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Lab Report Template.

Lab Report Layout
1. Cover Page
2. Abstract
· Summarize what was done and mention any quantitative results.
· This part is a summary not an introduction.
3. Objectives
· List the objectives of doing this experiment.
4. Theory
· Explain the concepts behind the experiment clearly
equations and
diagrams. (A reference should be provided for this part)
5. Procedure
· Describe the steps that were followed (do not copy them from Lab Manual)
· Place circuit diagram figures
6. Results and Analysis
· Place all related tables and graphs here in this section
· Explain & Comment on the resulting graphs/results of the circuit.
· Answer all questions in the experimental part of your lab handout
· Answer the question given in the lab handout.
7. Conclusion
· Provide technical conclusions developed in the lab work/experiment; focus
on the technical aspects, not on what you learned.
8. References
· Write down all used references of there is any using standard
format (IEEE)

General Guidelines:
1. Reports should be written in the past tense (with exception of theory part). The
report should focus on describing what was done, what was collected, and what was
2. Reports should be written using passive tone. The focus of writing should not be on
who wrote the report, or who performed the lab, but rather what was performed in the
lab and what results were obtained.
3. Make sure to give titles for your figures and tables. As a general rule figure titles

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