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Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section

2020 – 2021

Name: ________________________

Class: ________Section:_________

Learning Objectives

✓ To enhance the skills of skim and scan for the main and specific details in a
comprehension passage respectively

✓ To demonstrate understanding of explicit and implicit meanings in a text

✓ To improve vocabulary

✓ To develop broad writing skills

✓ To develop content and use language appropriate to genre, purpose and audience

✓ To practise handwriting patterns and the joining of letters

Dear Parents,

In order to address the challenges of virtual learning like students’ motivation and to keep
them engaged through this mode of learning, we have integrated different learning tools like
live worksheet, wordwall, quizizz etc. in MS Teams to make this virtual learning a
success. You are requested to, kindly encourage your child to complete the homework
independently during the summer holidays.

*Students are required to submit the hard copy of homework pack on the first day of the school
to their respective Homerooms.

Thank you.

Week 1

Task 1: Listening Comprehension (Fiction)

Refer to Week 1 of Holiday Homework PPT and do the following tasks.

• Listen to the story of Mr. Richard Wittington’s life.

• Type in the information about the story elements in the live worksheet.
• Attempt the Nearpod activity to practice the related vocabulary.

Write any two things you learnt about Mr. Richard Wittington.

a) ________________________________________________

b) ________________________________________________

Task 2: Reading Comprehension

Read this story about Hector, a very determined hippo and answer the following
Hector, the hippo wanted to play the cello more than
anything else in the world. But who in the wild, wet jungle
would teach him? Hector tramped through the jungle to find a
cello teacher. First, he met a lion. “I want to play the cello,” said
Hector. “Who has ever heard of a hippo playing the cello?”
roared the lion. He roared so loudly that his mane fell off. Hector
picked up the lion's mane and draped it round his neck. It was
going to be a chilly night in the wild, wet jungle.
He tramped until he met a leopard. "I want to play the
cello,” said Hector. "Who has ever heard of a hippo playing the
cello?” growled the leopard. She growled so loudly that all her
spots flew off. Hector picked up the spots and stuck them on his
back. He might need a disguise in the wild, wet jungle.
He tramped until he met a huge rhino. “I want to play the cello,” said Hector. "Who has
ever heard of a hippo playing the cello?” snorted the rhino. He snorted so loudly that his horn
fell off. Hector picked up the horn and went on his way. He could blow on the horn if he got
He tramped until he met a slithery snake. “I want to play the cello,” said Hector.
“Hissssssssssssssssss, ssssssstupid! sssssssssssssilly! sssssssssad!” hissed the snake. She
hissed so much that she slithered out of her skin. Hector picked up the skin. He might need a
cloth to wipe his cello in the wild, wet jungle.
On and on, he tramped until he met a lyrebird. “I want to play the cello, please don't
roar, or growl, or snort, or hiss,” said Hector. "Do you have a cello?" asked the lyrebird.
“No,” said Hector. "But I have a lion's mane, a leopard's spots, a rhino's horn and a snake's
skin. Will that buy me a cello and some lessons?"
“Of course!” said the lyrebird, who was a good musician. Every single day for two
years, Hector tramped happily through the wild, wet jungle for his cello lessons. Two years
and one day later, there was a grand concert. All the animals from the jungle came. Hector
started to play. The sound was so sweet.
The lion roared for more. The leopard growled with glee. The rhino snorted with
surprise. The snake hissed with happiness. So, the musician gave the lion his mane back. He
gave the leopard her spots back and the snake her skin. He gave the rhino his horn. In the wild,
wet jungle the animals made music until midnight.

A. Number the pictures from 1 to 6 to match the order of the story. First one has been
done for you.

B. Tick the correct answer for the following questions.

1. How much time was passed in the story?
 One year
 Two years
 More than two years

2. Why did Hector tramp through the jungle?

 He wanted to make new friends.

 He wanted to find a cello teacher.
 He wanted to meet a lyrebird.

C. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. What words did the author use to describe the setting of the story? Think and write
where else could the story take place?


2. Imagine that you were a part of the story as one of the characters other than Hector. Will
you mock Hector who wanted to play cello? How you could have helped Hector?



