
also because Wednesdays is designated as a CCA day in most schools)

As mentioned earlier with reference to the failure of Wednesday CGs, the leaders are still stubborn
and at times refuse to admit that they have planned very poorly. They have attempted to restore
Wednesday CGs and during CB extended CG sessions to four times a week. Sure, these schemes may
work during CB as everyone is free, but when Phase Two is in force do you think it will stay the
same? CCA sessions will eventually resume and as mentioned before, most schools put Wednesday as
a CCA day, so we are back to Square One.

They stopped caring for us: Well, do you see how they treat those they serve? From 2016 those that
served (in SPL or Worship) are no longer given an hour break for lunch, forcing them to eat lunch at
11am or earlier in most cases. Since worship rehearsals start before noon, many would rather starve
themselves by skipping lunch and only eat dinner at 8pm than to rush to be on time. Is a 4-hour
rehearsal necessary? I was late by 45 minutes once since I had to run errands at Joo Koon but did the
quality of services get affected in any noticeable way? A big fat NO! Come on YF, you surely can
do better to appreciate those who take time out to serve weekly! (Don’t forget I was fired from SPL in
Secondary 1 in my first week because I was called a ‘lousy Lightman’ or a ‘noob’)

(Just another way to ‘improve quality of services’. Why? Supposedly translates to more new friends
willing to stay)

People are leaving one by one: While there are a lot of people backsliding in the past few years
(especially the more prominent youths), sadly this has been masked by the high assimilation rates,
which caused the leaders to get complacent. (aka implying that people are replaceable easily)

Don’t only blame me, you have failed: When I try to feedback to leaders such as Tammie and Juliana,
they either brush me off straight or smoke a bullshit answer like they are doing a macroeconomics
essay. They instead twist my feedback to make it sound like I am only complaining because I am too
free or simply for the sake of complaining, but look at how many other youths are also feeling the
same, like Hazel, JK and Dora. In extreme cases I may get blamed for not attending EVERY church
event especially those that take place on weekdays, and once Juliana even told me ‘it’s your fault’ for
not attending Bible studies that take place on Wednesdays, but then again look at the end of the first
paragraph. Why on Earth are they guilt-tripping the Youths for not making weekday commitments?

Notes: While there is no mention of a lack of unity in this parody, it remains a critical issue in YF and
I will most likely mention it in my 2021 parody.


We Will Get There

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