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FEMS Microbiology Letters 161 (1998) 29^35

Di¡erent toxic e¡ects of the sulfonylurea herbicides metsulfuron

methyl, chlorsulfuron and thifensulfuron methyl on £uorescent
pseudomonads isolated from an agricultural soil
a;b a;b;
Tina S. Boldt , Carsten S. Jacobsen *
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Department of Geochemistry, Thoravej 8, DK-2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark
Microbiology Section, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Copenhagen F, Denmark

Received 21 November 1997; revised 18 January 1998; accepted 30 January 1998


A total of 77 strains of genetically different fluorescent Pseudomonas strains were isolated from an agricultural soil. In pure
culture growth experiments the strains were screened for their ability to grow in various concentrations of the sulfonylurea
herbicides metsulfuron methyl, chlorsulfuron and thifensulfuron methyl. We found that the presence of the herbicides resulted
in a reduction of the growth of the fluorescent pseudomonads. Metsulfuron methyl was shown to be toxic to a major
proportion of the strains in low concentrations. Chlorsulfuron was found to be less toxic in low concentrations but toxic in high
concentrations. Thifensulfuron methyl was toxic only to a minority of the strains. Indirectly, the growth-reducing effect of the
sulfonylurea herbicides was shown to be caused by an inhibition of the enzyme acetolactate synthase. The enzyme is involved in
the synthesis of the branched amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine, and we demonstrated that the toxic effects of the
sulfonylurea herbicides could be neutralized when the strains were grown in the presence of an excess amount of the three
amino acids. z 1998 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords : Soil £uorescent pseudomonad; Toxicity; Sulfonylurea ; Metsulfuron methyl; Chlorsulfuron ; Thifensulfuron methyl

1. Introduction trum of weeds and have low toxicity to humans and

animals. The sulfonylurea herbicides exert toxic ac-
The sulfonylurea herbicides are a class of widely tivity by interfering with the enzyme acetolactate
used herbicides, and they are expected to get a larger synthase (ALS), which is speci¢c for plants and mi-
share of the market in the future. The sulfonylurea croorganisms [1]. The enzyme is involved in the syn-
herbicides have low application rates compared to thesis of the branched amino acids leucine, valine
traditional herbicides, are e¡ective on a wide spec- and isoleucine [2].
The sulfonylurea herbicides have been developed
from the triazine herbicides and have the triazine
structure in common with other triazine herbicides,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +45 38 14 23 13; e.g. atrazine [1] which has been used widely in corn
Fax: +45 38 14 20 50; E-mail: and spruce plantations.

0378-1097 / 98 / $19.00 ß 1998 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
PII S 0 3 7 8 - 1 0 9 7 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 0 4 5 - 7

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30 T.S. Boldt, C.S. Jacobsen / FEMS Microbiology Letters 161 (1998) 29^35

The pseudomonads are a group of bacteria known By the API 20 NE test system (BioMeèrieux SA,
to play important ecological roles in the soil habitat Marcy L'Etoile, France) it was veri¢ed that the iso-
[3]. Among the roles of the £uorescent pseudomo- lated strains belonged to the group of £uorescent
nads of commercial interest are their ability to act pseudomonads. The manufacturer's instructions
as antagonists against plant pathogens because of were followed.
their production of siderophores and antibiotics In the following experiments, single colonies of the
[4,5]. strains were obtained from the frozen culture by
An unintended consequence of the application of streaking on Luria-Bertani agar supplemented with
the herbicides could be the in£uence on the microbial 0.1% (w/v) glucose. Unless otherwise stated, the cul-
ecological balance of the soil, leading to a signi¢cant tures were incubated at 25³C.
change of the quality of the population. This could
end up a¡ecting the productivity of crops negatively. 2.2. Toxicity tests on the isolated strains
In assessing the in£uence of chemicals on the in-
digenous population of £uorescent pseudomonads Metsulfuron methyl, chlorsulfuron methyl (Riedel-
the isolation of identical clones would lead to tedious de-Haeën, Seelze, Germany) and thifensulfuron meth-
repetition of the toxicological tests. An easy group- yl (Dupont, Nambsheim, France) were dissolved in
ing of culturable soil bacteria can be done using acetonitrile to ¢nal concentrations of 4 mg ml31 .
repetitive extragenic palindromic polymerase chain From these stock solutions, the herbicides were
reaction (REP-PCR) [6]. The genome of bacteria transferred to MicroWell plates (Nunc, Naperville,
consists of about 1% of conserved palindromic se- IL, USA), leading to concentrations of 0, 5, 50 or
quences at about 35 bp in transcribed but not trans- 300 ppm (0, 13.11 WM, 131.11 WM or 0.79 mM re-
lated areas of the genome [7]. By using these sequen- spectively) in 300 Wl bacterial isolate suspension with
ces in a PCR reaction the DNA between the OD600 = 0.15 in Davis minimal medium. The tests
palindromes will become ampli¢ed. The DNA can were run in triplicate. The acetonitrile was allowed to
be separated by gel electrophoresis and create a evaporate before inoculation with the bacterial iso-
strain speci¢c pattern [8]. late suspension. Cell growth was measured spectro-
In this study we isolated 77 strains belonging to photometrically (600.0 nm) by a microplate reader
the group of £uorescent pseudomonads from an (Microplate bio-kinetics reader EL 312e, Bio-Tek In-
agricultural soil. The e¡ect of the sulfonylurea herbi- struments).
cides metsulfuron methyl, chlorsulfuron and thifen-
sulfuron methyl on the growth of the £uorescent 2.3. Neutralization of the toxic e¡ect of metsulfuron
pseudomonads was studied in pure culture growth methyl by the addition of valine, leucine and
experiments. The e¡ect of the sulfonylurea herbi- isoleucine
cides was studied further in a medium consisting of
the amino acids of which the synthesis is shown to Strains of the £uorescent pseudomonads belonging
be blocked in plants by the sulfonylurea herbicides to di¡erent REP-PCR groups (see below) were inves-
[2]. tigated for their ability to compensate for the
reduced production of valine, leucine and isoleucine
by assimilation of the amino acids from the me-
2. Materials and methods dium.
The amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine
2.1. Isolation of bacteria and culture conditions were added to a ¢nal concentration of 1 mM each
to MicroWell plates containing metsulfuron methyl
The £uorescent pseudomonads used in this experi- and bacterial isolate suspensions as described in Sec-
ment were isolated from an agricultural soil located tion 2.2. The e¡ect of the addition of the three amino
at Drengsted, Denmark as described previously [6] acids on the cell growth was measured spectrophoto-
on Gould S1 agar [9], a medium selective for £uo- metrically as described in Section 2.2. The tests were
rescent pseudomonads. run in triplicate.