3. How would the story have ended if Hector couldn’t find the lyrebird?


4. What lesson did you learn from the story?



D. Make 3 compound words having the word ‘bird’ in it.

 Example: lyre + bird = lyrebird

 ______________________________________

 ______________________________________

 ______________________________________

E. Colour only those clouds which describe the feelings of Hector throughout the story.

surprised jealous worried hopeless


exhausted hopeful furious motivated

F. Sort the given words in their correct columns.

music jungle disguise Hector

cloth growled cello huge

soft ‘c’ words soft ‘g’ words hard ‘c’ words hard ‘g’ words

G. If you were given a chance to add another character that Hector met, what would it
be and what will it loose while talking furiously. Create an additional paragraph in
the story to describe what happened when Hector met that character. Add the
spoken words with the proper speech marks to make it more interesting. Draw an
illustration of your character in the story.

Character’s name: _______________________

(Think of another suitable title)


























Task 3

After going through both the stories,

• Dick Wittington
• Hector and the Cello
Think and write what is similar in the lessons of both the stories.
















10 | P a g e
Week 2

Task 1: Listening Comprehension (Non-fiction)

Refer to Week 2 of Holiday Homework PPT and do the following tasks.

• Listen to the audio story about Elephants.

• Attempt the Nearpod activity to answer some questions about the story.

11 | P a g e
Task 2: Reading Comprehension

A. Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Rainforest Deforestation

Rainforests are the essential part of our planet, providing oxygen, absorbing carbon
dioxide and housing 50% of the animal and plant species of the planet. The medicines and
cures that are made using plants only found in a rainforest environment.


Deforestation is the name given to the destruction of the rainforests and this is being
done by burning them, chopping down the trees, or in some cases, flooding the areas. This is
happening so fast that an area equal to the size of twenty football pitches is being destroyed
every minute! If the current rate of deforestation continues, it will take less than a hundred
years to destroy all the rainforests on Earth.

Fact File in Numbers:

• 20% of the world’s oxygen is produced in the Amazon

• 28,000 species of animals are expected to become extinct in
the next 25 years due to deforestation.
• ½ of the tropical rainforests that we had have already gone.

Why are they being destroyed?

The biggest reason rainforests are being cleared, is to make space for food, including
cattle to be farmed for cheap beef and also growing large crops, such as soya beans and palm
oil. In addition, other causes of deforestation, which are also related to making money
include; chopping down and using the wood from the forest, building roads for mining
metals, gold or diamonds, flooding areas to make dams to generate electricity and also
digging for oil.

12 | P a g e
How can they be saved?

There are plenty of charities fighting against deforestation and people can always help
by raising money for those charities. Also, think about the reasons that the forests are being
destroyed and how some little changes in your everyday habits could help. For example, the
cheap beef farmed in the areas that used to be rainforest land is often used in fast food
chains. Could you avoid eating fast food from these outlets? You could also check on your
supermarket food labels for the country of origin of any meat you buy. Finally remember,
paper comes from trees so any paper saving you can do, as well as recycling, will help the

1) Name a reason not to destroy rainforest given in the first paragraph.

Ans: ______________________________________________________________________


2) What fraction of the rainforests has already gone?

Ans: ______________________________________________________________________

3) In the fact file, what does the author say will happen in the next quarter of a

Ans: ______________________________________________________________________


13 | P a g e
4) Why does saving paper help the rainforests?

Ans: ______________________________________________________________________


5) What percentage of the Earth’s plant and animal species live in the rainforests?

Ans: _____________________________________________________________________

6) Read the given chart and find how many species of animals are becoming instinct
due to deforestation?

Ans: __________________________

7) What information can we have from the table of contents?

Ans: _______________________________________


8) According to Q7, which page number has the information about the causes of

i. 2
ii. 6
iii. 8

14 | P a g e
9) Write the ‘main heading’ of the passage.

Ans: ______________________________________________________________

10) What is the description of ‘Why are they being destroyed?’ in the passage?

i. main heading

ii. sub-heading

B. Circle two synonyms for the word ‘destruction’.

i. demolition

ii. construction

iii. ruin

C. Riddle:
I am an ‘ear’ word.
You live on me and I provide you everything you need.
I also revolve around the sun. What am I?

