Jaimni: The Jaimini Aspects

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Sage Jaimini learned Astrology from Veda Vyas and also from his father Sage Parasara. After learning
astrology from them, Sage Jaimini developed his own system of astrology which is called “Jaimini
astrology”. In this system the subject Astrology is dealt in the form of “Sutras” (verses in Sanskrit). These
Sutras are called Jaimini Sutras.

For understanding the basic structure of Jimini Astrology the following 5 things are must.
Chara Karakas
Arudha Padas
Chara Dasha and other Dashas
Different Lagnas (Please refer text books only).

The Jaimini Aspects

Normally we would say that all planets aspects the 7th house and further Mars aspects the 4th and 8th,
Jupiter aspects the 5th and 9th and Saturn aspects the 3rd and 10th house from their location.

But in Jaimini Astrology the concept of aspects is completely different. The aspects are connected
to the Movable (Cardinal), Fixed and Dual (Common) signs:
a) Movable signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
b) Fixed signs:    Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
c) Dual signs:   Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
The rules are very simple:
1) A Movable sign aspects all the Fixed signs, except the sign located next to it.
2) A Fixed sign aspects all the Movable signs, except the sign located previous to it,
3) A Dual sign aspects the other three Dual signs.

The figure on the next page will give clear idea about the aspects




Here primarily a Sign will aspect another Sign and not the planets. Later we have to check the
aspects of planets.

