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Choose the best answers A, B, C or D. 

1. Jane a new dress and a pair of shoes. 
A) want B) wants C) wanting D) to want 2. John along with twenty
friends celebrating a party. 
A) is B) are C) am D) were  
3. The picture of the soldiers back many memories. 
A) bring B) bringing C) brings D) to bring 4. The quality of these
recordings not very good. 
A) be B) are C) am D) is 
5. If the duties of these officers reduced, there will not be enough time to finish  the project. 
A) isn’t B) aren’t C) am not D) weren’t 6. The effects of cigarette smoking been
proven to be extremely harmful. A) have B) has C) to have D) having 
7. The use of credit cards in place of cash increased rapidly in recent years. A) to have B) have C)
has D) having 
8. Advertisements on TV becoming more competitive than ever before. A) is B) are C) was
D) am 
9. Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others at an all-time high. A) been
B) was C) is D) are 
10. Mr. John, accompanied by several members of the committee, proposed  some changes in
the rules.  
A) have B) has C) having D) to have  11. The levels of intoxication from
subject to subject. 
A) vary B) varies C) to vary D) varying 12. Neither Bill nor Mary and Jane
going to the party tonight. A) is B) are C) am D) were  
13. Anything better than going to the movies tonight. 
A) is B) are C) am D) were  
14. Skating becoming more and more popular. 
A) is B) are C) am D) were  
15. A number of reporters at the conference yesterday. A) is B) are C) was D)
16. Everybody who a fever must go home immediately. 
A) has B) have C) to has D) having 17. Your glasses on the bureau last
A) is B) are C) was D) were  
18. The committee already reached a decision. 
A) have B) has C) having D) to have  19. A pair of jeans in the washing
machine this morning. A) is B) are C) was D) were  
20. Each student just answered the first question.  
A) have B) has C) having D) to have  21. Either John or Mary breakfast
every morning.
A) make B) makes C) making D) to made  22. After she had pursued the materials, the
secretary decided that everything in  order. 
A) is B) are C) was D) were  23. The crowd at the basketball station very crazy of
excitement last night. A) is B) are C) was D) were  24. The army eliminated this section
of the training test. 
A) has B) have C) to has D) having 25. The number of students who
have withdrawn from class this quarter  appalling. 
A) is B) are C) was D) were  26. There been too many interruptions in
this class. 
A) have B) has C) having D) to have  27. Peter or his friends to take a
bath in this river. A) want B) wants C) wanting D) to want 28. Each boy and
each girl a book. 
A) have B) has C) having D) to have  29. The policemen arrested the
A) have B) has C) having D) to have  30. Physics less difficult than
A) is B) are C) was D) were  31. Every Elementary School teacher to take a
training course. A) have B) has C) having D) to have  32. Neither Jill nor her
parents seen this film before. 
A) have B) has C) having D) to have  33. What time the news on TV? 
A) is B) are C) was D) were  34. The police arrested the thieves. 
A) have B) has C) having D) to have  35. Either Jack or I enthusiastic to
do that. 
A) is B) are C) was D) were  36. Ten tons of rice a great deal of
A) cost B) costs C) costing D) to cost 37. Three years of waiting for him
a long time to her.  
A) isn’t B) aren’t C) not be D) not to be  38. Five billion dollars that guy to
wealth and debauchery. A) bring B) brings C) bringing D) to bring 39. There
many people in this village. 
A) live B) lives C) living D) to live 40. Here the clown that you best. 
A) come / like B) comes / like C) come / likes D) coming / likes 41. The
methods for studying the earth been being researched. A) have B) has C) having D)
to have  42. To love and to be loved the greatest happiness on earth. A) is B) are C)
be D) were  43. The boy and the girl their parents dearly.
A) love B) loves C) loving D) to love 
44. No teacher and no student present at the classroom on Sundays. A) is B) are C)
be D) were  
45. What the purpose of learning foreign languages? 
A) is B) are C) be D) were  
46. She with we very happy today.  
A) is B) are C) be D) were  
47. Tom and I cousins. 
A) is B) are C) be D) were  
48. The whole family going to the cinema now. 
A) is B) are C) be D) were  
49. The production of dyes, perfumes, and explosive made a lot of progress. A) have B) has C)
having D) to have  
50. The United Nations of over 160 nations. 
A) consist B) consists C) consisting D) were consisting 51. Bread and butter
good food. 
A) isn’t B) aren’t C) was not D) not were  52. Three of these students used to riding
their motorbike carelessly. A) get B) getting C) to get D) gets 
53. We with Peter extremely surprised to meet Peggy again. A) is B) are C)
be D) was  
54. None of them there to help him. 
A) to go B) going C) go D) goes 
55. All men brothers. 
A) is B) was C) am D) are 
56. Most of us eager to play football for that team. 
A) is B) was C) am D) are 
57. Someone her to do such a foolish thing. 
A) ask B) asks C) asking D) are asked 58. Anything mostly all right to her. 
