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Draft 1: Nature reserves

The bar chart illustrates how many zebras and buffaloes were kept in various nature
reserves in the year 2010. It is evident from the chart that buffaloes outnumbered
zebras in most of the destinations this year. In addition, Beachwood had the highest
total number of the two animals in question, followed by Klipriviersberg.

To be more specific, Beachwood ranked first, with 120 buffaloes and 83 zebras
protected in this place. These numbers were ahead of the respective figures for
Klipriviersberg by a narrow margin. In Klipriviersberg, the quantity of buffaloes was
much higher than that of zebras, at 115 and 70, respectively.

Regarding Cape Nature, the figures for buffaloes and zebras were virtually similar, at
around 80 each. Bukit Timah came last, with only 58 zebras and 40 buffaloes being
kept here. Another striking feature is that this place was also the only nature reserve
where zebras outstripped buffaloes.

149 words

Good job em ơi, tiếp tục phát huy nhá ^^

Draft 2: Travelling to school

The bar chart presents information about how many trips were made by children using
diverse types of transport to travel to and from school in 1990 and 2010. It is evident
from the table that travelling by car was the only means of transportation that gained
IN more popularity in the given years. In addition, walking was the most popular
transportation option in 1990 before travelling by car took over that position in 2010.

More specifically, walking was the number-one choice of students in 1990, with over
12 million walking trips made that year, and that number fell by half in 2010. By
contrast, students commuted by car from and to school 4 million times in 1990 and the
figure increased threefold in the next twenty years.

In terms of the other types of transportation, their figures all shared a downward trend
with different rates. In 1990, the number of cycling trips was practically identical to
that of walking and bus trips, at around 6 million each, before sharply declining to 2
million and 3 million respectively after 20 years. Students travelled by bus 7 million
times in 1990 and that number decreased slightly by 2 million over the twenty-year

200 words

Good job em ơi! Bài đang hơi dài 1 chút, để rút ngắn lại độ dài thì body 2 em có thể
viết ngắn gọn lại 1 chút, sau khi đưa số liệu điểm đầu cho các đối tượng đó thì chỉ
cần miêu tả xu hướng thôi, số liệu năm 2010 có thể bỏ qua cũng ok nha!
Draft 1: Time management

The table illustrates how UK males and females typically split their time on different
daily activities. It can be seen clearly from the chart that both genders spent most of
their time on sleeping and leisure activities. Moreover, housework, childcare,
employment and study saw the most remarkable disparity in the figures for male and

In detail, sleeping time took the lead, with over 8 hours per day for both sexes. Males
spent 5 hours and 25 minutes per day on leisure activities, which was about 30
minutes longer than their female counterparts.

Furthermore, the most notable gap between male and female figures was shown in
housework, childcare, employment and study. Daily housework and childcare took
women 3 hours and 30 minutes correspondingly, which was double the respective
figures for males. By contrast, males spent a considerable amount of time per day on
employment and study (3 hours and 45 minutes) while females only spent 2 hours and
26 minutes on this activity. Both sexes spent less than 1 hour and 40 minutes on each
remaining day-to-day activities such as resting, personal care, eating and drinking,
voluntary work and meetings, travel, and others.

193 words

The 1st body is much shorter than the 2nd one. Is that a problem? Should I add one
more sentence to the 1st one? “Among all leisure activities, watching TV/DVD and
listening to radio/music ranked first with around 2 hours 30 minutes per day.”

Bài này cũng khá tốt nè, chú ý hơn 1 chút về việc chọn lọc thông tin với bố cục bài là
okela em nhá!

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