The Chara Karakas

Normally, we consider karakatwa or significations to be always the same in case of each planet.
We use the Sun for father, the Moon for mother, Mars for brothers, Jupiter for children, Venus
for wife etc. etc. This kind of Karakas is known as Sthira-Karakas, meaning fixed significators.
This is also the case in Jaimini Astrology, and the karakas are also to some extent the same. But
Jaimini additionally suggest the use of the following seven Chara-Karakas, meaning the seven
changeable significators:
1) Atmakaraka (Own self, considered the strongest planet)
2) Amatyakaraka (Career)
3) Bhratrukaraka (Brothers and sisters)
4) Matrukaraka (Mother)
5) Putrakaraka (Children)
6) Gnatikaraka (Cousins and relations)
7) Darakaraka (Husband, wife)
These seven Karakas are simply identified from the precise degree, minutes and seconds
obtained by the different planets. This way a planet at 29 degrees in any sign is considered to be
stronger than a planet, which is only at 25 degrees in any sign.
Except for Rahu and Ketu, the planet having most degrees in the sign occupied by him is
considered to be the strongest planet in the horoscope and therefore it becomes the Atmakaraka.
Following the same principle, the second strongest planet becomes Amatyakaraka, then comes
Bhratrukaraka followed by Matrukaraka, Putrakaraka, Gnatikara and finally the Darakaraka,
which is the planet having least degrees, minutes and seconds in the sign occupied by him.
1. Atma Karak (AK): Atma karak is the 1st house indicator. “Atma” means Soul. Atmakaraka
is the indicator of the soul or more closely the "soul material". Atma Karaka is related to the 1st /
Lagna of the horoscope. AK represents the complete personality, all the significations of the
ascendant like Body, build, look, features, mental power, disposition, General Health Longevity,
celebrity, and potency & weak points, etc. When there is an influence of planets on the
Atmakarka then the person is also influenced by the Karkatatvas of these planets.
2. Amatya Karaka (AmK): Amatya Karak is the indicator of the 2nd and 10th houses. The
planet which attains the Second highest degree of longitude. significations of 2nd House of the
horoscope i.e. Speech, attitude, Financial Status, Primary Education, Livelihood/Profession,
Speech, Family, Food Habits, Face, Eyes ( Right eye in particular), Clothes & Ornaments etc. the
10th House significations which are Career, Honour, Rise in profession, Royalty and Pilgrimage
etc. If the Amatyakarak is afflicted, then the native suffers in the fields of profession, wealth and
education. Significator of the hoard, collections of wealth and knowledge. Significator of the
career, leadership roles, social rank. Agents = advisers, counselors, attorneys, partners A few
scholars are of the opinion that The Amatyakarka is the Karaka planet of second house, fifth
house, ninth house and tenth house. We can analyse family from second house, education and
wealth from fifth house, fortune from ninth house and profession from tenth house. Journeys to a
foreign country can also be analysed by the ninth house. The tenth house is also used to analyse
authority and sovereignty.
3. Bhratri Karaka (BK): It is the representative of the 3rd and 9th houses. The planet which
attains the Third highest degree of longitude qualifies for the post of Bhratri Karaka. “Bhratri”
means Brothers and BK can be used to judge the significations for 3rd house i.e. Younger
Siblings, neighbors, short-journeys, courage, hobbies, communication expertise, ability and
death of parents etc. We can also judge the significations of 9th house i.e. Father, Guru, Long-
Journeys, Fortune, Dharma, Religion, and Higher Education etc. Some state that it also
represents the eleventh house. The eleventh house is used to analyse all kinds of profit, elder
siblings, promotions and profits. Significator of small groups. Agents = Siblings. Significator of
priesthood; Agents = Guru, professor, father.
4. Matri Karaka (MK): It is the indicator of the 4th house. The planet which attains the Fourth
highest degree of longitude qualifies for the post of Matri Karaka. “Matri” means Mother, the
analysis of happiness related to a house.. We can extend MK for the significations of the 4th
house like Mother, Property, Vehicles, Happiness, Education, Relatives, Land & Agriculture and
Throne etc. Significator of Schooling, landed property, cultural roots. Agents = mother, parents.
5. Putra Karaka (PK): It is the indicator of the 5th house. The planet which attains the Fifth
Highest degree of longitude becomes the Putra Karaka. “Putra” means Son. We can judge the
significations of the 5th House from PK i.e. Children, Wisdom, Romance, Sacred Spells,
Intellect, Speculation & Lottery, Mantra, Pregnancy, Creativity etc. We also extend PK for the
significations of 9th House, as it is 5th from 5th. The analysis of education, progeny, the
knowledge of Mantras, ministership etc. are analysed through the fifth house. Significator of the
children, intelligence, creativity, good luck. Agents = students, craft apprentice
6. Gnati Karaka (GK): The gnati karaka (sixth, eighth and twelfth house indicator) likewise
produces difficult patterns in a chart. The planet which comes sixth in descending order from AK
becomes the Gnati Karaka. “Gnati” means Relations. It represents 6th house and its
significations in a horoscope i.e. Enemies, Maternal- Relatives, Diseases, Debts, Disagreements,
Competitions, Legal Proceedings, Servitude etc. Similarly, we can also examine the
significations of 8th & 12th house from GK. Significator of Arguments, Strife and Service,
conflict, disease, healing, death-and- rebirth, dissolution of identity, astral bridge. Agents =
physicians, druggists, surgeons, healers, shamans. Agents = enemies, rivals, adversaries,
predators. The sixth house is studied to analyse all kinds of enemy, court-case, rivalry, loans,
competitions, accidents, wounds, diseases etc. The eighth house is also studied to analyse all
kinds of hurdles and obstacles. The analysis of life span, chronic diseases and conspiracies is
also done through the eighth house. The hereditary property and all kind of research work is
analysed through the eighth house. The twelfth house is studied to analyse expenses, marital
relationship and the possibilities of imprisonment. The analysis of a trip to foreign country,
foreign relations and spiritual knowledge is also done through this house.
7. Dara Karaka (DK): The seventh and the last in order becomes the Dara Karaka. “Dara”
means Wife. All the significations of the 7th House comes under the purview of DK like Spouse,
Business-Partner, Trade, Foreign Travel, Pad-Prapti, Enemies in open and Public Image etc. All
kinds of partnership, foreign travel and all kinds of business analysis is seen through this house.
The analysis of the popularity of a person is also done through the seventh house. This house is
also studied to analyse the behaviour of a life partner. If the Darakaraka planet is afflicted in the
Kundali, then a person may experience difficulties in the subjects related to the seventh house.
Significator of Union = alliances, marriage and partnership. Agents = spousal partner, devotee,

Arudha Padas
Arudha is a concept which is frequently used in Vedic astrology. Parashara has given a lot of
details about Arudha in his BPHS, Jaimini has used it extensively in Jaimini astrology and in
fact, the Arudha forms a very important part of Nadi astrology as well. So much so, that a good
astrologer must never make predictions without a look at the Arudha.

