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Hall Ticket No Question Paper Code: ACS553


Dundigal, Hyderabad - 500 043


B. Tech VI Semester End Examinations (Regular), July – 2021

Regulations: IARE-R16
(Civil Engineering Branch)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70

Answer ONE Question from each Module

All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the question must be answered in one place only
Module – I
1) a) What is Database? Define RDBMS & its benefits. [7M]
b) Explain RDBMS Architecture with diagram. [7M]

2) a) Discuss the various types of users in RDBMS. [7M]

b) Write the differences between SQL & PL/SQL. [7M]

Module – II
3) a) What is database security? Discuss the various methods of database security. [7M]
b) Explain PL/SQL Block Structure. [7M]

4) a) Explain any seven SQL commands with its proper syntax. [7M]
b) Explain E-R model with suitable diagram. [7M]

Module –III –V
5) a) Explain the responsibilities of database administrator. [7M]
b) Write the various advantages & disadvantages of RDBMS. [7M]

6) a) Define SQL & its applications. Write the main differences between SQL & MySQL. [7M]
b) What is data redundancy? Write the difference between Primary & Secondary keys. [7M]

Module – IV
7) a) Explain the various locking methods used for database security. [7M]

b) Explain the ACID properties of Database. [7M]

8) a) What are the three common types of data models? Explain any one of them along with its advantages
& disadvantages. [7M]
b) What is database normalization? Explain 1NF, 2NF & 3NF. [7M]
9) a) Write the main differences between – I) DBMS & RDBMS, II) DBMS & File System. [7M]
b) Explain the difference between relational algebra & relational Calculus. [7M]

10) a) Write short notes on: I) Table, II) Field, III) Record/Row, IV) Column, V) NULL Value, VI) SQL
Constraints, VII) Data Integrity. [7M]
b) What is File Organization? Write the types of File Organization & explain any one of them. [7M]

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