I am ____________________

D. Imagine that you are an interviewer, and you get a chance to interview the person
chopping down the trees. What questions you would ask from that person? (frame
three questions according to the QUASM rule)

i. _____________________________________________________________

ii. _____________________________________________________________

iii. _____________________________________________________________

15 | P a g e
E. Write three ‘ea’ words (like: bead/bread) and use them in your sentences.

i. _____________________________________________________________

ii. _____________________________________________________________

iii. _____________________________________________________________

F. Write an information text describing something about ‘Water on Earth’.

You can add the words from the word box given below

ocean major body 71% surface earth

river lake Pond natural watercourse

flowing sea Part larger deeper

man-made standing water Vapor freshwater salt water

Remember to write in paragraphs including:

• main heading
• sub-headings

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17 | P a g e
Task 3

After completing both of the above tasks, search the meanings of the following words used
in the video.

• herbivores: _________________________________
• delicate: ____________________________________
• tusks: ______________________________________

Think and write some of the new words you learnt in these tasks. Use 5 of them in the
sentences of your own.











18 | P a g e
Week 3

Task 1: Poem Comprehension

A. Read the poem given below and answer the questions.

Don’t Give Up

If you have tried and have not won,

Never stop for crying.
All that’s great and good is done,
Just by patient trying.

Though young birds, in flying fall,

Still their wings grow stronger.
And the next time they can keep
Up a little longer.

Though the sturdy oak has known,

Many a blast that bowed her.
She has risen again, and grown
Loftier and prouder.

If by easy work you beat,

Who the more will prize you?
Gaining victory from defeat,
That’s the test that tries you!

19 | P a g e
1. Think of another suitable title for the poem and write it down.


2. How many stanzas are there in the poem?


3. Write two pairs of rhyming words from the poem.

a) _______________, _______________
b) _______________, _______________

4. Now, write a pair of rhyming words of your own with the word ‘creep’.
_______________, _______________

5. What does it mean to speak in a lofty manner? Circle the correct option.

a) It means to speak arrogantly or superior in manner.

b) It means to speak very calmly.

6. What does the sturdy oak do after being bowed?



7. What lesson did you learn from the poem?




20 | P a g e
B. Find the following words from the poem and write them down.

a) long ‘i’: ________________

b) long ‘e’: ________________

C. Find a long ‘o’ word from the poem and frame a sentence using it.



D. Make a list of at least three adjectives to describe the bird from the poem.

(Remember list making rules)





E. Imagine and write about yourself in a situation where you have tried and not won.

Would you give up or not? Give your reason.




21 | P a g e
Task 2

Refer to week 3 of Holiday Homework PPT and attempt the given online activities.

Task 3

After having read the poem ‘Don’t Give Up’, think and explain the following phrase in your
own words.

‘The Fruit of the Spirit is Patience’









22 | P a g e
Week 4

Task 1: Reading Comprehension

A. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions.
King Midas and the Golden Touch

Long ago, in Ancient Greece, there was a

king named Midas. He lived in an enormous palace
with his wife and his daughter. King Midas was
very, very rich. He had more gold than any other
king in the world. His palace was full of gold
statues, gold jewellery and gold coins, but Midas
was greedy and he always wanted more.
One day, the king was walking in the
garden of his palace with his daughter. She was
picking yellow flowers for her room. "Those yellow flowers are very beautiful," King Midas
said, "but gold flowers are more beautiful." The king's daughter ran back into the palace with
her flowers and the king walked alone.
Then Midas made a wish. He wished that everything he touched became gold.
Soon he touched a flower. It became gold. He touched a tree and it became gold. He touched
a plant and it too was gold.
"My wish has come true!" he shouted. The king touched many things in his
garden and in his palace. He touched pictures, vases and plates and they all became gold.
Soon, Midas was hungry and thirsty. But, when he put some bread in his mouth, it turned to
gold. And when he put some water to his lips, it also turned to gold. The king sat in his
"I have all the gold in the world," he thought, "but I cannot eat and I cannot
drink. What shall I do?" At last, the king's daughter saw her father in the garden. She ran to
him because he looked so sad. She touched his hand and suddenly she became gold, too.
King Midas made another wish. He wished that he could have his daughter back and he
wished to not have any more gold.
Suddenly, all the gold was gone and his daughter was playing happily in the garden.
King Midas had learnt his lesson and he never asked for more gold again.

23 | P a g e
1) What wish did Midas make? Why was he still unhappy when his wish came true?

2) If you had to make a wish that you know would come true, what would you ask for
and why?

3) What lesson did you learn from the story?


4) Write the adjectives from the story to describe the following.

__________________ palace
__________________ King Midas
__________________ coins
__________________ statues
__________________ flowers

5) Write a sentence using at least two adjectives of your own to describe the
personality of King’s daughter.