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2.4. Characterization by repetitive extragenic weighted pair-group method with arithmetic aver-
palindromic polymerase chain reaction ages (UPGMA) clustering were calculated using
NTSYSpc 1.80 to evaluate dissimilarities between
REP-PCR [10] was used to verify that the isolated cluster methods [13].
strains of £uorescent pseudomonads were genetically
di¡erent. Template DNA was prepared, PCR reac-
tion performed and fragments visualized as described 3. Results
previously [6].
3.1. Toxicity tests on the isolated strains
2.5. Analysis of REP-PCR results
In a random and diverse group of soil bacteria, 77
The photographs of the gels were scanned into the strains belonging to the group of £uorescent pseudo-
program CREAM 1.0A (for Windows. Kem-En-Tec monads were tested for their ability to grow in in-
A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark). The program calcu- creasing concentrations of the sulfonylurea herbi-
lated the size of the ampli¢ed sequences and the cides metsulfuron methyl, chlorsulfuron and
results were veri¢ed manually. A binary matrix was thifensulfuron methyl.
created in which 1 is the presence of the PCR prod- The e¡ect of the sulfonylurea herbicide metsulfur-
uct and 0 is the absence of the PCR product. on methyl on the growth of one of the isolated
NTSYSpc 1.80 (Applied Biostatistics Inc., Setauket, strains designated TBD7 is shown in Fig. 1. The
NY) was used to calculate simple matching qualita- ¢gure shows that the presence of 50 and 300 ppm
tive coe¤cients and afterwards to create a dendro- metsulfuron methyl reduced the growth of strain
gram (complete clustering) in accordance with the TBD7, whereas the growth was not reduced in the
similarity of the di¡erent strains of REP-PCR prod- presence of 5 ppm. The strain was not a¡ected by
ucts [11,12]. Dendrograms with single and un- 300 ppm chlorsulfuron or thifensulfuron methyl.

Fig. 1. Bacterial growth of the £uorescent pseudomonad TBD7 measured as optical density (OD = 600.0 nm) in media containing various
concentrations of the sulfonylurea herbicide metsulfuron methyl. The bars indicate standard deviations of three replicates.

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32 T.S. Boldt, C.S. Jacobsen / FEMS Microbiology Letters 161 (1998) 29^35

Fig. 2. The concentrations of the sulfonylurea herbicides metsulfuron methyl, chlorsulfuron and thifensulfuron methyl needed to cause a
reduction in growth of the 77 strains of £uorescent pseudomonads isolated from soil. N.T.E. : no toxic e¡ect observed at 300 ppm herbi-

