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BS Nursing 2B

“FUEL YOUR HEALTH” by Pure Lifestyle

1. To what extent did the documentary engage you, interest you and captivate you?

The documentary made me interested because of how your lifestyle can change
your body in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Food can really
change your life positively or negatively depending on the diet. Food really does
describe what we are.

2. Do you agree that the best diet for human species are plant-based diet? Defend
your argument.

Yes, plant-based diet is healthy for everyone as it can lower the risk for different
illnesses and chronic disease. Make sure to also eat some meat and balance it to
get more protein into your body. Eating a lot of different plants and meat can
increase the biodiversity in your gut as it entails a healthier microbiome and a
stronger immune system.

3. From whose perspective does the documentary unfold and how would the film
differ from another point of view?

The documentary entails the perspective of people who do not have a really
good lifestyle. The old man wearing a suit is who they centralized their intentions
towards. It shows how unhealthy people can change and improve their lifestyle
by eating what is right and give in to nature.

4. What are the ethical and environmental conundrums shown in the documentary?

They say saturated fat can make people fat but in reality it is actually good as it
can help the body and improve the organs, as long as it is not processed. They
say too much sun and going out too much is bad, but it helps us savor the gift of
nature and can help us mentally and emotionally. Medicine and doctors is what
most people who sick rely on but it must be themselves who need to change to a
better lifestyle. A better lifestyle entails a better perspective of being healthy.

5. As a fooducator, how are going to provide nutritional awareness to individuals,

families and communities?
I would teach them the basics as to why we need to balance our diet and mix it
up with different vegetables. Not just nutrition, but how we need to also act and
move in the world, we should not be sedentary but be active most of the time.
Teaching them with the benefits helps them to be more encouraged and
interested in doing it.

6. What lessons can be extracted from the documentary? How can these lessons
be helpful to you as a fooducator?

I have learned that eating a lot of variety, such as fermented foods, healthy fats
and different vegetables can absolutely change our bodies and perspective of
life. Nature is also important, we need to learn more about it and roam around
while we are healthy because when we get old we might get only little chances at
seeing the beauty nature. We should not rely too much on medicine such as anti
depressants, sleeping pills, and etc. but rather reflect and change our lifestyle.

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