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People vs. Anonuevo


y Rosita Tabia, 16 years old, was attending a religious service at a

y She alleged that during the service, Teodulo Anonuevo approached
her from behind, forcibly embraced her, kissed her left cheek, and held
her breasts. She rebuked him in a low voice and struggled to break
free. He then tried to drag her out, but having failed, he decided to
y Rosita Tabia reported the incident to her parents, who then notified the
police. She also presented a witness who saw the events that
y CFI convicted him of  abusos deshonestos (abuse against chastity)
y He appealed.


y   WON his guilt was proven beyond reasonable doubt-  YES

o Her testimony was consistent and was corroborated by a
witness (Ibarbia). 
His defense was incredible. He alleged that Ibarbia had
confronted him and warned him against pursuing Rosita, as she
had already chosen Ibarbia. Anonuevo alleged that Rosita and
Ibarbia had made accusations against him to stop him from
pursuing her. 

y   WON his crime was abusos deshonestos- His cr ime ime was unjust 
o Because of the religious atmosphere and the presence of 
people in this case, it would be error, in the absence of proof of 
motive, to ascribe his actions to lust.
o The view should be taken that he instead intended to show an
act of bravado
bravado against Ibarbia, or to force
f orce Rosita to accept him
as a lover. 


y Anonuevo declared guilty of unjust vexation with aggravating

circumstance of committed in a place of religious worship. Under 
 Article 287 of the RPC, sentenced to imprisonment for one month and
a fine of two hundred pesos, with subsidiary imprisonment in case of 

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