Arudha literally means that which is mounted. In astrology, mounting or Arudha means an

addition from where it becomes easier to conclude the results. Each planet, each house, each sign
has an Arudha attached to it from where suitable judgements are made about that particular
Arudha in astrology reflects the concept of mirror images. The object itself is the one whose
reflection we need to determine. Its ruler/ruled-sign is the mirror about which the reflection
happens. And the Arudha is the reflection itself which happens on the other side of the mirror.

Much like as shown, the torch light is the object and the mirror reflects the image to the other

So let’s take an example and calculate one Arudha. Suppose we want to calculate where the
Arudha pada of Lagna falls, and say Leo is Lagna. And Lagna lord Sun is in Aries.
Here you may equate, the Lagna (Leo in this case) is the object (torch). Its lord Sun is the mirror
(placed in Aries). So the reflection falls in Saggittarius.
So, the very simple calculation of Arudha is this:

1. Count the distance from the object to the mirror.

2. Count the distance from the mirror to a point on the other side.
3. That point is where the image gets formed.

Lagna represents the true self, Arudha lagna represents how the native is perceived by others in
this material world. 
Suppose if the lagna is Libra, the lagna lord Venus is in the 3rd house Sagittarius, count three
signs from Venus which arrives at the Aquarius. It becomes the ARUDHA PADA for the lagna.
Likewise we can calculate the Arudha padas for all the bhavas, which is also called as BHAVA
ARUDHAS and they are marked as A1, A2, A3 and so on.
Each Arudha pada has specific names. Bhava Arudhas & their different names are as follows

A1 ---------------- Arudha lagna, pada lagna

A2 --------------- Dhan arudha, dhan pada, vitta arudha
A3 --------------- Bhatra/ vikrama arudha or pada
A4 ---------------- Matri/sukha arudha or pada
A5 ---------------- Putra/Mantra Arudha or pada
A6 ----------------- Roga/Shatru Arudha
A7 -----------------Dhara arudha
A8 -----------------Mrityu / Kashta arudha
A9 ---------------- Bhagya/ pitrs arudha
A10 -------------- Karma/ Swarga arudha
A11 --------------- Labha arudha
A12 --------------- vyaya/ Moksha arudha or Upapada lagna.
GRAHA ARUDHA means the arudha lagna of the different houses in a natal chart.

Just as the arudha lagna shows the manifestation of the native in this world of illusion (maya),
arudha padas of the houses show the maya associated with the matters signified by that house.
We can make the Graha Arudha chart for all divisional horoscope also.

Chara Dasha and other Dashas

Chara Dasha: The Chara Dasha is a Rashi based Dasha system. It is primarily used in the
Jaimini system of astrology. As we know that while the Parashari system of astrology primarily
uses the planets and Nakshatras, Jaimini astrology is sign based. So, the ruler of a Jaimini Chara
Dasha is a Rashi and not a planet. It is not as straightforward to calculate as the Vimshottari
Dasha system but is useful as a timing tool. One peculiarity of the Chara Dasha is also that it
does not always follow the same sequential order. The length of the time periods is also very
unique to each and every single birth chart.

The calculation method is not always understood by students of astrology easily. But, if one pays
attention to the calculation of Chara Dasha, it is seen that for some birth charts the Rashi order of
the Dasha is forward and for some, it is in the reverse order.
The Rashis are classified into Savya (odd) and Apasavya (even) quarters in Jaimini. Basically
they are two types of motion, direct and reverse. This classification helps us to calculate the
Chara Dasha sequence. The 12 Rashis are divided into four sets of three Rashis each.
Aries (Mesha), Taurus (Rishaba) and Gemini (Mithuna) are the Savya (odd) Rashis.
Cancer (Kartaka), Leo (Simha) and Virgo (Kanya) are Apasavya (even) Rashis.
Libra (Tula), Scorpio (Vrischik) and Sagittarius (Dhanus) are the Savya (odd) Rashis.
Capricorn (Makara), Aquarius (Kumbha) and Pisces (Meena) are Apasavya (even) Rashis.