The results of the toxicity tests revealed di¡erences its general sensitivity or tolerance towards all three
in sensitivity among the strains and di¡erences in herbicides.
toxicity of the sulfonylurea herbicides. This is out- The dendrogram revealed that the e¡ect of the
lined in Fig. 2. Metsulfuron methyl had a reducing sulfonylurea herbicides was not restricted to a par-
e¡ect on the growth of 76 out of the 77 isolated ticular REP-PCR group of the £uorescent pseudo-
strains of £uorescent pseudomonads. The growth monads, in that the sensitivity towards the three her-
of 15 strains was a¡ected by metsulfuron methyl at bicides was not dependent on the strains' placement
a concentration of 5 ppm (19.5%). Further, 48 in the di¡erent clusters (data not shown).
strains were a¡ected by a concentration of 50 ppm
(62.3%). 3.2. Neutralization of the toxic e¡ect of metsulfuron
Thifensulfuron methyl was shown to be toxic to methyl by the addition of valine, leucine and
only a minor proportion of the strains. Seven strains isoleucine
were shown to be a¡ected by thifensulfuron methyl
at concentrations up to 300 ppm (10%). Of these Four randomly chosen strains belonging to di¡er-
seven strains, three were a¡ected by 50 ppm, and ent REP-PCR groups, which had been shown to be
one strain was a¡ected by 5 ppm thifensulfuron a¡ected by the presence of metsulfuron methyl, were
methyl. grown in the presence of both metsulfuron methyl
Chlorsulfuron was shown to a¡ect the growth of and the amino acids leucine, valine and isoleucine.
the strains only in high concentrations. Altogether, For all of the four strains we showed that the met-
54 strains showed reduced growth in the presence of sulfuron methyl mediated reduction in growth was
up to 300 ppm chlorsulfuron. Three strains were af- neutralized by the further addition of valine, leucine
fected by 5 ppm, and 11 strains were a¡ected by 50 and isoleucine. The neutralization of the toxic e¡ect
ppm chlorsulfuron. of metsulfuron methyl for strain TBD7 is shown in
No correlation was found between the strain and Fig. 3. Fig. 3 shows that the expected growth reduc-

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Fig. 3. Bacterial growth of the £uorescent pseudomonad TBD7 measured as optical density (OD = 600.0 nm) in media containing various
concentrations of the sulfonylurea herbicide metsulfuron methyl and the amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine. The bars indicate
standard deviations of three replicates.

ing e¡ect (Fig. 1) was neutralized by the further ad- 3 WM [16] to 2.8 mM [14] to di¡erent microorgan-
dition of valine, leucine and isoleucine. In the pres- isms. The results of Forlani et al. [15] show that
ence of both herbicide and amino acids the growth di¡erent strains of pseudomonads had di¡erent tol-
did not depend on the concentration of the herbi- erances to chlorsulfuron. Burnet and Hodgson [14]
cide. showed a di¡erence in toxicity of the sulfonylurea
herbicides sulfometuron methyl and chlorsulfuron
in that sulfometuron methyl reduced the growth of
4. Discussion a larger number of strains than did chlorsulfuron.
The di¡erence in strain sensitivity and herbicide
We showed that the presence of the sulfonylurea toxicology might be due to di¡erent genetic and
herbicides metsulfuron methyl, chlorsulfuron and physiological strategies of the bacteria. The bacteria
thifensulfuron methyl had a growth reducing e¡ect might contain genes encoding di¡erent isoenzymes of
on a number of strains belonging to the group of ALS [14,16]. Furthermore, the physical interactions
£uorescent pseudomonads. Metsulfuron methyl was between enzyme and herbicide might be di¡erent.
generally shown to be toxic to most of the strains at Results of Burnet and Hodgson [14] indicate that
low concentrations, whereas an e¡ect of chlorsulfur- the membrane acts as a barrier in keeping the sulfo-
on was seen generally at higher concentrations only. nylurea herbicides out of the cell. The authors found
Thifensulfuron methyl was generally toxic only to a that although chlorsulfuron and sulfometuron meth-
minority of the strains. It was found that the sensi- yl often a¡ected the growth of the bacteria di¡er-
tivity to inhibition of the herbicides varied greatly ently, their e¡ects on ALS activity of toluenized cells
among strains. Previously, it has been shown that were similar. The greater toxicity of sulfometuron
sulfonylurea herbicides can have a toxic e¡ect on methyl might be due to a greater hydrophobicity,
microorganisms [14,15]. Chlorsulfuron has been re- and thereby greater permeability, of this herbicide
ported to be toxic in concentrations ranging from than of chlorsulfuron [1]. Furthermore, Forlani et

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al. [15] found a discrepancy between the in vivo tol- Acknowledgments

erance of the cell and a high sensitivity of the enzyme
in that the addition of a detergent increased the tox- The authors thank farmer H.P. Jacobsen,
icity of some sulfonylurea herbicides. Sk×rb×k, Denmark, for providing the soil, and Du-
The e¡ects of sulfonylurea herbicides on microor- Pont for providing technically pure thifensulfuron
ganisms and their activity in soil habitats have been methyl. We also thank Janne HÖybye for correcting
elucidated in several investigations. In general, the the manuscript. This work was supported by the
observed e¡ects have been minor and temporary. Danish Research Council Grant J. 9400352 under
The e¡ects on nitri¢cation and dehydrogenase activ- the Danish Interministries Research Programme on
ity are often reported to be small or absent with a Pesticides.
stimulation shortly afterwards [16]. Ismail et al. [17]
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