A) become B) to become C) becomes D) becoming 59. That she his name
his feeling. 
A) forget / hurt B) forget / hurts C) forgets / hurt D) forgets / hurts 60.
Avoiding him a good way. 
A) is not B) be not C) am not D) are not 
61. To do such a hard work so many people. 
A) need B) needing C) to need D) needs 
62. Each of us a bush of bamboo trees, ? 
A) plant / shall we B) plants / won’t we C) plant / don’t we D) plants / are  we 
63. You each a bed of flowers. 
A) to water B) water C) watering D) waters 
64. Everything in the garden brighter and brighter. 
A) to look B) looking C) look D) looks 
65. Lovers often out together. 
A) go B) goes C) gone D) are going
66. Mumps me uncomfortable. 
A) makes B) make C) making D) to make 67. Chatting with strangers all
day me. 
A) is not inspired B) was not inspired C) doesn’t inspire D) don’t  inspire 
68. Linguistics us to further understanding of cultures, societies and civilizations. A) bring B)
brings C) bringing D) to bring 69. To make poems constantly my spiritual life. 
A) enrich B) enriches C) enriching D) to enrich 70. Money a mare go. 
A) makes B) make C) making D) to make 71. Knowledge of the facts necessary
to reach a vise decision. A) is B) be C) am D) are 
72. This book, that book, and this pen to him. 
A) belonging B) to belong C) belongs D) belong 73. Neither Mildred nor her
friends to help on the clean-up. A) is wanting B) want C) want D) wants 
74. The first two parts of the experiment him too much time. A) takes B) take C)
taking D) to take 75. These people early for the lectures. 
A) arriving B) arrives C) arrive D) to arrive 76. The number of books in the
library really remarkable. A) is B) be C) am D) are 
77. There something to be said for both sides. 
A) is B) be C) am D) are 
78. Economics Mr. John’s major field of study. 
A) is B) be C) am D) are 
79. The speakers exactly. 
A) pronounce B) pronounces C) pronouncing D) to pronounce 80. Philippines
to Asian Countries. 
A) belonging B) to belong C) belongs D) belong 81. Most of the people
here each other. 
A) know B) to know C) knows D) known 82. Some of my friends abroad.
A) living B) to live C) lives D) live 
83. All of us that he is wrong. 
A) thinks B) to think C) think D) thinking 84. Some people difficulty with the
lecture, but most it clearly. A) has / understand B) have / understand C) have /
understands D) has / understands 
85. Children ice-cream. 
A) liking B) to like C) likes D) like 
86. Marie a red car. 
A) having B) has C) to have D) have 
87. The children been playing in the snow. 
A) have B) to have C) having D) has
88. Mr. and Mrs. Brown reading their mail sent from their son. A) were B) are C) was D)
89. Fax machines written messages. 
A) transmit B) transmits C) to transmit D) transmitting 90. Experience talent. 
A) develop B) develops C) to develop D) developing 91. A sonnet, a kind of love
poem containing 14 sentences, of fourteen lines. A) consists B) consist C) to consist
D) consisting 92. Angle Christie, the famous British author detective stories. A) write
B) writes C) to write D) writing 93. Having time to paint often having a good time. 
A) means B) mean C) to means D) meaning 94. Trusting people faith. 
A) require B) requires C) requiring D) to require 95. That he has angered
the boss the workers. 
A) please B) pleases C) to please D) pleasing 96. I don’t think either of
them at home. 
A) be B) is C) am D) are 
97. Both these oranges bad. 
A) be B) is C) am D) are 
98. My parents both in education. 
A) work B) works C) to work D) working 99. Both of the children gone to
A) have B) has C) to have D) having 
100. None of us French. 
A) speaks B) speak C) speaking D) to speak 101. Every of the children
A) be B) is C) am D) are 
102. None of the cheese good. 
A) be B) is C) am D) are 
103. Not one of my shirts clean. 
A) be B) is C) am D) are 
104. Everything I like not available in the shops. A) be B) is C) am D) are 
105. I find that everywhere booked up. 
A) be B) is C) was D) were 
106. John, along with twenty friends planning a party. 
A) be B) is C) am D) are 
107. The quality of these recordings not very good. 
A) be B) is C) am D) are 
108. If the duties of these officers reduced, there will not be enough time to finish  the project. 
A) be not B) isn’t C) am not D) aren’t 
109. Advertisements on television becoming more competitive than ever  before. 
A) be B) is C) am D) are

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