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University of Cebu-Main Campus

College of Hospitality Management


Case #2
What was supposed to be a fun afternoon for a mother and child at Plantation Bay

Resort and Spa in Lapu-Lapu City turned out to be anything but relaxing when they got

reprimanded by resort staff after her son, who has autism, started squealing with delight

when he swam.

“It could’ve been the perfect getaway for Fin, my child with special needs. When

something excites him or when he is happy, he makes it known by squealing with

delight,” Mai Pages said in a Facebook post and on travel site TripAdvisor, where she

gave the resort a one-star rating.

She said, however, that the resort staff reprimanded her for her child’s noise even as

she explained that her son had special needs. “I thought that was okay until we were

told from afar (a lifeguard). As a mother, your initial action would be directed to your

child,” she shared. “So I told him not to squeal because it wasn’t allowed.” Pages said

the incident was a “difficult moment” but one that she gets a lot.

In his initial response to Pages on TripAdvisor, which has been taken down and

replaced by an updated statement, resort owner Manny Gonzalez said that

"uncontrolled shouting is not a symptom of autism."

“For your information, uncontrolled shouting is not a symptom of autism. On the

contrary, autistic children tend to be silent, non-verbal, and overwhelmed and withdrawn

when faced with strangers… Google ‘Autism’ and verify this for yourself,” Gonzalez


His statement added: “Therefore this parent is most likely deliberately lying, or has been

given an incorrect diagnosis of autism, when what the child more likely has is a lack of

discipline due to simple parental neglect.”

Gonzalez replaced his response to Pages with a toned down statement also on

TripAdvisor on December 7, where no reference to autism was made. He highlighted

the resort's "strict policies regarding noise-making by anyone" because of safety

reasons, among others, since the resort has "ten times more water" than other resorts

in Mactan.


Case Study Report Outline

1. Introduction and Rationale of the Case

2. Description of the Status of the Case
a. Describe the current situation of the case
b. Describe the performance standards and measures (if any)
3. Assessment/Analysis of the Case
a. Describe the operational strength of the case
b. Describe the issues/problems/concerns within the case
4. Alternatives for improvement
a. Present alternatives to address the identified issues/problems/concerns
b. Assess the alternatives to determine the viable solutions
5. Recommended solutions/improvement
6. References:
It is recommended that you source business journals, textual references as
well as any online sources to support your answers on number 5. Make sure
to include it with facts and figures. Please try to use your own words and
ideas based on research rather than copy and paste other’s words from the
internet. You should use the APA format style for the citations in this section.

Introduction and Rationale of the Case

Having with a disability is not something we should make fun of. Something we
should be afraid of. Something we shouldn’t lie about it. Because we are still a human
being with a complete set of human parts but with different capacity in life. Many may
find that their perception of people with disabilities is very different from what they
imagined once they are exposed to real people, living real lives via images, as well and
one on one experiences.
We should consider the notable opinion on the issue from a mother and child
who are having a fun time having a quality time together. Satisfied guest will likely to
return to the hotel when they’re in town and would recommend hotels/resorts about their
experience during their stay. Apparently, loud hotel guests with kids will surely roam
around the hotel especially in the pool area. Kids tend to get excited when they are in
the pool are as sometimes cause loud noises that can get the attention of the other
guests that doesn’t want loud noises. But we cannot blame a kid with having a special
disorder because it’s their happiness or part of their enjoyment/excitement. No matter
how wonderful your resort/hotel might be, if you're in for an unpleasant and
uncomfortable experience. The reputation of hotel ratings would not influence enjoying
the stay. Disseminating nasty remarks and reaching hundreds of millions of individuals
that might cause the child distress. We really can't please everyone focus on their
business, as well as the youngster who's simply having his pleasure. For all kinds of
noise and other similar problems there are expert solutions.
Description of the Status of the Case
A. In the plantation Bay resort in the city of Lapu-Lapu, a mom and her kid desire
pleasure. The youngster was delighted and squealing, and any child would be
overwhelmed by something. The mother and kid were admonished and told to
decrease the youngster's loudness. However, the mother reported her
experiences on TripAdvisor's Facebook app, which was made obvious when
resort owner Manny Gonzalez answered the complaint of the mother. Autistic
disturbance tends to be silent, nonverbal, and overwhelmed when they face
strangers and when they're passionate about their actions.
B. Hotels and resorts desire their client’s nice time, therefore the best approach is
to demanding silence. Others that have fun and laugh will make it easier, unless
the people around them are very angry. It's the same with kids. Children most
likely cause sounds and mess, and customers complain. Should take care of
circumstances or simply accept that children are disturbing compared to adults. It
is okay for us to approach the client and urge him/her to be angry about his/her
disruption. The post of the moms was, nevertheless, appropriate, but the owner
replied strongly. This would cause the customers to suffer negatively. In all good
ways he might have managed it to interact with his mum. We cannot alter or
appease every individual, but accept their fault. Everyone's different. Therefore
the problem is that moms are not enough and are not right to discipline their
child. Regardless of the child's behavior and the discipline her mum believed it
was not appropriate for a client to be reprimanded because of the noisy conduct.

Assessment/Analysis of the Case

A. The resort is one location to rest and enjoy a nice time, because it has a strict
anti-disruptive policy. Everywhere at the resort people, especially the youngster
with a disease, are cut off happiness. The resort does not provide all customers
with the same fairness of policy. In this instance, it can enhance the way tough
clients are handled and, in particular, how they respond to consumer complaints.
Be more prudent and open to solutions for any difficult circumstances. This would
have a negative impact on the resort, and it might lose potential clients. Even if
the consumers are wrong, appropriate and professional handling is essential.
B. It may be seen by the public and by many individuals and shared with others.
The mom went online and shared her story. As a mother, you want your children
to be happy, especially with the impairment of the child. It would have been
simpler if the resort could respond appropriately, even when the child is
disciplined, because every individual is different and special, to be more
sympathetic, to a mother and alter their methods. The management would suffer
more and the youngster would suffer a trauma.
Alternatives for improvement
A. All deserve a haven of relaxation and serenity. Tell the guest or let him know in
advance so that they're not shocked. It is one technique to keep your site
regulated that signs are placed. If guests are sorry for external noise, please
move them. The objective is to make them feel at ease. With noisy visitors,
someone should send them to request calm and respect. Give nobody a cause to
post a poor review.
B. To every worker in the hotel and resort sector, being a professional is the most
crucial component. The objective is to have happy and pleased consumers in the
hotel sector. Avoid the most common difficulties for guests in front and center
every day. These options assist guests deal with complaints and other difficulties.
Bad customer service is another very prevalent concern for guests. Another most
typical visitor issue is poor client service. Whether it is important that your
personnel at the front desk are all regularly trained. Continuous customer service
training pays hotel and resort benefits. Trained and satisfied employees are
always equivalent to pleased clients.
Recommended solutions/improvement
Take complaints seriously, regardless of whether or not they are legitimate. You want
attention, understanding and sensitivity to handle each issue. Be sure to examine the
problem. Make sure that your visitors do not come back again and do all you can to take
care of the problem. If everything are right, the furious client won't leave a nasty review
online. Always remember "customers are always right." In hotel sector it applies. It
applies. We should appreciate the consumer since the hotel and resort businesses have
the assets. Knowledge of the issue and other solutions, If the customer online complain
has ever been wrong and apologize, and tell them the truth to make sure that everyone
who sees it doesn't have the faith of the hotel manager and keep the clean record of the
hotel. In order to reduce the harm inflicted, both parties are incorrect.

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