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Understanding My Values

- Achievement - Financial gain - Personal Development (living

up to the fullest of my potential)
- Advancement and - Freedom - Physical Challenge
- Adventure - Friendships - Pleasure
- Affection (loving and - Growth - Power and authority
- Arts - Family - Privacy
- Challenging problems - Helping other people - Public Service
- Change and variety - Helping society - Quality relationships
- Close relationships - Honesty - Recognition (respect from
others, status)
- Community - Independence - Religion
- Competence - Influencing others - Reputation
- Competition - Inner harmony - Responsibility and
- Cooperation - Integrity - Security
- Country - Intellectual status - Self-respect
- Creativity - Involvement - Serenity
- Decisiveness - Job tranquility - Sophistication
- Democracy - Knowledge - Stability
- Ecological awareness - Leadership - Status
- Economic security - Location - Time freedom
- Effectiveness - Loyalty - Truth
- Efficiency - Meaningful work - Wealth
- Ethical practice - Merit - Wisdom
- Excellence - Money - Work under pressure
- Excitement - Nature - Work with others
- Expertise - Being around people who - Working alone
are open and honest
- Fame - Order (tranquillity, stability
- Fast living
- Fast-paced work

This document is the intellectual property of the Superior College, Lahore that can only be used for particular training
purpose. This material may not be quoted, photocopied, reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of the
Superior College, Lahore
Reflection on Values System

Please prioritize your organizational values list

1. Loyalty
2. Honesty
3. Change variety
4. Excellence
5. Help other people

Why are these values important to you?

Yes, these values important for me because I prioritize these values first if I build a company.

Because loyalty matter very well for a company if customer are loyal for our product then
company boost up in few times

Do you practice what you preach?

yes, I have been practice for these values. But our main focus for customer satisfaction. If we
satisfy our customer through our product then our main target
will be ok

Are you consistent in your actions?

Yes, I am consistent for my action. Because continuously hard work makes a strong

Man, and makes its vision strong. Because I want to make a good food company like a Food

This document is the intellectual property of the Superior College, Lahore that can only be used for particular training
purpose. This material may not be quoted, photocopied, reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of the
Superior College, Lahore

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