The figure on the next page will give clear idea about the direction of each Rashi.
12 1 2 3

11 4

10 5

9 8 7 6

All the Rashis which fall under Green Arrows are direct in motion (and counting too). These
Rashis are known as Savya Rashis. This is Direct group consisting 1-2-3 & 7-8-9 Rashis.
All the Rashis which fall under Red Arrows are indirect in motion (and counting too). These
rashis are known as Apasavya Rashis. This is Indirect group consisting 4-5-6 & 10-11-12 Rashis.
Once this is understood, we now need to find out (a) Dasha sequence or order and (b) Dasha
periods or Years. It is extremely important to note that, Dasha sequence and Dasha periods
are not fixed like Vishottari Dasha. Dasha sequence could be either direct or reverse, and
Dasha periods are unique to each individual birth chart.
(a) Dasha sequence or order: As Chara Dasha is Rashi based dasha, Maha Dasha Starts from
the Rashi where the Lagna is placed. Now to know the sequence or order of Mahadashas, Count
9 houses from Lagna. At whichever Rashi the counting ends, that Rashi will show the Direction
based on whether the Rashi is Savya Rashi or Apasavya Rashi.
For example, if the Lagna is Taurus, by counting 9 we get Capricorn which is Apasavya Rashi.
So the sequence of Mahadasha will be reversed. That is, starting from Taurus, Aries, Pisces.…
….and so on till Gemini.
Caution: Point (a) above has nothing to do with Point (b) below, which
means Dasha sequence has got no links with Dasha periods.
Once the Dasha sequence is noted down, point (a) is done with.
You may practice the above by taking each Rashi as Lagna and find out the Dasha sequence,
you will get the following
The Chara Dasha Sequence For Each Lagna

Aries: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,
Aquarius and Pisces.

Taurus: Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo,
Cancer and Gemini.

Gemini: Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo,
Leo and Cancer.

Cancer: Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra,
Virgo and Leo.

Leo: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini,
and Cancer.

Virgo: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini,
Cancer and Leo.

Libra: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,
Leo and Virgo.

Scorpio: Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn
and Sagittarius.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces,
Aquarius and Capricorn.

Capricorn: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries,
Pisces and Aquarius.

Aquarius: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,
Sagittarius and Capricorn.

Pisces: Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
and Aquarius.
(b) Dasha periods or Years: The Dasha length is also determined by a method of counting
from the Rashi till the Rashi lord backwards or forwards. Counting forward or backwards is
determined by whether the Rashi is Savya or Apasavya Rashi. Which means…
Savya Rashis: 1-2-3 & 7-8-9 Rashis are counted in Direct Order.
Apasavya Rashi: 4-5-6 & 10-11-12 Rashis are counted in Indirect Order.
Once the count from the Rashi reaches the lord of the Rashi, we subtract one. Say, for example,
for Cancer Dasha we have to find its Dasha period. Here we know Cancer is Apasavya Rashi, so
we have to count backwards to the placement of the Moon and then subtract 1. 