24 | P a g e
6) Write a sentence using at least two adjectives of your own to describe the
appearance of the King.

B. Read the extract given below. Find and write the word having ‘oi’ sound in it. Write
a rhyming word for it as well.
His palace was full of gold statues, gold jewellery and gold coins, but Midas was greedy and
he always wanted more.

rhyming word: ______________

C. Find and write four words from the passage with suffix -ed.

________________________ _______________________

________________________ ________________________

D. Read the words given in the text box. Sort them into the following table.

mouth Coin flower

diphthong ‘oi’ diphthong ‘ou’ diphthong ‘ow’

_____________ _______________ _____________

25 | P a g e
E. Write in the speech bubble what the King might have said when all the gold was
gone and he got his daughter back.

F. Frame sentences using the words given below.





G. Write a descriptive paragraph about King Midas. Use at least five personality and
appearance adjectives in your writing. Illustrate in the given box below.

26 | P a g e
H. Write the suitable adjectives in the boxes given below.

appearance adjectives personality adjectives

• _______________________ • _______________________

• _______________________ • _______________________

• _______________________ • _______________________

• _______________________ • _______________________

I. Write a paragraph about this character using the personality and appearance
adjectives you have written above. You may add extra adjectives if they come into
your mind to spice up your writing.

(character’s name)







27 | P a g e
Task 2

Refer to Week 4 of the Holiday Homework PPT and attempt the given online activities.

Task 3

After reading the story about King Midas, imagine yourself being a newspaper reporter
and frame 5 questions that you would like to ask from King Midas, keeping QUASM
rules in mind.















28 | P a g e
Week 5

Task 1: Reading Comprehension

Beyond the Five Senses

by John Rousselle
Animals use senses to find food and stay out of danger. Our senses tell us what is happening
with our bodies and in the world around us.
You probably know about the five basic senses: hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste. Did you
know that animals can also have many other senses? Some of these senses are common to
most animals. Others are rare and amazing.

Body-Position Sense 2

Without looking, do you know where your left foot is right now? You can
answer this question because your brain senses where your body parts
are. Without this sense, an animal would not be able to move and do
interesting things with its body.

Pain Sense 3
Pain might seem as though it is a part of the sense of touch, but it is not.
People and other animals can feel pain even when nothing is touching
them. Pain helps us by letting us know that we’ve been hurt. It can also
warn us to stop or change what we are doing before we get hurt.
Sense of Balance
Humans and many other animals have tubes inside their ears that give
them a sense of balance. Other senses, such as sight and knowing
where your body parts are, make balancing easier. That is why
balancing is more difficult when your eyes are closed, or your leg is

Temperature Sense 5
Sensing hot and cold is important for many animals. Some bats and
snakes have special heat sensors that can help them find prey. A
rattlesnake can “feel” the heat of a mouse’s body from over a foot away.
It has heat sensors between its eyes and nostrils.

29 | P a g e
Using Sounds to ‘See’ 6
Some animals use sounds to ‘see’ the things around them, even deep
underwater or in the dark. By making sounds and listening to echoes,
these animals can tell where things are. Some bats, dolphins, whales,
and birds have this special sense.

Electric-Field Sense 7
Every animal’s body gives off a weak electric field. Humans and most
other animals cannot sense these fields, but some animals that live in
water can. Some sharks can find fish hiding in the sand on the ocean
floor just by using this sense.
Magnetic-Field Sense 8
The needle in a compass always points north because of Earth’s
magnetic field. Some animals have a kind of natural compass built into
their bodies. These animals can always ‘feel’ which way is north, so
they can travel long distances without getting lost.

Conclusion 9

There are many senses beyond hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste. As you explore the
world, think about the extra senses that animals, including you, use every day.

A. Answer the following questions. Write in complete sentences where needed.

1. What do you understand by the word ‘sensors’?

2. How are the sense of touch and pain sense alike? How are they different?
3. How do special heat sensors help some kind of snakes?

30 | P a g e
4. Which sense did you find the most interesting and why?
5. What genre do you think the passage is? Give a reason for your answer.

B. Sort the words given in word box as long ‘o’ and long ‘u’ in the table below:

food cold move echoes ocean

tubes explore foot

Long ‘o’ words Long ‘u’ words

C. Join and rewrite each set of sentences using the correct conjunction (and, but, because).

1. Humans cannot sense the electrical field. Marine animals can.


2. Balancing is easier. Humans and animals have tubes inside ears that give a sense of


31 | P a g e
3. Animals find food. They stay out of danger by using senses.

