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Ruchira Patil
The supervisor must firstly identify description of job to be done for the particular
activity. The written statement which include all detailing about work to be
performed by worker is called as job description. The detailing could be in the form
of nature of work, procedure or method to carry the work, type of technology, time
required to complete work, safety precautions etc.
After identifying job supervisor must find right people to perform defined job
description. Supervisor must be clear about sort of person he is looking for. For this he
must be clear about all requirements of the job.
Job description and finding people for performing this job both are different
activities as both require different skill set.
The major role of supervisor is to match right people for right job description. It is
also called as matching people to job needs. It is very complex and time-
consuming activity. Success of organization will only follow after careful matching
of people to job.

If matching process is not done properly then we may not get right person, even
by offering high salaries, by various manpower sources, by carrying expensive
recruitment drives will not give right person.

For purpose of matching the person shall look for following two important factors
1. Why people work
2. Why people work for you
Generally, people work for any organization because they need to earn money. But
money is not everything, sometimes they can earn more money by doing other jobs.
Also, person shall find the reasons for why people work to their full capacity and
why some of them give their minimum efforts for accomplishing task.
Thus, the sources of motivating people for shall be identified so that people will work
more efficiently.
Researches on job and work environment has shown that there are certain factors
which leads to extreme dis-satisfaction which is also called as demotivators. These
factors are also called as hygiene or maintenance factors. Improvement in hygiene
factors can leads to extreme satisfaction which is also called as motivators.
Following factors can play vital role to answer of question “why people work” which can become
motivators if fulfilled.

✓ Salary: It is the financial reward given to the worker for doing assigned work using own skills.
In addition to salary the rewards like bonus, overtime allowance, honorarium etc can be
offered in addition to salary to motivate the workers.

✓ Security: Job security is another aspect for motivating people. Stable job and good work
environment can create feeling of job security among workers. Providing good work
environment will avoid problem of sickness, industrial accidents, forceful retirement etc.

✓ Satisfaction: Satisfaction means fulfilment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs. The job
satisfaction can lead to growth and development of individual as well as an organization. The
person leads to contribute willingly if he is satisfied while doing job. Thus, it is the great

✓ Status: Status is the consideration which makes person to feel proud and wanting to do more in
better way. It is social or professional position. It also indicates position of holding certain
authority to do work of certain level assigned to him.

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