Counting Rules For Chara Dasha Length

Aries: Count Forward to Mars, then subtract 1
Taurus: Count Forward to Venus, then subtract 1
Gemini: Count forward to Mercury, then subtract 1
Cancer: Count backwards to the Moon, then subtract 1
Leo: Count backwards to the Sun, then subtract 1
Virgo: Count backwards to Mercury, then subtract 1
Libra: Count forward to Venus, then subtract 1
Scorpio: Count forward to Mars or Ketu as per special rule, then subtract 1
Sagittarius: Count forward to Jupiter, then subtract 1
Capricorn: Count backwards to Saturn, then subtract 1
Aquarius: Count backwards to Saturn or Rahu, as per special rule, then subtract 1
Pisces: Count backwards to Jupiter, then subtract 1
Remembering forward or backward counting is very easy. Suppose Dasha period of Pisces needs
to be found, We know Pisces is Apasavya Rashi so the counting is backward. Next, find where
the lord of Pisces Jupiter is placed. Let us assume Jupiter is placed in Sagittarius. Now count
backward from Pisces to Sagittarius we get 4. So 4 minus 1 = 3 years is the Maha Dasha period
of Pisces.
Other than above, there are some special rules for Chara Dasha, which one needs to remember.
1. In case a planet is in its own sign, Dasha years would be 12.
2. Special rules for Vrishcika (8)- Mars & Ketu And Kumbha (11) – Saturn & Rahu.
(a) In case both Mars & Ketu Lords of 8th or Saturn & Rahu Lords of 11th –
are placed in Scorpio and Aquarius - Dasha will be 12 yrs.
(b) In case both Mars & Ketu are placed together in any sign other than Scorpio,
Counting is forward.
In case both Saturn & Rahu are placed together in any sign other than Aquarius,
Counting is backward
(c) If One planet is in Scorpio and another planet in other house, For Ex – Mars in
Scorpio and Ketu in Leo (or vice-versa), Mars to be ignored and Ketu to be considered
for arriving at Dasha years (minus 1).
Same rule applies for Saturn & Rahu and Aquarius.
(d) When Mars & ketu are placed in 2 different signs other than Scorpio, strongest
between them to decide between them for arriving at Dasha years
(i) Planet associated with more number of planets is to
be taken for arriving dasha years.
(ii) If number of planets are equal, Nature of sign to be considered
- Dual, Fixed or Movable. Dual is strongest and Movable is weakest.
(iii) ¶ Consider the planet which gives more number of dasha years.
¶¶ Planet giving more years if debilitated and other
planet is in exaltation or own house (not debilitated),
dump the first one (planet which is debilitated).
3. If Rashi lord is exalted, increase dasha year by 1 year.
If debilitated decrease dasha year by 1 year.
4. (a) In case of Jup in Capricorn, for Sagittarius dasha should be + 2 – 1 – 1 = 0 but
minimum dasha should be 1 year. Hence no deduction of 1 year for debilitation
should be effected.
(b) In case of Mer in Virgo, For Virgo rashi dasha years should be restricted to 12 years.
(c) In case of Mars is placed in Capricorn (exaltation) Rashi dasha for Mesha will be
10 +1 – 1= 10 years only.
5. For Rahu or Ketu longitudes - Do not deduct longitude from 30 degrees
6. Exaltation & Debilitation of planets - No need to add or deduct 1 year
7. Anthar-Dasha order – For AD sequence rules applicable to Mahadasha Order to be
followed, but commences from next Rashi. Need to remember Maha Dasha of a Rashi’s
Anthar-Dasha comes always in the last.
8. AntharDasa Period - Each Anthar-Dasha will have Number of months equivalent to
number of years of Maha Dasha. (This means, any Rashi say Aries is having 9 yrs of
Maha Dasha, all the 12 Rashi’s AntharDasa period of 9 months equally. AND Under Aries
Maha Dasha, AntharDasa of Aries will come last. This is applicable to every Maha Dasha).

For Sequence of Antar Dasha, go to 9th from AD Rashi…… and follow the same rules as MD.

