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[30/06, 16:56] Elidio Barros: Pneumonia is a type of infection in the lungs.

The disease
manifests itself when infection occurs in one of the organs located in the chest of the human
organism. Advertisements As a condition that affects the respiratory system, pneumonia
causes shortness of breath, intense fatigue, and other problems. The disease can also affect
the area of the pulmonary alveoli. Usually, pneumonia happens when a person has his body
affected by some infectious agent, which can be a virus, a bacterium or a fungus. The illness
can also be caused by allergic reactions. The disease is more common in older people and
children, patients who may even develop a serious picture of the problem. Pneumonia is a
disease that has treatment. Specific causes of pneumonia All pneumonias are caused by
infectious agent affecting the alveolar region. This agent ends up causing an inflammatory
reaction in order to try to eliminate the invader. The most common type of pneumonia is
called community pneumonia. This infection is caused by bacteria. Therefore, treatments
commonly employ antibiotics. For proper treatment of pneumonia it is important to find the
causative agent of the disease. For this, a well-made medical diagnosis is needed. In general,
bacterial and viral pneumonias are quite similar in symptoms and under the aspect of medical
evaluation. The most commonly known causative agents of pneumonia are Streptococcus
pneumoniae, Chlamydia, and Hemophilus. What are the symptoms of pneumonia? The main
symptoms of the disease are high fever, coughing, confusion, secretion, shortness of breath
and fatigue. In coughing, people with pneumonia may expel a greenish or yellowish mucus.
Some people may also report intense chest pain when trying to breathe. Risk Factors for
Pneumonia As with other diseases that reach the airways, cigarette smoking is a risk factor.
Smoking causes an inflammatory reaction that allows invading agents to attack the lungs more
easily. Another risk factor is alcoholic beverages, which decrease the immunity of the
individual. People who already have chronic bronchitis are also more likely to develop
pneumonia. In addition, colds and flu can also progress to pneumonia. How to avoid
pneumonia? To avoid pneumonia, it is recommended to drink plenty of water, maintain a
healthy diet, avoid air-conditioned environments without maintenance and periodic hygiene,
avoid colds, wash hands frequently, do not smoke and drink alcohol moderately. Treatment
After initiating treatment of the disease with antibiotics, the patient's condition should
improve within three days and disappear completely within 10 days. Vaccination is important
to help prevent disease.

[30/06, 17:04] Elidio Barros: Pneumonia is an infection that installs in the lungs, which can
affect the region of the lung alveoli. Some symptoms of the disease are: high fever (over 37.5 °
C), dry cough or yellowish or greenish phlegm, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.
Basically, pneumonias are caused by the penetration of an infectious or irritant agent
(bacteria, viruses, fungi and by allergic reactions) into the alveolar space where gas exchange
occurs. This place should always be very clean, free of substances that can prevent the contact
of the air with the blood. Unlike the influenza virus, which is a highly infectious disease,
infectious agents of pneumonia are not usually transmitted easily. Is pneumonia contagious? In
general pneumonia is neither contagious nor transmissible. Even if someone coughs in front of
us, we can only catch pneumonia if the body's defense mechanisms fail, such as in cases of
cancer, malnutrition, previous lung disease or another organ, sleep disturbance, and even
stress. (1) Types There are several types of pneumonia. Among them are: Viral Pneumonia
Viral pneumonia is an infection that sets in the lungs caused by a virus. It can affect the region
of the pulmonary alveoli where they terminate the terminal branches of the bronchi and
sometimes the interstices (space between one alveolus and another). (4) Basically, viral
pneumonias are caused by the penetration of a virus into the alveolar space, where gas
exchange occurs. This place should always be very clean, free of substances that can prevent
the contact of the air with the blood. Unlike the influenza virus, which is a highly infectious
disease, infectious agents of pneumonia are not usually transmitted easily. Bacterial
pneumonia Bacterial pneumonia is the most common, acquired in the community, by the
general population. Some bacteria are present in our nose, mouth, throat, skin and digestive
system, which can cause pneumonia when our immunity drops. (5) Chemical pneumonia
Unlike most known pneumonia, chemical pneumonia, better known as chemical pneumonitis,
is not caused by viruses or bacteria, but by the inhalation of aggressive substances into the
lung, such as smoke, pesticides, or other chemicals. When aspirated, these substances go to
the lungs and inflate the airways to the alveoli - structures that carry oxygen to the blood. This
pulmonary inflammation facilitates the appearance of bacteria, which may lead to bacterial
pneumonia. (5) Fungus pneumonia Fungus pneumonia is the rarest type and also the most
aggressive type. It is common to see this type of pneumonia in people with chronic and
immunodepressed diseases, as seropositive patients or oncology patients. Causes What are
the causes of pneumonia? Many germs can cause pneumonia, the most common are bacteria
and viruses present in the air we breathe. The body generally prevents these germs from
infecting your lungs, but sometimes these germs can overpower your immune system, even if
your health is generally good. Pneumonia is classified according to the types of germs that
cause it and where you got the infection. (3) Community-acquired pneumonia Community-
acquired pneumonia is the most common type of pneumonia. It occurs outside of hospitals or
other health facilities. It can be caused by: Bacteria: The most common cause of bacterial
pneumonia is streptococcus pneumoniae. This type of pneumonia can occur on its own or after
it has cooled or flu. It can affect a part of the lung, so called lobar pneumonia. Organisms
similar to bacteria: Mycoplasma pneumoniae, can also cause pneumonia. It usually produces
milder symptoms than other types of pneumonia. Walking pneumonia is an informal name
given to this type of pneumonia, which typically does not

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