Reflective Writing - SBU3043 A202

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SBU3033 Concepts In Biology

Reflective Writing

Congratulations to every one of you for completing the LIFE & ENVIRONMENT:

COMMUNITY AWARENESS PROJECT. It is a purposeful activity to do reflection in

which you analyse experiences, skills and responses in order to learn and improve.

In maximum of 300 words (Arial, 12pt, double spacing), please prepare a

reflective writing based on the question below:

Describe one important impact of your involvement in Community Awareness Mini

Project. How do you think the mini project conducted in this course will help you to

teach science more effectively?

Firstly, I would like to thank my lecturer Dr Hamidah binti Idris and my other group

members for being so helpful and very cooperative during this mini project and this

made us to finish our project successfully. In this mini project, we had conducted a

research on the effect of pollutants and environmental conditions towards organisms.

So, the specific environmental issue that we had discussed was about the effect of

thermal pollution which is Taiwan’s Coral Bleaching. Thermal pollution is called that

because it overwhelms the natural temperature control mechanisms that work in the

water. The sudden temperature change poses a health risk to a wide range of

aquatic and amphibious creatures.

Initially, all the tasks were shared out amongst members of my team. In this

project, we were assigned to make a video and an infographic on selected issue.

Some other groupmates and I were in charged to make the infographic and during

this process, I was facing some problems in making the infographic such as editing

and so on. Luckily, my friends were so supportive and always been very helpful to

me by giving some creative ideas in order to make a beautiful infographic and also

our group achieved a successful outcome.

One of the big impact on me by involved in this mini project was about we should

always learn to love aquatic organisms. This is because by keeping aquatic

animals healthy, the livelihoods of millions around the world are secured, the

diversity of life below water is protected, and food security can be ensured for our

future generations. My experience by involved in this mini project was very good

because I was able to know in detail about the effects of thermal pollution to aquatic

life and marine ecosystems and how can thermal pollution be prevented.

Lastly, I hope all those knowledges that I had obtained throughout this mini project

would help me to teach science more effectively in future. For example, this will help

me to conduct the science learning process more productively to students by

delivering more about the benefits of aquatic animals which play an essential role in

achieving a more prosperous and secure world, contributing to many aspects of the

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Finally, this will be helpful to produce

students who always love to protect aquatic organisms in their daily life.

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