D. Re-read the passage and find words to complete the table of syllables below. When
filling the table, remember to mark syllables for each word you write.

1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables 4 syllables

E. Look at the table of contents given below. Fill in the missing information.

32 | P a g e
F. a. How is a glossary different from table of contents?



b. Refer to the glossary given below and frame sentences of any three words from it.






33 | P a g e




G. Note taking

Take notes of the following paragraph.

Temperature Sense

Sensing hot and cold is important for many animals. Some bats and snakes have

special heat sensors that can help them find prey. A rattlesnake can “feel” the

heat of a mouse’s body from over a foot away.








34 | P a g e
H. Writing skills

Write an informational text about the five senses of humans.

Remember to give a main heading and subheadings to your text. You may include
the following:
i. What are the five senses (name each of them)?
ii. Body parts/ organs used for the senses
iii. Job of each sense
iv. Importance of each sense in our life
You may spice up your writing by adding some other information related to the












35 | P a g e





36 | P a g e
Task 2

Refer to Week 5 of Holiday Homework PPT and attempt the online activities.

Task 3

Which sense do you think humans use the most in their daily life? Justify your answer.















37 | P a g e
Week 6

Task 1: Reading Comprehension

Read the comprehension given below and answer the questions.

Stone Soup

One day, some travellers arrived in a small village. They were tired and hungry, but
they didn't have any food. They only had a large pot. The travellers asked the villagers for
some food, but the villagers did not trust the travellers and they did not want to share their

The travellers were disappointed, but they had a plan. They filled their pot with
water, dropped a large stone into it and put the pot on a fire in the village square. Then the
travellers sat down around the fire and waited.

Soon, a woman came to the square. “What are you doing?” she asked. “We're
making stone soup," said the travellers. "It's very tasty, but we really need some herbs to put
in it."

“I've got some herbs,” said the woman. “Can you give us some of your herbs?” the
travellers asked. “Then we will share our soup with you."

The woman took a small bunch of fresh herbs from her basket and dropped it into
the pot. She sat with the travellers and they talked while they waited for the soup to cook.
After a while, a man came to the square. “What are you doing?” he asked. “We're making
stone soup,” said the travellers. “It is delicious, but we really need some meat to put in it.”

“I've got some meat,” said the man. “Can you give us some of your meat?” the
travellers asked. “Then we will share our soup with you.”

38 | P a g e
The man put some meat into the pot, then he sat with the travellers and the woman. They all
talked while they waited for the soup to cook.

More villagers came to the square. They all added food to the pot. Soon, they were
good friends. The pot was full of meat, potatoes, vegetables, and it smelt wonderful. The
travellers and the villagers shared the soup. They all enjoyed a wonderful meal.

1. Circle the correct setting of the story.

a) farm
b) village
c) house
d) town

2. What was the problem in the story and how was it resolved?



3. Why do you think the villagers initially refused to offer food?



4. What would you do if you come across some travellers and they ask for your help?



A. Choose true, false or can’t tell for the following statements about the story.

a) The travellers had a lot of food when they arrived at the village. __________

b) The travellers came from a nearby town. __________

c) The villagers did not help the travellers because they did not trust them. _________

d) The villagers came to the square because the travellers invited them __________

39 | P a g e
B. Find the words having the given spelling patterns from the text and write them


a) ar’ word: ________________

b) ‘er’ word: ________________

c) ‘or’ word: ________________

C. Write a caption (phrase) for the given picture.


D. Use two adjectives to describe the taste of the soup.



E. Choose the correct synonym for the word ‘disappointed’.

a) hopeless

b) satisfied

c) dislike

d) content

40 | P a g e
F. Choose one of the options to complete the sentence.

The travellers went ____ the village. They added ____ ingredients given by the villagers.

The soup was ____ hot.

a) too, two, to

b) to, two, too

c) two, too, to

G. Instruction Writing

• Write a recipe for your favourite soup.

• You will need the following ingredients:





Then, _____________________________________________________________________

Finally, ___________________________________________________________________


41 | P a g e
Task 2

Refer to Week 6 of Holiday Homework PPT and attempt the given online activities.

Task 3: Handwriting

1. Trace and write the words.

42 | P a g e
2. Trace and write the words.

43 | P a g e
3. Trace and write the words.

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