1.       Treat the sign as ascendant and see the relative position of karakas (char karakas – 7 char
karkas are advised, sthir karkas, naisargik karkas)
2.       see the aspects on the sign
3.       Relative position of Arudh of different houses from that sign
4.       Planets placed in the sign.  
5.       Also read the Arudh of the sign/house as jaimini treats sign and house as one, also examine the
Arudh of the sign and effects on it.
6.       See the position of sign lord, and analyze the chart from that aspect too.
7.       See the position of AK, AmK from the dasha sign
8.       See in which house the sign is falling
9.       Raajyogas in the sign or with respect to the sign. Simple method is conjunction or relationship
between AK, AmK, PK, DK and 5th lord makes jaimini raajyoga. Also see them in navamsha
and note if the number of raajyogas increased or decreased.
10.   Aspect of Jupiter, mercury, sign lord, AK, AmK is good whereas aspect of mars, Saturn, Rahu,
GK can be termed as bad
11.   Malefic planets in 3rd and 6th from dasha sigh and benefics in trine and quadrants will be good,
otherwise choose accordingly. For example bad planet in 2nd sign can show monetary loss in the
periods and also disturbance in family, whereas good planets will show increase in money and
comfort at home.
12.   See the position of AK from the sign that will show in which direction interest of soul is going
through the dasha
13.   AK is significator of 1st  12th (for liberation) house, AmK of 10th house, BK of 3rd, 9th, 11th
house, MK of 4th house, PK of 5th house, GK of 6th 8th 12th (for malefic) house, and DK of
2nd and 7th house.
14.   In choosing sthir karakas there are two options in between choosing karaka for father battle is
between sun and Venus and for mother option is between Moon and mars. As sthir karak is used
for timing death the one more afflicted will have to be chosen as sthir karak for example if Venus
be with sun then he will be sthir karak for father as being with a mild malefic he is more afflicted
other have normal karkatwa like Jupiter for progeny. Etc.
15.   K.N.Rao doesn’t uses argala as he says their use haven’t been discovered till now, and I am of
the opinion (till now ) that argala have to be seen only on yogda planet as Mudra Krishnmurthy
Shastri and Irangati Rangacharya ji says so I am not using them, people can use them as they
16.   The affliction or prosperity of lord will also work like the same way as affliction or prosperity
of house/sign
17.   Abhimukh rashi will have stronger say into aspect, being aspected or aspecting in both ways,
abhimukh rashi will be 7th from dual signs, 8th for movable and 6th for fixed signs.
Sthira dasa: Movable signs universally last for seven years; fixed signs are of eight year
duration; and dual signs are of nine year duration.

For Sthira Dasha, one should calculate: (A) Graha bala and (B) Rashi bala

Graha (planet) Balas: Planets are strong based on three criteria:

1. Mulatrikona bala, or strengths based on exaltation, mulatrikona, own sign position, etc.
2. Amsa bala, strengths based on the planet’s position as Atmakaraka, Amatyakaraka, etc., or
in other words highest degree position of the planet down to lowest degree;
3. Kendra bala, or strength based on the Kendra (angular) relationship of the planet and the

Graha Bala
Mulatrikon Neutra
Mulatrikona Exaltation a Own Friend l Enemy Debil
Units > 60 45 30 22.5 15 7.5 3.75
Units > 60 45 30 22.5 15 7.5 3.75
Kendra to AK 1-4-7-10 2-5-8-11 3-6-9-12        
Units > 60 30 15        

Houses are strong based on the following three criteria:

1. Chara bala, or natural strength of signs: Dual signs are stronger than fixed signs; and fixed
signs are stronger than cardinal signs.
2. Sthira bala, or strength of signs due to occupation of planets. The more planets occupy a sign,
the more strength it receives;
3. Drishti bala, strength due to aspect (by rashi drishti) of the sign lord, Jupiter and Mercury.

Bhava Bala –
Chara Dual Fixed Moveable        
Units > 60 30 15        
Sthira/Planets Seven Six Five four three two one
Units > 150 135 120 105 90 75 60
Drishti/aspects Mer/Jup/Lord Mer/Jup Lord        
Units > 180 120 60        

With the help of both these calculations, one can determine Bhrama, Rudra and Maheshwara.
This rashi dasha starts from where Brahma is located. This dasha has been normally used to
predict mishaps, misfortunes, death etc. But according to the research done byDr. K.N. Rao, this
dasha can be used to predict all events.
BRAHMA: Brahma plays a vital role in analyzing the location of Sthira dasha.
Ascertain whether the Ascendant or the 7th house is stronger, or else find who is the strongest
lord among the 6th, 8th and 12th house and it becomes eligiblefor the position of Brahma.

