Way of Orthodoxy

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Vestments of Faith

Way of Orthodoxy
At 3rd level, you are tonsured formally into
You have been tonsured as a monk of an
your order and recieve your habit and holy
orthodox religion. You have taken a number of
symbol. This traditional garb varies from order
vows that entail a lifelong devotion to your
to order. So long as you are wearing your
habit, you are immune to being possessed.
Additionally, you can cast ceremony
Common Orthodox Vows and detect evil and good as a ritual.
Chastity. A vow to shirk ones lust and forsake
pleasures of the flesh. This often means Litany of Salvation
celibacy, but some orders allow monks to
Beginning at 6th level, Your faith enables you
marry. When a monk is married, this vow
to strengthen yourself against magical and
becomes one of commitment to ones spouse.
supernatural threats. When you make an
Poverty. A vow to eschew greed and wealth.
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving
This does not always mean having no money
throw, you can spend 1 ki point to recite of
or material possession, but to only have
prayer of protection as a reaction. When you
enough to live on. It is a dedication to a life of
do so, you gain advantage on that saving throw.
Obedience. A vow to respect the laws,
dictates, and clergy of the church or religious
order you have dedicated yourself to. Also
called a vow of service.
Profession. This is a dedication to a specific
trade, craft, or job. Those who take such vows
must spend their days performing these tasks
to build a routine. These can be temporary or
Silence. An uncommon vow where one will
not speak (not suggested for Player
Characters). Some orders allow the monk to
speak only at certain times, events, or
occassions. This vow was sometimes
observed for certain durations, often out of
respect of certain happenings or holidays.
Stability. A vow where one accepts that where
they live and whom they live among matters ~
little. They give up desires to seek better
circumstances, accomodations, or company. A
choice to choose a life in an ordinary
monastary surrounded by ordinary brethren.

Doctrinal Discipline
Beginning when you select this monastic
tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in
the religion skill as well as with the flail,
morningstar, and whip. These weapons are
considered monk weapons for you .

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Exorcise Outsider Theo sis
Starting at 11th level, you have been trained in At 17th level, your closeness with your deity
the means of purifying the possessed and brings you clarity and peace. Whenever you
rebuking demons, devils, and other such take a long rest and spend at least 2 hours of
creatures. You can identify a victim of that rest in prayer, you are immune to the
possession with an Intelligence (religion) charmed and frightened conditions until you
check against the possessor's passive begin your next long rest.
deception (10 +their Charisma modifier+ In addition, you can center yourself and
their proficiency bonus), on a success you are focus your spiritual attunement and expend 5
aware of the possession. ki as a bonus action on your turn. When you do
Once you have identified a victim of so, you gain truesight, can see into the
possession, you can touch a possessed ethereal plane, and know the creature type all
creature and force the possessor to make a creatures you see out to a distance of 60 feet
Charisma saving throw against your Ki save until the start of your next turn.
DC. On a failed save, the possessor is driven
from the creature and you gain a level of
In addition, you can expend 2 k.i points
when you hit a possessed creature, abberation,
fiend, fey, or undead with an unarmed strike or
monk weapon attack, to have the attack deal an
additional ld4 radiant damage.


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