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MMA - Strength & Conditioning Program - General

Exercise at your own risk

Remember to warm up - get physically warm.

Cool down - include stretches and foam rolling

Day 1
Exercise Sets Reps Notes
Dumbbell Bench Press 2 15
Plyometric Press Ups 3 6
One Arm Row 3 10
6 per leg. Make sure your legs are
warm first. Do lunges
Lunges 2 6 explosively/powerfully
Squat down as low as possible, then
Vertical Jumps 2 6 jump up as high as possible
Side Plank 2 secs
Tabata - 20 second sprints, with 10
second rest in between sprints. Do 8
Tabata 2x4 sprints (total of 4 mins) - rest 1 min
Rower Intervals mins then complete again

Day 2
Exercise Sets Reps Notes
Front Squats 2 8
Push Press 3 6
Back Extensions 3 10
Tabata 2x4
Sprints Intervals mins
Vertical Jumps 2 6
Side Plank 2 secs
Tabata 2x4
Sprints Intervals mins
Day 3
Exercise Sets Reps Notes
Weighted chin ups 2 8
Partial Deadlifts 3 6
High Pulls 3 6
Vertical Jumps 2 6
Cable wood chops 2 10 10 each side
Tabata 2x4
Rower Intervals mins

The above program is a general program, with exercises included for strength, endurance and

Ideally a program should be periodised into phases which look to develop different measures of
MMA fitness in isolation.

For example, a power phase, would usually incorporate Olympic Lifts and plyometrics.

Please visit for more information

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