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Section 1. I. 1. sea ✔ / 2. diet ✔ / 3. specialty ✔ / 4. soap ✔ / 5. liquid ✔ / 6. bar ✔ / 7.

breaded ✔
II. 1. b. ✔ / 2. c. ✔ / 3. a. ✔ / 4. b. ✔
III. 1. c ✔ 2. a ✔ 3. b ✔ / IV. 1. grilled ✔ / 2. broiled ✔ / 3. tuna ✔
V. 1. toilets ✔ / 2. salmon ✔ / 3. dispenser ✔
Section 2. I. 1. I'm going to have either salmon or tuna. (I`m going to have fish either salmon for dinner) ✖ / 2. My
baseball is either on top of my bookshelf or under my bed. (My baseball is in my room bookshelf either under my bed in
my room) ✖ / 3. Alice is going to wear either her red dress or her black one. (Alice is going to wear red dresse either
black one.) ✖ / 4. We're going either to Germany or Italy on our next vacation. (We`re going to Europe to Germany
either Italy on our next vacat) ✖
II. 1. Neither these TVs nor these laptops are cheap. (Neither TVs nor Laptops cheap.) ✖ / 2. Neither grilled tuna nor
roast chicken is the specialty of the house. (Neither tuna nor roast chicken are not the specialty of the house.) ✖ / 3.
Neither Terry nor Bill is on a diet. (Neither Terry nor Bill are on a diet) ✖ / 4. Neither Paul nor I want ketchup on our
burger. (Neither Paul nor I don`t want ketchup on burger) ✖ / III. 1. c. ✔
III. 2. a. ✔ / 3. b. ✔ / IV. 1. I put my phone on top of the shelf. / 2. Don ́t Worry, Take your time. / 3. Actually I ́m
on a diet.
V. 1. TRUE ✔ / 2. FALSE ✔ / 3. TRUE ✔
VI. a. I prefer tradicional restaurant that serves food like pasta, beans or berbecue. It takes, a long time to bring the food,
but the taste is more delicious than fast food in my opinion. / b. No i don ́t, just because i ́m thin. I can`t eat seafood
because i`m allergic. I don`t know how, but i stay in shape even without a diet. I don`t care about my weight, but , i`d like
to gain muscle mass.
Section 3. 1. B () ✖ / 2. B () ✖ / 3. E () ✖ / 4. C () ✖ / 5. C () ✖ / 6. E () ✖
Section 4. 
Written Correction Practice 2. 1. I may go to the prom with James if he invites me. I haven't made up my mind yet.
(hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) ✖ / 2. I
detest driving to work. There's always a traffic jam. (lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll) ✖ / 3. Paul's spending New Year's
Eve with us, isn't he? (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) ✖ / 4. We would have had more time
to work on the assignment if Mr. Brown had canceled the rehearsal tonight.
(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) ✖
/ 5. Cathy can eat neither pickles nor mustard. So, order a plain burger.
(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) ✖

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