If the lord of the 8th house from the Aatmakaarak planet is located in the 8th
house it becomes eligible for the position of Brahma. If Saturn, Rahu or Ketu becomes eligible
for the position of Brahma, it becomes a nominal Brahma and is automatically disqualified. It is
because the real brahma is the 6th planet from the nominal Brahma counted in the order of
Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

If two or three planets become eligible for the position of Brahma, then planet with highest
longitude must be selected. If two planets qualify to become Brahma and have same longitude,
then select Brahma by Rasi bala.

MAHESHWARA: The lord of the 8th house from Aatmakaraka is the Maheswara. If the 8th
lord from Aatmakaarak is exalted or in its own house Maheswari will be strong than the lords of
6th and 12th house from Atmakaraka.

If Rahu and Ketu form a conjunction with Aatmakaarak planet or are located in the 8th house
from Aatmakaarak planet, then the 6th planet from the Sun becomes Maheswara. If two or more
planets become eligible for Maheswari, the strongest one should be selected.

RUDRA: The stronger between the 8th and the 2nd lord from the Ascendant becomes Rudra.
However, some say that if the weaker lord of the 2nd or 8th is aspected by many malefics, then it
can become Rudra. The former is called Prani Rudra – the Rudra with strength - while the latter
is called Aprani Rudra, or the one without strength. Again, for the purposes of simplicity,
especially where studies in longevity are concerned, we shall take only the stronger lord of the
2nd and 8th (Prani Rudra) as the Rudra graha.
Niryaana Shoola Dasa (Notes of Sanjay Rath Ji)

Niryaana Shoola Dasa: Shoola Dasa is an Ayur (Longevity) Dasa meant for determining the
period of death of the self, spouse and other relations. It is amongst the most accurate dasa for
longevity and health and can be used to accurately time the occurance of all events pertaining to
the state of one’s physical body. Since 75% of our bodies are made up of fluids and water, the
Moon becomes the most important planet for matters of health and longevity. Thus, for good
health and longevity, Lord Shiva is worshipped on Mondays with the Mritunjaya mantra

Calculation: The Shoola Dasa is named after the Trishula or Three headed spear carried by Lord
Shiva in the form of Rudra or Maheswara.

The Shoola Dasa is a fixed period Dasa and will depend on the nature of animal etc. you are
studying. Either (a) The period of gestation is equal to ONE ANTARDASA OR (b) the period of
FULL LIFE (Purna Ayus) is equally divided by 12 for the dasa of the 12 signs and equally
divided by 144 for each antardasa.

Example A: Determine the Shoola dasa periods for Human births. We know that the period of
conception & pregnancy (gestation) is 9 months. Thus, each Shoola ANTARDASA equals 9
Months. Each Shoola Dasa is 9 Years (12×9 Months= 108 Months =9 Years). Purna Ayus of this
Dasa is 108 years (144x9months =1296 Months= 108 years).

Example B: The US president is elected for a period of 4 years. This becomes the Purna Ayus of
the Presidency and his ability to sustain during the 4 years will be seen from the Shoola Dasa of
the swearing-in Chart. Since the Purna Ayus (Full Life) is for 4 years=48 Months, Each Shoola
Dasa for the US Presidency is for 4 Months (48Months /12 =4 Months). Each Antardasa is for 10
Days (4 Months/12 = 120 Days/12 = 10 Days).

The Shoola Dasa starts from the Lagna or the 7th house whichever is stronger. Similarly for
other relations. The stronger between the 3rd & 9th will start the shoola Dasa for Father, Paternal
relatives & younger co-borns. The stronger between the 4th & 10th will start the shoola Dasa for
Mother, Maternal relatives etc. The stronger between the 5th & 11th will start the shoola Dasa
for Children, (Maharishi Jaimini adds younger sisters out here due to the pada of the third) &
Elder co-borns. The stronger between the 6th & 12th will start the shoola Dasa for servants, pets
etc. In this manner the Shoola Dasa for all can be determined.

The Shoola Dasa are always regular and zodiacal. This is because Saturn is the natural
Ayushkaraka (significator for longevity) and the Jaimini Maharishi teaches “Sanau UcheTyeke”.

