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University of Cebu-Main Campus

College of Hospitality Management


Case #1
A Filipino bellman worker got involved in a theft incident from a famous hotel and

resort in the Middle East. He was caught stealing pieces of jewelry from a guest’s

luggage. The footage was caught by the CCTV showing that the Filipino bellman

opened the luggage while the guest was away. The Filipino bellman didn’t urge to fight

for his innocence from stealing as all the evidence is prodded to him. He admitted that

he was only force to steal those expensive pieces of jewelry from the guest’s luggage

due to his father’s health condition. He stated that he sold the pieces of jewelry that he

stole to the pawnshop and sent the money to his family living in the Philippines to help

his father cure his condition.

It is unfortunate that the copy of the footage from CCTV was uploaded online and

became viral instantly on different social platforms. Even though the hotel valued the

services of the Filipino bellman from being a reliable and trustworthy employee for more

than three years, the hotel and resort owner can’t tolerate the damages that he caused

to stain the reputation of major tourism on their place.

It is good that the person who claims that someone has committed an offense

didn’t press charges and didn’t send the Filipino bellman to jail but was only got fired

and send back to the country Philippines to save the company from further controversial

Case Study Report Outline
1. Introduction and Rationale of the Case
2. Description of the Status of the Case
a. Describe the current situation of the case
b. Describe the performance standards and measures (if any)
3. Assessment/Analysis of the Case
a. Describe the operational strength of the case
b. Describe the issues/problems/concerns within the case
4. Alternatives for improvement
a. Present alternatives to address the identified issues/problems/concerns
b. Assess the alternatives to determine the viable solutions
5. Recommended solutions/improvement
6. References:
It is recommended that you source business journals, textual references as
well as any online sources to support your answers on number 5. Make sure
to include it with facts and figures. Please try to use your own words and
ideas based on research rather than copy and paste other’s words from the
internet. You should use the APA format style for the citations in this section.

Introduction and Rationale of the Case

A Filipino citizen was currently working as an OFW abroad. He was working as a
bellman in a famous hotel/resort in UAE. This Filipino man has a family to sustain back
in the Philippines. He was striving hard to earn money just for his family but until such
time this bellman have made a mistake. He was caught stealing a very expensive
jewelry from a hotel guest. The bellman didn’t have the urge to make such a fuss about
his action. The bellman said that he only did it because of his father was being rushed
to the hospital and needing rush money to pay the bills.

Description of the Status of the Case

The situation of case is that the bellman admitted his mistake and was
automatically fired from the job to not cause any more damage and to produce gossips
around the hotel/resort.

Describe the performance standards and measures (if any)

The decision of the manager was apparently right to kick the bellman because of
his action being made. The longer the bellman stays in the hotel, the more damage he
will cause because of the reputation of the hotel management.

Assessment/Analysis of the Case

It made the hotel industries to be aware of their staffs and employees of the possible
outcome of any sorts of problems and issues to the company. The hotel’s decisions is
quiet fair so that the issue will be sorted out real quick. Thus, it made a major impact of
the reputation of the hotel and it may lead to unsatisfactory of the future

Describe the issues/problems/concerns within the case

The issue in the said case is that the bellman is caught in action stealing expensive
jewelries to a hotel guest due to the lack of money as being said by the bellman. Maybe
the salary of the bellman isn’t enough to sustain his family back in the Philippines that’s
why he did it. We don’t know maybe the bellman is having also another problem on his
own that’s why he do it too.
Alternatives for improvement
If I were the manager of the hotel/resort, I would recommend that never bring the
problem in the business work because it will cause some damage or chaos. Always
share his/her downsides so that we can talk through it. I would take the CCTV down or
lock the video so that it won’t spread to the social media and to never have a gossip,
just to keep it private or silent. Because at some point it is also a shame on the bellman
to spread the issue about it. It will give him a lesson to the thing he did in the hotel or to
his co-employees.

Recommended solutions/improvement
The company should hire someone who is willing to never touch anything valuable
to the hotel guests because it can cause chaos to the reputation to the company and
staff. They should improve the company policy to have the employee’s rights to speak
whenever they have a problem or whatsoever.


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