Calculation of Target Achievement / LTI Remuneration

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Henkel Annual Report 2019 62

Calculation of target achievement / LTI remuneration
The Company
LTI tranche Performance year 100 % target Actual Target achievement Average target Remuneration
Shares and bonds Adjusted ROCE Adjusted ROCE achievement over for LTI tranche 1
three-year perfor-
Corporate governance mance period
LTI tranche 1. (2019) 16.9 % 15.0 % 88.9 %
Combined management report 2019 2. (2020) – – – – –
3. (2021) – – –
Consolidated financial statements
1 Remuneration paid to a Management Board member, given a functional factor of 1.
Further information

LTI target parameters Caps

The adjusted ROCE targets are derived from our budget and are The cap on the amount of the variable components of remu-
set for each year of each three-year performance period by the neration and, after consideration of other emoluments and
Supervisory Board of Henkel Management AG. Target achieve- pension benefits (lump-sum contribution), the cap on total
ment is analyzed at the end of the relevant year. The average remuneration payable to the respective members of the Man-
target achievement for the respective performance period is agement Board were observed.
then calculated on the basis of the three measurements of
relevance for the respective LTI tranche. The amounts in these and the following tables are rounded up
or down to full euros. As a result, rounded figures in some of
The adjusted ROCE figure representing 100-percent target the lines in the tables may not add up to the indicated total.
achievement was 16.9 percent in 2019. The resulting target The same applies for percentage figures.
achievement for the yearly tranche 2019 is 88.9 percent.
Remuneration per HGB / DRS 17 for the reporting period
granted to members of the Management Board serving in 2019,
separated into the above-mentioned components, is shown in
the following table. In compliance with the recommendations
of GCGC 2017, the table also lists the remuneration figures
applicable to fiscal 2019, which is why a further “actual inflow”
table listing the awarded amounts as recommended in GCGC
2017 has been omitted.

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