The stronger between the 2nd & 8th Lord is called the Rudra. If the weaker is more afflicted,
then it becomes the Rudra. The sign occupied by the Rudra is called Shoola and its trines are
called Trishula. Since Venus & Mars are the Lords of the natural 2nd (Taurus) and 8th (Scorpio)
houses of the zodiac, if they are aspected/conjoined by the Moon (Significator of the
mind/health) generate Rudra Yoga.
Death is to occur in the TriShoola, Rudra Yoga or other malefic yoga. Death can also occur in
the sign of the Arudha Lagna (for self and other Arudha for other relations). Death can also occur
in the signs aspecting the third (place of death) from Arudha Lagna. Other details from
Maharishi Jaimini’s Upadesa Sutra.

Example: Mahatma Gandhi Shoola dasa (troubles and death):

Maha Dasas: Li: 1869-10-02 (7:31:00 am) – 1878-10-02 (2:41:40 pm)
Sc: 1878-10-02 (2:41:40 pm) – 1887-10-02 (10:10:13 pm)
Sg: 1887-10-02 (10:10:13 pm) – 1896-10-02 (5:32:43 am)
Cp: 1896-10-02 (5:32:43 am) – 1905-10-03 (12:49:26 pm)
Aq: 1905-10-03 (12:49:26 pm) – 1914-10-03 (8:11:30 pm)
Pi: 1914-10-03 (8:11:30 pm) – 1923-10-04 (3:42:20 am)
Ar: 1923-10-04 (3:42:20 am) – 1932-10-03 (10:55:15 am)
Ta: 1932-10-03 (10:55:15 am) – 1941-10-03 (6:19:54 pm)
Ge: 1941-10-03 (6:19:54 pm) – 1950-10-04 (1:41:22 am)
Cn: 1950-10-04 (1:41:22 am) – 1959-10-04 (9:03:30 am)
Le: 1959-10-04 (9:03:30 am) – 1968-10-03 (4:25:46 pm)
Vi: 1968-10-03 (4:25:46 pm) – 1977-10-03 (11:44:03 pm)

Ge MD: Antardasas in this MD:

Sg: 1941-10-03 (6:19:54 pm) – 1942-07-02 (4:35:12 pm)
Cp: 1942-07-02 (4:35:12 pm) – 1943-03-31 (6:20:43 pm)
Aq: 1943-03-31 (6:20:43 pm) – 1944-01-01 (5:01:27 pm)
Pi: 1944-01-01 (5:01:27 pm) – 1944-10-03 (12:47:11 pm)
Ar: 1944-10-03 (12:47:11 pm) – 1945-07-02 (11:10:38 am)
Ta: 1945-07-02 (11:10:38 am) – 1946-03-31 (12:46:32 pm)
Ge: 1946-03-31 (12:46:32 pm) – 1947-01-01 (11:25:28 am)
Cn: 1947-01-01 (11:25:28 am) – 1947-10-04 (7:18:50 am)
Le: 1947-10-04 (7:18:50 am) – 1948-07-02 (5:33:54 am)
Vi: 1948-07-02 (5:33:54 am) – 1949-03-31 (7:04:03 am)
Li: 1949-03-31 (7:04:03 am) – 1950-01-01 (6:01:42 am)
Sc: 1950-01-01 (6:01:42 am) – 1950-10-04 (1:41:22 am)

In the chart of Mahatma Gandhi, the arudha lagna is in Cancer and the third from it is Virgo
(Garden) with the Sun (light fire arm) in it. Jaimini teaches that the third from the AL is to be
seen for the place of death. Virgo is aspected by Gemini and is likely to give death as it is the
first dasa in the long-life compartment. The shoola dasa indicates Rudra or the lagna of the
person who shall come to kill the native.

On the 30 January 1948 Mahatma Gandhi was shot to death at point blank range by Nathuram
Godse. The lagna of Nathuram was Gemini!! See how the shoola dasa showed the lagna of the
person who is coming to kill.

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